Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,172 Bourbon

[Detected that the timeline is flowing normally to the New Year]

[During the New Year, the host will be blessed by the New Year’s energy, and there will be no disasters, and the first month will be safe]

[Please host to enjoy the New Year with peace of mind]

This was the prompt that Tang Ze saw popping up from the system.

Although there was no gift bag or anything like that, Tangze was very satisfied with just this blessing.

After all, including the rest before and after the previous case, he can basically take a two-month break.

This was his uniquely peaceful daily life after meeting Conan.

It makes me feel sad to talk about it. Ever since I met Conan, he has been like a model worker, working on a small case in three days and a big case in five days. Although he has actively participated in it and kept getting stronger, he is really tired. some.

This is why, except for cases, he spends most of his time fishing.

Others thought he didn't like the constraints of rules, and because he was in a position of high authority at a young age and repeatedly solved difficult cases, he developed such a lax behavior.

But the higher-ups ignored what he did, not because of indulgence, but because they clearly knew how much Tang Ze had solved Anjing.

Anyone looking at the thick file would feel tired. In addition, the work of criminals is inherently flexible, so naturally they would not trouble him for such a trivial matter.

Of course, these are just idle remarks, and for Tang Ze, they are just a ray of thought to distract his thoughts when he is in a daze.

Tangze had been lying on the big bed at home for half an hour. The feeling of complete relaxation made him feel lazy.

He didn't get up lazily until Ayako called him to get up and eat.

As the New Year is approaching, he naturally has to go home and buy gifts to bring to his parents.

Although there is no shortage of these things at home, they are still a matter of mind.

Of course, Ayako didn't go back with him this time because she wanted to spend time with her family.

However, Neon’s New Year is actually very special. The legal holiday is only three days.

Of course, the holidays are given in advance to give the social animals three days of rest.

So Tang Ze basically just went home for a week to spend the New Year with his two elders, and then basically came back, and the time interval was not too long.

The holiday atmosphere at the beginning of the century was still good. The Karasawa family closed the hot spring hotel, booked the hot spring bath, and then lay in the kotatsu and watched the red and white song show. Early the next morning, their mother called them to get up and climb up to visit the shrine.

The family of three was inconspicuous on the way up the mountain. Looking at the crowds of people, they were all coming to pray for the New Year.

After finally visiting the shrine with my parents, my parents happily ran to draw lots.

Both Tangze's parents only drew Xiaoji, but Tangze was lucky enough to draw Daji, which made his parents very happy, even happier than they themselves had drawn.

Looking at the words "All your wishes come true" written on it, Tangze smiled slightly and collected the lucky sign he had drawn.

No matter what, it is a joy to draw a lottery ticket in the new year.

Although he doesn't believe in things like ghosts and gods, he does believe in "metaphysics". After all, his system involves "fate", so he can't help but not believe it.

After coming down from the shrine, I walked around with my parents for a long time before the family returned home.

During the New Year, the Tangze family didn't have many relatives, but they still had a lot of friends. However, Tang Zeduo didn't know many of his parents' friends, so after staying at home for a few days, he felt like a salty fish.

Originally, he expected to stay at home for a week, but as the saying goes, children who have been home for a week are not as good as dogs. After only four days, Tang Ze made his parents dislike him for being too lazy.

Under the urging of his mother, Karasawa had to return to Tokyo early and visit his mother-in-law's family with souvenirs from Hokkaido.

It is said that a short break is better than a wedding. I really missed Ayako very much after not seeing her for the past few days.

The tenderness between lovers naturally goes without saying, and Tangze naturally visited his father-in-law's family. Since it was still the New Year's festival, Tangze also stayed for a few days.

Play mahjong with Suzuki Jirokichi and his father-in-law, go shopping with Ayako and Sonoko, and help cover up Sonoko to sneak out for a date with Kyogoku Makoto...

After he no longer had to worry about possible cases that might happen at any time, Tang Ze felt completely relaxed. Even ordinary recreational activities became more interesting when he was completely relaxed.

Of course, he also has to visit friends during the Chinese New Year.

Went to Yukihei's restaurant for dinner with Aso Minoru and the others, and drank with the chuunibyou scientist.

As for Conan, the boy is naturally indispensable. Because it is Chinese New Year and they don't play with money, Tangze and Conan once again challenged the "Mahjong Demon King" Xiaolan.

As for the result, of course Karasawa and Conan managed to fight Xiaolan to a close tie. As for the worst loser among them, Mouri Kogoro was covered in stickers and could not even see the cards in the end. .

Mouri Kogoro, who plays like mahjong and is autistic, was forced by three people to give up his gambling addiction.

But the comfortable days always pass quickly.

With the end of the New Year, the peaceful daily life has gone away, and the "murderous" days of daily life have once again returned.

Of course, this "murderous intent" does not refer to the danger Tang Ze faces, but to the various cases that occur around him...

Of course, although the peaceful daily life of the New Year has disappeared, it is not so crazy that a crime will occur directly.

Although the legal holidays have passed, the New Year atmosphere is not over yet. When it is time to go to work, the weather is getting colder and even snowing.

But this is normal. After all, Neon's New Year falls on New Year's Day in Tang Ze's hometown. It is normal for snow to fall after this period.

After the New Year, I can see that everyone at the Metropolitan Police Department is obviously in a much better mood.

But it's no wonder, after all, the criminal job is actually very tiring, not only physical, but also mentally taxing.

And in the new year, everyone no longer has to worry about any cases, and there is no need to have headaches and battles of wits with prisoners. With the double rest of the body and brain, it is natural for the complexion to become better.

The New Year has just passed, so there are no major cases, but there are a lot more petty thefts. After all, everyone’s wallets are bulging during the New Year, so they are naturally targeted by petty thieves.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Karasawa. He has been commuting normally recently, and then took some time to visit Dr. A Li's house.

Of course, even if he is working now, the children are still in the New Year period. As an 18-year-old primary school student, Haiyuan is naturally still on vacation.

And Tang Ze also sent out the first red envelope in his life.

Although Haiyuan, who received the red envelope, said that it was a bit embarrassing for such a big person to receive the red envelope, but seeing that the red envelope was thick enough for her to buy a beautiful bag, she still accepted it shamelessly.

Of course, Karasawa had his own plan when he chose this time to visit Dr. Ari and deliver the somewhat late red envelope to Haibara.

He remembered that in the main plot pre-case, Conan and the others ran into trouble when they went to the bank to deposit their lucky money.

Since he remembered this case so clearly, he naturally had to prepare early and find a way to find out when the specific time was.

So he asked Haiyuan about the New Year's money in a casual conversation, and inquired about a few little ones. With Tang Ze's intention to guide the topic of the New Year's money, he soon found out that they had made an appointment to save the New Year's money together this Saturday. things.

"In that case, don't let Dr. Ali go with you. I will go with you."

Tang Ze came up with the reason he had prepared long ago and said: "It just so happens that we can also give some lucky money to these little guys.

After all, they have helped me somewhat over the past year. Although they still cause trouble most of the time, they are still friends after all. "

"It's okay to give out lucky money, but don't give me so much." Haiyuan shook the red envelope: "I know you have money, but giving so much is not a good thing for children."

"Don't worry, it's just a normal red envelope." Tang Ze said with a smile: "Of course what I give you is different from them."

Haiyuan didn't speak, but the raised corners of his mouth showed his happiness.

Of course she didn't feel jealous or anything like that that made Tangze give him a few small red envelopes, but Tangze's words also truly expressed his concern and regard for her.

This was very useful to Haiyuan.

"Okay, that's it." Tang Ze smiled and said, "You can talk to them later, and we'll see you on Saturday."

"Yes." Haiyuan nodded.

"You two, lunch is ready. Come and eat." Miyano Akemi shouted from the table, and the two responded and started enjoying the meal.

After all, it is such an important festival as the New Year, so Dr. Agasa's family also prepared a lot of good ingredients. Coupled with Miyano Akemi's good cooking, Karasawa was also very satisfied with the food.

After achieving his goal, he also visited the three of them and gave them souvenirs brought back from Hokkaido. Karasawa said goodbye to the three of them and waited for the case to come.


On Saturday, snowflakes floated in the sky and covered the ground with a thin layer of white, making everything look so white and sacred.

But this is just a moment of purity when morning comes.

Although white is holy, it is also easily contaminated. As the city of Tokyo wakes up, the snowflakes on the ground turn into pitch-black sewage.

Pedestrians on the street had no intention of watching this scene. They were walking hurriedly in thick coats, as if they wanted to reach their destination as quickly as possible.

In a hotel called Rice Krispie Treats, Judy and James were patiently choosing which drinks to buy in a store filled with all kinds of drinks.

"Please, you two, just spare me."

Kamel said with some embarrassment: "My birthday has long been over at my age, so don't bother with me."

"Well, don't say that, it's just for us all to get together and relax and have a drink." Judy comforted with a smile.

"But..." Kamel hesitated.

"It's okay, don't take it too seriously."

Seeing that Kamel still had an uncomfortable expression on his face, Judy smiled and comforted him: "We just wanted to have a drink and relax because we haven't made any breakthroughs in the search of the organization.

Of course, James will pay for the treat this time, so that's right. "

"Ah, of course." James looked at the drink in his hand and nodded.

"In that case, I will not hesitate to choose a bottle of good wine." Judy looked at the drinks around her with interest, as if choosing the drink of her choice.

"Hey, hey, don't deliberately choose too expensive wine to make my wallet bleed." James looked at Judy's expression and quickly reminded him.

Judy glanced at the surrounding drinks with narrow eyes, and finally her eyes fell on a bottle of wine.

The label of the drink had the words "BOURBON" printed on it, which made Judy startled: "Bourbon..."

She grabbed the bottle of wine and stared blankly at the name "BOURBON" on the drink: 'According to what Reina Mizuno said, that codename is a new member of the black organization. I heard that an investigation has begun...

And I heard that he is extremely good at collecting intelligence, and that he is a guy with terrible observation and insight...'


While Judy was dazed, James on the side saw Judy staring at the "BOURBON" bottle in a daze, and naturally understood why the other party was dazed.

He looked at Judy who had come to her senses and said, "It's been a while since we got this news from Kil who infiltrated back again."

"Yes, but we have never investigated that guy who is like a detective." Judy said with a solemn expression.

"This is a thorn in our side right now."

James said in a serious tone: "A guy who hides in the dark and is as sharp as a "detective" is a formidable enemy to us.

I think the goal of "Bourbon" is to search for the whereabouts of the codename "Shirley" and the girl's sister. "

"They were rescued by a mysterious organization, but Xiuyi was cooperating with them..."

Judy gritted her teeth and said: "But until now, that organization has not shown up again, and Conan can't be contacted..."

"The mysterious organization's lurking may also be due to the black organization's revenge. Maybe they are also facing pressure from the black organization secretly."

James, who knew the details of the plan, naturally understood why the "Zoo" disappeared, but he still needed to complete the plan, so naturally he couldn't tell Judy.

So James could only say with relief: "With Conan here, sooner or later we will be able to find them."

"I hope so." Judy frowned and said, "I just don't know what the relationship between that child and them is..."

"Now it seems that the relationship is just a collaborator, otherwise we wouldn't be out of touch."

James shook his head slightly and said: "In short, it is certain that they have a hostile relationship with the black organization.

As long as we are still investigating the black organization, there will inevitably be times when we deal with them again.

However, when we investigate the black organization, we must also be careful. The guy named "Bourbon" will definitely come into contact with us in some form.

After all, in their view, we are partners. If we can't find them, we may also be their target. "

"If you want to come, come on, it's better to say it suits me!"

Judy's eyes were sharp: "I must find that guy called "Bourbon"!"

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