Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,170 The End of the Novel

"You really deserve it."

After listening to Karasawa's words, Saegashi Kazami did not immediately talk about Karasawa's reasoning. Instead, facing Oe Shigemitsu's injury, he gloated and laughed.

His expression looked very happy, and he seemed to be laughing and crying.

Karasawa and Koshimi Nanatsuki couldn't describe each other's complicated mood at this moment, but they could vaguely understand it.

He and Oe Shigemitsu were like two extreme opposites. The other party did something he hated, but that woman was the woman he liked.

Once upon a time, that woman also stood in front of him, but he refused.

But that woman went to find another man and became someone else's plaything.

He doesn't know how to express his heart. Is it hurt? Is it humiliation? Or gloating over misfortune?

But in the end, he expressed all these with laughter, but that smile was so desolate and sad.

Karasawa and Koshimi Nanatsuki did not interrupt each other's laughter, but quietly watched each other vent their emotions.

In the end, Saegashi Kazami's expression slowly calmed down. After he calmed down, he looked at Karasawa and asked, "So, who do you think it will be?"

"Before that, could Mr. Saegusa make another pot of tea?"

Faced with Saegashi Kazami's inquiry, Koshimizu Nanatsuki interrupted the conversation, shook the teapot and said: "This pot of tea has been finished, and next I want to drink the one I drank last time.

I always feel that your tea, Mr. Saegusa, tastes a little different from the tea Mr. Karasawa gave me later. "

"No problem at all."

Saegusa Kazami stood up, picked up the teapot and smiled: "At the moment when the answer to the story is about to be revealed and the final ending is ushered in, it is natural to have the most comfortable tea chat conditions.

Please wait a moment, I'll be right back. "

Sanzhifaze smiled, stood up, reached for the teapot, went to the kitchen to clean the teapot, and then checked new tea leaves and brewed them into the pot.

By the time he returned to the round table, Tang Ze and the two had finished the remaining tea. He took the teapot and refilled the cups for them again.

"Actually, the injury on Miss Natsumi's face is on her right cheek."

Looking at Saegashi Kazami who was pouring tea for her, Koshimi Nanatsuki spoke: "In other words, the person who hit her on the face was actually left-handed.

But Oe Shigemitsu has a sunken cheekbone on the left side of his face, which means Mr. Nakatake Osamu's dominant hand is his right hand. "

"Speaking of which, Mr. Saegusa, you are left-handed." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said thoughtfully.

But when faced with Koshimi Nanatsuki's inquiry, the man's expression remained calm, as if he didn't hear the other person's words at all, and just sat down silently.

"Actually, I originally wanted to find the most reliable witness for questioning, but I didn't expect that he was no longer there." Tangze said with some regret as he watched the other person sit down.

"Who are you talking about?" Saegusa Kazami said in surprise as he took a sip of tea.

"It's Aru."

Tangze picked up a photo of the two dogs and said, "I think Aru was at the scene at that time. I want to know what he saw.

So Mr. Saegusa, would you like to reason with me? "

Saegashi Kazami looked at the photo in silence, her mind seemed to have returned to that night.

He raised his eyes to look at Tang Ze and said, "I want to know your reasoning."

"Then please continue reading." Tang Ze extended his hand and said, "I have also written down the story of the case in this book."

--boom! !

The man was drinking black tea alone at home, when the sound of breaking glass suddenly came from next door.

The sound of scolding and smashing was heard endlessly, and the man looked in the direction of the next room in surprise.

In the next room, the sounds of arguing and throwing things suddenly became quiet.

In the room, Mr. Nakatake Osamu suddenly pulled out the knife given to him by his girlfriend and pointed it at Ue Naka Natsumi.

He definitely used the antique knife his girlfriend gave him as a murder weapon to kill his girlfriend.

If he could commit the same crime with the same method and weapon as his protagonist, then at least he would be remembered as a detective.

And his experience is so consistent with Zhong's, making people feel that it is fate.

"After I kill you, I will die too! Please, die with me!"

"Perhaps Nakatake Xiu also said the lines that the hero in his work "The Wound and the Knife" said after committing the crime."

Tangze said: "But after that, it is completely different from the plot in that book.

In the work, the protagonist kills a woman, but the reality is that the desire to survive made Miss Natsumi choose to resist.

According to the file I saw, when Zhong Yuexiu was arrested, he had a wound on his head.

The criminal suspect at the time was that while stabbing Miss Natsumi to death, he was pushed by Miss Natsumi's resistance before she died and hit the corner of the table and passed out.

But could it be another possibility?

The excited Nakatake Xiu was pushed back by Miss Natsumi. He hit the corner of the table and fell into a state of coma and suspended animation. "

"She and I both thought he was really dead."

Without any more rhetorical cover-ups, Saegashi Kazami spoke directly about his mental journey at that time, which basically admitted that the words he had spoken before at that time were all his own personal experiences.

"But that was just an own goal."

Saegusa Kazami laughed at herself: "I mistakenly thought that Miss Natsumi accidentally killed him, so I wanted to surrender on her behalf."

"Miss Natsumi may be surprised." Koshimizu Nanatsuki sighed: "She didn't expect you to say such things."

"Because I love her."

Saegashi Kazami laughed at himself: "But in my life, I have never said "I love you" to anyone.

So that sentence was stuck in my throat but I couldn't spit it out, I just kept stammering..."

"Then she laughed?" Tangze speculated.

"Yeah...she suddenly laughed..."

Saegusa Kazami recalled that night, her empty pupils were as deep and complex as the abyss: "At that time, I felt that she was laughing at my love.

The love that only happened once in life was despised by that woman in the dust.

At that moment, I felt like something in my mind had broken. It was the string called "reason". I lost control and hit her today.

I really didn't expect that I would make such a move. "

"In that tense and terrifying extreme atmosphere, the state of both parties must have been abnormal. It can also be said to be a kind of mental stimulation."

Tangze said with relief: “When a person encounters strong emotional stimulation that exceeds his or her ability to bear it, the body will automatically initiate self-protection.

She may suffer from dizziness, amnesia, etc., and her laughter is also an automatic protective measure of the body. It may be a buffer against strong stimulation.

And your stuttering at the time induced this. "

"After beating her, he killed her with a dagger..."

Koshizui Nanatsuki looked at Saegashi Kazami and said, "Although I want to judge this way, Miss Natsumi's body says otherwise."

Ordinary people may wonder why corpses can talk.

But for all the handsome judges, this is normal and common sense.

Everyone must know that corpses can talk and will never lie.

The wound on Natsumi Ue's right face was caused by you using your left hand, but the wound on her abdomen was one in the middle and one on the left side of her abdomen.

The wound was too obvious, and it was obviously a right-handed person's method of committing the crime.

If you are losing your mind and stabbing someone with a dagger, you should use your dominant left hand.

And you hit him with your left hand and stabbed him to death with your right hand, as if you were deliberately pretending to be Mr. Zhongyue Xiu and killed him.

But the question is, what's the reason why you pretended to be his murderer?

Some people might say that the reason for pretending to be Zhong Yuexiu was to escape the charge of murder.

But don’t forget, this is the most impossible thing.

Because Tang Ze didn't notice anything wrong when the two met for the first time. It was him who took the initiative to send a letter to invite them.

If he was really such a vicious villain, he shouldn't have taken the initiative to provoke Tang Ze, but would have lived his life so quietly, almost isolated from the world.

After all, this case has been convicted, and Zhong Yuexiu has even served his sentence in prison.

Therefore, the reason for concealing the crime is the least likely.

"After I beat her, I didn't lose my mind and kill her..."

Feeling the fresh black tea, Saegashi Kazami spoke about everything that happened that day.

In a moment of madness, he hit Ue Naka Natsumi.

But the other party was the woman he loved after all, and he sobered up after the beating.

In panic, he immediately fell to the ground and apologized to the other party.

Ue Naka Natsumi stopped him from apologizing, saying that she shouldn't have laughed at that moment.

Saegashi Kazami knew that she hated women who hit people the most. In fear, he kept asking for forgiveness, saying that he was willing to do anything.

And Ue Naka Natsumi did ask him for something.

It's not that he was asked to take the blame, but that he was asked to take care of Aru. After all, we are both dog lovers, so we can only rest assured if he takes care of us.

He subconsciously agreed, but then realized something was wrong and quickly asked her what she wanted to do.

Then she told him.

Now that Zhong Yuexiu is dead, there is no point in her living.

She then asked him if he would do anything and asked him to kill her.

This request made Saegashi Kazami shrink back subconsciously. After all, he said that, but he still didn't dare to kill someone.

"Then she said she would have been better off if she had known she would be killed by him."

Sanzhi Fengjian looked dejected: "I asked her if she really loved that man? She smiled and nodded.

She apologized to me and said I was the only one who could help her.

In my silence, she took the dagger out of Zhong Yuexiu's hand and handed the hilt to me. "


Koshizui Nanatsuki had a complex expression and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Saeda Kazami, his voice became hoarse and even trembling: "Of course I don't dare to kill anyone, I told her I couldn't do it.

But she put the knife in my hand and just told me to hold it still.


Saegashikaze closed her eyes in pain, opened her mouth several times, and finally said with difficulty, "She hugged me..."

But this embrace is cruel.

The dagger was placed in his hand by Natsumi Uechu, and the other person hugged not him, but death.

"She must be in pain."

Tang Ze looked at Sanzhi Fengjian with pity and said, "The second knife was stabbed because she begged you to free her, right?

You are a senior mystery fan, so you naturally know that your dominant hand will cause different injuries.

In order to make it look like Zhong Yuexiu committed the crime, you stabbed her on the left side of the abdomen with your hand.

Then he wiped off his own fingerprints, printed Zhong Yuexiu's fingerprints and fled the scene. "

"But Zhong Yuexiu was not dead. After he woke up the next morning, he was arrested with blurred memory."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu added: "The door was open at the time, and neighbors on the same floor saw what was happening inside the house and called the police.

You don't want her body to be too badly damaged, right? "

"After all, people in our apartment live alone, and no one will visit her." Saegashi Kazami said sadly: "I don't want her body to be discovered after it stink."

"So why didn't you tell the truth then?" Koshizui Nanatsuki looked at Saegashi Kazami in confusion.

"I killed her. Any other excuses will be of no use. No one will believe someone like me."

Saegashi Kazami smiled self-deprecatingly: "After all, I am just a marginalized person in society. How can I speak clearly in such a complicated situation?"

"I want to believe you." Karasawa looked at Saegashi Kazami and said seriously.

"Me too." Koshimi Nanatsuki's face was equally serious.

But this trust may have come a bit late.

And Tang Ze looked at Saegashi Kazami, feeling a little sad for some reason.

How desperate it must be when a person is trapped in jail and unable to prove his innocence.

Therefore, it is understandable that the other party would choose this method to "surrender".

In fact, Karasawa had a premonition after Saegashi Kazami came to ask them to investigate the case.

Afterwards, as the investigation deepened the understanding of the case, Tangze listed various conditions and frameworks, and then guessed the actions of the three people through profiling them, and boldly postponed writing the article.

The three of them are all relatively unique people, so their psychology can be better guessed. For example, Miss Natsumi, if you have seen her experience, you can almost deduce the other person's mental process.

In addition, Karasawa had basically guessed that Saegashi Kazami came to him to talk about this case in order to surrender.

So in this situation where the outcome is basically fixed, and considering the mentality of the other party taking the initiative to come to the door, reasoning and deducing the correct answer is actually not as difficult as imagined.

Some things may seem impossible to you, but when you actually do them, you will find that they are simpler than you thought.

Of course, Karasawa admitted that he wrote the truth as a gamble, but it is hard to say that there was no hint of Saegashi Kazami in it.

Although it was just a chance encounter that day, he actually had a conversation with Saegashi Kazami.

During the conversation, I also heard the other party’s hints.

So this is why Tang Ze dared to reason and then confronted the other party.

After all, the other party has already intended to surrender, so the discrepancy in the story you restored does not actually mean much.

All he needs is a channel to bring up the topic from the side.

But now, I have finished reading, and the real story has also come to an end.

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