Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,165 Tea Party

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Karasawa was quite impressed with Saegashi Kazami.

Whether it is the calmness and restraint of neither being humble nor arrogant when faced with harsh words, or the extremely high taste in black tea, it all shows that the other person is special.

Although this cannot be used to confirm that the other person is not a simple person, at least he is an independent person who is different from most people.

In the letter, the other party first mentioned the previous events, and then revealed his identity. After all, we had only met each other once and did not even introduce ourselves.

As for why he knew Tang Ze's identity and sent the letter, there was nothing strange about Tang Ze.

Apparently, he heard what Tomo Yukimori said when he complimented Karasawa, and thus recognized Karasawa's identity.

This was also mentioned in the letter.

After the self-explanation in the previous paragraph, the middle part is the purpose of the other party's letter.

There was no commission or anything like that in the letter, but he just hoped that he could come to his home for a tea party and said that he could bring his companions.

As for the time, he also very thoughtfully stated that he could visit at any time during the four afternoons from Tuesday to Zhou Wu, and he would be waiting at home.

"So, senior, are you going to participate?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki couldn't help but ask after hearing the content of the letter Karasawa said.

"Of course, it's rare for someone who is proficient in black tea to ask me to taste tea, so of course I will go."

Tang Ze smiled, but his eyes were full of meaning: "And I don't think that someone who has only met once invited me to a tea party just to drink tea."

"You are saying that Mr. Saeda Kazami may have other things he would like to discuss with you when we meet."

Koshizui Nanatsuki also understood what Karasawa meant. Their careers were destined to be inseparable from the case, so the purpose of the other party's visit was naturally self-evident.

"There is only a certain chance." Tang Ze shook his head and smiled: "Maybe he just wants to have tea with me. After all, it is rare to meet someone who appreciates each other."

Of course, even though he said this, Tang Ze had a hunch that after such a long period of daily life, the case might finally happen.

I just don’t know what form this case will take.

An old case?

Unjust case?

Weird puzzle?

Of course, no matter which one it is, Tangze is very interested in solving them while feeling relieved.

"In that case, I'll go too."

Koshizui Nanatsuki on the side heard the words of Karasawa, his eyes flashed with the same light as Karasawa: "If it is a case, I don't want to miss it.

And if it’s a simple tea party, that’s no problem. After all, who can refuse a tea party hosted by a man who is proficient in black tea?

Drinking tea with someone who understands tea is much better than the hypocritical guy who used his authority to show that he is powerful. "

Koshimizu Nanatsuki secretly disparaged Tomo Yukimori's pretentious behavior, and randomly expressed great interest in participating in the tea party.

After coming to work at Karasawa, Koshimi Nanatsuki also fell in love with black tea like the two of them due to the influence of Sihuayuan's daily tea parties.

Of course, this is because Koshimi Nanatsuki is interested in possible commissions, otherwise he would definitely not be interested in participating in the tea party between two grown men.

Because he was worried that the case might be "ongoing," Karasawa scheduled his trip for Tuesday afternoon.

On Tuesday morning, he went out to buy some gifts as a souvenir for his first visit.

In the afternoon, the driver drove to an old and even dilapidated apartment. The two of them put the car in the empty space and walked towards the apartment building.

The reason why the apartment is slightly dilapidated is because the walls of this apartment are covered with wall-creepers, and it is the early winter season, so now these plants are no longer green, but withered and yellow vines. on top of the wall.

"It was said to be a tea party. I thought it would be a mansion."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked around as he and Karasawa went up the stairs: "The elegance of that gentleman is not something ordinary people can have. I didn't expect to live in a place like this."

"Well, where you live is everyone's preference. You are being biased." Tangze joked with a smile, reminding the other party not to let preconceptions affect his judgment.

"It's just such a sentiment." Koshizui Nanatsuki waved his hand, then quickly walked up the stairs and found the room No. 305 written in the letter in the corridor.

"This is it, senior, did I ring the bell?"

Seeing Karasawa nod, Koshimi Nanatsuki reached out and pressed the doorbell, and a not-so-pleasant ringing sounded from the door.

What followed closely was the sound of a man's reply and the sound of fast approaching footsteps.

When the door opened, Saegashi Kazami bowed slightly and said hello after seeing the two of them: "Hello, you two."

"Thanks for your invitation."

Tangze handed the black tea in his hand to the other party and said, "I see that you are also very proficient in black tea, so you brought this as a gift for your first visit."

"I just like it, but I hate people who rely on authority to pretend to know a lot. They are not trustworthy at all."

Saegashi Kazami smiled modestly, thanked Karasawa and took the gift from his hand: "The black tea produced in Nara Prefecture is really a big expense for you."

"It's nothing. Good tea should be drunk by those who know tea." Karasawa smiled and followed Saegashi Kazami into the room.

This shabby apartment didn't have much light, so Saegashi Kazami also turned on the entrance light during the day.

"Ah, as long as you don't know how to change your shoes, just go in."

Seeing the two people's movements, Saegashi Kazami, who was walking in front, spoke up and stopped the two people's movements.

"Is it okay?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked. After all, in Neon, you usually have to take off your shoes when going to other people's homes.

"It's okay. As you can see, this apartment is very shabby and will be demolished soon." Saegusa Kazami explained with a smile: "Even the landlady said I can use it as I please."

Speaking of this, Sanzhi Fengjian stretched out his hand and said: "You two, please come."

Following Saegashi Kazami into the living room, although the entire living room is not too big, the old European-style furniture still exudes orange lights, which makes the whole room look very warm and comfortable.

The oil paintings on the walls, the European furnishings on the cabinets and the style of the furniture make people feel like they are visiting a European friend's home.

"It looks a lot like an overseas apartment." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked around and expressed the same opinion as Karasawa.

"After all, this apartment was originally built by England during the Industrial Revolution to accommodate workers." Saegusa Kazami said with a smile, "It's just right for low-income people like me."

When he mentioned that he was a low-income earner, his tone was very calm, without any shame or other emotions, and he was still neither humble nor arrogant.

"By the way, why didn't you see the dog from before?" Tang Ze glanced at the doghouse next to the round table and found that all the dog's utensils were there, but he didn't see the dog.

"Aru has passed away." Saegusa Kazami touched the photo on the table, which was a photo of golden Aru and a black-haired Shiba Inu.

"I'm really sorry, please forgive me." Tang Ze said with embarrassment. He never expected that the questions he asked casually would hit a minefield.

"It's okay, don't take it to heart." Saegashi Kazami put down the photo in his hand and said calmly.

"Ah, is this a study? There are a lot of books there." Just when the atmosphere was getting a little awkward, Koshimizu Nanatsuki suddenly looked at the room behind the sliding door next to him: "Can I go in and have a look?"

"Of course." Saegashi Kazami opened the sliding door, revealing the room inside.

Because only the upper part of the sliding door was transparent, it was just a glimpse. When Saegashi Kazami opened the sliding door, the two of them couldn't help chatting inside.

Books, all books.

The bookcases are stacked with densely packed books, and the table is also stacked with so many books that it feels like I can’t put them down.

And this room is only slightly smaller than the living room, but when you enter it, you feel crowded and even surrounded by books.

"Wow, there are really so many books." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked around and sighed: "It's really amazing."

"Even if this is the case, half of them were thrown away last year." Saegashi Kazami said with a smile.

"These seem to be all reasoning." Tang Ze looked at the names of the books and said.

"Well, I have ordered all the overseas works that do not have neon translations from abroad." Saegusa Kazami said.

"Then you visit first and I'll make tea for you." Saegusa Kazami said with a smile.

When the black tea was brewed, Saegashi Kazami poured it into a cup and handed it to the two of them.

Taking the tray and tea cup, Tang Ze looked at the cup and said uncertainly: "Is antique?"

Although I don’t know much about it, I can still recognize it without any problem.

"Eh?" Koshizui Nanatsuki looked at the cup in his hand curiously when he heard this. Unexpectedly, the cup he used was an antique.

"Do you feel that you don't like me too much?" Saegusa Kazami smiled at the surprised expression on Koshimizu Nanatsuki's face.

"No, no, I didn't think so." Koshimizu Nanatsuki quickly waved his hand: "It's just the first time to drink tea with an antique tea set, it's a bit novel."

"Haha... After all, the only joys in my life are dogs and black tea."

Saegashi Kazami smiled and said: "So in terms of the only fun, I still want a higher-end set of gaps.

Miss Watson, do you also like black tea? "

"Miss Watson?" After hearing Saegashi Kazami's words, Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked confused.

"This person seems to have been dubbed by the neon media as the "Sherlock Holmes" of the world." Saeda Kazami pointed at Karasawa.

"I searched on the Internet and there are many such rumors on the Internet."

Saegashi Kazami said: “Unlike other famous detectives, Karasawa Criminal has arrested many criminals who attempted murder.

It can be said that Tangze Criminal has prevented many crimes and saved many victims. This is why he is considered by netizens to be Sherlock Holmes. "

"Those are just compliments from netizens, they can't be considered true." Tang Ze smiled sheepishly.

"So if Karasawa is Sherlock Holmes, then Miss Koshimizu is Watson's assistant, right?" Saegashi Kazami smiled and said, "I've also seen news about you in the reports. I heard that you were also a detective before?"

"Ah, yes, I used to be active in my hometown."

Koshizui Nanatsuki smiled modestly and said: "Later, I realized that I still had many shortcomings, and I went through some things and met Karasawa Criminal, so I was admitted to the Metropolitan Police Department and studied under Karasawa.

Of course, although I like black tea, I am new to it and don’t know much about it. "

"So that's it." Saegashi Kazami smiled and looked at Tang Ze, as if waiting for him to express his opinion.

"The tea brewed from this black tea has a clear red color, and the taste is soft and refreshing, even like green tea." Tang Ze pondered: "Is this made by Neon?"

"Kagoshima black tea." Saegashi Kazami said with unabashed appreciation on his face: "Mr. Karasawa, you know the difference in tea."

But after the compliment, Saegashi Kazami seemed to change his face and showed disgust: "I thought criminals were stupid."

"Well?" Hearing these unceremonious derogatory words, Tang Ze's expression changed and he said, "What's wrong? From what you said, it seems that something unpleasant happened with the criminal?"

"About a year and a half ago, two criminals who didn't look very smart came over for questioning." Sanzhifeng said.

"So what case happened?" Because he had made some guesses before, Koshimizu Nanatsuki was not surprised and asked.

"The woman in the next room was killed." Saegusa Kazami looked at the wall of the study and said, "And the woman's boyfriend was criminally arrested, reasoning that Yue Xiu was at home."

"I have no impression." Koshizui Nanatsuki said this and took out his mobile phone. After searching, he found that there were quite a lot of news about this case.

After all, Nakatake Xiu is also a celebrity, and the case of the theorist killing his girlfriend is indeed a gimmick in the eyes of the media.

"The report said that this case has been solved." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said while looking at the news on his phone.

"So, Mr. Saegusa, do you think you have arrested the wrong person?" Tangze looked at the man to observe his expression.

"How should I put it? I just don't trust the criminal justice system." Facing Tang Ze's inquiry, Sajifeng Jian's expression did not change at all: "The only thing that is trustworthy in this world is..."

"Black tea and dogs." Tangze answered what the other party wanted to say.

"That's right." Sanzhifengjian nodded.

"I already understand the situation. In that case, let's re-investigate the case." Karasawa said, looking at Koshizu Nanatsuki and smiling: "How about it, Miss Watson?"

"Of course it's no problem." Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded and smiled.

Saegashi Kazami didn't have any reaction to the two people's decision, and just drank black tea calmly.

In Tang Ze's view, it is now basically certain that this is probably a side case.

Saegashi Kazami may be an insider in this case, but he has not revealed his information before due to various reasons.

After meeting the two of them, he planned to guide them to investigate the case again and finally tell what he knew.

Of course, maybe the other party just suspected something, but there was no evidence, so he wanted the two of them to investigate.

But no matter what, we have finally touched the edge of the case.

What we need to do now is to first figure out the situation of this case based on the clues provided by the other party.

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