Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,164 An unexpected invitation

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According to Koshimizu Nanatsuki's investigation, some of the machines were purchased by a group of scientific researchers for their own research.

It is hardly used in actual case searches and cannot play its due role.

Matters involving money are never that simple, so he needs to be more careful in approving this funding.

In particular, the funds spent on work are not your own, so you always have your own ideas.

The purchase and replacement of scientific research machines this time was when these researchers had ideas.

It's not that they want to swallow up this funding, but that the machines they purchase are mixed with private goods, and they want to purchase advanced machines that are not very useful for scientific searches, but are very useful for their research.

And because of the "unity of interests", from the top researcher to the bottom, they have maintained a considerable tacit understanding to conceal their true purpose.

Of course, a researcher is a researcher after all, and in some aspects he is still too naive.

After being inadvertently discovered some clues by Koshizui Nanatsuki, after some probing by her, she arrested a few researchers and even threatened them, and it became clear what these researchers were up to.

"I think that since the funds are sufficient, there is nothing wrong with purchasing a machine for them to use for research."

The person who discovered this secret was sitting on the sofa drinking black tea and expressing his opinion: "After all, they are working hard, and the machines are not purchased for corruption, but for research, so that's okay.

I remember that when Kesouyan was recruiting scientific research talents, there was a policy that said part of the funds would be used to support them in conducting scientific research, right? "

"This policy is certainly ongoing, but you don't think they are doing it for what?"

Tang Ze on the side gritted his teeth and said: "It's not because the scientific research funds allocated to them have been used up, so they have to play this little trick!"

"Uh... Then don't take it as what I didn't say..." Koshizui Nanatsuki looked stunned, and quickly took back the good words he just said to those scientific researchers.

"So I have to beat these guys." Tang Ze said while rubbing his temples.

"What are you going to do? Select among them those who are not complicit, or invite experts from outside to pick out the machines among them that they want to fish in troubled waters?"

Although Koshimizu Nanatsuki knew about this, they still didn't know which machine it was.

After all, I am not a professional scientific researcher, so I naturally do not understand the functions of those machines with complicated names.

As for the description on their application form?

You can clearly know without thinking that it must be the kind of advanced speaking skills that are very functional but only slightly relevant.

Therefore, in order to find out these things, Tangze naturally needs to show deterrence by knocking these guys with ideas.

The two suggestions provided by Koshimi Nanatsuki are also good, and they are indeed solutions.

"I don't plan to do this. If you want to keep them honest, you can't let them take any chances."

Tang Ze smiled slightly: "If we adopt the two methods you mentioned, they will think that it was bad luck this time and they happened to be discovered by you, so they failed.

Then next time they will do it more carefully. I don't have the energy to play these unnutritious battles of wits with them every time. "

"Then what are you going to do?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked curiously.

"What is more intimidating than a knowledgeable leader?" Tang Ze smiled slightly and said, "I will personally handle this purchase."

"Hey, hey, don't let your chain fall behind you." Nanatsuki Koshizui said worriedly, "Are you sure it's okay?"

"I'm underestimated. Maybe I don't know how to use advanced machines, but I still have the basic scientific foundation, and I can still distinguish the functions of those machines."

Tangze blinked and said, "And I plan to meet with the purchaser to let them know who is in charge of the transaction."

"I thought you were going to beat our people, but I didn't expect you would even beat the purchaser?" Koshizui Nanatsuki sighed when he heard this: "They say the rich are the bosses. The ancients did not bully me."

"After all, without them, I can still find another one." Tang Ze smiled and said, "As a buyer, I am so willful."

"Then I'll contact the purchaser and ask them to send someone over?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked.

"No, just pick a place to meet outside." Tang Ze raised the corner of his mouth: "Let's make those guys happy first."

"You are really mean-spirited."

Hearing Karasawa's words, Koshisui Nanatsuki already understood that Karasawa was trying to draw attention away from the bottom of the cauldron, and couldn't help but observe three seconds of silence for those guys who were trying to be clever.

Then she began to gloat, looking forward to the confused expressions on those guys' faces when the machine was delivered.

Since other matters had been taken care of, Tangze directly made an appointment with the person in charge of purchasing.

After returning home and having lunch at noon, Karasawa slept for a while before setting off from home and arriving at the place where Koshimizu Nanatsuki and the other party agreed to meet after discussing it.

When Karasawa arrived, he happened to meet Nanatsuki Koshimizu sitting at an outdoor dining table with a middle-aged man drinking black tea.

"let me introduce..."

Seeing Karasawa walking towards him, Koshizui Nanatsuki was just about to introduce him when the middle-aged man on the side smiled and stretched out his hand to Karasawa: "No, I still know the famous Karasawa Criminal, whose surname is Tomo Yukimori. "

"Hello." Tang Ze reached out and shook hands with the other person: "I am Tang Ze."

"Please take a seat." Tomo Yukimori stretched out his hand to signal Tangze to take a seat: "I heard from this lady that Tangze likes to drink black tea, so I specially recommended this place.

The afternoon tea at this restaurant is amazing, be sure to try it. "

As he spoke, the other party enthusiastically poured a cup of tea for Tang Ze.

Tang Ze thanked him, took a sip, and praised: "It tastes sweet, and the aroma is very familiar."

"The taste feels familiar. Maybe you have drank it somewhere else."

Tomoe Yukimori praised: "This is tea produced in the Matagere Tea Garden in Sri Lanka. It tastes very good.

When I was teaching at the University of England, my friends there always said that only Ceylon tea should be drunk for black tea, and I deeply believed it.

Although black tea is also produced in Neon these days, I only recognize the tea trees from the place of origin. "

"Really? I think the black tea from Nara Prefecture tastes quite good." Karasawa smiled when he heard this.

"No, no, I firmly believe that only local tea trees can produce the highest quality black tea." Tomoe Yukimori waved his hands repeatedly.

"Ignorant people always expose their ignorance in places they don't know."

Before Tang Ze could speak, a male voice suddenly came from beside the two of them.

Because this place was open-air and there were many customers coming and going to get their own desserts, everyone didn't pay attention to the man next to them with his back to them at first.

But after hearing the man's sarcastic words, everyone looked at the man unconsciously.

"Are you saying I'm ignorant?" Tomo Yukimori asked with a smile instead of anger after hearing the man's words.

The man turned around and everyone could see the other person's image clearly.

This is a man in his forties. He is wearing a long coffee trench coat. His hair is neatly combed. His face is not as delicate as a woman's, but it can be seen that he has been well maintained. He looks like a An intellectual scholar.

He held a dog in his left hand and looked at Yukimori Tomoe's sarcastic expression: "It is true that this black tea comes from the Matagre Tea Garden in Sri Lanka, but the tea trees are from the Neon Belt."

Tomo Yukimori showed a hint of uneasiness on his face when he heard the man's words, and unconsciously lowered his head to look at the teapot on the table.

"By the way, the black tea produced in Nara Prefecture that Mr. Criminal mentioned before won the best award at the Inkiland tasting meeting 50 years ago.

In other words, this gentleman is the one who really understands black tea. What he appreciates is not the origin of the tea tree, but the taste of it.

As for you, I don’t feel that you like black tea, but that you like others to praise your mastery and taste of black tea.

To be honest, I also have high opinions on your proud English friend. "

What he said was a slap in the face. Yukio Mori's lips trembled with anger and his face turned red. He was obviously very angry at the other party's sharp words.

"You are a person who truly understands black tea."

The man looked at Tangze and praised him. Tangze bowed slightly to express his gratitude, and the other party also returned the gift.

"This guest, we don't allow pets here."

At this moment, a young man wearing a maid uniform ran over and apologized to the man.

"That's right, you guy with no common sense, get out of here quickly!" Tomo Yukimori scolded the other party angrily.

But the man didn't care at all about the other party's scolding. Instead, he hugged the Shiba Inu and bowed to the maid to apologize. Then he nodded with Karasawa and turned around to leave.

From the beginning to the end, the man didn't even look at Yukimori Tomoe, as if the other person was completely unworthy of mentioning, and directly ignored the other person, as if the other person was completely unworthy of him taking another look.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki could clearly see that Yukio Mori's neck was red with anger.

After the man left, when the atmosphere became slightly silent and awkward, Koshimizu Nanatsuki quickly took the initiative to get down to business.

Tomo Yukimori no longer wanted to brag and show off, or it could be said that the encounter just made him look very shameless.

Originally, he wanted to fight with Tang Ze again to put in a good word for his friends in Kesouyan and his company.

But now that the momentum is at a disadvantage, it is basically Tang Ze who asks a question and he answers.

In the end, Tang Ze found the machine they wanted to fish in troubled waters, and after giving it a beating, they signed a purchase contract.

Perhaps because he failed to pretend to be sexy but was cheated on, Tomo Yukimori was on pins and needles in front of Karasawa and the others, and left directly after signing the contract.

"It went surprisingly well." Koshizui Nanatsuki looked at the other party's hurried away figure and said with a smile: "Now I really have to thank that poisonous tongue gentleman."

"He can only blame himself." Tang Ze smiled and said, "Let's go back and wait for the show."

"I'm looking forward to it." Koshizui Nanatsuki's expression was playful, with a look of gloating in his eyes.

Almost three days later, the person in charge of scientific research received the news of the purchase. After discovering that the only thing missing was the research machine that fished in troubled waters, he was worried for several days when he saw Tang Ze.

Obviously, he also learned from his friends that the purchase of the machine was completely decided by Tang Ze.

But every time Tang Ze saw him, he had the same attitude as usual and didn't mention what happened before, which made him nervous every time.

And this is Karaze's purpose.

Scolding him would be a relief for him, but the feeling of having the Sword of Damocles hanging above his head was the most unpleasant.

I believe that after this incident, he will not dare to have any more petty thoughts.

After this small episode in his daily work, Tangze magically spent a peaceful and normal week again.

This is a completely abnormal situation in a "Ke Xue" world where cases occur frequently.

You must know that it took Karasawa ten days to use up his leave card when he was out, and then he encountered a case as soon as he arrived in Nagano and drove back to Tokyo.

This is a situation that is consistent with the character of "Dad Death". He can't just mess with Conan once. In order to avoid permanent psychological trauma to his own son, he is kind enough to give him a holiday, right?

There has been nothing going on since he returned to Kesouyan, and he has just dealt with some normal work matters.

Afterwards, I was idle for another week...

Although Karasawa went to work fishing every day this week, he took Ayako out on a date after get off work, and even went to the aquarium on Saturday and Sunday.

But after such a peaceful daily life, Tang Ze felt faintly uneasy.

At this moment, he also feels the pain of the scientific researchers who were tortured by him. The more you say nothing, the more guilty he will feel.

The peaceful daily routine now feels comfortable, but there is also a vague feeling of the calm before the storm.

But in the face of the tense atmosphere that was about to come, all Tang Ze could do was to review the various arrangements in his mind, and then take into account various situations and once again take some precautions.

New week.

A tiring Monday forces people to face the busyness after a short break.

Even Tang Ze was not "escaped". He went to the headquarters for a meeting early in the morning, and then in the afternoon dealt with matters submitted by various departments of the Science Search and Research Institute, and then he had a chance to breathe.

Of course, fortunately, he is not alone now. With the help of Koshimi Nanatsuki, he has saved a lot of time in dealing with these things.

"A lot of letters came in during the day off, and I noticed that one of them was addressed to you."

Koshizui Nanatsuki, who came out from outside, handed over a letter: "The sender written above is a person named "Saegashira Kazami".

"Saegashi Kazami? But I don't have any acquaintance with that name." Karasawa recalled carefully.

Of course, having said that, Tangze still reached out and took the letter.

After opening the letter and reading the contents, he found that the other party was indeed an "acquaintance."

This man named Saeda Kazami was the man holding the dog that they unexpectedly met when they had afternoon tea last time.

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