Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,180 The Bold Prisoner

"Dress up?!"

After hearing Tang Ze's words, everyone present started to commotion, and even Takagi couldn't help but scream.

"Yes, Mr. Noda hurriedly took a wig and mask from the barber shop to disguise himself as Ebihara in order to prevent the Mori detective who suddenly broke in from seeing his face."

Karasawa looked at Masao Noda and said, "Mr. Koike and the others said before that you had a cough, so they would naturally carry a mask with them, right?"

"So, when I was lying down, the manager Ebihara put down the recliner very roughly."

Hearing Karasawa's words, Mouri Kogoro on the side also realized the incongruity: "There is also a hot towel. He did not initially dissipate the heat, but directly covered my face.

If you are an experienced person, you will naturally not make such a rudimentary mistake and let the guests get burned by the heat.

The situation at that time really looked like it was done by an unfamiliar novice! "

Speaking of this, Mouri Kogoro looked at Noda Masao with sharp eyes, making him break out in cold sweat.

"You said I played Ebihara!?"

Under the scrutiny of many people, Noda Masao's guilty conscience bottomed out and he exploded. He loudly accused: "Then tell me, where was the body at that time!?

Detective Mori didn't see any corpses when he came in, so if you say I pretended to be Ebihara, that's totally wrong! ! "

"No, the body was actually out there all along, but Detective Maori didn't find it."

Karasawa revealed a horrifying fact: "When you received Detective Mori, wasn't the body of the Ebihara store manager lying on the chair playing you?

As long as you put a white shawl on your body and a steamed hot towel on your face, no one will think it's a corpse, right?

Mr. Noda, I think after you killed Mr. Ebihara, your original plan was to pretend that no one was around, put on a wig and a mask and leave the store, right?

But when you opened the door and tried to change the sign to closed, you attracted the Maori detective.

Seeing that something is not going well, you resort to casual clothes to pretend to be the store manager.

The Maori detective who had been searching the barber shop all afternoon did not find the body at first, so he lay down and regarded you as the manager of the barber shop.

Then you covered Detective Mori's eyes with a hot towel and planned to escape through the back door.

But there is a group of children playing in the open space in the direction of the back door, and you can't escape at all. There is also a group of housewives chatting on the street by the front door, and you can't escape either.

It is simply impossible to escape without being noticed.

At this moment, the loud music of the shuttle bus to the swimming classroom suddenly came from outside.

The volume of the music was loud enough to make noise, so you, in a difficult situation, came up with a bold trick.

As the car approached and the music continued to amplify, you moved the body from the chair to the ground, then opened the window to create the illusion of complaint.

But at this time, you had returned to the couch next to Detective Maori and lay down as a guest.

Under the loud music, all your actions were covered, and you completed it easily, and the Maori detective didn't find anything. "

"But how could he let the sculpture on the counter fall after he lay down on it?" Takagi asked quickly.

"That's why he threw the darts. When we were investigating the crime scene, one of the darts was in a wrong position, right?"

Karasawa said: "But if you put the angle of launching the darts on the side of the recliner, everything will make sense.

After that, he was awakened by the huge noise, and together with Detective Maori who was also awakened, he became the one who discovered the body. "

"So that's it. It's such a bold approach." Takagi sighed.

"But there's another thing I don't quite understand. Why did Noda let Ebihara lie on the chair?"

Officer Megure looked puzzled and said, "He probably didn't expect that Brother Maori would suddenly run over, right?"

As for the other party, after seeing Mouri Kogoro, it is simply impossible to move the body.

A corpse is very heavy, and it was impossible for Mouri Kogoro to carry it up in the moment he went upstairs.

This means that the body was on top from the beginning.

"This is also very simple, because Ebihara was killed on the deck chair."

Karasawa didn't care about Officer Megure's questions. Instead, he understood why Officer Megure asked these flattering questions.

Because the case is a process of unraveling the cocoon and peeling off the silk, all doubts encountered in the case cannot be ignored, but should be investigated to the root cause.

This is also the justice in Officer Megure’s heart.

Although it was satisfying to find the criminal, he did not want the result to be an unjust, false or wrongful conviction.

So facing the answer given by Karasawa, Officer Megure continued to ask like a thorn: "Then why does Mr. Ebihara, the boss, sit on this chair?

He seemed to have no reason to sit in the chair. "

"No, there is a reason."

Karasawa smiled and said: "Mr. Noda sent a clock that needs to be viewed in the mirror in order to confirm the position of the clock.

Naturally, the Ebihara store manager had to sit down and check whether the time in the mirror was correct.

At this time, Mr. Noda took the opportunity to attack with darts from behind, and then directly covered him with a towel and shawl.

In this way, even if someone sees the situation in the store from the outside, they will at best think that the customers are waiting to be shaved.

As long as the body is not discovered for a day, the difficulty of the search will increase proportionally.

But it's a pity..."

"While escaping, I met my famous detective Mouri Kogoro!"

After adjusting his tie, Mouri Kogoro looked proud, but the little ones next to him looked speechless.

Of course, in order to avoid being kicked out again, a few little ones secretly complained in their hearts, but it didn't happen.

"In that case, the original clock should still be in the room."

Upon hearing this, Officer Megure looked at Takagi and said: "Search the room immediately and find the original clock!"

"I know, let's search immediately!" Takagi nodded and planned to lead a search in the barber shop.

"You are talking nonsense!!"

Just when Takagi was about to leave, Noda Masao on the side retorted angrily: "There is no way to prove your reasoning. The first person Detective Mori met was Ebihara in my civilian clothes!

In other words, all this is just the guy's guess, and there is actually no evidence at all! "

"No, if I'm not mistaken, you should be wearing the T-shirt from the darts club, right?"

Karasawa looked at Noda Masao and said, "I wonder if you can take it off so we can see?"

As soon as these words came out, Noda Masao's originally angry expression suddenly froze on his face, and a look of panic appeared in his eyes.

"Please cooperate."

Seeing the sudden change in the other party's attitude, Officer Megure immediately stepped forward and approached.

"I got it!"

Seeing that Officer Megure was about to take action, Noda Masao unbuttoned his buttons and said, "I'll do it myself."

He unbuttoned the coat one by one, but the clothes exposed were indeed pure blue.

"There's no pattern at all!?" Takagi looked at Masao Noda's chest and found that there was no pattern at all on the T-shirt.

"I told you it's not me anymore." Noda Masao's expression was a little aggrieved, but Tang Ze still saw the unobservable upward curve at the corner of his mouth.

Faced with Noda Masao's grievance, Karasawa did not speak. Instead, he rushed to the other party, grabbed and pulled him with both hands, and took off his coat.

"Do you still have the confidence to say that now?"

When Tangze pulled off the opponent's coat, he used the restraint of the clothes to force his body to turn 180 degrees, so everyone could see the pattern on the opponent's back.

That's exactly what a darts club looks like!

Karasawa looked at Noda Masao and sneered: "If you still pull out this little trick of wearing clothes inside out, I can only say that you are in a cocoon."

"You actually put your clothes on inside out?" Officer Megure saw this and understood the other party's trick.

"In order to avoid being thought that you were impersonating Ebihara, you hurriedly put on your T-shirt inside out when you were thinking of exchanging bodies, right?"

Karasawa looked at the pale Masao Noda and said, "But unfortunately, this is also the ironclad evidence that you are the prisoner.

After all, except for prisoners, there is no reason for anyone else to wear clothes inside out. "

"Mr. Noda...why are you..." Koike Tatsutaro said in disbelief as he looked at Masao Noda in front of him with a somewhat frightened tone.


Seeing that everything was irreversible, Noda Masao closed his eyes in pain: "I borrowed money from Ebihara, and he naturally asked me to write an IOU at that time.

But he didn't know when he got the IOU to the underground bank.

I was subjected to malicious debt collection by them every day, and my wife was almost driven crazy! "

"But why would Mr. Ebihara do such a thing?" After hearing this surprising news, Officer Megure couldn't help but ask.

"In the beginning, he actually borrowed money from underground banks." Noda Masao replied: "After that, he betrayed me in order to pay off his debts!

I can't forgive him for his betrayal. He has made a mess of my life. Nothing I can say can get around him! "

Speaking of Noda Masao's standard confession, ORZ fell to his knees and burst into tears.

Tang Ze didn't know what to say about the motive for the murder.

Ebihara is indeed responsible, but Noda Masao's lack of money to repay may also be an inducement.

But no matter what, killing people cannot solve the problem. Compared with Masao Noda, he has already realized the problem deeply.

At the end of the case, Noda Masao was taken away directly. As for the problems exposed by the other two people during the search, although they were not as serious as murder, a righteous criminal like Officer Megure would not let them go.

Of course, their problems cannot be solved criminally, so they are just fed back to the relevant departments and let them accept punishment.

After the case was over, Tangze directly opened the system panel to view the rewards.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 300 destiny points]

Sure enough, it was the expected minimum salary.

But it's not bad. At least it gave him some blood back to his wallet that had returned to zero due to the lottery, so that his balance was finally no longer zero.

After closing the panel, Tangze followed everyone out of the barber shop.

"I'm leaving too. It's getting late, so you should go back early." Seeing Noda Masao being escorted away, Tang Ze looked at the three little ones and said, "Go quickly, Takagi Criminal Justice will take you home."

"Let's leave first, Conan, go back quickly!" Kogoro Mouri didn't even say hello, he turned around and left cursing: "It's really unlucky, because my banquet was ruined because of this case."

Of course, judging from the fact that he was in such a hurry to leave, he might be worried about the fact that this case had been swept away, and he was afraid that a few others would continue to use this matter to bring shame on him.

"Then I'll leave first, Genta, please don't run around!" Conan saw Mouri Kogoro leave with an embarrassed face, waved his hands towards his friends, and trotted to catch up with Mouri Kogoro.

"By the way, this is for you Tangze Criminal!"

Just when Tang Ze said goodbye to Conan and was about to say goodbye to the three little ones and get in the car, Ayumi at the side suddenly took out a movie ticket and gave it to Tang Ze.

"movie ticket?"

As a result, the other party held two movie tickets. Tang Ze was surprised and said: "Why did you give me this all of a sudden?"

"Hehe, this is our return gift!" Mitsuhiko said with a smile: "I have been taking care of you all this time, and I also have the New Year's money.

So we would like to thank Tangze Criminal for taking care of us this year. "

"The money we paid for the movie tickets was all the pocket money we earned from helping with housework at home!" Yuantai said proudly: "We had planned to invite you and Sister Ayako to watch a movie before."

"Although we just collected the money in the first two days." Ayumi smiled sheepishly: "After all, we also want to go see it together, so the total amount of money required for the tickets purchased is quite a lot."

"It's okay, thank you very much." Tang Ze put away the two movie tickets, looked at the three little ones and thanked them: "I accept your kindness."

"See you on Saturday then!"

The three children were very happy to see Tang Ze accept the movie tickets. They waved goodbye to Tang Ze and ran towards Takagi's police car.

When the police car left, Tangze got into the car and took out the movie tickets again with a thoughtful look on his face.

To be honest, the fact that the three little ones pooled their money to give him movie tickets was completely beyond his expectation.

But the reason why the surprise is a surprise may be that things don't care about your predictions at all.

Tang Ze was still very pleased with the three little ones' thoughts.

Of course, when faced with the invitation from the three little ones, he couldn't just treat it as an ordinary invitation.

To Karasawa, that movie ticket was a reminder of the case and an invitation to him to stop the case.

After all, the three little ones are also the engine of the case. He now has a very strong premonition that Saturday's movie trip will definitely not be as ordinary as watching a movie.

I'm afraid there will be a murder case in the movie theater on Saturday.

But it's a pity that now he has no clue at all.

But compared to getting involved after the case occurs, this is already a good situation.

At least Tang Ze can recall whether he has any impressions of the case based on the people and events he encountered that day. If not, he can use "Ke Xue's Law" to predict it.

For the rest, we can only take one step at a time.

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