Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,167 The 2nd Tea Party

In the shop filled with the aroma of tea, soothing light music and warm yellow and warm lights jointly create a peaceful and comfortable space.

In the increasingly cold streets, sitting here and drinking a cup of warm black tea can be extremely comfortable.

Sitting on the seats facing the street, the two men savored the black tea in front of them.

"Purple Daisy."

Tangze smiled and said, "The boss is very thoughtful. In this cold season, he specially prepared purple daisies to prevent colds."

"Well, it's also paired with German chamomile." Saegashi Kazami said with a smile, "This is also a combination to enhance immunity."

"Besides that, there's lemongrass," Karasawa pondered, "but besides that, there's one more."

Saegashi Kazami took another sip of tea, savoring the taste of the black tea, but like Karasawa, he also failed to taste the last combination of the tea.

"It's sweet tea."

Just when the two were silent, a female voice suddenly sounded, causing the two to look back unconsciously.

I saw a middle-aged woman in a white apron walking toward the two of them holding a tray with a smile on her face.

"Ah, it turns out to be sweet tea." Saegashi Kazami suddenly said, "No wonder it has a noble sweetness."

Tangze nodded in agreement, smiling and thanking the proprietress who presented the dessert.

"So you two know each other." The landlady looked at the two of them and said, "I always saw you coming alone before."

Having said this, the landlady looked at the two of them, as if she was seeing a year-end friend who met over black tea, or as if she was seeing two lonely people meeting their companions. Her eyes were full of happiness: "You two, please take it easy."

The two thanked them again, and after the landlady left, Karasawa put down the teacup, looked at Saegashi Kazami and said with a smile: "If I had known I would see you here today, I would have brought the book with me.

I have read Mr. Zhong Yuexiu’s works before. "

"I wonder what Mr. Karasawa thinks?" Sanzhifeng asked after hearing the words.

"Although the writing and rhetoric are very gorgeous, the more I read, the more bland and boring it becomes."

Tangze shook his head: "This is a common problem of many poor reasoning works. Because they cannot conceive of good techniques or puzzles, they cannot give readers a sense of expectation."

"It's like a little girl who imitates her mother's makeup but can only imitate it badly."

Saegusa Kazami commented bitterly: "The maturity and refinement of his works are far from enough. He is not yet a real writer."

"But on the cover of the book you borrowed from me, there was a reviewer who praised the book very highly."


Saegusa Kazami sneered: "So those so-called critics are just greedy people who use this as a channel to make money.

For the sake of money and women, one can distort one's language and will, and appreciate a poor work without sincerity. "

"But it is a pity that the image you hate does exist." Tang Ze sighed: "It is too difficult to notarize public opinion, but it is easy to confuse right and wrong."

Some people will describe bad things as good for the sake of profit. Some people are jealous of other people's interests and start to throw dirty water on other people's works. "

"This is society."

Saegashi Kazami laughed at himself: "No matter where you live, you will inevitably encounter such disgusting things."

Therefore, men have been living alone and have not married at this age.

Perhaps it was because he was alone and had seen enough of the evils of this society, so he finally chose to be alone.

Although people like him don't feel lonely.

Tang Ze thought with some emotion, but such thoughts only flashed through his mind.

"Speaking of which, I heard that there is a very credible critic among the group of mystery fans."

He sipped the black tea to hide his daze for a moment. After putting down the tea cup, he looked at Saegashi Kazami with a smile and said: "My assistant," Miss Watson, learned about this blog from netizens.

As for the name, it is "Fighting Fire with Poison, Poison's Reasoning Investigation Diary", and my online name is "Poison".

As his name suggests, he is a very venomous critic.

And his evaluation of Nakatake Xiu is surprisingly the same as Mr. Saegusa's.

They all feel that Zhong Yuexiu lacks the necessary sense of inferiority and desire as a writer. In other words, he lacks some shortcomings. "

When Karasawa said these words, he carefully observed Saegashi Kazami's expression, and confirmed from his slightly surprised and twinkling eyes that the critic named "Poison" was the other party.

"I think the critic called "Poison" should be you, Mr. Saegusa."

In fact, the "poison" comment was widely circulated. Koshimizu Nanatsuki also saw a netizen quoting the other party's words on the Internet, and found that it was exactly the same as Saegashi Kazami's comment, and then he began to gradually overlap the two.

And it was precisely because Nanatsuki Koshizu discovered this clue that Karasawa wanted to express his gratitude and decided to bring a thank-you gift to Nanatsuki Koshizu when buying tea today.

And it was precisely because he decided to come to the black tea shop today that he met "Poison" himself today, giving him the opportunity to ask him face to face.

I can only say that fate is really amazing, and it feels like destiny after a drink and a peck.

Facing Karasawa's inquiry, Saegashi Kazami was silent for a moment, then bowed slightly and acquiesced to this identity.

"So you are a critic."

Tangze smiled with some sigh: "Although it is a bit stereotyped, it is indeed a profession that fits your image. Maybe a real critic is like you.

Only critics like you can write reviews that fans trust. "

"You're overrated."

Saegashi Kazami said: "I just wrote down my thoughts on the Internet, it is not a serious job.

Even if something happens to me one day, news reports will not say that I am a critic, but will say that Saegashi Kazami, male, 42 years old, unemployed. "

"But it's precisely because of this that you can get rid of the shackles of money and interests and write your true feelings, isn't it?"

Tang Ze smiled and said: "It is precisely because of this that you can gain the trust of fans."

"Mr. Karasawa, you are an excellent writer. You have something to prove yourself. I also like your books very much."

Sanzhi Fengjian heard the words and said: "But I am different. It sounds nice to say that I am a critic, but in fact only I know it. I just vent my anger by criticizing others."

"Vent your anger?" Tang Ze was surprised when he heard this: "I don't know why?"

"Because I have always wanted to write, but I haven't done it until now."

Saegusa Kazami said this and looked at Karasawa: "To be honest, I envy your talent, Mr. Karasawa.

But I would like to ask, it seems that Mr. Karasawa has not written a book recently. Why is this? "

"Maybe it's because I'm too busy at work."

Karasawa smiled awkwardly rather than politely: "And I experience the same thing every day, and I really don't want to recall those tragic stories."

"I think you should write it down."

Upon hearing this, Saegashi Kazami looked at Karasawa seriously and said, "I sincerely hope that you can write a book based on your own experience.

Everyone knows that you are a criminal, and you must have experienced many shocking crimes.

I hope you write it down, not to tell readers how exciting crime can be.

But to tell them that even such a crime will be arrested by a being like you. "

"What you said is too exaggerated." Tang Ze quickly waved his hand and said, "I'm really not as powerful as you think."

"No, that's how I really feel."

Saegashi Kazami said with a serious expression: "I have read many of your reports, and there are many cases where I can't think of a different approach even if I scratch my head.

I just saw you solving one answer after another. I couldn't help but sigh, and I felt an inexplicable awe of you.

Your existence keeps telling me not to commit crimes, otherwise you will definitely find out. "

"It's too exaggerated." Tang Ze shook his head, but it was undeniable that he was a little moved: "But I will seriously consider it."

In fact, after publishing a few books relying on system rewards at first, he didn't care too much about this identity.

However, as he experienced more and more cases, and those cases that people could not let go of accumulated more and more, he had the urge to record them.

There are some tragedies that people should be aware of and be wary of.

And some cases, as Saegashi Kazami said, can serve as a silent warning.

It makes people feel awe of crime and understand what it means to be careful and not miss a beat.

"Please consider it." Saegashi Kazami said excitedly: "I will read the honest evaluation carefully!"

"That's really scary."

Karasawa gave a teasing laugh, and smiled at Saegashi Kaze.

The two of them touched the black tea in a tacit understanding. After drinking the tea, Tang Ze changed the topic directly: "By the way, in reality, the ancient English knife that Mr. Yue Xiu used to commit crimes, and the book "The Wound and the Knife" you borrowed from me. It’s the same sword that the main character uses.”

Saegashi Kazami opened his mouth, took a slight breath and guessed: "Maybe he projected himself onto the protagonist of that book."

"Indeed, it makes sense."

Tang Ze nodded and said: "In that book, the protagonist who was betrayed by his lover used that British dagger to kill someone."

"Yes." Saegusa Kazami picked up the tea cup and drank tea again, as if to hide the unnatural feeling in his expression.

"It's getting late, I should go back."

After drinking all the remaining tea in the cup, Karasawa spoke first in the silence.

He stood up and said goodbye to Saegashi Kazami, and left with a few boxes of tea that the landlady had packed for him.

After returning home, Karasawa and Ayako continued to take a walk in the cold wind after eating.

However, halfway through the original journey, the gentle breeze suddenly started to lose its temper, forcing the two of them to return the same way to avoid the increasingly fierce wind.

Back home, because it was still early, Tang Ze and the two chose a foreign movie to pass the time.

This is a classic old movie called "Admission Notice".

How can I put it, this is a movie adapted from a true story where reality is more outrageous than the movie.

To put it simply, the protagonist failed to get into college, and then he and his gay friends set up a fake college to admit themselves.

Unexpectedly, on the day when school started, he found a bunch of people coming to sign up.

The reason is that when a good friend built the website, he directly set up a registration window for the website, and then admitted hundreds of students at once.

Originally, the protagonist felt that things were getting serious, so he planned to disband directly after explaining the situation.

But because the students here are all students that other universities are unwilling to accept, the protagonist is soft-hearted and allows the university to stay.

After that, the university was all about inaction, with everyone teaching each other and learning what they liked.

Then he was sued to court by a nearby university. The protagonist won the final victory after a verbal spat, and what was false finally became true.

How about it? Isn’t it very refreshing?

Especially when Tang Ze saw that this movie was adapted from reality, he was immediately shocked.

This guy is outrageous. People write YY, but you just performed it yourself.

Overall, this is a good movie that is both entertaining and educational.

Of course, happy time always flies by, and when Tang Ze wakes up, he has to face the cruel reality again.

The next morning, Karasawa brought the tea to Koshimizu Nanatsuki. While thanking the other party for providing useful information, he also informed the other party of the unexpected encounter and conversation yesterday.

"Then, that Mr. Poison is really Mr. Saegusa."

Koshizui Nanatsuki seemed a little happy after hearing Karasawa's words: "At that time, I felt that the two were one person.

After all, it is rare to see people with such a vicious tongue like him, not to mention that the evaluation of Mr. Zhong Yuexiu is consistent with the evaluation on online blogs.

Although I thought it might be a person at the time, I didn't expect you, senior, to verify it so quickly.

But even if you know his occupation, you only know a little more about him, but it doesn't help the case.

What should we investigate next? Are you waiting for Mr. Zhong Yuexiu’s interview procedures to be approved? "

"Come with me to a tea party tomorrow."

Karasawa said while typing on the keyboard: "Yesterday Mr. Saegusa suggested that I write a new work, and I thought of a pretty good story.

I plan to finish writing it today and show it to him and ask Mr. Saegusa for his opinion. "

"A book was written in one day?" Koshizu Nanatsuki walked up behind Tangze and looked around: "Senior, are you sure there is no problem?"

"Of course, it's just a short story."

Karasawa kept typing on the keyboard while replying: "And it's only the first draft. If Mr. Saegusa thinks the story is good, I will expand it."

"I wonder if Mr. Saegusa will be satisfied."

Koshizui Nanatsuki looked at the computer with a thoughtful look in his eyes and teased Karasawa: "Senior, you have to write a work that satisfies Mr. Saegusa.

If he accidentally overturns his car and is criticized as useless, he will lose face. "

"Don't worry, I'm still somewhat sure."

After Karasawa answered with a smile, he urged Nanatsuki Koshimizu to leave with the tea leaves to prevent her from interrupting his thoughts.

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