Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,178 Dart Assassination Case?

Perhaps because he had been idle for too long during the New Year holiday, Tangze never expected that he would encounter another case the day after a group of robbers robbed a bank with guns.

And according to the forensic doctor, was it Kogoro Mori who suffered a murder?

Tang Ze was not surprised to hear this name from the forensic doctors. Even the forensic doctors themselves did not find it strange.

If you turn on the police alarm system, you will find that in a month, the number of calls for the three names "Mouri Kogoro", "Mouri Ran" and "Edogawa Conan" is higher than the number of calls made by other callers combined. All more.

So this is why everyone is not surprised, because they are used to it.

After arriving at the underground parking lot and driving his car, Tang Ze followed the forensic vehicle. The other party ran too fast before and didn't even tell him the address. He followed suit and didn't bother to call again.

They followed the forensic doctor's car all the way to a barber shop. When Karasawa arrived with the forensic doctors, they found that Officer Megure was already inside with Takagi.

"Brother Tangze, you are here too." Officer Memu's eyes lit up when he saw Tangze.

"I heard that Detective Maori encountered another case, so I came over to take a look." Tangze said with a smile.

"Hey, why are you talking like I'm a broom star!" Moori Kogoro retorted with annoyance after hearing this: "This is a case that summons my detective!"

'What's the difference...'

With drooping eyes, the other criminals present, including Karasawa and Megure, tacitly complained in their hearts: 'You are absolutely the God of Death...'

"Hey, what's that expression on your face!" Mouri Kogoro said angrily: "I already told you that this is the fate of my famous detective!!"

"Okay, okay, we are just sighing that Detective Maori always encounters cases in your life."

Looking calmly at Conan next to him, Karasawa smiled and reassured Mouri Kogoro, then decisively changed the subject and said: "Without further ado, let's talk about business.

Please tell us what happened in the case. "

"I see."

After hearing Karasawa's words, Mouri Kogoro also became serious and told everything he had encountered before.

As a famous detective, Mouri Kogoro is still very famous, and he also knows various high-ranking figures in society. Has anyone invited him to the banquet?

Today, he was invited to attend a banquet. Because the banquet was more formal, and his hair needed to be repaired, he planned to go to the old Wanyong Barber Shop to get a haircut.

But who would have known that the store you sent to is often full of customers. If you queue up, you don't know how long you have to wait. In order not to miss the banquet, he naturally can't wait patiently in line.

But he didn't expect to go to several stores, all of which were fully booked.

While he was wandering the streets depressed, he suddenly heard the sound of wind chimes. He looked up and saw that the barber shop had changed its sign and was about to close.

And Mouri Kogoro, who had grasped the life-saving straw, was naturally unwilling to let go of this only opportunity. Even though the other party hung up the sign and was closed, he still hurried up.

When the boss wearing a mask said it was closing, Kogoro Mouri remained firm and hoped that the boss would give him a haircut and cleansing.

When he sat on the recliner, he saw a man wearing a white haircut cloth and a hot towel covering his face.

Mouri Kogoro asked the boss to give him a haircut first, thinking that the boss said that the man next to him would need a while, so he agreed to his request.

It was just that the scalding towel had not been covering his face for long. Just when he was thinking about what kind of delicious food he would have in the evening, music suddenly came from outside.

It was a recently opened swimming pool that used cars to pick up and drop off children, and to promote it, they also played music in the cars, and because of that it was very loud.

As the music got closer, Mouri Kogoro became extremely annoyed and even wanted to sue them for noise pollution.

But just when the sound gradually became quieter and the advertising truck seemed to be gradually leaving, suddenly the sound of Mr. dart board hitting the ground was heard, followed closely by the sound of hollow porcelain breaking.

When Mouri Kogoro stood up in a panic and took off the white cloth on his face, he found that his boss had been stabbed in the chest by a dart and he was dead.

When he saw this, Mouri Kogoro immediately ran to the half-open window to check the situation, but he only saw a few women with their children laughing and chatting with each other on the street.

Conan also ran back from the side of the road to look for him. After questioning him, he also didn't see any suspicious characters.

"After I entered the room and saw a murder, I immediately ran to the back door of the room."

Conan added at this time: "At that time, Genta and the others were playing with airplanes in the open space behind the door, so I asked them if they had seen any suspicious people going out from behind."

"We promise we didn't see anyone coming out of the back door!" Mitsuhiko said with a serious face.

"That's right!" Ayumi echoed with a serious face.

"So it is absolutely impossible for the prisoner to escape through the back door!" Yuantai concluded.

"That's pretty much it."

Mouri Kogoro said solemnly: "After I heard the sound, I found that the boss, Mr. Ebihara, was lying on the ground, and there was no sign of life at all."

"So, you heard everything about this case from beginning to end with your ears?" Officer Megure heard this.

"That's right." Mouri Kogoro nodded.

"Is this the sound of the broken porcelain?" Officer Memu asked, looking at the debris on the ground.

"I think that's right. I'm afraid that after Mr. Ebihara was attacked, his arm happened to hit the tiger porcelain and he smashed it to pieces." Mouri Kogoro speculated.

Although Mouri Kogoro's speculation was very reasonable and reasonable, Karasawa didn't listen at all.

Because Mouri Kogoro's reasoning... understands everything.

And after taking a preliminary look at the scene, he also discovered some incongruities in the scene.

In addition to the dart at the heart of the deceased, another dart fell from the far corner of the body.

But it was too far away from the body of the deceased. Even if the dart board fell, it stands to reason that it would not be possible to drop the darts that far.

Moreover, the man named Masao Noda who was in the same room with Kogoro Mouri at the time of the crime is also very suspicious.

Mouri Kogoro did not see with his own eyes that the other party did not take action. Everything was based on listening. There was too much room for implementation of the trajectory.

"Mr. Noda, when Detective Mori arrived at this store, were you sleeping in the store the whole time?" Karasawa looked at the man and asked: "You didn't sense any movement from the outside world?"

"You know, it's easy to relax as soon as a hot towel is placed on the face, and I fell asleep before I knew it." Noda Masao answered honestly: "To be honest, I didn't even come here with Mr. Mori until that The loud noise woke me up."

"Well, Brother Mouri, when did you come here?" After listening to Masao Noda's words, Officer Megure turned to look at Kogoro Mouri and asked.


Mouri Kogoro scratched his head with an embarrassed expression and said: "At that time, I had been walking along the street looking for a barber shop, so the time was very vague and I didn't know the time.

But the only thing I can be sure of is that the crime happened within a few minutes of me lying down. "

"The police received the call at 6:36 p.m."

Takagi on the side held a notebook and speculated: "If it happened not long after entering the store, it would probably be around 6:30."

"What about you, Mr. Noda?" Karasawa looked at Masao Noda and asked, "When did you enter this store?"

"I came at about 6:20," Noda Masao said, "But maybe it was because I was too tired from work. I was very sleepy at the time and fell asleep as soon as I lay down."

"So, at the time of the incident, you two were the only ones in this barber shop?" Tangze said.

"That's right, the shuttle bus for the swimming pool was parked on the road opposite the store entrance. None of the parents saw suspicious people entering or leaving the barber shop." Mouri Kogoro said.

"I didn't see anyone coming out of the store when I came." Conan heard this and added: "Yanta and the three of them have been playing in the open space, and they didn't see anyone either."

"So, the prisoner didn't come close to the room?" Officer Memu said thoughtfully after hearing this.

"Based on my speculation, I think the criminal probably killed the store manager Ebihara by throwing darts into the store from a long distance from the outside."

Opening the window, Mouri Kogoro made what he thought was a reasonable guess.

"Outside?" Officer Memu asked in surprise: "Are you sure?"

"It's not impossible."

Mouri Kogoro said: "The swimming shuttle bus was playing loud music at that time.

To be honest, the volume was so loud that it was no different from noise. I think the Ebihara store manager originally planned to complain to them, so he opened the window.

And the prisoner took advantage of the store manager Ebihara standing outside the window to shoot darts outside and kill him, right? "

"I think that's it."

Mouri Kogoro vowed: "I'm afraid the prisoner is hiding in the alley in front of the shop, waiting for an opportunity.

The alley opposite the store is only about four meters away from here. Even a dart can hit it from such a distance. "

"The forensic doctor also said that there seemed to be traces of poison on the tip of the dart."

Takagi on the side heard this and added: "In other words, the prisoner does not need to deliberately hit the vital point. He only needs to be injured to kill Mr. Ebihara."

"Well, this is indeed a high possibility, but there are also inconsistencies in the scene."

Seeing that Karasawa was about to go in the wrong direction of Mouri Kogoro's reasoning, he quickly spoke to attract everyone's attention: "Look, Mr. Ebihara clearly has hair, but why is he wearing a wig?"

"Indeed, his hair is also very thick, and he doesn't look like he needs a wig at all." Officer Megure nodded in agreement, then looked at Masao Noda and said, "What do you think, Mr. Noda?"

"This...if you ask me...I don't know." Noda Masao stuttered.

This seemed to be a stuttering that he didn't know how to answer, but in Tang Ze's opinion, it was a sign of guilty conscience. Combined with the function of the wig, Tang Ze had already begun to have an idea.

"Speaking of which, the shirt of the store manager Ebihara is a little strange." Officer Megure looked at the blue T-shirt worn by the deceased and felt a little strange.

The pattern of this T-shirt is quite simple, just English letters, but there is a black peach heart on the chest, and there are two circles of enlarged hearts on the outside.

It looked like a target, and the fatal dart hit precisely in the center of the smallest spade, which was also the position of the deceased's heart.

"Ah, that T-shirt is the uniform issued to the members by the darts club in this area." Masao Noda explained after hearing this.

"Then you too?" Officer Megure looked at Noda Masao and asked.

"Ah, yes." Noda Masao nodded and admitted.

"A member of the darts club was killed with darts..." Mouri Kogoro pondered: "I think the prisoner might also be a frequent visitor to that darts bar."

"Well, there is indeed a need for investigation."

Officer Megure nodded and looked at Officer Takagi and said, "Go to a nearby club and ask if any members have had conflicts with the deceased."


Takagi nodded, asked about the boycott of Noda Masao's club, and went to the club to inquire about the situation.

As for Officer Megure, he asked the forensic doctors to transport the body back, and then patiently waited for the personnel of the forensic department to collect evidence from the scene.

The case was put on hold for a while, but fortunately this was only temporary. Takagi quickly brought back two men from a nearby darts club.

They were all regulars at the dart club, and they all had conflicts with the deceased, Mr. Ebihara.

The first is Nozomi Shimazaki, who looks a bit like a gangster with his back raised. He is 28 years old and works in a sanitary products company.

As for the other one, Tatsutaro Koike, who wears glasses and looks gentle, works as a pharmacist in a nearby drugstore and is 45 years old.

"Do you know why I brought you two here?" After Takagi introduced the basic situation of the two of them, Karasawa looked at the two people in front of him and said, "You seem to have had a conflict with Mr. Ebihara yesterday?"

"No, nothing..."

Koike Tatsutarou quickly denied it, but Shimazaki Nozomi said bluntly and unhappily: "That's all because Uncle Ebihara keeps saying some random things there!"

"Oh? What exactly do you mean by those "somethings that don't exist"?" Officer Megure heard this and continued to ask.

"That's..." Shimazaki Wang hesitated to speak.

But Koike Tatsutaro knew that he couldn't hide it, or maybe it was none of his business, so he honestly told the truth about what happened yesterday:

"Yesterday Ebihara kept saying that Kojima had embezzled public funds. As a result, Kojima got very angry and grabbed his clothes and planned to beat him. I was just trying to start a fight..."

"You're kidding me! You're not the same person yourself!"

Hearing that Tatsutaro Koike betrayed him, Nozomi Shimazaki was immediately furious, and the scene soon entered a familiar stage of exposing one another.

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