It's a sunny day, sunny.

Sunny Wednesday is a special node.

It indicates that half of the working day has passed, and you only need to survive the remaining days before you can usher in the long-lost holiday.

During the holidays, people can relax and enjoy their lives. Whether they are gathering with friends or enjoying solitude at home, they are completely at their own disposal.

Only at this time are people free.

Of course, there is no such thing as holidays and working days for the unemployed Sanzhi Fengjian.

As a person whose only hobbies are black tea and dogs, and who usually only likes tasting and reasoning, as long as he maintains three basic meals, he doesn’t have anything extra to spend.

Originally, he might still need to feed his dog, but now that even his dog has passed away, his expenses have been further reduced.

As usual, after Sanzhifeng took a nap, he planned to get up, brew a pot of black tea, and find something to do for himself.

But before he could reach his tea cabinet, the doorbell suddenly rang.

This is an incredible thing for a lonely middle-aged man.

After all, he didn't have many friends, let alone anyone who would visit him.

He was still thinking about this when he walked to the door, and he basically had the answer in his mind.

When he opened the door, he saw a familiar man and woman.

The man looked young, but he had a calmness that was completely inconsistent with his handsome face. The most impressive thing was his eyes.

Deep and sharp, people subconsciously want to avoid those eyes that seem to see through everything.

In comparison, the short-haired girl who came with him was not that conspicuous. Although she was a good-looking girl with a delicate face, she was just that and not worthy of his attention.

Seeing the two people coming uninvited, Sanzhifeng felt like they were uninvited guests.

That feeling was not a sense of crisis, it was just that my peaceful life was unexpectedly broken, and I was not prepared at all.

"It's really disturbing to come here without permission."

After being invited into the room, Karasawa smiled and took out the silver tea box: "At your suggestion, Mr. Saegusa, I finally decided to write a book.

Today I specifically want to ask Mr. Saegusa to read a short reasoning story I wrote and give some suggestions.

I brought the tea I prepared myself. Shall the three of us enjoy tea together today? "

"I'm looking forward to it." Saegusa Kazami smiled and nodded.

After brewing the black tea brought by Tangze, the three of them picked up the quilt and took a sip of the tea.

"Orange peel, mint, a little lemon, and a little sweet tea?" Saegusa Kazami took a sip of tea and tasted the flavor of the tea mixed by Karasawa.

"It's very simple, right?" Tang Ze said with a smile: "But the refreshing feeling unexpectedly suits my taste."

"Although this flavor is simple, it may be surprisingly popular with the public."

Saegusa Kazami put down her tea cup and commented: "Good things are not aloof, but accepted by people."

"Thanks for the compliment."

Tangze nodded in thanks, then looked at the other party and said, "Without further ado, let's drink tea and read at the same time."

As he spoke, Tang Ze took out two manuscripts and handed them to the two people sitting on his left and right respectively.

"The name is "A Study in Loneliness"?" Saeda Kazami said after seeing the title on the cover: "It's very similar to the name of "A Study in Scarlet" written by Conan Doyle."

"But the content is a completely different story."

Tangze smiled and said: "Besides this name, I really can't think of any other name that is more suitable for this story."

"Senior is very confident about this story."

Nanatsuki Koshizui smiled on the side and said: "If possible, Mr. Saegusa, please make an on-site evaluation."

"On the spot?" Sanzhifengjian said in shock.

"Well, it's not too long, and I'm also very curious about Mr. Saegusa's opinion." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile.

Saegashi Kazami looked at Karasawa, as if seeking his opinion.

"Me too, don't have any scruples and give me an objective evaluation." Tang Ze said with a smile.

"Then I won't be polite."

Saegashi Kazami nodded and began to read carefully.

On the side, Koshimi Nanatsuki also read the works in his hands with great interest. It was obvious that the works written by people around him, no matter whether they were good or bad, always wanted people to find out.

In fact, this is also where many authors are embarrassed. Although they are willing to admit their identity as authors, they are unwilling to tell others what they have written because of their works.

The main reason may be that he is afraid of social death. For example, in Tangze's previous life, he saw a picture of an author who wrote about girlfriends because his mother knew about his work, so she promoted him in the circle of friends.

The picture was so beautiful that he was so embarrassed that he could deduct three bedrooms and one living room even through the mobile phone screen.

Of course, Karasawa writes more serious mysteries now, so he doesn't have that sense of shame.

And this story, as Karasawa named it, is a very lonely story.

The protagonist is a middle-aged man, so ordinary that no one even remembers his existence.

He was abandoned by society, or rather from people's memory.

It is sinful to abandon a body, but not guilty to abandon memories.

When the man was young, he wasn't that good at socializing with others, but he didn't care.

Because he was very smart, and even because of his excellent grades, he became a little arrogant and became more and more annoying to people.

Even after entering college, he didn't change at all because of this personality, and he didn't have any friends, let alone a lover.

But he had no intention of changing at all, and he didn't bother to change.

After that, he relied on his intelligence to make progress again and was admitted to graduate school.

Because he felt that since ordinary society could not accommodate him, he would just go to a higher level.

That way, you don't have to change yourself, and you don't have to worry about interpersonal relationships. You just need to do research alone.

But he was wrong, because university is a small society. Compared with junior high school and high school, it is a place where interpersonal communication is more important.

When he relied on his own ability to point out the errors in his mentor's paper, his life became a mess.

Even if it is purely an academic criticism, not everyone is as pure as him.

The professor was embarrassed and became angry because of this.

And he also encountered a cold reception on the road of being a scholar, and finally had to give up.

Aloof people lose their pure qualifications under the beating of society and are forced to return to the turbid society.

When he saw this, Koshizui Nanatsuki glanced at Saegashi Kazami while turning the page, only to find that he stayed on this page for a long time.

His eyes didn't look like he was simply reading someone's story, but more like he was immersed in... or in other words, recalling something.

There was a pair of eyes as deep as a pool of stagnant water, and the suppressed emotions, even if they didn't burst out, still made people feel inexplicably fearful.

Perhaps, that is the emotion that only those who have experienced it personally will have when reading this book.

Nanatsuki Koshimizu, who was wondering where Karasawa's material came from, had a hint of sympathy on his face, and finally shook his head, as if to clear away these distracting thoughts, and then continued reading.

In the book, the man is cut off from his career as a scholar and is forced to find a job in order to make a living.

But no matter where he is, he is a contract worker. Because of his personality, he cannot do any job well, and he is always out of touch wherever he goes.

In this way, he finally poured his unexpressed emotions into the dog, taking black tea as his only pleasure.

And he also makes critical remarks on the Internet to satisfy his own ego.

"He has no connection with friendship or love, and his job is unstable, let alone property. It can be said that he is a good-for-nothing man."

After reading the second page, Saeda Kazami already knew that Karasawa was writing about him in the book, but his evaluation was still harsh and even merciless.

"But even for him like this, there are things that can make him feel at ease." Tang Ze picked up the teacup with a smile: "One of them is black tea, and the other..."

Tang Ze did not give the answer directly, but stood up and walked towards the cabinet under the oil painting, picking up the only photo in the house.

Above the photo is a group photo of two dogs, one golden and one black Shiba Inu, side by side, looking so cozy.

"The second hobby is dogs, and he and she also met because of dogs." Tangze put the photo on the table and dropped it back to its original position.

When Sanzhifeng saw this scene, he still showed no emotion at all. He just looked at Tang Ze and said calmly: "Can I continue reading?"

"Please." Tang Ze extended his hand to signal, then picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea, watching the two of them continue reading.

After meeting each other because of dogs, his life that had always been uneventful changed.

It was a sunless evening.

The man was about to go home with his dog in his arms, but when he passed by the next room, the door suddenly opened and blocked his way.

The woman smiled and greeted him. This was the first time the two met.

Because she didn't get along well with her stepfather, she ran away from home when she was only 15 years old and lived alone.

15 years old, an age when an ordinary child has just entered high school. It is the time when ordinary children are loved by their parents, but she lives alone.

His life experience can be imagined.

When a woman grows up, it is no surprise that she becomes a female publicist.

And despite her popularity, she moved into a cheaper apartment.

The reason is also very simple, because she was burdened with debt by the man she supported before.

People say that a bad life is like a quagmire. The higher you climb, the harder you fall.

So does she.

The people a female publicist meets in her job are always a mixed bag, and she always meets the wrong people.

Every man she met would attack her one by one, and there would always be bruises hidden under her delicate makeup.

She always said that men can't be trusted, only dogs can be trusted.

Unlike a female publicist who needs to dress up when she works at night, during the day she will always be her most natural self.

Only by taking off her heavy makeup and taking her pet dog for a walk can she take off her guard and return to her truest self.

And one day, because of two dogs, the two came together.

"I think this sentence can be changed."

Saegashi Kazami said: "The first sentence a woman greets can be changed to "This child obviously hates the same kind of people. It's really rare." "

This should be more harmonious. "

"Thank you, I will revise it." Karasawa took Koshimizu Nanatsuki's manuscript and took out a pen from his pocket to revise it.

After that, Saegashi Kazami was silent again. He just read the book quietly.

In the story, the man and the woman are obviously not the kind of people who chat with others during walks.

But because the two dogs were attracted to each other, the two started chatting.

There is a deep bond between people who like dogs. In addition, the two of them are neighbors, so they quickly became familiar with each other.

The man also introduced his own situation, blurred out those unsuitable jobs, and came up with the only identity he could use as a reasoning critic.

But their bond is not a secular relationship between men and women, but just companions who chat with each other when walking the dog every day.

As plain as water, there is not much interaction with other people's lives.

Saegashi Kazami turned to the next page, but did not continue reading. Instead, he put the manuscript on the table and said, "Open the window for some air."

Saegusa Kazami stood up and opened the curtains, revealing the scene in front of the apartment.

Although the apartment is an old house that is about to be demolished, the location is very good.

In front is a park with several big trees, and the sunlight hitting it is very beautiful.

There were two seats side by side in the open space, and Saegashi Kazami looked there in a daze.

"It's very beautiful, like a painting." Koshimizu Nanatsuki sighed.

Saegashi Kazami smiled and did not answer, but said: "As for the character of the protagonist, don't you think that based on his experience, he would not tell others his identity as a critic?

Does this conflict with the way men have always been set? "

"Under normal circumstances, this is indeed inconsistent with that man's actions, because he has cut off communication with the world and is just living alone."

Tangze smiled and said in a different tone: "But if a man is attracted to a woman, I think it is very reasonable to express himself in front of her.

After all, love is the most unwise thing that can make people do something unwise, right? "

Having said this, Karasawa looked at Saegashi Kazami and said, "That's it for now. I would like to ask Mr. Saegashi if he has any other good suggestions."


Sanzhofeng chuckled lightly when he heard this. He put his hands on the window edge and looked at the two old chairs in the open space of the park in front of him, his eyes full of memories of the past.

The complex emotions stored in those eyes may be that only the sky knows what kind of emotions are contained in them.

"Then, how about adding a plot like this?"

Saegashi Kazami spoke slowly, as if he was narrating a story that had nothing to do with him.

"A man has never seen a woman's face at night..."

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