Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,183 The background of love comes from scum

The two drove and followed the taxi for almost 15 minutes before arriving at a high-rise apartment that looked pretty good.

The place where the woman committed the crime was not too far away from where they were watching the movie, and it did not reveal what Tang Ze expected.

After all, if the distance is too far, the woman will not have enough time to return after committing the crime.

So she will definitely choose a place where she can complete her plan within the duration of a movie, as a way to create an alibi.

After the woman entered the apartment, Tang Ze and the two parked the car and waited for a while, then slowly approached each other while checking each other's eyes.

The woman first took out the key from the storage box and took out the stick that seemed to be bought online, and then walked upstairs.

Karasawa had good eyesight and quickly saw the location of the other party's locker. After confirming that the woman had gone upstairs, he quickly confirmed that the name on the locker was "Kasakura".

Perhaps because it was only about two o'clock, there was no one in the stairwell, which was convenient for the two of them.

Just listen to the opponent's footsteps, and you can easily follow the opponent without appearing in the opponent's field of vision.

After going up to the third floor, Karasawa and the two saw that the woman had unpacked the express package they bought, holding the handshake part of the baseball bat in the package, and knocked on the door of Kasakura's apartment.


Hearing the knock on the door, a man's voice came from inside the house, and the woman hid the deadly baseball bat behind her, but her tone was still gentle: "It's me, open the door quickly."

"I'm coming!"

Seemingly recognizing the woman's voice, the man smiled and opened the door, "Why are you back? Didn't you say you were going to watch a movie?"

"I felt the movie wasn't very good, so I came back early."

The woman had a warm smile on her face: "If I have that time, I might as well come back and spend more time with you."

"Hey, hey, we've been in a relationship for so many years, it's so disgusting to say that." Although the man said this, the smile on his face betrayed him: "Come in quickly."

As he spoke, the man turned around and walked into the house. Looking at the man with his back turned to her, the woman showed a ruthless expression at this moment.

At this moment, she was like a cold-blooded snake baring its fangs towards its prey, attacking the unsuspecting prey.

She raised the baseball bat high and planned to hit the man on the head with the bat in her hand to vent her hatred.

With a crazy expression filled with the pleasure of revenge, the woman hit the man on the head with all her strength.

But the next moment, the baseball bat raised high seemed to be nailed in the air. Even because he was unprepared, his body couldn't help but stumble forward two steps.

"Is there anything that must be resolved by murder?"

The woman suddenly heard a male voice behind her and turned around subconsciously. When she saw the two people behind her, her pupils contracted violently.


The woman looked at Bainiao, her body trembling uncontrollably: "'t..."

"Ah, because I accidentally saw the little tricks you did when buying Coke, so my colleagues escaped."

Tang Ze explained the reason clearly with a smile, but in the woman's eyes, that smile was like a cat teasing a mouse. No matter how hard it struggled, it was just the other's prey.

"Hey, hey, what's going on?"

The man in the living room didn't react until this moment, and couldn't help but look at the three people: "What killing? What are you talking about, and who are you two..."

"Seeing our previous actions, haven't you figured out the situation yet?"

Tang Ze looked at the man and sneered: "Or have you guessed it, but you just don't dare to face this fact?

Your guilty conscience is completely visible to the naked eye at this moment, and even children can easily see through it. "

"I..." The man had a look of fear on his face, looking at the woman who looked as ferocious as a demon: "She wants to kill me...?"

"Yes! I just want to kill you!"

The woman looked at her former sweetheart, but her face was full of viciousness: "I know everything you did!

You disgusting liar! ! "

"Liar?" Shiratiao looked at the woman and said, "But aren't you a couple?"

"Oh, that's just wishful thinking on my part."

The woman looked at the frightened man with a sneer, eyes full of hatred: "I am just a plaything manipulated by this man in the name of dating!

I dated him for 7 years, I was only 20 years old at that time!

This man keeps pretending that he is short of money. I can’t even remember how much money I have lent him so far!

Later, I really had no money to lend him, and this scumbag actually asked me to pawn the jewelry for money!

At that time, I was fascinated by his sweet words, so I lent him the jewelry.

But it was my mother's relic. When I finally saved enough money, I was going to go to the pawn shop to redeem the ruby ​​ring.

The owner of the pawn shop told me that he never received this jewelry at all! "

"Stop talking...I..."

The man’s face was full of panic and guilt, but the woman’s face was full of hatred when she saw this, and she looked at the man with murderous eyes: “What, do you dare to do what you do?

You don't let me say it, but I insist on saying it, you damn liar! !

You may not know it yet, but I have been following you for a long time after I thought you had a problem!

Then I knew it all!

You gave my mother's relics to another woman, and she was very happy to be with you while wearing my mother's relics!

Two years before we met, you dated that woman and were even engaged!

And I just stupidly became your mistress! "

"Hey, are you still a man?!"

Perhaps it was because he regarded the woman in front of him as the girl when he was a child. After hearing the ins and outs of all the stories, Shiratiao, who had always been calm and calm, grabbed the man's collar and said with a terrifying expression:

"This is a form of fraud and must be punished by law. You fraudster, just wait to go to jail!"

"Oh, go to jail..."

When the woman heard Shiratiao's words, a look of disdain appeared on her face: "So what if I go to jail, I gave up 7 years of my youth for this man!

So I want to kill him and end this man's life! !

The price for being this man who played with my feelings and trampled on my youth and beauty for seven years! "

The look in the woman's eyes towards the man became extremely terrifying, like a poisonous snake staring at its prey, about to pierce its vengeful fangs into the enemy's flesh and blood, making him pay a heavy price.


The man slumped to the ground, and he knelt down in front of the woman in fear: "It's my fault, I'm really sorry!!"

"It's really disgusting. When you men make a mistake, you just kneel down and apologize!"

The woman unceremoniously put her foot on the man's head and trampled him to the floor. She roared hysterically: "Just wait for me, I will definitely kill you!"

Seeing the woman's extreme actions, Tang Ze quickly pulled the woman back, but at this moment the woman had already fallen into madness. She looked at the man with sinister eyes and said: "Don't even think about living a good life for a day in this life. I want you to taste it every day." The taste of the threat of death!”

"Hey, calm down!"

Tangze warned: "Although I sympathize with your experience, it does not mean that you can threaten the victim in front of me unscrupulously.

You have attempted murder now, and your words and deeds will determine your subsequent charges! "

"never mind!"

The woman's beautiful face carried a terrifying viciousness. The originally gentle woman now seemed to be possessed by a female ghost, and her whole person was completely blinded by hatred.

"As long as I am alive for one day, I will definitely make him pay the price!"

Not only did the woman not restrain herself after hearing Tang Ze's warning, but she even intensified: "I have plenty of time to struggle with this man, so what can you do!?

Catch me this time and I will find him when I come out!

If it would be better if he got married at that time, I would break up his family and let his wife and children know what he had done, and then kill him!

Don't worry, I only have one wish left in this life, and that is to kill you and let you taste the same destruction by human hands! "

"Please! Please don't!!"

Looking at the woman with a crazy expression and a crazy smile on her mouth, the man was really scared: "I will go to jail. I will not pursue any crimes against you, and I will slowly pay you back the money I owe you and the compensation for loss of youth." !

I'm sorry for you! I beg you! Let me go! ! Let me go!

Mr. Criminal, we are joking. She did not threaten my life. Don't arrest her! !

right! That's it! It was me who lied to her, and she was so angry that she just wanted to beat me out! ! "

Seeing the woman threatening the man's life in front of him, but the man was eager to kowtow and beg for mercy, Tang Ze also had a headache.

In the original case, this man had already been killed by this yandere woman. Naturally, he had no way of understanding the character of this philandering scumbag.

But now it seems that scumbag men all have the same stereotyped personality - cowardice.

He dared to do it, but he didn't take it seriously, or he himself knew that it was unreasonable to be flirtatious, so he naturally felt guilty after being discovered.

Of course, there are those scumbags who are as bad as they can be, but this one is obviously not the one in front of him.

Of course, it is also possible that you are just frightened by the darkened sister in front of you. After all, she has threatened to risk your life for the rest of your life.

Can you handle this situation? It's very scary when a woman goes crazy. You can tell by the look on her face that she's not joking at all.

"Let Officer Megure come over to handle the follow-up matters, and leave the rest to the people in the court."

Tang Ze looked at the situation in front of him and decided to be out of sight, out of mind, but he did not forget to help Shiratiao lead the red line: "The other children watching the movie are also witnesses.

This woman pretended to put her wallet on the automatic ticket machine. She probably saw on the Internet that the seven seats in the back row were bought by someone, and then confirmed before the screening that these seats belonged to Conan and his friends.

So she deliberately left her wallet there to draw their attention closer, so that several children could discover the body with her and serve as her alibi witnesses.

Of course, the ticket you bought, Shiratori, must have been left by the other party on purpose. I noticed that the seats next to you two were empty, so I guess it was left by the woman on purpose.

In addition, we prevented her from killing on the spot. With these witnesses and evidence, it should be enough for the judge to make a verdict of attempted murder. "

"Yes." Bai Niao saw this chaotic scene, and his originally complicated brain gradually calmed down.

Although he was upset, he didn't want to see the criminal escape before his eyes.

In this situation, both men and women may have lost their cool, so it is better to separate them temporarily and then go through all the legal procedures.

Tang Ze looked at the chaotic scene in front of him of a black man who was brazenly expressing his intention to kill someone, and another who was kneeling down and begging for mercy, saying that the other party didn't want to kill him. There was only one feeling in his mind.

Tired, exhausted, numb...

To be honest, Tang Ze has encountered many cases, and many people have stopped them. Every time, good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be punished with evil.

Regardless of whether you are a victim or a victim, if you have malicious intentions, you will be judged by the law, and if you have good intentions, you will be reborn under Karasawa's hands.

But this is really the first time for such a mess.

This time Tang Ze felt for the first time what is meant by "it is difficult for an honest official to deal with household affairs".

The fact that the woman attempted murder was witnessed by two of them at the scene. This is irrefutable evidence, but the specific verdict still needs to be considered by the court based on all aspects of the situation.

And the attitude of the victim is really painful...

After making up his mind that he would only be a tool in this case, Tangze breathed a sigh of relief after Officer Megure and Takagi took the two back.

Since you don’t know how to handle this case in the future, just hand it over.

Anyway, with his intervention, the current outcome is much better than the original ending.

At least the person who was supposed to die was still alive, and the murderer didn't make an irreparable mistake. There was still a chance to start over.

As for the relationship that is constantly being cut and messed up...

Tang Ze said that those are the tasks that judges should do, and that he, a small criminal, is not worthy to participate in such decision-making.

He left the apartment with Officer Megure and watched them escort the two away. Karasawa patted Shiratori on the shoulder and said, "Let's go back to the cinema and take the children to the Metropolitan Police Department to make a record.

Also, don't be too sad, he may not be the girl you met when you were a child. "

"How do you know what I'm thinking?" Bai Niao asked in astonishment.

"Don't forget, she drugged your coke. Naturally, I saw her making a petal bracelet out of habit paper."

Tang Ze reminded: "I just heard you tell the story of your youth, and you met such a woman. It would be strange if I can't guess what you are thinking."

"Haha... It seems that I was really hit hard by this incident."

Shiratiao laughed at himself when he heard this: "I shouldn't have asked this kind of question originally, but now I ask it stupidly..."

"I can understand it, but like I said, the other person may not be the person you imagined. After all, the details of the petals don't match up."

Tang Ze opened the car door and motioned for Shiratori to get in: "Let's go to the cinema first."

Wait for me to personally lead the red line for you as a new moon!

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