Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,182 The Lost White Bird

'Even my childhood memories are gone now...'

Squatting down to collect the Coke that fell on the ground, Shiratiao, who was already in a low mood, laughed at himself pessimistically.

But on the surface, he still didn't react. He just silently picked up the paper cup on the ground and threw it into the trash can.

Tangze, who had witnessed everything, had no intention of stepping forward to help. It would be better to say that his eyes were not on Shiratiao at all, but he was staring closely at the woman's retreating back, his eyes full of meaning.

Now, he has determined that this case is the case in his memory.

And this case can also be said to be an opportunity for Shiratori's criminal peach blossoms to come.

At this point, Tangze was basically no longer on guard, and now his attention was completely on the female suspect.

"I'm going to the bathroom and I'll be back later."

Seeing the other party trotting away, Karasawa said something to Ayako next to him, got up and followed the other party outside.

"Go back quickly, the movie will start soon." Ayako on the side saw Tang Ze getting up and warned without noticing.

"Don't worry." Tang Ze made an OK gesture and walked straight out of the screening hall.

Because he knew that the other party was going to buy a Coke, Tang Ze took advantage of this gap and went to the direction of the bathroom.

In fact, he didn't need to see it with his own eyes, because he knew the plot and knew what the woman would do next.

However, out of caution, he still used the mechanical spider to monitor everything.

Mechanical Spider's POV Spider, the woman paid and soon got the new Coke handed over by the clerk.

Because the movie was about to start at this time, there were not many people in the hall and corridors at this moment, so the woman looked around and started to do something with the Coke.

Tang Ze witnessed all this clearly.

When the other party walked towards the theater, Tangze directly edited the text message and sent it to Shiratiao, and received a reply text message from the other party a moment later.

Seeing that Shiratori had indeed seen the text message, Karasawa smiled and put away his phone, walked out of the bathroom and returned to the screening hall.

As soon as Tang Ze sat down, the movie started to show.

Since it is a special effects blockbuster like Gomera, humans have very little role in it.

At the beginning, the hero and heroine appeared, and then the villain and the resurrected monster soon appeared.

I have to say that there is a reason why Gomera is so popular. The plot is basically flawless throughout. The male and female protagonists also successfully seek help from Gomera after escaping from death, and the two sides begin the first wave of battle.

There is no suspense. The protagonist Gomera was killed by the plot because of the enemy's hidden killing move. However, the male and female protagonists struggled to sneak into the remake's lair. At the critical moment, the resurrected mechanical monster went berserk and saved the defeated Gomera. .

This series of tense plots made the audience extremely invested.

Needless to say, the children naturally watched it with great interest, and the adults also watched it with great interest. For example, Ayako even forgot to drink her drink and stared at the screen, waiting for what would happen next.

Of course, the story on the screen is very exciting, and the story off the screen is not bad either.

These forty minutes were extremely torturous for Bai Niao.

After receiving Karasawa's text message, Shiratori immediately heightened his vigilance, acting like a criminal to guard against the woman next to him.

After all, who would give the things they bought with unknown drugs to others? It seems uneasy and kind-hearted.

Narcotics dealer? Indiscriminate killing? Sleeping pills?

Various reasons kept coming to Shiratiao's mind, and he put all his energy into trying to figure out this strange woman's plan.

But when she handed over the Coke cup she bought, Shiratiao's face suddenly became complicated when she saw a circle of paper-cut petals surrounding the paper cup.

Because in the best memory of childhood, the girl would also decorate in this way.

"Ah, I made you laugh. This has been my habit since childhood."

The woman saw Shiratori staring blankly at the garland around the paper cup, and smiled slightly: "As soon as I get the customary wrapping paper, I can't help but start making this kind of thing.

This can be considered a small apology from me. If you don't like it, it doesn't matter if you throw it away. "

"Ah, no." Baitiao returned to God, suppressing the chaotic emotions raging in his heart, and said as usual: "I like it very much."

"Really? That would be great." The woman smiled slightly, looking very happy.

"Ah, it's the big sister from before!"

Because the two people turned their heads to talk to each other, revealing their respective profiles, Ayumi in the back row immediately recognized each other and waved her hands happily: "We are here!"


The woman turned around and waved to the little ones, then turned to look at Bai Niao and explained with a smile: "I accidentally left my wallet on the ticket vending machine just now. Those children kindly reminded me."

"So this is ah."

Shiratiao smiled and agreed on the surface, but in his heart he couldn't help but think about the other person's intention of doing this.

If he didn't know anything, he would only think that it was such a coincidence that the other party happened to know a few of them, and they were sitting in the back row of him.

But now, Shiratiao couldn't help but wonder if the woman in front of her had any conspiracy. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that the little ones in the back row helped her pick up the wallet.

When you doubt someone, every move of the other person will become more meaningful.

After that, it was time to relax in the movie. Following Karasawa's prompts, he pretended to drink Coke, and then pretended to be asleep.

Tangze speculated in the text message that the other party was taking sleeping pills, and Shiratori also felt that sleeping was the most appropriate response opportunity in the absence of information.

When the movie was halfway through and he started to pretend to be sleepy, he suddenly felt the other person's hand slowly approaching his own.

If he was awake, he would definitely react if the other person held his hand like this, but now he still remembered that he was in a comatose state, so he forced himself not to make any move.

Then he heard the woman next to him calling him, shaking slightly at the same time.

But Bai Niao still pretended to be sleepy and waited for the other party to complete the test.

And soon, he felt the woman hug his head, let his head leave the backrest, and then put a hat on himself.

After that, the other party fiddled with something on the armrest between the two of them, then lowered his body and quietly walked outside.

Because this is a movie theater and a movie is being shown, in order to prevent their bodies from blocking the screen, everyone often lowers their body when they need to go out in the middle.

Therefore, the woman's attitude of going out did not attract anyone's attention. Everyone was attracted by the exciting content in the movie.

Except Shiratori and Karasawa.

Watching the woman leave, Shiratiao opened his eyes and found that the woman placed a flip phone on the Coke cup between them.

The next moment, Shiratori felt his shoulders sink, and he saw Tang Ze coming to him at some point. The thumb of his other hand pointed at the door, obviously signaling Shiratori to leave with him.

Shiratori took off his hat, put away his cell phone on the Coke cup, and followed Karasawa outside.

Conan on the side also noticed the two people's movements. Just as he was about to get up from his seat, he was stopped by Ayako.

"No, Tangze specifically told me that I want you to stay here and not run around."

However, Ayako had already sat down at Karasawa's seat, and said to Conan next to her calmly: "Just watch the movie with everyone honestly, and leave the rest to them."

"I see."

Although Ayako's voice was gentle, Conan knew that he had no room for rebuttal and could only be secretly annoyed that Karasawa did not follow his actions.

Although he didn't know what happened before, the two of them obviously followed the woman after she left, so Conan also knew that there must be a case or something.

‘Forget it, since the two of them are still following, it’s obvious that nothing will go wrong. ’

Knowing that Ayako must have listened to Karasawa's instructions and deliberately stopped her, and suppressed the inquiry in her heart, Conan also understood Karasawa's intention.

Obviously in this case, there is no need for him at all. Even if he follows him, it is useless. It is better to watch the movie honestly.

'Hide your identity, hide your identity...'

Thinking of Karasawa's instructions and Belmod's behavior of sneaking into the Metropolitan Police Department to investigate the files in disguise, Conan muttered a few words to suppress his curiosity and started watching the movie.

Although the truth at the beginning was indeed a little absent-minded and a little concerned about the case, the plot of the movie was indeed attractive enough. Conan also knew that he would definitely not be able to participate in the case, so he gathered his thoughts and concentrated on watching the movie.

As for the other side, after Tangze and Shiratori left the screening room, they followed the disguised woman all the way downstairs.

After the woman walked out of the cinema, she wore a mask and sunglasses to cover her face, and her outfit was not eye-catching in this weather.

Perhaps because she felt that no one would discover her plan, and her dress did not attract attention, she acted very relaxed.

The more natural your demeanor is, the less attention you will attract in a crowd.

But the other party's lack of vigilance also made it easier for the two people following behind.

With their two criminal stalking skills, there was no pressure in stalking an unsuspecting woman.

"I wonder if she drove here."

Following the woman, Shiratiao frowned and said, "If she drives, we need to know her vehicle so we don't lose her.

But if we take a taxi, we may be thrown away by the other party if we don’t have transportation. "

"Let's divide the work." Tang Ze nodded in agreement with his opinion and suggested: "I'll pick up the car and you follow her. If she takes a taxi, write down the license plate number."

"Okay, call me." Shiratori nodded in agreement, and Tang Ze walked directly up the stairs to the underground parking lot.

Shiratiao followed the woman out of the shopping mall gate. After seeing the woman waiting at the intersection as if she was about to hail a taxi, he immediately called Tang Ze.

The woman quickly stopped a taxi, and Shiratiao, who was hiding in the crowd, saw the woman getting into the car. He wrote down the taxi's license plate number, and then watched the car drive forward.


A moment later, Karasawa drove a car and stopped next to Shiratori and shouted to him.

Shiratiao opened the car door and got into the passenger seat. He pointed forward and said, "The woman is going forward. She is the one next to the blue car in front of you."

"I know, it seems that God has favored us and sent her a red light."

Tangze watched the red light ahead turn green, stepped on the accelerator and drove to follow with a smile.

That's not a bad thing to say. After all, he was catching a red light when he picked up the white bird. If the light was green, they would probably not be able to find each other by now.

If the green light turns red when they leave, they might have to turn on the siren and run through a red light, etc. Then it will be troublesome.

"What is that woman's plan?"

Shiratori on the side was not as optimistic as Tangze. Instead, he frowned and looked at the taxi in front of him, looking very worried.

Apparently, the woman's habit of cutting paper cups since childhood made Shiratori recognize her as the girl who had influenced his life as a child.

At this moment, the other party is planning this series of affairs. Although we don't know what the other party is going to do yet, it is obviously not a good thing.

"I'm afraid it's murder."

But what Shiratiao didn't expect was that Tang Ze actually gave the answer to his own question.

But this answer is the one Shiratiao is least willing to face.

Because to him, the girl she once was was so kind and righteous, and she was as beautiful as a cherry blossom.

But today's girls have deep thoughts. Not only do they drug strangers, they may even plan to kill people, which makes Shiratiao feel sad.

Originally, because of Haibara's words, Shiratori had doubts about whether Sato Miwako was a girl when she was a child. Now, he accidentally met a woman who had the same habits as the girl when she was a child.

I thought everything might be fate, but I didn't expect that it was fate.

"Are you sure?" Although Shiratiao already believed in Tangze's judgment, he still couldn't help asking.


Tang Ze said: "Judging from the fact that she didn't feel any strange about you falling asleep, what she put in your coke was sleeping pills.

Judging from the other party's subsequent actions, everything seemed to be an alibi.

There is only one person who can make an alibi, and that is murder. "

Tangze's reasoning could be described as merciless, but these words pierced into Shiratori's heart like arrows.

Tangze naturally knew how complicated Shiratori was feeling at the moment, but he definitely couldn't say it now. After all, he couldn't explain the source of the information.

But it doesn't matter, the other party is not Shiratiao's sweetheart, so he doesn't care about it. The worst thing is that after the case, he will find a way to be a matchmaker and let a few little birds call their teacher over to promote good things for Xiaolin and Shiratiao.

As for now, I can only feel the pain of hurting Bai Niao first.

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