Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1174: Encounter in the Men's Restroom


The man yelled and rushed towards the gangster, but his movements were too slow. The gangster even turned around with ease and shot the man directly.


The man covered his arm and screamed in pain on the ground.

"Ha, idiot."

The hooded man held a gun and said: "You have seen his fate. If you don't want to end up like that idiot, then just be obedient and sit still.

Note, if you have acquaintances or companions in the lobby, sit next to each other.

Also, please come over and close the rolling shutter door of the bank! "

One of the gangsters held the bank manager and closed the rolling door.

Outside the bank, Haiyuan and Dr. Ali, who saw this scene, also realized that something was wrong, but as the door closed, they could no longer see the scene inside the bank.

The only thing they can do is call the police.

In the bank, under the gangster's act of killing chickens to scare monkeys, all the hostages could only obey the gangster's request and put their mobile phones into the bag prepared by the gangster.

There were people standing there at the beginning, but under the threat of the gangsters, only Judy stood there in a daze.

Obviously, because of this bank robbery, she was reminded of Shuichi Akai in the previous bus robbery.

"Hey, you foreign woman, can't you understand what I'm saying?"

The gangster stood up and pointed his gun at Judy, which also woke up Judy who was in a daze.

She raised her head with both hands and said in a panic in neon with a weird accent: "NO, I can still understand a little bit."

"Then hand over your phone and sit down where you are!" the gangster said unhappily.

"OK!" Judy said and sat down on the ground, but because the space was too small, she accidentally bumped into the man next to her while sitting down.


Judy subconsciously apologized, pretending to be a foreigner who was not proficient in neon language, but the next moment she saw the man's face, her pupils dilated violently, and there was a look of uncontrollable horror on her face.

Because the man she met was the Akai Shuichi she had seen in a sudden glance on the road before!

Unlike his handsome appearance before, Akai Shuichi now had a huge burn scar on the left side of his face.

'Show...Show Yi...'

Seeing Akai Shuichi appear in front of her, Judy's expression immediately softened after being frightened. She looked at him with tears in her eyes.

She excitedly grabbed the other person's shoulders and said with a trembling tone: "Are you Xiuyi? You are Xiuyi!"


But facing Judy who was almost crying with joy, Akai Shuichi remained silent without any intention of responding.

"Don't you recognize me?" Judy looked at Akai Shuichi and asked worriedly: "Or are you saying that you can't speak anymore?"

Then she noticed the huge burns on the other person's face and realized something.

‘Could it be that although he successfully escaped from the burning Chevrolet car, he was unable to speak and even lost his memory due to the impact of the explosion? ’

Judy looked at Akai Shuichi who had no reaction to her, and such thoughts flashed through her mind unconsciously.

Although in the eyes of insiders, this idea is very ridiculous, but for Judy at this moment, she saw Akai Shuichi appear in front of her, with horrific burns on her face, and she did not recognize herself and did not speak.

In such a situation, it is inevitable to think about these aspects.

"Hey!! What are you, a foreign woman, so noisy about?!"

Just as Judy was speculating about possibilities in her mind, a violent male voice suddenly interrupted her thoughts, and a chubby gangster reminded her in a rough tone: "Hurry up! Throw the phone into the bag!"

"Ah... OK! OK!" Judy put the phone into the bag honestly, and the sturdy gangster also looked at Akai Shuichi beside her: "Same for you, hurry up!"

But Akai Shuichi glanced at the other party but made no move at all.

This cold and calm attitude directly angered the robber next to him. In his opinion, everyone was just meat on their chopping board, ready to be slaughtered by them.

The fearless reaction of the man in front of him directly angered the gangster in front of him.

"You bastard, don't you want to live?"

He grabbed Akai Shuichi's dark blue scarf and pulled him up. The robber next to him also pointed a gun at him.

"NO! NO!"

Seeing the gangster threatening him with a gun, Judy quickly stood up to stop him: "He was accidentally hit by the explosion in a car accident and was unable to speak.

This scar on his face is the best evidence! "

"Huh?" The fat gangster couldn't help but look at Akai Shuichi after hearing Judy's words, and discovered the huge scar on his face.

Judy took advantage of the situation and continued to help with nice words in a weird accent: "He is a person who can't speak. Even if he has a mobile phone, he can't use it, right?"

"Ah...I know, I know!" The fat gangster let go of his hand and said impatiently: "Let's go! Hand over your phone quickly!"

After letting the two of them go, Judy and Akai Shuichi sat down again.

‘In the current situation, I must safely bring Shuichi back to his FBI colleagues...

Help him regain his memory as quickly as possible... Let him remember how he escaped from that murderous situation and whose charred body in the Chevrolet car belonged to...

In addition, what did he conspire with the mysterious organization's "Kizaru"? Did the other party betray...'

After digesting the shock of seeing Akai Shuichi again, Judy began to calm down, calmly observed the situation around her, and tried to find a way to deal with the kidnappers.

After all, no matter how much she thought and had too many questions to ask, she still had to find a way to deal with the kidnappers in front of her.

Just as Judy was thinking about countermeasures, the gangster standing in front of the crowd looked around the crowd and said in a rough voice: "Hey, the branch president of this bank, raise your hand!"

The middle-aged man wearing glasses raised his hands tremblingly. After seeing this, the gangster said with satisfaction: "Very good, come to my side now!"

"Eh?" The branch manager was obviously a little scared, but after the other party's impatient urging, he still came to the other party with his hands raised.

"Don't be so afraid."

The gangster bank manager had a look of fear on his face and said with a proud tone: "I just want to ask you to help put all the money in the bank into these suitcases.

This should be a simple thing, right? "

"As for me, am I the only one to pretend?" the bank manager raised his hands and said tremblingly.

"Of course, I think as the bank manager, you should know how to put the money in, right?"

The gangster said, looking at the watch on his wrist, and then winked at his companion next to him.

Seeing the opponent's actions, the gangster holding an MP5 submachine gun looked at the crowd and said, "Everyone who has no companions, stand up now!"

A few people stood up among the people who were squatting on the spot. They all raised their hands and looked at the gangsters with guns in front of them with fearful expressions.

The gangster holding the MP5 held a gun in one hand and took out a roll of tape in the other hand: "You guys, come over here to get the tape.

Seal the eyes and mouths of those who have friends or acquaintances, and then tie their hands behind their backs!

You guys, you know why I picked you, right?

But don't be careful. If you let anyone loose at that time, I will be the first to find trouble with you.

You don't know them, so there's no need to sacrifice your life just to be merciful. "

The gangster smiled very maliciously, which made several people present tremble uncontrollably.

After being threatened and intimidated by the gangsters present, they used great force when tying up others and did not dare to show any mercy.

A middle-aged woman with long interrupted hair quickly tied up Shuichi Akai, and taped her eyes and mouth.

"Well, I'm sorry...I have to post it..."

The woman came to Judy's side and said apologetically.

"OH, can I go to the bathroom before that?"

With a weird accent, Judy looked uncomfortable: "I can't bear it anymore."

"Tch, why is it this troublesome foreign woman again!" The fat kidnapper on the side looked at Judy with an impatient look on her face.


With a weird accent, Judy said coquettishly.

The gangster who looked like the leader looked at his watch again and said, "You can go if you want, but your eyes, mouth, and hands must be tied before you go!"

"OK~Thank you~" Judy took off her glasses and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The fat gangster escorted Judy, whose eyes and mouth were sealed, into the bathroom.


Looking at the sign of the men's restroom, the impatient gangster felt that there was no one inside anyway and the other party couldn't see it, so he pushed the other party directly into a single room in the toilet.

"Then call me when you're done." The fat gangster pushed Judy impatiently and turned around to leave.

Judy, who was pushed into the cubicle, was gagged, but she made a humming sound and seemed to be planning to say something.

Hearing the noise, the fat gangster turned around and saw that the woman in front of him was twisting her body, as if she wanted to say something.

Today, Judy is wearing a red sweater with a dark yellow windbreaker, and her lower body is wearing a short skirt with dark flesh-colored thick stockings.

With Judy's ability to twist, the windbreaker opened to reveal her twisting legs.

Looking at those slender and straight long legs, the fat gangster next to him immediately became lustful and understood the dilemma of the other person not taking off his underwear.

The kidnapper, who felt the need to help the lady, half-crouched in front of Judy with a lewd smile and placed the gun in his hand directly on the ground.

The moment the gun's steel and ceramic tiles were lowered to the ground and made a slight sound, Judy hit the criminal's chin with a sharp knee.

Judy was very confident in her knee attack. After hearing the sound of the opponent falling to the ground, she immediately sat on the toilet in the single room, stretched her arms tied behind her back and let her feet pass through the arms tied behind her back.

With good body flexibility, Judy easily moved her hands that were tied behind her back to the front.

The next moment, Judy tore off the tape from her mouth, bit the tape off her hands with her mouth, and then slowly removed the tape from her eyes with both hands.

"As expected of an active FBI investigator, his skills are really good."

Just when Judy took off the tape on her eyes and could not see the scene clearly, a male voice suddenly sounded along with the sound of footsteps, which surprised Judy.

But when she saw the person clearly, she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and asked in surprise: "Why are you here too?"

"Well, it's just to give these guys some lucky money." After Tang Ze finished speaking, Conan and the other four walked out of the single room on the side.

"Tang Ze Criminal planned to give us lucky money, but it was too troublesome to do so one by one, so he made an appointment to meet with us today. It just so happened that Mitsuhiko also wanted to save the lucky money."

Conan walked out shortly after, smiling and adding to Judy to explain the reason why they were here.

"As for why we are here, we naturally have to thank Genta who has a stomachache after eating too much." Tang Ze looked at Genta and said with a smile.

"After we got to the bathroom, we suddenly heard a loud bang!" Ayumi described in a low voice.

"Then Karasawa Criminal realized something was wrong and quickly asked us to hide in the bathroom." Mitsuhiko agreed.

"Of course, my stomach won't hurt anymore." Yuantai explained immediately, fearing that Judy would laugh at him for this reason.

After all, everyone escaped disaster by going to the bathroom because they had a stomachache. It can't be said to be a cool thing.

But in this situation, no one will take care of Yuantai's ideas.

"How many robbers are there in total outside now?" Lowering his voice as much as possible, Conan looked at Judy and asked the question he was most concerned about.

"There are five people in total, and all of them carry guns." Judy said with a serious expression.

"Is their goal simply money?" Tang Ze said while handcuffing the gangster on the ground and taking away his gun.

"Yes, before I came over, they were asking the bank director to put the money into the suitcase they had prepared."

Judy nodded when she said this, then touched her chin and muttered: "But what's a little strange is that they differentiate the hostages based on whether they have friends or acquaintances around them.

At the same time, the job of loading money is only left to the bank chief to help them load money.

Other than that, everyone seems to care about time..."

As soon as Judy finished speaking, her eyes unconsciously looked in the direction behind her, and her expression immediately became solemn the next moment.

And Tang Ze naturally understood why the other party reacted like this, because he also heard the footsteps approaching from outside.

Immediately asking Conan and others to return to the bathroom and hide, Karasawa and Judy immediately exchanged glances.

"Although there are so many doubts, I only need to deal with them alone from now on. Now I have solved one person~"

As soon as Judy's weird tone fell, the gangster's malicious words came from behind her: "You woman, you are really wishful thinking~"

The electric shock baton made a violent "crackling" sound as it approached Judy, who was separated by a wall, but he was completely unaware of the murderous intention hidden behind it.

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