Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,179 Substituting one thing for another

Nozomi Shimazaki embezzled public funds, and Tatsutaro Koike himself was no better.

According to Shimazaki Nozomi, Ebihara also said that Koike Tatsutaro was dirty, saying that he secretly sold drugs from pharmacies to make up for his investment losses.

The two exposed each other's shortcomings but refused to admit their crimes. The scene was very lively for a time.

However, the quarrel between the two was not stopped by Karasawa and others, and was interrupted by Noda Masao's series of coughs.

"Noda, are you okay?" Koike Tatsutaro saw the other person coughing and asked with concern: "Are you still coughing non-stop? Where is your mask?"

"I don't know where it fell." Noda Masao explained.

However, the normal conversation only consisted of these two sentences. The grumpy Shimazaki pointed at the other party and pointed the finger at him: "Mr. Noda, don't pretend to be an outsider who has nothing to do with you!

I know that you borrowed money from the Ebihara store manager! "

"Yes, the Ebihara store manager also said that your store was not running well and he lent you money to help with the turnover." Koike Tatsutarou immediately agreed.

Seeing the three people exposing each other, Tang Ze said that these were normal operations. In Ke Xue's case, you can always see suspects exposing each other in order to clear away suspicion.

In the end, it was naturally easier for them to take charge of the case, saving them the time to investigate.

Faced with the revelation of their shortcomings, Noda Masao calmly looked at Officer Megure and explained: "I did borrow money from Ebihara, but the amount was not much at all."

"It's hard to say. Now that Ebihara is dead, borrowing more or less depends on your mouth."

Shimazaki crossed his arms and sneered: "And when the case happened, Mr. Noda, you seemed to be in the store, right?

I think the most suspicious person is you! "

"No, Mr. Noda was lying on the chair next to me when Mr. Ebihara was killed, so there is no possibility of committing the crime."

"Huh? Who are you, uncle?" Wang Shimazaki said unhappily after hearing this: "So arrogant."

"Hmph, I'm the famous detective Mouri Kogoro!"

Mouri Kogoro proudly boasted that he was a famous detective. He said this without any embarrassment in saying something that would be extremely embarrassing for others.

Not only that, even the two people next to him didn't think there was anything wrong with Mouri Kogoro's self-introduction.

"By the way, where were you two at 6:30?"

Although Mouri Kogoro testified for Noda Masao next to him, Karasawa's suspicion on him increased to the maximum.

But since the other two people have appeared, it means that the situation is a "classic choice of three", rather than a situation where there is only one suspect, so the suspicion of the two cannot be ruled out.

Moreover, arresting people is not something you can just rely on your own "Ke Xue's Law" imagination. It requires a complete process and chain of evidence. It is impossible for you to say who is the murderer is the murderer.

At least, he needs to rule out the suspicion of these two people before he can confirm that Masao Noda is the culprit.

"There was no one in the pharmacy at the time...and my wife was finishing cooking in the I was the only one at the counter." Tatsutaro Koike said weakly.

"In other words, no one testified for you at that time?" Officer Meguro said unceremoniously.

"I didn't kill him, please believe me!" Tatsutarou Koike explained in a panic.

"What about you, Mr. Shimazaki?"

Karasawa ignored the other party's explanation, but looked directly at Shimazaki Nozomi and asked.

"At 6:30, I seemed to be still on the way to delivering goods to people." Shimazaki recalled: "By the way, I even went to a gas station on the way."

"Went to a gas station?" Officer Memu heard this and said, "In that case, we can send someone to check with the employees to confirm whether they have been there."

"Well... I went to a self-service gas station, so there were no staff..."

Shimazaki hurriedly took out the receipt from his pocket: "But I still have the receipt with me!"

Officer Megure took the receipt, and Mouri Kogoro leaned over and took a look: "It's 6:24 in the afternoon."

"The gas station is far away from here. Even if I drive at full speed, it will take half an hour." Shimazaki Nozomi quickly explained.

Just as Shimazaki Wang finished speaking, Ayumi, who was silent on the side, suddenly pointed at Shimazaki Wang and said: "But Ayumi had to see that big brother before!"

"Eh? Ayumi-chan, where did you see him?" Takagi asked in surprise when he heard this.

"It's right in front of this barber shop." Ayumi would think, "I remember he just came out of this barber shop!"

"Ayumi, do you still remember when it happened?" Officer Megure asked.

"It was in the evening."

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on her, Ayumi felt that she had made a difference and happily replied: "I remember seeing the clock in the store from the window. The time was almost 5:50 at that time."

Speaking of time, everyone unconsciously looked at the time hanging on the wall in the room, and the next moment there were expressions of surprise on their faces.


Officer Takagi felt that the time difference was a bit ridiculous. When he raised his hand to check his watch, he found that it was 7:45: "It's three hours different?"

"I think it was done on purpose."

Karasawa thought for a moment and understood the key: "When getting a haircut, customers always look in the mirror if they want to look at the clock.

But the mirror is on the opposite side, so it will be very inconvenient to look at it. This mirror should be a type that is specially designed to look back from the mirror. "

"Ebihara finally got this done." After listening to Karasawa's words, Shimazaki looked at Masao Noda and said, "I remember it was an ordinary clock before."

"Noda, when did you give him the watch?" Koike Tatsutaro couldn't help but curiously asked.

"Ah...last night." Noda Masao returned.

"In that case, when Ayumi saw Mr. Shimazaki, it was not 5:50, but 6:10." Conan did some calculations and immediately concluded the correct time Ayumi saw.

But this time it was Shimazaki's turn to panic. Officer Megure and Mouri Kogoro instantly looked at each other.

"If you leave the barber shop at 6:10, then you can't reach the gas station which is a 30-minute drive away at 6:24, right?"

The lie was exposed, and Officer Megure looked at Shimazaki Nozomi with a scrutinizing look on his face, his expression full of vigilance.

"I did come over here to collect the towels with him!"

Shimazaki looked at the two people with expressions of suspicion of the murderer, and quickly explained: "Then we had another dispute with the other party because they said bad things about me last night.

But at that time, I had other customers who needed to deliver goods, so I left without much entanglement with him. "

Speaking of this, Shimazaki pointed at Ayumi excitedly and said, "Just like what this girl said, it was all before six o'clock."

"As I said, the clock on the wall was deliberately made to look the opposite!" Takagi saw the other party being excited and retorted.

"That's not it!" Nozomi Shimazaki said excitedly: "It's 5:50!"

"Mr. Shimazaki, you'd better stop making excuses."

Mouri Kogoro looked at the other party with a serious face and said solemnly: "You were found out by the Ebihara store manager because of your embezzlement of public funds. In order to conceal this unfavorable news, you probably chose to kill him!"


Shimazaki retorted in a panic, but Mouri Kogoro seemed to believe that he was the murderer: "Presumably after you had a conflict with him, you knew that you couldn't let him keep your secret, so you became murderous.

After coming out of the barber shop, you hid in the other person's alley. When the shop manager Ebihara opened the window, you used the prepared darts to kill him! "

"No, it's impossible!"

Shimazaki said in a panic: "My darts ability is the worst, and in the darts club, my ability is also at the bottom!"

Speaking of this, Shimazaki seemed to have remembered something, and quickly looked at Tatsutaro Koike and said, "By the way, Mr. Koike, you can do it, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Tatsutarou Koike quickly retorted when he heard the other party pouring dirty water on him.

"But you are the strongest in the club!" Shimazaki said confidently.

"Yes, and there is poison on the darts. As a pharmacist, Mr. Koike, you can easily prepare it."

When Mouri Kogoro heard the new information, he immediately changed his target: "Coupled with your superior dart skills, you can completely kill the target.

I think the culprit is you! "

Mouri Kogoro pointed at Koike Tatsutarou and looked confident, but the three little ones sitting next to him on the sofa had droopy fish eyes and did not show any admiration for the truth at all.

"Who is the culprit?" Yuantai complained speechlessly.

"As a famous detective, I really hope he can explain clearly." Mitsuhiko also looked helpless.

"It feels really unreliable."

Ayumi's words deeply hurt Mouri Kogoro's heart. He became angry and said: "What do you kids know? Get out of here quickly!"

‘As expected, the culprit is Noda. ’

After hearing Kogoro Mouri's corrections twice in succession, Karasawa directly ruled out the suspicion of those two people, but before that, he still had to confirm one more link in order to connect all the clues.

So he left the barber shop with the others, looked at Ayumi and asked: "I have a question for you, Ayumi, where did you see the clock in the room?"

"It's near that alley." Ayumi, who was coming downstairs, pointed in the direction of the alley.

"That's true."

Tang Ze looked towards the alley, then turned back to the room.

Conan on the side was stunned for a moment when he heard Ayumi's words, then he realized and ran back quickly.


The third child looked at Karasawa and the others as if they had thought of something, and ignored Mouri Kogoro's intimidation and ran directly back to the barber shop.

"You little brats, why are you back again!"

Seeing a few little ones filing in after the door opened, Mouri Kogoro waved his hands away impatiently: "Go, don't cause trouble."

"Actually, they were quite helpful."

Tangze smiled, then looked at Ayumi and said, "You must have seen the clock in the alley before, right?"

"Of course." Ayumi nodded firmly: "Ayumi is sure!"

"Then, this clock was delivered not last night, but today!"

When Karasawa said this, he looked at Masao Noda, whose expression changed drastically, and said, "And the culprit is you!

I just did a visual inspection and it is impossible to see the current clock from the side of the box.

I also want to confirm with Mr. Xiaochi whether the original clock in this store is in the same position as this new clock? "

"So, it is indeed a change of position!"

Koike Tatsutaro looked at the position of the clock, and looked at Shimazaki Wang hesitantly as if to ask for his opinion, while Shimazaki Wang nodded in the same way: "The original clock should be closer to the window."

As he spoke, he pointed in the direction near the window. "

"I'll go down and take a look, Tang Ze Criminal, please get something from me!"

After hearing this, Takagi immediately ran down, and Karasawa took a broom from the corner and raised it in the direction Shimazaki pointed. A moment later, Takagi's shout came from downstairs:

"You can only see the broom, but you can't see the clock at all."

Following Takagi's words, the next moment both adults and children in the room looked at Masao Noda with a scrutinizing gaze.

Obviously, the situation has become clear, Masao Noda lied about the clock!

"You, don't look at me like that!"

Masao Noda was sweating coldly, staring at the surrounding people and looking for help: "I, I just don't want to be suspected, but it's really not me!

Mr. Maori, you can also testify for me. When the case happens, I will lie on the chair next to you! ?

If I were a prisoner, how could I get up from the chair with you, Detective Mori, when something fell? "

"This is indeed..." Mouri Kogoro looked at Tang Zeda hesitantly and said: "I have actually seen this."

"Then what if I say that the Ebihara store manager was not killed when the sound was heard, but was killed by Mr. Noda long before you, Detective Mori, arrived at this store?"


"What did you say!?"

Karasawa's words shocked everyone present. Even Police Officer Megure had a look of disbelief on his face: "Brother Karasawa, when Detective Mori came here, did you see Mr. Ebihara?"

As he spoke, he looked at Mouri Kogoro, hoping to get confirmation from the other party.

"Of course, he covered me with the hot towel on my face!" Mouri Kogoro said, patting his chest: "This is absolutely true!"

"So, Detective Mori, can you describe the appearance of the Ebihara store manager you saw?"

Karasawa looked at Mouri Kogoro and asked him to describe his appearance.

"The appearance..." Mouri Kogoro recalled: "He was a man wearing an afro wig, a mask on his face, and a blue T-shirt from a dart club."

"That's Ebihara!" Noda Masao said anxiously: "When I came here, he was dressed like this!"


Karasawa interrupted him directly and exposed his trick: "He is not Ebihara, but what you look like after you cross-dress!"

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