Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,175 Join forces to defeat the enemy

At the door of the men's room in the bathroom, Judy is on the right side of the door, near the stall.

Therefore, the wall blocked the two gangsters' view, allowing them to only see Judy standing next to the wall.

Perhaps because he was holding a gun and only facing a woman, the gangster didn't have much vigilance.

In order to avoid the panic caused by shooting and the forceful attack by the police, one of the gangsters directly attacked Judy behind the door of the men's toilet with an electric shock baton.

But the moment the electric shock baton approached, Judy grabbed the opponent's wrist with her right hand and turned the direction at lightning speed. At the same time, she pushed towards the opponent's elbow with her left hand.

The electric shock device, which was flashing with lightning, turned around and struck hard at the opponent's neck.

The gangster was confident that everything was under control, and with two companions together, he did not expect to be counterattacked by a woman. He was stunned by the electric shock device in his hand without any reaction at all.

Faced with this sudden attack, the other gangster also reflexively wanted to raise his machine gun and shoot.

But the next moment, he only felt severe pain in his wrist, followed by the crisp sound of bones, and the firearm that had not yet been lifted steadily was removed directly.

But before he could cry out in pain, a violent impact hit his chin directly to force him to shut up. In the end, the gangster only felt pain in his chin and lost consciousness in an instant.

When Judy attacked the gangster who was approaching her, Karasawa was also acting with her.

Although they were several points farther away than Judy, the two of them took action almost at the same time.

Tang Ze, who was tall and powerful, almost faced the gangster holding an MP5 in one step. He had no mercy in the face of such a gangster.

With just one face-to-face meeting, he removed the opponent's right hand holding the gun, and then struck hard with the palm of his left hand, causing his screams like a reflex of pain to be silenced before they could be heard.

And in this scene, Conan, who was hiding in the cubicle next to him, also took in everything. While applauding Tangze's skills, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

It was so thrilling before that even a slight mistake would give the prisoner a chance to shoot. By that time, even if the two people had been subdued, it would still alert the kidnappers guarding the hostages outside.

At that time, the situation will be very bad, and the kidnappers outside may even massacre the hostages immediately after hearing the gunshots here.

Therefore, although the previous attack between the two was short-lived, every second was a terrifying moment.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. Although it was the first time for the two to cooperate, they reached a tacit understanding fairly quickly after realizing that a gangster was approaching, and that was how they cooperated this time.

Even Judy herself couldn't help but sigh in admiration when she saw Karasawa's sharp and decisive attack, and felt relieved to have such a reliable teammate in this situation.

To be honest, if he was alone, she would never take the risk of solving these two people here. After all, she was not 100% sure that she could solve them quietly.

But with Karasawa as a reliable teammate, Judy directly agreed to his impromptu plan, and cooperated with Karasawa to control the two people who came to find their companions.

"Thanks to you, I didn't expect these gangsters to be so cautious." After controlling the two of them, Judy also breathed a sigh of relief: "If it were me, I would probably be controlled by the other party."

"Hurry up. If the three of you don't go back for a long time, the two people outside may feel something is wrong."

After Tang Ze knelt down and searched, he handed the gun in the hand of one of the gangsters to the other: "There are only two left outside now, let's take them by surprise.

How about it, are you sure? "

Judy took the pistol and checked the magazine, then loaded the pistol with a confident smile on her face: "I'm still somewhat confident in my marksmanship.

It's you, don't shoot much, is that okay? "

"Of course it's no problem." Tang Ze smiled and said, "Then I'll go and investigate the location of the two prisoners outside the lobby. Please tie up these two prisoners with the children."

"be careful."

Judy warned worriedly: "Even if you can't detect the location, don't let them discover you."

"Don't worry." Tang Ze told the other party not to worry: "I still have some experience in investigation."

With that said, Tang Ze quietly walked out of the bathroom door and walked towards the bank lobby.

Of course, he didn't stick his head out to take a gamble. There was no need to see whether the two robbers outside the lobby looked at the odds.

After all, he has the most powerful technological tool for spying on the enemy, the Spider Spider, so he doesn't have to worry about small detections on the enemy.

Eject the spider at the corner, and soon, with the assistance of the AI ​​"detective", you can clearly see the scene in the lobby.

Because the two companions felt something was wrong and went to the bathroom to check the situation, only the two kidnappers were left in the bank hall.

Even though the hostages were all tied up, the gangsters still held guns and pointed at the crowd preparing in front of them. They seemed to be afraid that criminals would suddenly rush in, so they kept holding on to the lives of the hostages.

But they didn't seem to be much prepared for the direction of the bathroom. Perhaps they thought that nothing would go wrong if two companions went over with guns in hand to check the situation, so they left their backs open with confidence.

After confirming the picture, Karasawa returned directly to the bathroom and informed Judy of their location.

The two gangsters were standing in the lobby, facing the door, guarding the hostages. This simple position was just for Judy to say, so that they could have a clear impression of the gangster's location.

After checking the firearms again, he used the anesthesia needle in his hand to stab the three gangsters one after another. Tang Ze asked the four children to guard the three gangsters in the men's room and walked out of the bathroom with Judy.

When they came to the corner of the bathroom corridor and the bank lobby, Judy and Karasawa looked at each other and counted down to each other's lips for five seconds.




When the countdown reached the last digit, the two of them rushed out, raised their guns in unison, and decisively pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

"Bang bang bang!!!"

Facing the gangsters with their backs turned to them, both of them did not hesitate at all and started shooting directly at them without any mercy.

After all, they were facing gangsters armed with firearms who were threatening the lives of dozens of hostages. They were also responsible for the innocent hostages.

Because the two of them had already agreed on the targets they were responsible for when discussing their positions before, so there was no embarrassing mistake where two people aimed at one person and shot, but one person escaped unharmed.

Although the effective distance of the pistol fluctuates around a hundred meters depending on the model, under the current situation it is less than twenty meters.

Based on Judy and Karasawa's shooting skills, this basically means that they are always on target. Even if they fire one after another, the cold bullets will still not miss.

Although the shooters were two different people, they unanimously fired one of the shots into the opponent's gun-holding arm, and the remaining two accurately penetrated the main torso of the two gangsters.

These three shots were almost done in one go, and the gangster fell to the ground without any reaction.

The successive gunshots also frightened all the hostages in the lobby, but their eyes, mouths and hands were all tied up at the moment. Even though they were extremely frightened, they could only make a low struggling sound of "wuwu".

In contrast, their movements can better reflect the fear in their hearts. Countless people moved their bodies crazily, as if they could avoid danger in this way.

And because everyone was so close together, the scene quickly became chaotic, even a little... funny...

There was no way, when everyone was on the ground with their buttocks on their bodies, twisting and moving in a direction that they may not even know, and then bumped into other people, it quickly became a mess.

However, Tang Ze and the other two did not control the chaotic situation first, but quickly approached the two gangsters and took away the firearms in their hands.

Although the main torso was shot several times, the two gunmen showed mercy and did not directly kill the two gangsters.

Otherwise, with their marksmanship, it would be absolutely no problem to shoot them directly in the head.

Judy may be worried because she is in a foreign country and has no law enforcement rights.

Tang Ze is also not a murderous person. Naturally, he will not choose to kill people when he is sure that he can control the situation.

Sometimes, when you kill someone, even if you are legal, something underlying is broken.

Therefore, if there is really no compelling situation, and he is confident that he can control the situation, he will not kill people casually.

Tangze unloaded the guns of the two gangsters, making sure that they would not be in a situation where the remaining blood would cause casualties.

Karasawa and Judy asked the two gangsters who were lying on the ground to lie down, and asked them to cover the wounds on their chests with their hands to prevent excessive bleeding to death, and then shouted at the hostages in the auditorium.

"Okay, quiet, you are safe!!"

Tang Ze shouted at the crowd: "I am Tang Ze, a criminal from the Metropolitan Police Department. The gangster has been subdued by me. Everyone, stay still where you are. I will have someone help you untie you!"

Tang Ze's words that revealed his identity had an immediate effect. The originally riotous crowd immediately reduced the commotion after hearing his words.

"I will untie you now, don't worry!" Judy on the side also spoke in a weird tone to comfort everyone, and the effect of her speech was even better than that of Tang Ze.

Obviously, her previous performance as a "show-stopper" also gave everyone a certain impression of her as a foreign woman, so everyone believed the words of this foreign woman more than the previous words of the man Tangze.

"Bank manager, come here and help open the bank's security door."

Tang Ze shouted to the middle-aged man who was standing in front of the suitcase, helpless. Under Tang Ze's urging, the middle-aged man jumped up and realized that his group had been saved.

With his body trembling with excitement, the middle-aged man hurriedly ran to the backstage of the bank where the door was controlled, and pressed the machine to raise the bank door.

Outside, the criminal who hurried over was still startled by the gunshots inside, but suddenly he saw the rolling shutter door open, and then the glass inside was pushed open.

Everyone subconsciously pointed their guns at the intruder and looked nervously at the man going out with guns in both hands.

"Hey, don't be so nervous, I've subdued all the gangsters."

Throwing the firearm in his hand to the ground, Karasawa waved towards the police car, and then saw Officer Megure running towards him.

"Brother Karasawa, why are you here?" Officer Megure waved his hand. The special attack team members on the side also breathed a sigh of relief and quickly lowered the muzzle of their guns to avoid accidentally injuring friendly troops.

In fact, the special attack team and Tangze didn't interact much, and the situation just now was too tense. If they had met each other at work, they would have recognized them a long time ago.

"I came to the bank to do business for some reasons, but I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing."

Tangze shrugged and said, "But fortunately, I still have my teammates here, so I dealt with them in batches."

"Teammate?" Officer Memu asked in surprise: "Who is it?"

"Miss Judy from the FBI."

Tang Ze said: "She seems to have come to the bank to withdraw money. We will discuss the details when we get back. Let's move the hostages out of the bank quickly.

This group of gangsters has heavy firepower, and they may have bombs, so be careful. "

"Ah, yes." Officer Megure realized that there were more important things to do, and quickly let the special attack team enter to help rescue and arrest the gangsters.

Because of Tangze's reminder, the special attack team quickly found the detonator on the gangster. After careful investigation, they found the bomb in the suitcase containing the money.

This situation accelerated the speed at which they transferred the hostages. Some people even ran out with the help of acquaintances or members of the special attack team without even being untied from the tapes tied to their bodies.

Because Judy had already rescued several people during the short period of their conversation, and they all helped to rescue others, the hostage transfer was actually very fast.

And because all the money in the bank vault was taken out by the bank director, the final task of dismantling the bomb was placed in the vault. If an accident occurred, the loss could be minimized.


After all the hostages evacuated the bank, Judy subconsciously wanted to find Akai Shuichi.

As a member of her own family, she was naturally biased. In addition, she was worried about the other party's comfort. When she helped to untie the hostages, she was the first to help them loosen them.

After the other party untied the tape, she silently followed her instructions and began to help untie the other hostages.

This made her think that she had gained the trust of the amnesiac Akai Shuichi, so she could help untie the other hostages with confidence.

But when the special attack team appeared, Judy evacuated with the crowd to find Akai Shuichi, but found that the other party had completely disappeared.


Judy shouted to the crowd in panic, and then subconsciously wanted to search around.

But as soon as she stepped out of the crowd, she was suddenly stopped.

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