In the cozy European-style cabin, the atmosphere at this moment seems extremely heavy.

"Is there anything else?"

Sanzhi Fengjian drank all the tea in the cup and slowly exhaled. The meaning was self-evident.

"One last thing." Tang Ze took out a thick manuscript from his handbag and handed it to the other party.

"Again?" Sanzhi Fengjian said in surprise.

"This is what Mr. Zhongyue Xiu wrote." Tang Ze explained.

"Did you write it in prison?" Saegusa Kazami glanced at the manuscript and asked.

"Mr. Nakayue wrote intently in prison. He only wrote this book to get approval from the critic Mr. Poison, that is, you." Tangze explained.

"But I severely criticized him." Saegashi Kazami said, "He actually let me watch it?"

"Mr. Zhongyue said that your criticism is so bitter that it even makes people feel humiliated. But on the other hand, every word and every sentence means that there must be someone who has read his work seriously."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "Reading a writer's works seriously, isn't this the best form of support?"

"Jia is really an amazing guy."

Saegashi Kazami flipped through the manuscript and said with infinite emotion: "I just made irresponsible remarks on what others wrote and found faults endlessly, but they used criticism as a spur to progress.

Obviously without people who write books, there is no need for critics to exist at all. "

Saegashi Kazami laughed at himself: "What a useless life, I have no friends or lovers, and the only relationship I have is a loser.

He even killed someone in the end.

Saegashi Kazami, male, 42 years old, unemployed. If this report is broadcast on the news, it will probably make people laugh. "

"No, I don't think so."

Tangze said: "As a critic, you have done your job objectively and impartially.

Compared with the so-called authoritative commentators in society, no one in the reasoning group does not know your name.

You have completed your work in an upright manner, and you are not ashamed of your heart and the people who trust you.

What you have to do now is to tell everything openly and openly. This is what you have always done, isn't it? "

Although Sanzhaofengjian is proud of his talent, what he pursues is nothing more than pure and fair affairs.

If it weren't for the fact that his tutor was not tolerant, a pure person like him might have been able to go further academically.

Even though he became a marginalized person in society and relied on the Internet to become the most famous Internet critic, he still did not make profits from it.

It is well known how much money celebrities make on the Internet, even if the Internet is not so developed yet.

But Sanzhofengjian did not make profit from this, but remained poor.

He may have various flaws, but his critic's character is enough to be praised.

"Before I leave, I hope you can accept it."

Saegashi Kazami stood up, opened his tea cabinet, and picked out two boxes of tea: "I made this myself. I hope you like it."

Passing two boxes of tea leaves into the hands of the two of them, Saegashi Kazami bowed to them and said, "I'm going to cause you trouble this time."

"No." After Tang Ze thanked him, he looked at Saegashi Kazami and said, "Is there anything else you want to bring?"

"That photo." Saegashi Kazami opened the photo frame, took out the photo of his pet dog, carefully put it in his pocket, looked at Karasawa and said, "Let's go."

The three of them left the apartment and drove towards the Metropolitan Police Department.

Because the other party's attitude and behavior were considered surrenders, the two did not hold each other in custody. Instead, Koshimizu Nanatsuki drove the car, with Karasawa and Saeda Kazami sitting in the back seat.

"Although this shouldn't be asked by me as a criminal, but now, why does Mr. Saegusa still want to find us at this time?"

While Koshimizu Nanatsuki was waiting at the traffic light, he looked at Saegashi Kazami in the rear seat through the car mirror: "This case has obviously been closed. If you hadn't said it yourself, it would have been a complete crime.

Mr. Yue Xiu told the truth during our interrogation. He also felt that Miss Xia Mei's death was related to him.

With a vague memory, he thought it was the other party's resistance that made him lose, and mistakenly thought he was dead, and then died with him in love.

He felt that he had killed Miss Natsumi, so he admitted his crime.

It can be said that the case has formed a perfect closed loop.

In this case, why did you..."

"What do you think it's because of?" Sanzhifeng smiled and asked.

"Because this perfect crime was not completed by your will."

Koshimi Nanatsuki looked at Saegashi Kazami through the reflection of the rearview mirror and said: "Furthermore, even if Miss Natsumi pleads with you for her own wishes, killing the woman you like will probably continue to torture you day and night. Just yourself.

And you promised Miss Natsumi that you would take care of Aru for the rest of your life, so you kept silent before. "

"Shortly after meeting you, Aru passed away at the end of his life."

Saegusa Kazami took out the photo from his pocket and looked at the intimate group photo of the two Shiba Inu dogs with tenderness in his eyes: "I think this may be God's will to meet you that day.

Hence the invitation to the tea party, which was my atonement. "

After saying this, Sanzhi Fengjian stopped talking, and the car fell into silence.

Tang Ze and the other two took him back to the Metropolitan Police Department and accepted the other party's surrender.

After finishing all the notes and about to separate from Karasawa, Saegashi Kazami stopped Karasawa.

"A Study in Solitude is such an appropriate title."

Saegashi Kazami smiled and looked at Tang Ze and said: "Now, I have given this final ending. Can you show it to me after you finish writing it?"

"Of course." Tang Ze nodded: "This is what it should be."

"Then, I'm looking forward to it." After finishing speaking, Saegashi Kazumi closed his eyes and remained silent.

Karasawa and Koshimi Nanatsuki left the interrogation room and closed the door, bringing the case to a final conclusion.

"Don't interfere in the follow-up matters."

Karasawa looked at Koshizu Nanatsuki and explained: "There will definitely be trouble in the future, just leave it to me."

Because this case has been closed, if the case is overturned now, the criminal who handled the case at that time will definitely be scolded.

And they will definitely find ways to remedy the situation, such as asking their superiors to hand over the case to them for handling.

In this way, even if you make a mistake along the way, you can still make up for it from the beginning to the end.

And if one of his subordinates made such a big mistake, the commander would be embarrassed, so he would naturally find a way to help.

If we continue to pray to the top, this matter will become smaller and smaller.

After all, it was just a misjudgment in the final analysis. The bosses didn't care who handed the matter over, they just wanted the impact to be eliminated as soon as possible.

But Tangze really didn't feel comfortable leaving the case to them.

After all, Saegashikaze's situation is a bit complicated, and the criminal who was previously in charge of the case may be dissatisfied with the culprit who caused all this.

This is a very common thing. Even if the fundamental reason for this matter is that they were wrong for not finding out the truth, they will not resent themselves and will only look for reasons from outside.

If the criminal deliberately caused harm here, the crime he would convict would be very serious, so Tang Ze planned to take responsibility for this case to the end.

And this would inevitably lead to conflicts with them. Karasawa himself didn't care, but if it stumbling upon Koshimi Nanatsuki, it would be annoying even if it couldn't hinder anything.

So Karasawa asked Koshizui Nanatsuki to withdraw and take charge of the case himself, so that no matter who came, he would not have to give face.

Of course, because of this case, Tangze realized how "simple" the subsequent events were.

He used to be a hands-off shopkeeper who only focused on reasoning but not the follow-up, thinking that those things could be easily solved.

But now he realizes how grueling this job is.

After working hard for more than half a month, I finally solved this overturning case.

In the middle of the process, he got a little crazy and wanted to hand over the case to the two criminals.

But because he noticed that the two of them seemed to be talking nicely, but still did not realize their mistakes, and instead resented Saegashi Kazami, Karasawa directly rejected them.

When Sanzhaofengjian finds himself surrendering, he trusts himself. Naturally, he cannot let down the trust of the other party.

If they were really allowed to cause trouble and the court would not be able to conduct a fair trial, it would also be a betrayal for Saegashi Kazami.

Of course, in addition to being specifically responsible for the follow-up of this work, he also hired Fei Yingli as a defense lawyer to help Saegashi Kazami mitigate the crime as much as possible.

In the end, Saegashi Kazami was convicted of "murder without a promise". Considering the complex situation at the time, the punishment was reduced based on the circumstances.

Perhaps because of the special circumstances of this case, Tang Ze's reward was not settled until today, when the case was settled.

In total, it took more than a month from the time this case occurred to the end of the case.

This is the first time that Tang Ze has encountered a case that extended the time span for such a long time.

Of course, this is not without its disadvantages. At least Tang Ze has been in peace and quiet lately, living a peaceful life for half a month.

Not to mention rewards, such a long rest period alone can be regarded as an invisible benefit.

Putting all kinds of thoughts out of his mind, Tang Ze began to check the rewards.

【Research on Loneliness】

Completion: perfect

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining Chemistry (3 years)]

Evaluation: The tragedy happened quietly. It was a tragedy that evolved from three unfortunate people.

This is a story about a lonely person, and the protagonist of this story has no companions and no one who can trust him. Your appearance has brought him relief.

Somehow, you have been favored by fate.

These three years of chemistry have directly allowed Karasawa's skill to reach Chemistry (C level) [10/20], just shy of breaking through to B level.

Of course, Karasawa later learned that Saegashi Kazami was studying chemistry, which could be regarded as the "fixed preference" for this award.

If individual skills were completely random, they might not be as good as they are now.

In addition, his profiling skills have also made great breakthroughs, rising two levels to profiling (level C) [9/20].

Having such a big independent improvement is actually a smooth process. After all, his reasoning this time did not rely on evidence. It can even be said that most of the reasoning was completed entirely by profiling.

Except for the final ending, which Karasawa left blank, the previous process was indeed postponed almost in line with the previous cases.

It is precisely because of this that his profile has improved so much.

Although profiling seems insignificant, it can actually be regarded as a kind of mind-reading prediction. Mastering this can play a great role even in the main plot.

For example, predicting the enemy's psychology to better formulate strategies, etc.

This wave can be said to be full of gains.

In addition, if anyone has to change his destiny because of this case, it is naturally Mr. Zhongyue Xiu.

Perhaps because he has experienced ups and downs, he has become mature. He no longer has the problem of imitating others before, but actually has his own thoughts.

Although the book he read in the cell was ultimately called so-so by Saegashi Kazami, after reading it, Tang Ze felt that it was already a middling work.

This is already a great progress for Zhong Yuexiu.

After experiencing prison, Nakayue became calm after he came out. He paid homage to Miss Natsumi and decided not to marry for the rest of his life, but only to write for the rest of his life.

Of course, he also knew the cause and effect of the matter, and his senses about Saegashi Kazami were also very complicated.

But in the end, he decided to run the "Poison" blog for Saegake Kazami during the days when he was serving his sentence.

Of course, the evaluation was still carried out by Saeda Kazami, he just relayed it on his behalf.

Reading is still allowed in prison, and with the opportunity to meet, it is not difficult.

But for two men, this may also be a kind of mutual torture, and the people they love eventually die because of them.

Every day they live and see each other reminds them of their past.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Tang Ze.

Although he will be sad about the case, it is not his story. At best, he is only a temporary participant.

So after completely solving the case, he no longer paid attention to the follow-up of the case, but focused on the peaceful daily life in front of him.

As for why Karasawa is so sure that no more cases will happen, it's not that he used the [Safe and Sound Card], but that the New Year is approaching.

This time it is no longer a chaotic New Year, but a real New Year.

During the New Year period, the detective's physique will not take effect, and no cases will occur. This is notified by the system message.

Tangze was also surprised when he saw this prompt, but soon realized that it was related to the main plot.

He clearly remembered that the case at the beginning of this "Train Chapter" happened shortly after the New Year.

Of course, Tang Ze had already made all the preparations and arrangements that needed to be made, so he had nothing to be nervous about.

What he has to do now is to enjoy the New Year.

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