Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,177 When people are exhausted, Ou has a tan day

Changing the reality outside the case to a certain extent can also disturb the line of fate and obtain rewards.

It's just that ordinary cases cannot escape "love, hate, and hatred." They are basically personal grievances. It can be said that there are not many cases that have a great impact.

But this bank robbery was different. A group of robbers armed with firearms and even submachine guns like MP5 took dozens of hostages.

In this case, the world-famous Tang Ze Criminal actually solved the bandit group alone, Wushang successfully eliminated the gangsters and rescued the hostages.

This deed is enough to be called a legend no matter where it is placed.

Not to mention that in Neon, a country where the whole country has chuunibyou, the worship of the strong can be said to be infiltrated into the bones.

Suddenly, the news media and the Internet were all discussing Tang Ze's legendary deeds.

As for the nicknames, they also became "Detective God", "Martial God", etc. They were so exaggerated that it made Tangze's scalp numb, and he was so embarrassed that he could deduct three bedrooms and one living room.

At night, when the two of them were lying on the bed chatting before going to bed, Ayako carried out a series of "public executions" on him with a notebook in her hand, in order to "retaliate" for his previous excessive behavior.

Even a calm person like Tang Ze couldn't help but twist awkwardly on the bed. It must be said that social death is the most terrifying death in the world.

Of course, after that, because Ayako kept chasing her, Karasawa became angry and immediately turned around and took Ayako to exercise again, leaving her breathless and unable to laugh at herself anymore before he gave up.

As Ayako fell asleep in his arms, Karasawa's eyelids instantly sank after a hard day's work.

But after closing his eyes, he did not immediately let go of his mind and fall asleep. Instead, he opened the system panel again with anticipation.

As for what to do, of course it’s a lottery!

Because of this generous reward, Tangze once again collected 2,000 destiny points!

And this time he did not hesitate to choose the lottery to strengthen his strength as much as possible.

After all, the train chapter is coming soon. With sufficient reserves of wound medicine, bullets and other materials, it would be good to increase a little strength.

Regardless of the force or the various qualities of the detective, I believe it will be of greater help to him.

As information circulates, the ten consecutive draws have begun!

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Hacking Technology (3 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: French (4 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Profile 2 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Swimming (3 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the prop: Emergency compressed biscuit × 1]

As the information was refreshed, the results of the first five draws appeared before Tangze's eyes.

The results of the first five times made Karasawa feel distressed. For example, swimming and French can be improved by learning on his own, and it will not improve his strength too much. It can be said that it is a loss-making deal.

As for the only prop, to be honest, the one Karasawa drew before is still in his prop backpack and has never been used.

Now he can only say that food storage +1...

At least there will be enough food reserves when needed.

But there is no way, this thing is based on appearance, if you don't draw well, you have to accept your fate, but the only thing to be thankful for is that two of the five times are good.

Profiling is a professional skill of the detective master. In the previous case of Saeda Kazami, he relied on the profiling of three related people with distinctive personalities to deduce the truth, which shows the role of profiling.

Of course, what Karaze did in that case was indeed a gamble.

And the reason why he was so careless and dared to gamble was because he saw that Sanzhaofengjian wanted to surrender, so writing it was just an excuse to get the other party to confess.

In the situation at that time, it didn't actually matter whether he was wrong or right. The only difference was whether he would be criticized more by the other party.

So it is very good to be able to profile. This is more like a psychological analysis and prediction after understanding the person. If you upgrade to A level, you may be able to predict a person's star movement pattern.

Of course, profiling has its limits, and it is impossible to predict accurately. After all, people are the biggest quantum changes. No one except yourself can 100% predict what another person will do in a certain situation.

However, Karaze would be satisfied if he could improve himself.

In addition, the improvement of hacking skills made him even more satisfied.

As the artificial intelligence "detective" continues to upgrade, his hacking skills are slowly failing to keep up.

Even if there is a system behind it to prevent it from going out of control, Tangze doesn't want to be someone who only knows how to use it but doesn't understand its operation.

That would be too dangerous, and Tangze would feel insecure, so he not only had to be able to use the tools, but he also had to be able to understand the principles.

Not to mention making it with bare hands, you must at least be able to modify and repair it, and understand the principles and not make mistakes.

So even though two out of five were basically losing blood, Tang Ze still felt a little comforted in his heart.

After seeing the previous draws, Tangze set his sights on the subsequent draws with anticipation.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Trace Identification (2 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for getting the prop: Fat House Happy Events Package]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Flower Cuisine (5 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Chemistry (2 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Biology (2 years)]

After seeing the five subsequent rewards, Tangze almost emo'd himself.

Although subject knowledge such as biology and chemistry is of some use, for a miscellaneous scholar who is not involved in a wide range of subjects, it is not as useful as imagined.

As for the props, they are just snacks. If you spend 200 destiny points to buy snacks, even if they are really delicious, you will lose a lot of money.

As for gardening and cooking...

Well, although he usually loses money, this time after getting the full five years, his flower gardening cuisine directly reached the full level.

An A+ level skill, even if it's just a daily skill, is worth celebrating.

The only consolation is the professional skill of trace identification...

After taking stock of this harvest, Tang Ze's face turned dark. He felt that he was being targeted by the non-chiefs, but not many good things came out.

But there is no way that the lottery is a complete bet on character, so I can only admit defeat obediently.

There's no way, the lottery is just like that, and it's not really a loss. Even if those skills are not that important compared to the skills of the main profession, it is still an improvement.

Tang Ze took this very seriously, but after being depressed for a while, he adjusted his mentality and soon fell asleep.

Early the next morning, after having breakfast, Tangze went to work and felt the power of yesterday's news.

The reporters stationed in the Metropolitan Police Building came to Kesouyan to stay with him early in the morning. They were very enthusiastic. Even if he refused, the cameras in their hands would keep shuttering. It seemed that they had his latest photos. Something to cross.

Fortunately, Sihuayuan had anticipated this situation early and quickly stopped the media reporters for Tang Ze, allowing him to escape smoothly.

After a while, Sihuayuan also opened the door and entered the office.

“It’s not free to drink morning tea and afternoon tea every day.”

Tang Ze poured Sihuayuan a cup of black tea and said with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Of course, I'm not just doing it for a living."

Sihuayuan rolled his eyes angrily and said, "But I can't hold it down this time. The above message also hopes that you can accept interviews and increase publicity.

After all, what you did this time is indeed beautiful, which can greatly enhance the reputation of the Metropolitan Police Department and the trust of the people.

Those reporters had a lot of connections, so it only took me five minutes to refuse them, but it took me fifteen minutes to answer the phone outside before I was cleared. "

"Well... it was expected." Tang Ze drank the red tea and said: "After all, they also want to follow the trend and get some results."

Naturally, he, as a great hero, deserves a lot of credit, but if a good subordinate makes achievements, the superior above him can also share some of the credit.

"It's good that you know." Sihuayuan took out a box of yokan from the drawer of the coffee table, unpacked it and ate it happily.

"Forget it, you tell them after dinner that I will be interviewed by them at three o'clock in the afternoon." Tang Ze thought for a while and said, "But don't be too formal, just be casual."

"Okay." Sihuayuan nodded and said with a smile, "Thank you for taking care of me. Otherwise, if you had to refuse, I would be the one having a headache.

But now, I can make those guys owe me a favor. "

This is not an exaggeration. Although Sihuayuan is responsible for the communication between reporters and Tang Ze, everyone knows that she is just a tool.

If she refused, the reporters wouldn't think she was incompetent. After all, Tang Ze was famous for his lack of skills. After all, given his status, he had no shortage of interviews.

Instead, they chased Karasawa's news.

Judging from Tang Ze's previous attitude, we knew that it was useless for them to have a relationship. If Sihuayuan helped them facilitate this matter at this time, then they would naturally thank Sihuayuan and tacitly owe this favor.

When Sihuayuan needs them next time, they can't refuse.

This is what happens when interviewing Tang Ze. If you were someone else, you would be asking for help and being owed a favor.

After discussing the time, he kicked Sihuayuan out to work after drinking tea, and Tang Ze began to sort out his affairs.

With Koshimi Nanatsuki helping to take care of things, his job is much easier. Many things only need to be read once and signed, which is not difficult at all.

"By the way, how are those scientific researchers doing?" Thinking of what happened some time ago, Tang Ze couldn't help but ask.

"Ah~ you said that."

The corners of Koshizui Nanatsuki's lips raised: "They have become a lot more honest recently, and they even stopped researching and started to concentrate on their work.

During this period, they also asked me about your attitude. I was casually perfunctory, and after some chatting, I found out that they had decided to wait for the next batch of scientific research funds to be allocated before purchasing new machines for research. "

"With the lessons learned before, I will be honest in the future." Tang Ze nodded with satisfaction.

After looking at the time, it was almost time to get off work, Karasawa gave Koshimizu Nanatsuki an early leave so that she wouldn't have to come over in the afternoon.

Then he took Chengshi, who had just gotten off work, to have a meal together before returning to the office to rest.

That's right, because his work requires his office to have a bed. Perhaps this is what makes the criminal job a little more special than other jobs.

After all, this organization has been operating 24 hours a day since its establishment, and it naturally needs people to take turns to replace it to prevent cases that may happen all the time.

After taking a nap and getting up half an hour before the start of the meeting to tidy up his appearance, Tangze went to the appointed conference room to accept interviews from reporters.

Although Karasawa spoke casually, there were too many reporters who wanted to interview and get first-hand information.

Therefore, as a last resort, Sihuayuan finally borrowed the conference room used for interviews and let Tangze, as the absolute protagonist, sit in the middle and answer everyone's questions.

At the beginning, the questions asked by this group of reporters were all about the previous robbery. Tang Ze did not hide the situation and talked about the situation. Naturally, he also mentioned Judy who helped him.

Of course, her identity is kept secret, and Karasawa only refers to her as a friend.

Everything is normal up to this point. Although Tang Ze doesn't often face reporters, he still knows how to answer.

However, seeing that the reporters' questions were getting more and more biased, even to personal issues, Sihuayuan decisively stopped the interview.

"This group of reporters really explained things that can only be asked about the case."

Watching the reporters leave, Sihuayuan complained dissatisfiedly: "At the end of the day, the interviews I wanted to interview were over, and I wanted to cross the border to pursue more valuable information."

"Journalists are like this. It's their nature to explore information. Even if you say so, you can't help but test your bottom line."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "But fortunately, I have the initiative on my side. I can just stop it at any time."

"It's easiest to be in charge of your job."

Hearing this, Sihuayuan narrowed his eyes with a smile: "Some of my colleagues have a headache when facing reporters. They always want to ask some tricky questions to make their leaders look embarrassed."

"So you have to thank me properly." Tang Ze raised his eyebrows: "Otherwise, your good days will come to an end."

"That's true." Sihuayuan diligently picked up the cup on the table and said, "Big brother, drink tea."

"How can you learn these extravagant words?" Tang Ze said speechlessly: "It's not like your character at all."

"People always have to be happy." Sihuayuan said with a smile: "And I think it's okay to have a lively personality. Just be happy."

"Really?" Tang Ze complained with a weird look on his face: "But why do I feel that you are showing the feeling of being a professional loser..."

"Fuck you!" Sihuayuan pushed Tang Ze angrily, but of course he didn't push. He rolled his eyes in displeasure and said, "You're just a loser. Have you ever seen such a beautiful loser like me!"

"Just kidding." Tangze raised his hands in surrender, and finally got a health ball attack from Sihuayuan.

Just when Sihuayuan suddenly wanted to say something, a member of the forensic department ran out carrying a toolbox.

"What happened?" Tang Ze stopped a forensic doctor and asked.

"Detective Maori called the police and reported that a murder occurred while getting a haircut." After the forensic doctor on the side finished speaking quickly, he ran after his companion before Karasawa could reply.

"Let's stop chatting here. I'll go check out the situation." After speaking to Sihuayuan, Tang Ze immediately followed the forensic doctor and ran out.

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