Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,181 A chance encounter in the cinema

Tuesday, the weather is fine.

Although the temperature is still a little low, on this leisurely Saturday, the social animals who have worked hard all week still fill the various leisure areas.

After all, this is a rare opportunity to relax, so naturally you should cherish this time that belongs to you.

After finishing their lunch, Karasawa and Ayako drove to the cinema at Mihua Mall.

This afternoon is the time for Mitsuhiko and the others to buy reserved movie tickets. Since they both have free time, they naturally want to watch a movie together. After all, it is also the kindness of the children.

"But it's really a surprise." Sitting in the passenger seat, Ayako said with a smile: "I never thought that those children would prepare gifts for us."

"I'm as surprised as you are." Tang Ze said with a smile: "This is indeed beyond my expectation. I can only say that they are serious."

"They are all good kids."

Ayako saw that Karasawa had parked the car, so she opened the door and got out of the car: "There is still some time, let's buy them some snacks, they will be delicious when we watch the movie later."

"no problem."

Karasawa nodded, knowing that Ayako was thanking the children for the gift in return.

To be honest, for adults, the price of two movie tickets is nothing. Even the snacks and drinks Ayako bought for the five little ones were more expensive than the movie tickets.

But the friendship is not calculated in this way. These are the things that people value.

After buying their favorite Masked Superman chocolates and biscuits for the little ones, Karasawa and the two picked some potato chips, and then they carried the bags up the stairs to the cinema floor.

Arriving at the floor where the cinema was located, the two of them followed the large group towards the lobby.

As one of the most common forms of daily entertainment, watching movies is definitely the most popular entertainment choice for people of all ages.

The couple sitting on the lounge chair chatting with each other, the family of three asking the naughty child to stop running around, and the words of countless people made up this lively voting hall.

Because the two of them had reserved tickets, they avoided the pain of queuing to get tickets.

"I wonder if Conan and the others have arrived. The movie will start soon." Ayako looked around, trying to find a few little ones.

"It's over there."

Karasawa's eyesight was better than Ayako's. He just scanned around and saw Conan and others next to the ticket machine.

They were talking to an adult who had his back to Karasawa and the others. When Karasawa saw this expression, he stepped towards that side with Ayako.

"Ah, it's Karasawa Criminal and Sister Ayako!"

As the two approached, the three little ones also saw Tang Ze and the two, smiled and shook their arms to say hello to them.

Seeing the movements of the little ones, the man who was talking to them also turned and looked behind him. When they saw each other, both Tang Ze and Tang Ze couldn't help but be stunned.

"Shiratori Criminal?" Looking at the person in front of him, Tang Ze couldn't help but be a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other party would appear here.

"Tang Ze Criminal? I didn't expect to meet these two people here by such a coincidence."

Shiratori saw Karasawa and Ayako holding his arm and smiled and said, "Are you two here for a date?"

"No! This time we are inviting Karasawa Criminal and Sister Ayako to watch a movie!" Yuantai said with a proud expression: "To thank you two for taking care of us."

"We have received your thoughts." Ayako smiled and distributed the snacks in her hands to several little ones: "These are the snacks I just bought. Let's eat them later while watching a movie."

"Wow! It's Masked Superman's chocolate!"

Seeing the snacks Ayako took out, Genta said excitedly: "You can get the Masked Superman Gold Card from this!"

"The probability is very low, so don't hold out hope."

Seeing Yuantai's excitement, Mitsuhiko couldn't help but inoculate him in advance: "Instead of hoping to draw a gold card, I think it would be good to draw a silver card or a special card."

"There are also cookies from Masked Superman." Ayumi looked at Genta with a disappointed expression, smiled and comforted: "The chance of winning is still very high."

"No matter what, I'm going to insert it first, since there's still inner packaging inside!"

Yuan Taixing hurriedly opened the packaging of the chocolate, while the other two little ones couldn't restrain their excitement for the lottery and opened the packaging one after another.

"So that's it."

Shiratiao on the side heard the conversation between several people and understood the reason: "So you guys have made an appointment to watch a movie together."

"What about Shiratori Criminal Justice?" Tang Ze asked with a smile, "Did you make an appointment to watch a movie with someone?"

"No, I came here by myself." Shiratiao smiled with a slightly embarrassed expression: "After all, I don't have a girlfriend, so I came to watch the movie alone."

Karasawa understood Shiratori's slight embarrassment very well. After all, whenever he went to the movies alone, he seemed a little desolate and lonely.

And Tangze didn't intentionally expose other people's scars, just to confirm whether the case was the one he remembered.

The case in his mind was when Shiratori himself went to watch a movie alone and met a few little ones.

As for further confirmation, it depends on whether Shiratori bought the wrong movie ticket.

Watching Shiratori walk to the electronic ticket machine and enter the ticket code on the text message, Tangze looked expectantly at the movie ticket that was slowly spit out from the machine.


Shiratori picked up the movie ticket and subconsciously checked his seat. Unexpectedly, he saw that the name of the movie was Gomera Showdown.

"Oh? Can't you see that you, Shiratori Criminal, have a childlike innocence?"

Glancing at Shiratori's movie ticket, Tangze felt certain in his heart and joked with a smile.

"Um... I'm afraid I chose the wrong movie when I booked tickets online."

Shiratiao looked at the movie ticket in his hand and couldn't help scratching his head: "Well, it doesn't matter. As you said, it's good to experience childhood memories and feel childlike innocence occasionally."

"You obviously look like you have something on your mind. I'm afraid you were also absent-minded when choosing the movie."

Haibara watched from the side as Ayako took the three little ones to buy popcorn and drinks, and unceremoniously exposed Shiratori's stubbornness.

"I guess Yacheng was deeply affected because of something involving Sato Criminal."

Conan on the side looked at Shiratori's last strike and said: "But I still advise you to give up.

After all, Sato Criminal and Takagi Criminal were kissing in the ward. "

Obviously at this moment, Conan completely sided with Takagi and Sato, and directly said the cruel things, hoping to dissuade Shiratori, the "third party" who was still determined to spy on Sato.

"Huh, I'm not the kind of person who gives up easily."

Shiratori looked at Conan and said seriously: "After all, she is the one who changed my life and was destined."

"Destined one?"

Hearing this, Karasawa pretended to be confused and said: "I know Shiratori that you have always liked Sato Criminal, but this is the first time I have heard of this.

Is there a story we don't know about? "

"Of course, that was when I was in elementary school."

With a look of reminiscence in Shiratori's eyes, he recalled the profound meeting that took place when he was young.

That day, Shiratori was in a bookstore selecting reference materials for the exam when he suddenly heard a girl's voice.

He turned around and saw that a girl of the same age had stopped two high school students and accused them of stealing comic books from the bookstore.

Seeing that the girl was very young, the two high school students impatiently planned to leave, but the girl grabbed each other's clothes and refused to let the other go.

But the physical difference between the two sides was too great, and the girl was immediately pushed to the ground by the other side.

Shiratori stood up at this time. He dreamed of becoming a lawyer and had already memorized many legal clauses. Of course, he had also mastered the most common clauses such as theft.

So he recited the penalty terms for the crime of theft in front of two high school students.

His words also attracted the surrounding customers and store clerks, forcing the two high school students to hand over the stolen comic books and run away in despair, saying that they were snatching comics with two children.

Seeing the commotion here, the driver of the Shiratori family also rushed over. While the two were talking, the girl disappeared.

But when he got in the car, someone knocked on the car window. He rolled down the car window and saw the girl handing him a cup of Coke.

It was just an ordinary Coke bought at the nearby fast food restaurant, but the paper cup was surrounded by a circle of cherry blossoms that the girl hastily made with straw wrappers.

Although it was simple, it was the girl's thanks, so Shiratori was also very happy.

"This is a symbol of courage!"

The girl saw that the white bird had identified the type of petals on the paper cup, and said this happily.

"But it seems that cherry blossoms don't have such a flower language?"

After hearing what the girl said, the young and knowledgeable Shiratiao looked confused.

"But cherry blossoms are a symbol worn by criminals, aren't they?"

The girl explained longingly: "Strong, gentle and handsome, so cherry blossoms are the petals of justice!"

The girl's words and her smiling face at that time have become unforgettable memories for him.

"So that's it."

Conan suddenly said: "That's why you changed from your dream of becoming a lawyer when you were a boy to a criminal now."

"That's right, so when she and I met again in Search Class 1, I firmly believed that we were destined to be together!"

Speaking of this, Shiratori clenched his fists with anger on his face: "Until those guys from Takagi show up!"

"But, you can't be sure that the girl is Sato Criminal, right?" Haibara pointed out the key point: "What should you do if you identify the wrong person?"

"Impossible, that face shape is definitely Sato's!" Shiratori said in deep thought, touching his chin.

"Could it be that you recognized the wrong person? After all, although there are few people with similar looks, it's not impossible, right?"

Tang Ze on the side also reminded him from the side: "And listening to your description, I feel that the personality is not very similar.

After all, Sato Criminal has the character of a strong woman, so it is unlikely that she would do something like that of a little girl, right? "

"This... can only be attributed to the changes in personality during growth." Shiratiao said unconfidently: "But I think it's her!"

"We're back!"

Just when Karasawa was still about to say something, Ayako and Sanxiao came over, and Ayumi was still holding the straw packaging of Genta and Mitsuhiko, smiling mysteriously, and the two of them asked questions. Did not say.

"Okay, you'll find out after the movie is over!"

Ayumi, who refused to tell them what she was doing with the straw packaging, changed the subject and urged: "The movie is about to start!"

"Then let's go in directly." Tang Ze glanced at Shiratiao and said with a smile, "Let's go in first. If you want to buy something, hurry up and buy it."

"I have a suggestion for you."

Before leaving, Haiyuan warned: "You'd better ask Sato Criminal personally, maybe you can get a completely reversed result."

It has to be said that although Haiyuan may not be as good as Conan in reasoning, as a scientific researcher, she has a pair of eyes that can see through the essence of things.

Although Haiyuan did not know the subsequent plot like Karasawa, he still guessed the outcome and gave very pertinent suggestions.

"I also think what Haiyuan said makes sense. You can think about it." Tang Ze agreed.

"Let's talk about those things later. You'd better go in first." Shiratori hesitated for a moment, then walked to the counter and chose a Coke after a little hesitation.

Because everyone chose Gomera, Shiratori followed Karasawa and others into the cinema after buying the drinks.

Although the movie is Gomera and seems to be only enjoyed by children, this kind of special effects movie is actually suitable for all ages.

At least when Karasawa entered the cinema, he saw that in addition to many children, there were also young men and women watching movies together.

It can be said that in the eyes of adults, this is also a movie worth watching.

The movie theater seats are roughly divided into two squares, and the movie ticket seats Mitsuhiko and the others selected were in the first row of the back square.

This is a good location. Because there is a wide walkway in front, you can stretch your legs as much as you want. At the same time, because it is a gradual staircase, the view is better than that of other rows.

Of course, before the movie starts, there will be a lot of people coming and going here.

When they put their drinks in the cup holder in front of the seat and took out their snacks, they found that Criminal Shiratori had also walked over.

It's just that his seat is in the last row of the previous block.

"I didn't expect that by such a coincidence, I would be right in front of you."

Shiratori held a Coke and said hello to Karasawa and the others with a smile, and then looked down at the movie ticket in his hand, intending to confirm his actions.

But just as he took out the movie tickets and before he could see clearly, Shiratiao suddenly felt a force behind him hit his right elbow.

Although the force wasn't too big, he was caught off guard and knocked the Coke in his hand to the ground.

"I'm really sorry! I was looking for my place and didn't see you..."

A beautiful woman with long hair wearing sunglasses and an off-white ball knit hat looked at Shiratori and apologized quickly: "I'm sorry, is it a Coke?"

"Huh? Well..." Shiratiao was stunned for a moment and then nodded.

"Then I'll buy you a new cup right away." The woman said and hurried outside: "Please wait for me!"

Shiratori was about to open his mouth, but the woman had already run away. He smiled helplessly and picked up the Coke cup on the ground, looking at the paper cup with a wry smile.

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