Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,166 Accidental Encounter

Although they already knew the purpose of inviting them to the tea party, Tang Ze and the others did not leave in a hurry.

He sent a text message to Takagi and asked him to help him get the file on the case of Nakatake Osamu, a reasoning expert who killed his girlfriend. After that, he put down the phone and continued to drink black tea.

After all, there is a person in front of him who can provide clues. He will not give up the great opportunity just to read the same file morning and night.

"Speaking of Nakatake Osamu, have you read his work Mr. Saegusa?" Karasawa put down the tea cup and asked with a smile: "I think you are a complete mystery fan, so you should know something about him, right?"

"To be honest, he is not a mature writer."

Saegashi Kazumi commented: “I think he lacks the necessary sense of inferiority and desire as a writer.

Simply put, he lacks some shortcomings. "

"I see." Karasawa nodded, looked at Saegashi Kazami and said, "I wonder if you can lend me one of his books."

"Of course." Saegashi Kazami nodded and stood up and walked to the study. He quickly came back with a book: "Here you go."

"Let me see, the title of the book is "The Wound and the Knife"?" Koshimi Nanatsuki looked at the exquisite Western dagger pattern on the cover and read out the name of the book given by Saegusa Kazami.

"Then I'll accept it."

Karasawa put the book aside, looked at Saegashi Kazami and asked, "Do you know the woman next door who was killed?"

"Well, we met when we were walking the dogs." Saegashi Kazami picked up the teapot with his left hand and refilled the two cups while nodding: "We chatted a few times."

"Then what kind of woman does the other party look like in your mind?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked curiously.

"I don't wear much makeup and smoke a lot." Saegusa Kazami thought back and said, "As for work, I don't know."

"That's right..." Koshizui Nanatsuki nodded and said no more.

After the two of them asked a question each, they did not continue to inquire further.

Of course, this is not because the two of them are incompetent, but because Saegashi Kazami's words have shown that they are not very familiar with each other, and the two of them seem a little uninterested when delving deeper.

And more importantly, neither of them knew much about the basic situation of the case, so it was naturally impossible for them to make targeted inquiries.

So after asking Saegashi Kazami about his impressions of the two, Karasawa decisively changed the subject and started talking about black tea.

Karasawa really likes black tea, and coupled with his super sense of smell, it can be said that he is very good at tasting black tea.

Saegashi Kazami has been drinking black tea for most of his life, and decades of immersion have made him quite proficient in it.

The two had a great conversation about the topic of black tea. Tang Ze also shared with him the case of the university professor who was addicted to black tea and used black tea to kill his lover's student.

For a black tea lover and someone who likes to watch reasoning, this is the best topic for an afternoon tea party.

Even Nanatsuki Koshimizu listened with interest. After all, she didn't know Karasawa Criminal when this case was solved, so naturally she didn't know about this case.

When the true story is told, the tea party ends.

Because the sky was already dark, the two said goodbye to Saegashi Kazami and returned home.

Because the case was closed and there was no urgency, the two of them had no intention of investigating it in a hurry.

After returning home, Tang Ze started reading "The Wound and the Knife" by Naka Yuesu. Because the number of words was not that many, he read the entire story at his reading speed before going to bed at night.

Early the next morning, Koshimizu Nanatsuki came to the office with the file he got from Takagi.

Because it is a closed case, the information in the file is still very detailed.

The deceased in this case was named Ue Naka Natsumi. She had injuries on her face when she died. She was 28 years old and worked as a public relations woman.

This occupation also explains why the other person smokes and does not wear makeup when he is at home during the day.

Because she works the night shift, she must want to relax at home.

As for the cause of death, he was stabbed in the abdomen with a knife by his boyfriend at home.

There were two stab wounds in total, one in the middle and one on the left side of the abdomen, both fatal injuries.

"Senior, you borrowed Zhongyue Xiu's yesterday, right?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Karasawa and asked, "From the perspective of a writer and a mystery enthusiast, what kind of writer do you think the other party is?"

"The content is bland and lacks depth." Tangze answered and then asked: "What about you, you were not idle last night, right?"

Although there was no division of labor between the two at that time, they still carried out preliminary investigations in tacit understanding.

"Of course, I read a lot of the other party's comments online last night."

Nanatsuki Koshizui said: "To sum up, Osamu Nakagaku is still very popular on the Internet because he is very handsome. After he was arrested, there was a heated discussion on the Internet for a while.

But I took a look and found that most of the people discussing it were female fans, and those who criticized the other party were mostly pure mystery fans.

On many book-recommending blogs, his books are basically on the not-recommended list, and some reviewers have harsh reviews.

In fact, he published very few works later.

But what is interesting is the evaluation of the well-known critic, Oe Shigemitsu. I read the recommendation of the other person, which is "bold and delicate, the best reasoning." "

"It seems that this is the trigger." Tang Ze said while looking at the records on the file.

"Ah, that's right."

When Koshimizu Nanatsuki got the file, he read the testimonies of relevant personnel and learned the whole process of the case: "On the day of the crime, there was a fierce conflict between the prisoner and Oe Shigemitsu.

As for the details, you can see them from the files, so I won’t go into them. "

Tangze nodded, knowing the reason why the other party didn't want to say it, and looked down at the file.

To put it simply, the two of them met unexpectedly in a bar.

After Oe Shigemitsu met Nakatake Osamu, he greeted him with a smile and praised his new work as very good.

After hearing Oe Shigemitsu's praise, Zhong Yuexiu was not happy at all, but very angry.

And directly told Oe Shigemitsu that praising him for being boring was an idiot.

As he said that, he dodged the other person's wine glass and poured the drink directly on the other person's face.

This incident directly angered Oe Shigemitsu, but the critic did not take action directly, but angrily told the truth.

He satirized Yue Xiu's very trashy book, and the reason he praised his book was because he slept with his girlfriend Ue Naka Natsumi.

This is also the reason why Koshimizu Nanatsuki let Karasawa see it for herself, because she felt that just saying it out loud would be unladylike.

When Zhong Yuexiu heard what Da Jiang said, he was so angry that he beat him directly.

By the way, Osamu Nakatake learned boxing because he was obsessed with Sherlock Holmes. He knocked out Oe Shigemitsu with one punch, leaving a dent in the cheekbone on the left side of his face.

Of course, he didn't care what happened to the other party and went directly to Xia Mei's apartment.

Then, he used the knife to kill Ue Naka Natsumi.

After seeing the photo of the murder weapon taken by the forensic department, both of them recognized that the knife was the same as the exquisite Western-style dagger on the cover of Xiu Nakatake's "Wounds and Knives".

"From this point of view, everything is logically consistent."

Hearing this, Koshizui Nanatsuki said: "My pride as a writer was hurt, and I then went into a rage and killed someone.

There seems to be nothing strange about this situation with a clear motive for the murder.

I don’t think there’s any problem with the case of an obvious murder of passion being concluded with Zhong Yuexiu as the murderer.


"But why did Mr. Saeda Kazami call us to his home and say those words to us?"

Karasawa took over Koshizui Nanatsuki's words and said the only abnormal thing now.

Why would anyone have objections to a case that has been closed and finalized?

Moreover, the prisoner and himself are completely unrelated people.

"Well... could it be that he just wants an excuse to have a cup of tea with you?"

Koshimi Nanatsuki smiled and joked: "It's hard to find a confidant in life. I see that you two are both black tea lovers."

"I don't think a man like that would use such a poor excuse to invite me." Tang Ze shook his head and said, "If he simply invited me for tea, he should have said so directly in the letter."

"Although I have only met him twice, Tangze Criminal, you seem to know him well."

Koshizui Nanatsuki joked and said with some emotion: "Speaking of which, the black tea I drank at Mr. Saegusa's house was really good.

Although I don’t understand much, I have drunk a lot of tea from Sister Sihuayuan, but this is the first time I have tasted black tea of ​​that kind. "

“Although black tea is just one type of tea, it actually has many possibilities.”

Tang Ze smiled and said: "There is no need to say how to drink it. Add milk, sugar, etc. according to everyone's preferences.

The tea leaves themselves will change depending on the tea tree and the place of origin.

Even black tea grown in different tea gardens in the same origin has different tastes.

In addition, the time of harvest and the weather of the year will also affect the quality and taste of black tea. "

"There are no two identical leaves in the world, so there are no black teas with the same taste."

Koshizui Nanatsuki nodded with a learned expression: "Although I have drunk a lot of tea, this is the first time I have such a systematic understanding.

If I have the chance, I really want to compare them and see what the differences are. "

"Is that so?" Tangze thought for a moment and said, "How about we go to a black tea shop in the afternoon?"

"Senior, do you want on-site teaching?" Nanatsuki Koshizui put his hands together and apologized: "I'm sorry, I have an appointment with Sister Sihuain today."

"Okay." Tang Ze nodded, "You are allowed to get off work early today."

"Thank you, senior." Koshizui Nanatsuki chuckled and said, "Then I will go investigate the case and let you know if I find anything."

Because this case has been closed, the investigation of the two people cannot be made public, otherwise if the criminal who solved the case knows about it, even if he is a criminal, he will definitely cause trouble.

After all, everyone will protect their people, and when they know that Tang Ze has noticed this case, even if they can't see any clues, they will take the case into their hands and investigate it again.

So for the time being, Karasawa just asked Takagi to help with the files, and he and Koshimi Nanatsuki would conduct the rest of the investigation.

Of course, slow progress is to be expected.

After all, if there were any obvious loopholes, the criminal in charge of the case would not be able to discover it.

So Karasawa studied the files and the photos taken of the crime scene, while Koshimizu Nanatsuki searched the computer for rumors about Nakagaku Osamu.

Although it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, at least this is also an information channel.

Of course, it was unclear whether Karasawa was involved in the investigation, but after investigating the files, he found that when he went to apply for an interview with Nakagaku Osamu, Koshimizu Nanatsuki directly rejected his proposal to act together.

The other party was still browsing something on the Internet, and seemed to have discovered something.

And interviewing prisoners is not something you can do casually, especially when the case has been concluded and you are not the person in charge of the case, you need to follow the procedures to apply for an interview.

Generally speaking, if it is not a particularly urgent situation, Karasawa cannot avoid the formalities.

After all, although the prison and the Metropolitan Police Department are integrated, they are managed separately. Tang Ze cannot break the rules casually, lest people say he is arrogant and domineering.

When he returned to the office, he found that Nanatsuki Koshimizu had left, leaving only a note for him, reminding him to check the computer.

On the other party's computer screen is a blog, which contains the blogger's spicy comments on various reasonings and recommendations for good books.

Of course, the books that Tang Ze rewarded were also recommended by the other party, and of course there was nothing strange about him.

After all, those works had proven successful in previous lives, and he was just working as a porter to earn some moving fees.

Of course, because his plans could not keep up with changes, his wealth had skyrocketed and he could no longer afford these small sums, so he regarded the royalties he received as charity funds.

After reading the blog, in order to reward Nanatsuki Koshimizu for today's harvest, Karasawa decided to buy a box of tea at a black tea shop as a reward.

Because Koshimizu Nanatsuki also said he was interested in the tea at Saeda Kazami's house, he planned to pick that brand of black tea as a reward.

I drove outside the black tea shop I frequented, parked the car, and entered the shop, where I was greeted by the enthusiastic shop manager.

"It's okay, boss, you go ahead and do your work first. I'll pick some black tea and leave." Tang Ze smiled and walked towards the black tea display case, but he didn't expect to see a familiar figure there.

After being stunned for a moment, Tangze stepped forward and walked towards the man who was carefully examining the tea leaves.

"Good evening."

As if he was startled by the sudden greeting, Saegashi Kazami looked at Karasawa in surprise, and after realizing it was him, he quickly returned the greeting: "Good evening."

"I'm here to buy tea for my descendants."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "She seems to be very interested in the tea you drank at home, so I plan to buy it to thank her for helping me at work."

"Ah, I bought that one here." Sanzhi Fengjian heard the words and walked to the display cabinet, took a silver tea box and handed it to Karasawa.

"Thank you." Tangze invited after taking the tea: "If you don't mind, let's have a drink here."

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