Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,184 Please write down the meaning of the cherry blossoms in this chapter

Although Tang Ze said that he wanted to match up Shiratiao and Teacher Xiaolin back then, he couldn't say anything now, and naturally Shiratiao's mood was not much better.

Although it didn't take long for the two of them to solve the case, it took them nearly forty minutes to wait for Officer Megure to arrive and explain the situation.

When they left, the movie had already played for about 40 minutes. Basically, by the time Tang Ze and the two returned to the mall, the movie was over.

This is normal. After all, when a woman plans her alibi, she has calculated the time. It is normal for them to get stuck and go back.

After waiting in the lobby for a while, Karasawa saw Ayako walking out of the screening room with several babies.

"How is the situation?" Ayako looked at Tangze with inquiry in her eyes.

"Fortunately, I followed him. Because of love and hatred, that girl planned to kill and take revenge on that scumbag."

Looking at the few inquiring eyes, Tang Ze smiled and briefly explained the ins and outs of the case.

"Ah...that sister is so pitiful..." Ayumi, who is also a girl, immediately felt sympathy for the beautiful sister.

"Her boyfriend is so bad!" Yuantai felt disgusted with her target: "This kind of person should be beaten up!"

"There should be legal sanctions!"

Mitsuhiko who was on the side corrected him after hearing Genta's words: "His behavior violated the law and was a form of fraud.

Your desire to beat him up is actually the same as that sister's desire for revenge! "

The young and precocious Mitsuhiko raised the essential issue and kindly warned his friends.

"I know!" Listening to Mitsuhiko's nagging lecture, Genta was not angry, but scratched his head and accepted it humbly.

Putting aside the behavior of seeking death, the three little ones still have very upright views.

Of course, being "righteous" to the point of being a little reckless means losing your mind, and their attempts to commit suicide often stem from this.

"So now you need our help to testify at the Metropolitan Police Department?"

After listening to what Tang Ze said about the truth of the incident, Conan on the side finally satisfied his curiosity and understood Tang Ze's next plan.

"Well, that's right."

Tang Ze nodded and looked at San Xiaozhi with a smile: "You are also witnesses in her plan, and your testimony also determines the judge's judgment.

So I will trouble you to accompany me to the Metropolitan Police Department later to take notes. "

"no problem."

The three little ones all patted their chests and agreed. After all, this kind of thing was quite familiar to them.

His proficiency in taking statements at the Metropolitan Police Department at such a young age is astonishing. This may be an experience that others will never have in their lifetime.

Of course, those are not the main points that Tangze cares about. His main purpose is to call over Conan and his class teacher, Mr. Xiaolin, to give Shiratori a red line.

In the original plot, it was Ayumi who knew the story of Shiratori, watched him take the woman and collapsed on the ground, and then gave her the cherry blossom paper-cutting that Teacher Kobayashi taught her.

But now of course there is no such thing.

In other words, if Karasawa doesn't take action now, the love between Shiratori and Xiaolin may die.

Of course, red lines are not to be drawn casually, they must be well-reasoned and well-founded.

Thinking of this, Tang Ze turned his attention to Ayumi and looked at the other person's wrist.

As expected, there was a bracelet with paper-cut cherry blossoms on her wrist, and even Genta and Mitsuhiko had the same paper-cut bracelets on their wrists.

"Ayumi, is this cherry blossom on your wrist?"

Seeing that the most important conditions were already met, Tang Ze asked directly.

His words really attracted Shiratori's attention. He subconsciously looked and found that Ayumi and other children actually had paper-cut bracelets on their wrists.

It looks the same as the bracelet made by the woman who was kidnapped before. Even the shape of the petals is more accurate than the woman's. It is a cherry blossom-shaped bracelet!

"Yes, it looks great!" Ayumi showed the cherry blossom bracelet on her wrist and said with a smile.

"We have some too, Ayumi made them for us!"

Genta and Mitsuhiko also revealed their bracelets, proudly displaying them.

‘I didn’t expect Karaze Criminal to find out so quickly. I was originally thinking of finding a way to guide Officer Shiratori to find out. ’

Because he had heard the story Shiratori told before, after seeing Ayumi knitting a cherry blossom bracelet, he also realized that maybe the person who taught Ayumi the bracelet was the girl Shiratori met when he was young.

And after asking Ayumi about it, Conan was surprised to find that the person who taught Ayumi how to make a cherry blossom bracelet was none other than their homeroom teacher, Mr. Kobayashi!

This makes Conan feel that it is even more necessary for him to promote good things between the two of them. After all, Teacher Xiaolin is really good to them, so it is not a big deal for him to be a matchmaker for the teacher...

Conan and Karasawa looked at each other, completing a silent communication in this moment of looking at each other in the eyes.

It was obvious that the two of them had reached a tacit agreement on promoting good things between them.

"This was taught to Ayumi by our homeroom teacher, Mr. Xiaolin." Conan calmly began to convey the message to Shiratori.

"But why Sakura?"

Just when Shiratori was about to ask Conan about their homeroom teacher, Karasawa on the side spoke directly and looked at Ayumi in front of him and asked: "When your teacher taught you how to make this bracelet, he said what the meaning of this cherry blossom bracelet is. ?"

Shiratiao was startled when he heard this. When he looked at Tang Ze, he found that the other person was winking at him. While he was embarrassed, he also showed gratitude.

Obviously, he also saw that Tangze was taking the initiative to find out information for himself.

Tangze's question was obviously much more straightforward than his own. If he had asked the question just now, he would not have asked it so straightforwardly because of the face issue.

My inner thoughts are flowing and my thoughts are constantly flashing through my mind, but on the outside, it’s just a blink of an eye.

Shiratori looked at Ayumi expectantly, waiting for the other party's answer.

"Teacher Xiaolin told me that cherry blossoms are a symbol of courage!"

Ayumi had a proud smile on her face: "After all, you see, cherry blossoms are a symbol that every criminal will wear!

Strong, gentle, and handsome, so he is the flower of justice! "

Listening to Ayumi's words, the girl's figure in front of Shiratori seemed to disappear and transform into another girl's figure.

That was the most unforgettable image that was etched in my heart when I was young.

"Why are you dazed? Let's go."

Tang Ze, who was on the side, rudely woke up Bai Niao from his daze, and raised his eyebrows at the other party: "Bring these children back quickly to record their confessions, otherwise we haven't arrived yet by the time the teacher arrives. That wouldn't be a mistake." Got the etiquette.”

"Ah...oh oh..."

Bai Niao recovered from his daze and quickly got up and took a few little ones into the car.

That dazed look made Tangze dare not hand over the steering wheel to Shiratori, for fear that he would be dazed or too excited to race and send the whole car to the hospital.

Finally, Karasawa took the group to the Metropolitan Police Department. After Shiratori absentmindedly finished writing notes for a few little ones, he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Well, I heard that some kids in our class are causing trouble for you here..."

When Shiratiao looked up, his eyes met in the air with the short-haired woman who opened the door and looked into the room with a worried expression.

At that moment, Shiratori seemed to see the figure of the girl when he was young.

"Ah, no, these children have helped us a lot. They are witnesses in the case we are handling."

Tang Ze looked at Bai Niao and looked like a dumbfounded pig brother, so he quickly diverted Teacher Xiaolin's attention to prevent Bai Niao from leaving a bad impression on him.

After all, the first impression is still very important and may even determine the difficulty of your follow-up.

"Ah, really?" Teacher Xiaolin heard Tang Ze's words and looked at the few little ones running to her side in surprise.

"Of course it's true!" Yuanta was eager to show off in front of the teacher, and assuredly patted his chest.

"This is not the first time that our young detective team has helped with criminal investigation." Mitsuhiko said like a young adult: "Teacher, your suspicion is unnecessary."

"Haha...really?" Xiaolin smiled awkwardly after hearing Mitsuhiko's words: "It seems that the teacher is looking down on you."

"Hey, we are young detectives after all!" Ayumi also looked proud.

"Okay, okay, the teacher already knows that you are very good."

Xiao Lin nodded and said with a smile: "Now that the matter is done, shall we go back now?"

"Teacher Xiaolin, did you drive here?" Tang Ze asked immediately after hearing this.

"Ah, no... I'm going to take a taxi to take the children back." Teacher Xiao Lin waved his hand after hearing this.

"If it's convenient, please take my car."

After hearing Tang Ze's words and Xiao Lin's answer, Shiratiao didn't know that this was an assist given to him by his good brother.

Almost like a flash, Shiratori came directly to Teacher Xiaolin, held her hand and extended an invitation.

"Ah good..."

Teacher Xiao Lin's face turned red when his hand was suddenly held, and he subconsciously agreed.

The so-called Ji Niao Nostalgic Forest, when the girl Bai Niao has been thinking about finally appeared in front of him, Bai Niao was resurrected with full health!

Seeing that Shiratori's mental outlook seemed to have changed into that of a different person, Conan and Tangze on the side showed their "aunty smiles".

I have been busy for a long time just to watch this sweet plot.

At this moment, everything was as expected by Karasawa and Shiratori. Shiratori finally recognized the girl when she was really young and launched a passionate pursuit.

Although Bai Niao's love journey has been full of twists and turns, there are finally signs of success today.

At this moment, the white bird returns to the forest.

The cherry blossoms on the roadside are in full bloom.


【Memories of Sakura】

Completion: Excellent~Perfect

[Congratulations to the host for getting the lie detection needle (one piece)]

Evaluation: In this case, your careful layout prevented a crime that used you to create an alibi.

Although the results after preventing the tragedy are a mess, you don't need to identify and judge those things. You can just leave everything to the law and wait for the results.

You prevented the loss of a life and gave the killer a chance to start over.

Somehow, you have received the favor of fate.

After Shiratori left with Teacher Xiaolin and a bunch of light bulbs, Tangze opened the panel with his mind and saw the settlement of this case.

Obviously, the outcome of this case also gave the system a "headache" during settlement, otherwise it would not be described as "a mess".

However, after Tang Ze stopped this case, he still reversed the previous tragedy.

Judging from the rewards given by the system, I still agree with his approach.

After all, this time I was given a [Lie Detection Needle] as a prop.

Needless to say, the preciousness of this item is natural. It turns out that Tang Zeke only obtained this item when he had a completion level of "Perfect Level" or above.

Although the completion level this time is only ": excellent~perfect", the reward is actually "perfect level".

Although Tang Ze had accumulated two [Lie Detection Needles] in his previous warehouse, for this kind of prop that could almost directly force the end of the case, Tang Ze naturally hoped that the more the better.

Just like that time on Mermaid Island, when she encountered the murderous motive that Shimabukuro Kimi had due to an old case, and if she wanted to stop the case before she committed the murder, she could only get her mother's murderer to confess.

But that case was already several years ago, and even if the police re-investigate, the case may not be concluded due to insufficient evidence.

And Shimabukuro Kimie, who is bent on revenge, will definitely not be able to accept such a long and slim ending. The other party will definitely want revenge immediately.

The only way to stop it is to get the results of the trial in front of the other party immediately.

But relying on normal means, it is impossible to get the prisoner to plead guilty.

The [Lie Detection Needle] is an unconventional prop like cheating, which can directly break the situation and solve the case.

Although the rewards for using this item will be reduced, for Tangze, although the rewards are important, they are not the only ones.

Sometimes being able to prevent the destined tragedy is what Tangze pursues.

After the case was over, Shiratori became a driver, and after Karasawa settled everything, he took Ayako out to eat Italian food.

Although they took the initiative to eat melon today, they did eat a lot of dog food, but eating other people's food is not as good as spreading their own dog food.

So the two had a candlelight dinner in the evening, rubbing their ears and temples together and feeling the warmth of their lovers under the romantic night scene.

After this case ended, Tang Ze finally ushered in a rest period.

Of course, in this peaceful daily life, Tang Ze also paid close attention to the subsequent results of the case.

First, the man was convicted of fraud and ordered to return the money lent to him by the woman.

As for the relic ruby ​​ring, the fiancée of the other party also returned the ring to the woman after learning about it.

After getting the ring, the woman's obsession and desire for revenge have diminished. Coupled with the persuasion of the defense lawyer, the other party's attitude seems to have wavered.

Of course, Tang Ze also contributed to this.

With the professional skills of psychology, every time Tang Ze meets and talks with the other party, he is able to guide the other party to gradually get out of the cage of hatred and let go of the past.

But these seven years of wasted love and youth have done too much harm to a young woman.

Until the day when the court made the verdict, Tangze didn't know whether the other party had moved on from this hatred.

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