Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,169 Abnormal Love

Men have never seen the face of a woman at night.

What he sees is always a woman who has taken off her guard and is completely his own.

In the minds of men, women are women who like to smoke regardless of whether they have rouge or gouache.

" turns out she has smoked in front of men..." Tangze said with emotion: "In the eyes of men, this may be a way for a woman to show her truest self."

"Taking the dog for a walk every day, and in the time it takes for him to finish two cigarettes, chatting with women is his third pleasure."

Ignoring Karasawa's sigh, Saegashikaze just stared ahead, not even wanting to blink.

The appearance of women brings a different color to a life full of loneliness and darkness.

His mood will rise and fall like waves, unable to calm down.

Just like a stone thrown into a lake, even if the body has sunk into the lake, the connection will continue to ripple outward.

But even so, he was not optimistic enough to fall in love with a woman and support each other through the rest of their lives.

The most he can do is to give the other person his favorite black tea.

If life goes by like this, maybe two lonely people will eventually come together gradually.

But one day, something unexpected happened.

The woman fell in love during a chance encounter at work.

The other party is a reasoner.

It was originally an ordinary job, but after the woman complained in the chat that she always met men who beat others, the family invited the woman to have a relationship.

And after that, Jia proved himself.

Home is not only a considerate lover, but also a fatal temptation for women.

That is, in the process of dating, no matter how drunk the family was, no matter how loud the quarrel was, he would never hit her.

It was a temptation she couldn't resist.

She was so crazy about love that she even kissed her lover passionately in the park at night, not caring whether there were neighbors watching her.

Perhaps even if she was seen, she was not ashamed of it, but thought it was a way to show off.

The man also saw this scene, and the previously surging heart seemed like a fire that had been doused by cold water, leaving only the cold and dark residue.

But he still maintained his usual rhythm and did not take the initiative to fight for it. He just walked with each other as a friend when walking the dog.

"What do you think the two of them will talk about?"

Saegashi Kazami returned to his seat, looked at the manuscript and said, "I think you just passed this plot in one stroke."

"Because I don't know what the two of them will talk about." Tang Ze replied truthfully: "But I think it should be related to home."

"I think so too." Saegusa Kazami smiled and said, "Then what do you think about adding this paragraph?"

Saegusa Kazami picked up the pen and wrote a scene and dialogue in the blank space of the manuscript paper.

——Like countless secret love stories, women happily share their stories with their lovers to friends who like them.

"This is my first time falling in love with a man who doesn't hit women." Smoking a slender lady's cigarette, his face was full of sweetness and longing for happiness.

"Generally speaking, this should be the case."

The man absentmindedly exchanged the dog leash with his hands, suppressing the emotions in his heart as calmly as possible to avoid any strangeness in his tone.

"But for a woman like me, that's a special case. It's God's preference for me." The woman held a cigarette between her fingers and looked at the sky with a smile.

"Is that so?" The man looked ahead absentmindedly, with emotions such as regret, annoyance, and envy in his heart.

At the same time, I also regret, hating myself for always having low self-esteem and being sensitive, and for not being brave enough.

The woman didn't seem to notice the man's thoughts at all. She puffed out a puff of smoke and looked at the man and said, "By the way, my boyfriend's birthday is coming soon. Speaking of family, what kind of gift would you like?"

When writing this, Saegashi Kazami stopped the pen in his hand, looked at Karasawa with a complex expression and asked: "What do you think a man will answer when it comes to gift suggestions?"

"As a critic, a man obviously has read the author's works."

Karasawa did not directly answer Saeda Kazami's question, but expressed his own analysis: "I think the man finally suggested that the woman give her home a gift related to the work he wrote, right?

Seeing things in a book come to life is an extremely valuable gift for every author.

For example, the ancient sword used by the protagonist in Jia's novel. "

"A very exciting reasoning, you can write it down." Saegusa Kazami picked up the tray and took a sip of the mint-filled black tea.

"Thank you." Tangze wrote it down.

On the side, Koshimi Nanatsuki turned to the next page and read the content: "As for the woman's gift, although I like it very much, it is not what he really wants.

What he really wants is for his work to be popular and well received by the industry and readers. "

"As long as they are the authors of books, anyone would want these." Saegusa Kazami said calmly while holding the tea cup.

"That's right."

Tang Ze nodded and said: "The more you can't get, the more crazy women will be because of it.

For this unique lover in her heart, as long as she can do it, she is willing to pay any price. "

"But as a woman, I can't understand her having sex with editors and critics because of this."

Koshizui Nanatsuki on the side frowned and said: "She has lost herself because of love and has completely lost her own judgment.

This abnormal love has made her a slave to love.

I can't understand it all. "

Looking at the subsequent content in the book, Koshimizu Nanatsuki expressed his opinion with a frown.

She even said "can't understand" twice to express the absurdity of this behavior of a woman.

"That's all a woman like me can do."

Faced with Koshizui Nanatsuki's strong incomprehension, Saegusa Kazami swallowed her tea, put down the cup and said calmly: "As a female publicist, it's not hard to imagine what she did, isn't it? ?”

Koshimi Nanatsuki drank all the tea in the cup silently and let out a long sigh.

By now, all three of them knew that what was recorded in this book was the story of Saegashi Kazami, Ue Naka Natsumi, and her lover Zhong Yuexiu.

The parts Saegashi Kazami modified and added in the article were what really happened between the two of them, but the three of them had a tacit understanding and didn't make it clear.

Koshizui Nanatsuki said nothing more, but picked up the teapot and filled the teacups of Karasawa and the others with tea.

Tang Ze did not let the two of them read it anymore. After putting down the quilt filled with black tea, he said directly: "The man is a very influential critic on the Internet.

A woman has known this a long time ago. Naturally, in order to get her boyfriend what she wants, she also begs the man, hoping that he can praise her family's reasoning. "

"But the man did not agree to the woman's request. Instead, after reading it, he made harsh criticisms of Jia's book online."

Saegashi Kazami said, "Maybe it's out of jealousy towards the family, or maybe it's out of venting anger..."

"No, men are not like that."

Karasawa interrupted Saegashi Kazami's words of belittling men, looked at Saegashi Kazumi seriously and said: "I know that an aloof person like him will never twist his will for the sake of profit.

I think he just evaluated Jia's works from an objective perspective. "

"He is a role model for critics. He chooses to evaluate on the Internet, so that money, interests, and women cannot get close to him." Saegashi Kazami had a smile on his face that was either self-deprecating or proud.

"But he always gave me the feeling that he was flaunting himself." Koshimizu Nanatsuki leaned back and fell on the back chair.

"Indeed, such a person is too upright, but as a character in the book, he is too monotonous."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "How should I put it? It lacks some shortcomings? Or should I say bloody?"

"Then does senior have any good ideas?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked.

"Actually, I have already written it down." Tangze smiled and gestured for the two of them to turn the page: "You should continue reading."

——Shortly after he made his objective assessment.

One night, the woman knocked on the man's door.

The woman's face had delicate makeup, and the high heels under her feet made a crisp sound against the floor. Every step seemed to be stepping on the man's heart.

She was not the woman of the past. She was dressed in cool sleeping clothes, and the white gauze she wore could not hide her graceful figure.

"I want to ask you something."

Just as the man looked at the woman at a loss, the woman took out the book "Wounds and Knives" and placed it in front of the coffee table: "I hope you can praise my boyfriend on the Internet."

Before the man could react, the woman had already taken off her white shawl and stepped towards the man in sexy pajamas.

That is not the woman that men know. She should be a special woman who does not wear rouge and gouache and smokes frequently, not a street girl.

"Ah, if that's the case, I can understand it."

After turning the page, Koshimi Nanatsuki smiled and said: "This is the same for men and women when it comes to the people they like. For example, the male star I liked before was originally very calm in the drama, but in reality he is very frivolous.

Sometimes you feel disappointed because the other person suddenly shows a side that you don't like. "

"That's right, that's it." Saegashi Kazami smiled and said, "Let's add this section too."

"thanks for your advice."

After Tang Ze wrote down this paragraph, he looked up at the other party and said, "But at this point in the story, it's time to reach the most critical point."

"Is it a case?" Saegashi Kazami had an unknown smile on his face: "Then, let me see what kind of case the "Famous Detective" will write about."

"Actually, I drew lessons from real-life cases for this case." Karasawa smiled and said, "After all, I still remember the reason why Mr. Saegusa came to us."

"I'm determined."

After nodding his thanks, Saegashi Kazami put the manuscript upside down on the desk: "Since it is related to a real case, let's communicate directly. This is also a form of respect."

"no problem."

Karasawa nodded and looked at Nanatsuki Koshizui and said, "Well, Koshizui, please come and sort out the causes and consequences of the case on the day it happened to Mr. Saegusa, and then tell you the details of the case."


Koshizui Nanatsuki nodded when he heard this and said: "On the day of the incident, Nakatake Osamu beat Oe Shigemitsu.

Because Oe Shigemitsu said that he had a relationship with Nakatake Osamu's girlfriend.

After that, Nakatake Xiu came to his girlfriend's house angrily. Mr. Sanzhi, you also testified in the transcript that you heard the quarrel next door. "

"That's right." Sanzhifaze nodded.

“According to the records in the file, Natsumi Uechu was stabbed twice in the abdomen and died, but when I saw Natsumi Uekinaka’s autopsy report, I discovered something wrong.

If Shuta Nakatake had killed him with the dagger given by Natsumi Uenaka from the beginning, why did he beat him again?

On her face, I could clearly see signs of being beaten. "

"Nakatake Osamu was furious when he learned that his girlfriend was having a relationship with a critic. He first beat her, and then stabbed Natsumi Uenaka to death with a dagger." Saegashi Kazami twirled his thumbs and expressed his judgment.

"But in this way, Mr. Saegusa, your views are consistent with those of the stupid criminals you are ridiculing." Karasawa teased with a smile.

"What you said is really merciless and spicy." Saegashi Kazami smiled helplessly and said, "Just like my comment."

"I'm so sorry." Tang Ze smiled sheepishly.

"It's nothing, I don't care." Saegashi Kazami nodded and said, "Then what do you think of Tang Ze Criminal?"

"After seeing the injuries on Miss Natsumi's face, I felt that she was beaten by another person." Karasawa expressed his judgment.

"Why do you think so?" Saegusa Kazamifa asked.

"Because according to my understanding, Mr. Nakayue Xiu will not beat his girlfriend." Tang Ze said: "It is precisely because of this that she is so crazy about her, isn't it?"

"But it also depends on the situation, right?"

Saegashi Kazami retorted: "No matter how well-educated a person is, he can't bear the humiliation of knowing that his girlfriend is having an affair with someone else for his own sake, right?"

"That's true, but the reason why I make this judgment is that in addition to my understanding of Zhong Yuexiu, there is also more realistic evidence."

Tangze stood up and walked to the round table and gestured: "He is about the same height as me, and because he admires Sherlock Holmes, he went to learn boxing.

It would be terrible if such a person were to punch him.

In fact, after realizing that there might be someone else who beat up Miss Natsumi, I specifically investigated Oe Shigemitsu's medical records.

It was discovered that the cheekbone on the left side of the opponent's face was dented by Mr. Nakayue Xiu, and it was just a punch.

This is enough to show that the opponent's punch is fierce.

The injuries on Miss Natsumi's face were just bruises. If it was the hands of the furious Nakagake Shu, then the injuries on the body might not be of that extent. "

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