Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,173 The gangster who robbed the bank

"Okay, okay, let's stop chatting in the hotel."

Seeing that Judy was interested in continuing the discussion, James quickly said: "We are still outside now, let's talk about something relaxed."

"Yeah, let's quickly pick out the drinks."

Kamel on the side heard this and quickly changed the subject and said: "Speaking of which, that person also likes to drink this kind of bar, I mean Mr. Akai.

And the last time he set up an ambush, it was Mr. Akai who sniped at the black organization guys from the rooftop of the building 700 yards away..."

Kamel was originally talking enthusiastically about the FBI's actions in Neon before he arrived, but as he was talking, he noticed that Judy and the two had a solemn look on his face.

"Um... Is there something wrong with what I said?" Kamel said hesitantly when he saw that the two of them didn't look right.

"No, you're right." Judy said after silence.

"If Mr. Akai is still here, we don't have to worry about the guy named "Bourbon" at all." James smiled and picked up the "BOURBON" wine and said with a smile.

"Who do you think would be afraid of that guy named Bourbon!"

Hearing James' unintentional words, Judy was instantly angry and said: "We are just waiting for the guys in the black organization to be driven to the point of jumping over the wall and start taking action!

Moreover, Shuichi Akai is dead, please don’t mention his name again!

That's it, I'm leaving first! "

Judy, who looked excited, turned around and walked out of the store after getting angry at Kamel.

Watching Judy leave, James came to Kamel and sighed: "When you speak in the future, you'd better pay more attention.

For her, Shuichi Akai is more than just a comrade in the FBI. "

"I'm sorry...I will pay more attention." Kamel realized later that he had said the wrong thing, scratched his hair and said apologetically.

"Let's finish buying the wine quickly and go out." James waved his hand, picked up the red wine and walked towards the cashier.

On the other side, Judy walked through the crowd towards the other end of the traffic light in the heavy snow.

Kamel's previous words brought back her memories, reminding her of the days when she dated Akai Shuichi.

Then the scene of Akai Shuichi going undercover in the black organization and breaking up with him flashed in his mind.

But even so, she was happy to be able to work with him.

But now, even this small wish cannot be realized.

'Shuichi...why...why do you have early...'

Tears could not stop rolling in her eyes. Judy walked among the crowds of people, but she felt very lonely.

But the next moment, a figure suddenly appeared in his eyes blurred by tears.

The familiar face wearing a heavy blue coat and holding a black umbrella walked in front of her.

At that moment, everyone turned into black and white in Judy's eyes, only his figure still had color.

‘Shuichi! ? ’

Judy subconsciously stretched out her hand to grab the man passing in front of her, but the other man didn't notice him and was already walking forward with the crowd.

"Wait a minute!" Judy woke up from her daze and quickly stepped forward to chase him subconsciously.

But the people crossing the road were really serious. Even though Judy was just stunned, when she wanted to run over and chase the other person, she was still blocked by the crowd.

"Show! Wait a minute, show!"

When she squeezed through the crowd, the man had already crossed the road with an umbrella and walked towards the dark alley in the distance.

Judy panted and caught up, looking at the other person's back walking away from the alley in a daze.

'That's Xiu... But he should be dead...' Looking at the other person walking to the other end of the alley, his thoughts were confused: "Is it possible that he is just someone else who looks very similar..."

Thinking of this, Judy looked serious and her eyes were full of determination: 'No, I have to find out!

I want to confirm in person whether it is him! ’

Just as Judy was about to enter the alley, a hand from behind suddenly placed on her shoulder, which made her startled.

"What's wrong with you? I don't remember parking the car in such a remote place."

When Judy turned around, she saw James and Kamel standing behind her.

"" While feeling relieved, Judy remained calm on the surface and prevaricated, without any intention of saying what she had discovered before. .

"Could it be that you discovered a member of a black organization?" Kamel saw something was wrong with Judy's expression and asked quickly.

"No, it's not what you think." Judy said with a smile, "It's just because there were too many people, so I got a little lost."

At this point, Judy clapped her hands and smiled and changed the subject: "Stop talking about this, have you already chosen the drinks?"

"No..." James said embarrassedly: "My credit card can't be used in that store."

"And I don't have much cash on hand." Kamel scratched his head and laughed.

"So can you please help me pay it first?" James smiled awkwardly: "I will pay you back later."


Judy was dumbfounded when she heard what the two said: "But I didn't bring any money in my wallet today. I originally planned to go to the bank to withdraw money later."

"Is that so?" James also felt that this was extremely embarrassing.

The three of them couldn't come up with the money to buy a bottle of wine. At this moment, he deeply realized the inconvenience of being in a foreign country.

"Well, let's go back to the liquor store and wait for me. I'll go to the nearby bank to withdraw some money." Judy said, turning around and running away.

"I'm so sorry." James looked at Judy's back as she turned away and said, "The road is a little slippery, please be careful."

But Judy could no longer hear her. She ran towards the bank, but her mind was filled with the previous scene.

‘No, no! That was someone else, not him! ’

Judy's mind was extremely confused, and she kept trying to convince herself: "He is not Xiuyi, it is just an illusion that I miss him too much."

Judy ran with all her strength, as if she wanted to get rid of the thoughts in her mind.

(Judy is running with all her strength...)

"Eh? Mitsuhiko, are you going to save all the new year's money?" Ayumi said in surprise.

"Well, my mother opened an account for me, so I plan to deposit all the money into it." Mitsuhiko said with a smile.

"But didn't you receive a lot of red envelopes this year?" Yuantai asked puzzledly: "Wouldn't it be a pity to save them all?"

"Please call me pragmatic for doing this!" Mitsuhiko said proudly with his right hand on his chest, and took out another red envelope: "And I plan to keep the New Year's money given to me by Tang Ze Criminal. This is enough!"

"But what about you Yuanta?" Conan asked curiously: "Where is your new year's money?"

"Of course mine are all stored with my mother." Yuantai said happily: "She said that when I want to buy something more expensive, she will buy it for me!"

"So, did your mother buy anything valuable for you?" Haiyuan lowered his eyes and asked a cruel question that shattered the child's fantasy.

" seems like there really isn't..." Yuantai touched his chin blankly and said, "It seems like every time I want to buy something expensive, my mother thinks it's a waste..."

'This is obviously an excuse to collect the lucky money...' Conan secretly complained in his heart.

"Well, maybe Yuantai's mother is worried that Yuantai will fall ill one day." Dr. Ali on the side quickly made an excuse to prevent Yuantai from being shocked when he learned the truth.

Yes, Dr. A Li also came together. Although Tang Ze's excuse at first was that he came on his behalf, Dr. A Li said that he also gave lucky money to several children, so they came together.

Karasawa didn't care about this. After all, whether Dr. Ali went to the bank or not would not delay his actions. He just wanted to find an excuse to participate in the case reasonably.

"And it's just like depositing money in a bank, and it's more convenient." Tang Ze saw Dr. A Li's pleading look and said some words of comfort.

But alas, it has no effect at all.

"I want to take all the New Year's money that I deposited with my mother before!" Yuantai on the side seemed to realize that something was wrong, got up and planned to run out of the bank.

"Hey, hey," Conan saw that Yuanta was going home immediately, so he immediately stopped him.

"After all, I won't get sick at all!"

Yuantai spoke confidently, and at the same time, he also revealed the cruel fact that he was not aware that his mother had "privately embezzled" his New Year's money.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuantai's face suddenly became uncomfortable. He held his stomach and suddenly felt uncomfortable: "My stomach... hurts so much..."

"Yantai, did you eat something randomly?" Tang Ze couldn't help but guess after hearing this.

"I only ate two plates of curry at noon!" Yuantai's expression was painful and confused.

"But when I went to find you, what happened to the soybean powder on your lips?"

After hearing Genta's words, Mitsuhiko on the side directly exposed his lies with a suspicious look on his face.

"That's because after I finished the curry, I wanted some dessert, so I took four pieces of rice cakes from the refrigerator and dipped them in soy flour. Then I wanted something salty, so I baked three more pieces."

Genta looked a little embarrassed when he said this: "After that, I ate three more rice cakes filled with soy sauce and seaweed."

"So you simply ate too much." Haiyuan said speechlessly.

"In that case, Xiao Ai and I will go to the nearby drugstore to buy stomach medicine for you. Tang Ze, please stay here with them for now." Dr. A Li looked at Tang Ze and asked.

"Go to the bathroom and settle it first." Conan urged, looking at Genta who looked uncomfortable.

"I may know now why Yuantai's mother took away Yuantai's New Year's money."

Haiyuan walked out of the bank gate and said with a smile: "Maybe it was all spent on food expenses."

"I guess so." Dr. Ali smiled after hearing this.

The two of them were talking and laughing as they walked towards the nearby pharmacy, but suddenly they saw Judy passing by them in a hurry.

"That was..." Haiyuan watched Judy's back disappear into the bank door.

"She didn't seem to notice us." Dr. A Li said.

"Maybe I have something on my mind."

Haiyuan pondered for a moment, took out his cell phone and said, "The FBI showed up. Whether it's a coincidence or an accident, I'd better say hello to Tangze Criminal."

As he spoke, Haihara's fingers jumped on the keys and he quickly sent the editor's text message to Tangze.

Ding bell~

Standing outside the bathroom, Tang Ze heard a text message ringing on his phone. After opening it, he found Haibara's text message.

'Sure enough, then the case will happen next...'

Looking at the text message, Tangze pondered in his heart.

Although this text message was not what he expected, the surprise allowed him to further understand the situation of the case.

It can be said that after learning that Judy came to the bank, it is basically certain that the main storyline will definitely happen, and it will happen immediately, or even break out in the next second.

But Tangze had no intention of stopping it, but quietly waited for the case to happen.

Unlike other cases, this case also requires Judy's help in acting. After all, the fake Akai Shuichi appears in this robbery.

As for the person who plays the role, it is naturally Touko. He deliberately appeared in front of Judy disguised as Akai Shuichi in order to test the other party's reaction.

If Judy knew that Akai Shuichi was faking his death, she might actually fall over when faced with the fake Akai Shuichi he played.

And after the overturn, Toru Amuro might actually pass the information to the black organization.

After all, he has always been hostile to Shuichi Akai because of the sacrifice of his teammates. If he can leak information, he may not hesitate at all, and he can also gain the trust of another wave of organizations.

But unfortunately, Judy was also part of this plan, and her reactions were all real, dooming the other party to failure.

Therefore, not only can Tang Ze not change the plot, but he also needs to make the early stages of this case proceed smoothly.

At least you need to play Touko for a while first.

Just as Tangze's thoughts were flowing, a gunshot suddenly sounded outside the bank.

The huge gunshot instantly caused chaos in the entire bank.

Because it was still the Chinese New Year, there were many people coming to deposit and withdraw money, and screams and panicked shouts instantly reached the bathroom.

"What happened..." Ayumi and Mitsuhiko said in confusion when they heard the chaos outside the living room.

"There are gunshots outside..." Conan looked outside with a solemn expression.

"Don't come out after Genta goes to the bathroom. Mitsuhiko, you two should also go into the bathroom stall." Tangze immediately instructed: "I'll go check on the situation."

"I'm with you." Seeing Tang Ze walking outside, Conan quickly followed.

The two of them quietly poked their heads in and saw the scene in the lobby.

In the bank lobby, the gangsters have taken control of the bank with several guns.

Although it was just a brief glance, Tang Ze could roughly see the situation in the lobby. The gangsters all had firearms in their hands. In addition to pistols, they even had MP5 submachine guns.

This is even the level of heavy firepower.

"You clerks, hurry up and sit down." The gangster wearing a black mask held a gun and motioned to several female bank employees to sit down.

Among the people sitting down, a man in a blue coat seemed very angry at the gangster in front of him.

The next moment, he took advantage of the gangster's impatience to urge the staff, got up and pounced on him.

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