"Teacher Judy, where are you going?"

The person who stopped Judy was none other than Karasawa, who was always paying attention to each other's movements.

Although he knew that the other party was looking for Akai Shuichi, he seemed to be an outsider who knew nothing.

So when he saw Judy looking for Shuichi Akai disguised as Touko, he directly stopped Judy who wanted to search around.

After all, Tohru Amuro is pretending to be Shuichi Akai, and he may have just left in troubled waters. In order for the plot to proceed smoothly, he naturally cannot let Judy "catch" him.

At this moment, the most important thing is to allow Toru Amuro to leave smoothly without revealing his identity, bring back the information about Judy's true feelings, and convince the organization that Shuichi Akai is dead.

Therefore, for the sake of the overall strategic situation, Tangze couldn't let Judy find the other party, not to mention that blocking him was what he, an "outsider", should do.

Although Judy is often called a tool person, in fact, after leaving Akai Shuichi, this person's intelligence and insight are as if she has added BUFF, and her level can be said to have skyrocketed.

Therefore, if Karasawa plays the role of an outsider and does not stop her, it may make the other party confused afterwards, so he has to stop her no matter what the reason is.

"I'm looking for someone, a man with a scar on his face. That's my companion. He was injured in an accident before. Now he can't speak and has memory problems."

Although Judy was anxious when Karasawa stopped her, she also knew that the man in front of her would definitely not let her go if she didn't explain clearly.

And if you explain clearly, the other party will be able to help you find the other party faster.

"is that so?"

Tang Ze continued to play the role of a well-meaning criminal: "Maybe you didn't see him in the crowd. I asked my colleagues to look for him. If I find him, I will be the first to tell you."

"I'm worried that he will leave. Let me go and look around. Don't worry, I will come back." Judy looked around anxiously, fearing that the other person would disappear in front of her in a moment of negligence.

She believed in her observation skills. She didn't see that familiar figure in the crowd just walking out, which was why she was so anxious.

The person who once thought was no longer alive miraculously appeared in front of her today. How could Judy let him go again.

"Okay..." Tang Ze hesitated for a moment and said, "Because we are friends, I believe you, but you did shoot after all. You will go with us to record a confession later."

"I understand, thank you!"

Judy nodded quickly, showed a grateful expression towards Karasawa, and then ran towards the nearby road, hoping to find the figure she would miss even in her sleep.

But she was disappointed. No matter how hard she searched, she never met that familiar figure on the street.

Even until a few little ones and a few gangsters escorting the unconscious gangsters walked out, the closing work of the case was completed, and Judy was still desperately searching for the other party's footprints nearby.

But this is also expected. Toru Amuro's anti-reconnaissance and concealment capabilities are absolutely top-notch. Even if Karasawa doesn't stop Judy for a moment, the probability that Judy can find the opponent is not more than 20%.

After all, the other party only needs to tear off the disguise mask to completely transform into another person. It is extremely difficult to find him.

"Miss Judy, it's time for us to go."

Just as Judy was panting and holding her knees to catch her breath, Karasawa stepped over and said, "As my assistant to help me subdue the gangster, you need to go back with me to record a transcript.

Don't worry, although you fired the shot, everything was reasonable under the circumstances and you just need to go through the process. "

"Karasawa Criminal, have you found my companion?"

Faced with Karasawa's comforting words, Judy, who was in a daze, did not pay the slightest attention. Instead, she eagerly asked if Karasawa had seen his companion: "He has huge burns on his face. It should be obvious." right!"

"Sorry, I asked at the same time. There is no man with the appearance you mentioned among the evacuated people." Facing Judy's expectant gaze, Tang Ze gave the destined answer.

"How could it be..." Judy was lost, her body shaking unconsciously, obviously unable to accept this clue: "Was it all an illusion I saw before..."

Karasawa couldn't do anything to comfort him, so he could only take Judy, who was silent and dazed, in a police car and return to the Metropolitan Police Department, where he completed the transcript according to the procedure.

Because the matter was urgent, and it was Tang Ze who requested the other party's assistance, Judy just went through the process, took notes, and ended the process. She was later thanked by the police.

Of course, Judy was worried about the disappeared Akai Shuichi at the moment, so she looked worried when facing the thank you, so she just dealt with the matter hastily.

No one cared about this at all. After all, it was normal for others to feel dazed when encountering such a thing.

Especially in that kind of urgent environment, designing goals and ensuring the safety of hostages, just thinking about it almost makes people's hearts jump out of their throats.

That kind of situation, even if it is only for a short moment, is probably a huge drain on the mind, and it is not incomprehensible to be mentally exhausted.

By the way, the two unlucky guys who had holes drilled into Karasawa and Judy did not die. The situation at that time seemed very dangerous to outsiders, but to two people who had experienced many battles, it was nothing It's a small scene.

In that case, Tangze and the two of them coincidentally did not kill the two of them, but showed mercy and only allowed them to be shot in the arms and chests.

Afterwards, the two kindly allowed them to seal the wound, and an ambulance was prepared outside to treat the hostage in time to prevent injuries. Fortunately, a small life was spared.

The robber ended up using the police ambulance, which was a bit ironic.

And after they robbed the bank's money, they did not leave. Instead, they found the reason why they tied up the hostages, or they knew their original robbery plan.

It turned out that they did not intend to force their way out, but wanted to fish in troubled waters among the hostages and escape.

This is why the hostages are blindfolded and people without companions are asked to tie up the hostages with companions.

They are not afraid of showing mercy when someone is kidnapped, but they want to choose scapegoats, and those without companions are the best candidates.

This was naturally to prevent the hostages from exposing their ruse.

No one knew them, so the police naturally needed to verify their identities, and they were able to successfully escape from the siege by pretending to be hostages.

That's right, they planned to pretend to blow up the vault, and then create the illusion that all the gangsters were killed because of an accident with the bomb.

The real money in the box was the burial object they planned for this time. After all, the police would not have thought that they would be willing to use real money as a prop in the conspiracy.

After all, robbing banks is all about money, so blowing up all the money isn't putting the cart before the horse.

But the prisoners took advantage of this dark psychology and came up with this plan.

As for using bank money as victims of the conspiracy, where did they go to get the money? According to the gangsters during the interrogation, they initially planned to threaten the bank director to transfer money online and transfer the money to an bearer account abroad.

But this is destined to be an impossible plan, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are stupid thieves.

Because in order to prevent fraud and money laundering that have increased in recent years, any money exceeding 5 million yen and the purpose of remittance is unknown will be subject to legal restrictions.

This bank's ATM machine has 200 million yen, the bank can withdraw 100 million yen in cash, and the electronic account has almost the same amount.

It is simply impossible to transfer such a huge sum of money to one's overseas account.

If you don't call back, you will be intercepted by the foreign exchange center at the bank headquarters.

Their plan was probably made a long time ago, and they even prepared sufficient weapons.

If they act according to the situation at that time, they might actually be able to successfully complete their plan.

But unfortunately, it is destined to be a failed robbery now, and what awaits them is destined to be a futile outcome.

Call them stupid, but there is indeed a set of practical changes.

But let's call them smart criminals...

He didn't even understand the latest bank transfer policy, so he just came here to steal a robbery that was destined to be impossible. It didn't seem to be called smart.

In short, this case is over, and they are not even the protagonists in Karaze's eyes.

After all, this time they were just playing a supporting role to bring out Amuro Toru. This shocking robbery in the eyes of the world was just an intelligence battle in his eyes.

After sending the news of Judy's encounter with Scar Akai Shuichi to Conan via text message to let him be mentally prepared to know that the organization has begun to take action, Karasawa drove towards home.

The exposed electronic screens in the large shopping malls passing by were still broadcasting news about a group of robbers who had just finished robbing a bank.

One of the reporters used very complimentary words to praise Tang Ze on TV for rescuing dozens of hostages. Even representatives from the police press conference also praised Tang Ze vigorously.

Tang Ze was embarrassed to hear those words of praise.

But to outsiders, this is a very heroic thing, but to the people around you, it doesn't make people feel the slightest bit excited.

Some are just deeply worried.

"Sorry for making you worry."

As soon as he entered the house and hugged the beauty who rushed into his arms, Tang Ze apologized.

"When I saw the news, I was scared to death." Ayako hugged Karasawa and was full of fear.

"Actually, just like what I said on the phone, it's not as dangerous as you think." Tang Ze said with a smile: "I happened to be in the toilet at the time, and those stupid thieves were not prepared at all.

The first three sneak attacks were easily solved, and the last two gangsters who got their guns to surprise them and attacked the lobby were even easier. They fell to the ground before they could react.

As for what is said in the news, they are all exaggerations. "

"You always pick nice things to say." Ayako said dissatisfied: "Every time you encounter danger, you always downplay it like this."

"But what I told is the truth." Tang Ze said with a smile: "You still don't know my skills?"

"I don't know." Ayako retorted with a cold face.

"Then I'll let you know!"

Karasawa said, picking up Ayako and running towards the bedroom, while Ayako struggled to get off Karasawa's arms.

"Well... I haven't eaten yet..." Ayako struggled to refuse.

"Do some exercise first~the food will taste better later~"

Tangze smiled evilly and rushed forward, sealing the other person's mouth the next moment.


As we all know, exercise is very beneficial, and it is normal to have an appetite after spending a lot of energy.

Although after exercising, the dinner prepared by Ayako was already cold and had to be reheated, but Karasawa still ate a lot despite Ayako's supercilious look, and even volunteered to do the dishes after the meal.

Of course, although Byakugan had eaten a lot, Ayako's previous worried and bad mood had dissipated. It had to be said that Karasawa's method, although simple and crude, was still effective.

After finishing everything, Tang Ze was finally able to relax completely and came to the most exciting part of counting rewards.

With a thought, a virtual light curtain appeared, and the next moment information was refreshed one by one.

【Unlucky robber group】

Finish: good

[Congratulations to the host for getting 500 destiny points]

[Congratulations to the host for getting the safe and sound card (3 days)]

Evaluation: In this bank robbery, you did not passively wait for opportunities. Instead, you used your own strength to turn passivity into initiative and firmly control the situation in your own hands.

With your extraordinary strength and decisive decision to kill, you gave the evildoers a thunderous judgment. Your rumors made the evildoers frightened and greatly frightened potential criminals with evil intentions.

Your name has spread throughout the country, and you have been favored by fate!

Seeing the reward this time, Tang Ze couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, the reward this time was actually much richer than he expected.

In his original expectation, the reward this time would only be a few more destiny points at most.

After all, this case was successfully solved by Conan in the original plot without any trouble, and he just solved the case in advance and beat the gangster half to death.

But I didn't expect that in addition to the reward of destiny points, I would also get a safe and sound card (3 days), which can be said to be my most commonly used consumable prop.

Although the days are not long, if you use it in conjunction with the case, you can also give yourself a short vacation, and it is a real deal to save yourself a fortune point.

Other than that, it’s just fate’s favor.

You know, this is not something easy to obtain. In the past, Karasawa had to solve the case to a "perfect level" or above to gain the favor of fate.

But often when he gets it, it also means that he has gained a lot, but this time he actually got a little precious reward?

Tang Ze looked at the system reviews again and found that it was mentioned that the news that he had solved the bandit group this time was widely circulated, which frightened potential criminals with evil intentions.

Perhaps it was the fermentation of this incident that brought about this unexpected change in him?

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