Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,185 Hattori Arrives

Falling out of love is a painful thing, but falling out of love does not mean losing love.

Likewise, there is the term "failed love".

In the face of broken love, some people don't take it seriously, but more people say that if you feel that a relationship has no impact on you, it is because you have not really fallen in love with another person.

A truly emotional separation is like two flowers whose roots have become entangled and grown together, and their roots are separated.

Every time you pull it apart, several entangled roots will be torn off, and the pain will amplify little by little, eroding your heart, making you eager to make up for it with other things.

Some people choose to indulge, some choose to numb themselves with alcohol, some people fill it with new love, and some people choose hatred...

In this case, the woman gave too much and almost reduced herself to the man's vassal and nourishment for seven years. That's why she collapsed when she knew that the man used her efforts to raise another "flower". Even to extremes.

The verdict of this case was finally brought to him by Nanatsuki Koshimizu.

After all, Karasawa is also a leader, and he has to be responsible for many things when there are no cases on a daily basis. Koshimizu Nanatsuki is happy to let Karasawa handle the affairs, while she is responsible for the small things that the other party is concerned about.

In the end, after the lawyer's efforts and the victim's strong denial that the woman wanted to kill him, taking into account the woman's experience and her mental state after knowing that she had been deceived by a PUA for many years, she discovered that she had been defrauded of both love and money.

In the end, the court decided not to prosecute the woman, but instead gave her an "investigation warning."

This basically sets a time limit for women. If they do not commit another crime during this period, they can start their lives again without facing a criminal record.

Of course, if another heinous crime is committed during this period, the charges this time and the next will be superimposed at the same time.

At that time, the judge may even consider the circumstances to be egregious and further increase the sentence.

It can be said that her future ending is completely in her own hands and depends on her own decision.

He insists on hatred, desperately fights with this man, and puts his future life on the line for revenge.

It is better to let go of the hatred, accept this failed relationship, let go of the past self, completely let go of yourself and start a new life.

Everyone hopes that the other party can choose the second option, put down hatred and start a new life.

But only the woman herself knows exactly how she will choose.

But at least while the man was in jail, she had enough time to think.

Perhaps when she calms down, after she has been persuaded by many people, including her parents, the woman will give up the idea of ​​revenge and start her life again.

Twenty-seven years old is not too late for a woman, she is even at a graceful age.

In an era when late marriage is common in later generations, women of this age would not be in a hurry.

In addition, the other party is also very beautiful, and she is at the age where youth and maturity alternate. As long as she is willing to let go of this failed past, there will be many suitors. It depends on whether she is willing to let go.

The rest is not something Tangze has to worry about. After all, he is responsible for his own life.

If she still chooses revenge this time, although Tang Ze will feel regretful, he will not hesitate to arrest her again.

I just hope that this woman can cherish the opportunity and firmly grasp her own happiness.

After all, there are very few people who can still pursue happiness peacefully after becoming a prisoner. I hope the other party can cherish the opportunity.

Although this case was judged quickly and the result came quickly, it still took about ten days.

I don't know if this is considered case welfare, but during this period Tangze didn't encounter a single case and spent more than ten days peacefully.

If I have nothing to do, I will make a date with Ayako, go to the kendo gym to torture her colleagues, give them instructions on how to quickly defeat the enemy, and go drinking together after get off work.

The leisure time during the New Year is the kind of complete relaxation, and the relaxation after a busy day at work has a unique flavor.

It's just that the daily life of these ten days has been a bit too peaceful. When Tang Ze received a call from Conan again on Friday afternoon, he was already acting as a tool to catch the thief.

Last time Tang Ze handled the case truthfully, Conan was excluded. This time Conan solved a theft case backhand and asked Tang Ze to come over as a toolman to finish the work.

The theft was also very simple. It was a gardener who accidentally learned that there was an exquisite ancient mechanism designed by Sansui Kichiemon in his employer's warehouse.

He used this to steal property, and then hid the stolen goods in this secret base to prevent others from seeing it.

It's a pity that because of his frequent use of the warehouse, many things that the owner put in the warehouse were lost, and gradually there were rumors of the "Monster Warehouse".

Somehow this rumor caught Mitsuhiko's attention, and he told Genta and Ayumi about it.

And just like Conan hopes to surpass Karasawa, the three little ones are actually eager to prove themselves due to Conan's outstanding performance.

However, the little actions of the three of them could not be hidden from Conan. For their safety, Conan and Haiyuan naturally intervened in this case.

Once the "case trigger" of a few little ones was disturbed, the matter of the "Monster Warehouse" was naturally exposed. Coupled with Conan, a famous detective, the secret of the warehouse was easily figured out.

Cooperating with the criminal department responsible for theft cases in the area, they quickly solved the case and caught the timid thief.

In general, this case has no twists and turns. Conan is like playing a secret room, cracking the mechanism of the master of the mechanism, Sansui Kichiemon, step by step.

However, this is because this mechanism was just used by Kichiemon Sansui to secretly hide treasures for the owner of the warehouse, so there is no dangerous mechanism, otherwise Conan would really have to "escape with his life".

As for why Tang Ze was asked to come over to finish the case when there was a criminal case, on the one hand it was a silent demonstration to express dissatisfaction with being excluded from previous cases.

Of course, Conan is not so bored that he deliberately does such childish things.

The main reason is that Hattori Heiji actually brought Kazuha to Tokyo with him.

When friends come from afar, it’s natural to invite them all to sit down and have a meal together.

After learning about this situation, although Tang Ze was mocked by Conan and said that he came to be a tool to finish the work, in fact he just said hello to the criminal, and the other party escorted the prisoner away.

"Okay, you guys should go home quickly."

After saying hello to Hattori, Karasawa looked at the three little ones and warned them: "Stop running around casually. Do you hear me when I get home?"

"I will go back with them." Haiyuan on the side said, "I will watch over them, so don't worry."

"I'll pick you up later?" Tang Ze looked at Haiyuan and asked.

"No, you can just go and eat together. I also have to supervise Dr. Ali's diet." Haibara smiled and declined Tang Ze's invitation: "Besides, I think the food at home is better."

"Okay, then I won't keep you. If you need anything, call me."

After Tang Ze gave Haiyuan a warning, he stopped trying to persuade him to stay. After all, Haiyuan's intention was already obvious.

Supervising Dr. A Li's diet and so on are just excuses, and at most they are incidental.

For Haiyuan, instead of eating out, it would be better to go home and eat the food cooked by his sister.

After bidding farewell to Haibara, Karasawa took Conan and Hattori Heiji into the car. As a treat, he planned to take them to Yukihira's to eat today.

As for Conan, after getting in the car, he called Xiaolan and asked her to come with him.

After all, my best friend and Ye are here, so naturally I have to call Xiaolan.

So the three couples met in the private room of Yukihei's restaurant.

"It's been such a long time."

Ayako was the last to arrive. After she sat down, she looked at Kazuha next to her and asked, "You guys came here just after school, right?"

"Yes." Heye nodded and said, "There is a speech contest in the school this afternoon. After our speech, we asked for leave directly from the teacher."

"In such a hurry?"

Karasawa looked at Hattori Heiji and said, "You came to Tokyo this time not just to have fun with us."

"That's right, I have something serious to do this time, and I'm afraid I need your help, Tangze Criminal."

Hattori Heiji, who had been conquered by Yukihira's craftsmanship, picked up another piece of honey beef and said, "We are actually here to find someone."

"Yes, the person we are looking for is called Kunisue Illumination."

Hattori Heiji said as he took out a photo of a young man from his pocket.

The man in the photo is wearing a white collared T-shirt and has medium-length brown hair. He looks good-looking and is a handsome guy.

"He is a second-year student at Didan University."

Showing the photo, Hattori Heiji lowered his head and glanced at the photo, with a jealous expression on his face: "This person's hometown is next to the Ye family, and they are neighbors."

"Then why are you looking for him?" Ayako asked curiously.

"The situation is like this. He has been playing tennis. He came back to Osaka from school while on vacation a while ago. Then he came to my door and hoped that I could give him an amulet."

Toyama Kazuha explained: "He said he was about to compete. In order to win the tennis match, he hoped Kazuha could do one."

"This kind of thing is usually something mothers would do." Xiaolan joked after hearing this: "Could it be..."


Kazuha waved his hands in annoyance, glanced at Hattori Heiji and quickly explained: "He heard from somewhere that the amulet I made was very useful, so he insisted on hoping that I could make him an amulet."

"What happens after that? So you didn't make an amulet for him?" Karasawa glanced at Hattori Heiji, who was eating with a dark face, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Clearly, there is something to be gained from this!

Conan on the side also had the same expression, obviously intending to watch the show.

In fact, both of them knew that they liked each other, but they were really disappointed. They had been together for a long time, but they hadn't confessed yet.

This has always made Conan very disdainful of Hattori Heiji's coward, and it is also a point where he often attacks his opponent.

But it was not enough that Hattori Heiji refused to accept it. After all, the two of them were indeed tougher than him on this matter, so they had to bow their heads.

So when faced with the two people's subtle expressions of "You want to go green" and "You're about to go green", Hei Hattori, who understood the meaning, was going to be furious.

But, He Ye was still there, and he didn't want to make the occasion for expressing his feelings so casual, so he could only grit his teeth and endure it.

"After all, we have been neighbors since childhood, and he tried his best to ask me for help, so I did it for him."

When He Ye said this, he didn't know why he was a little annoyed: "But I accidentally gave him the wrong amulet."

When talking about this, Toyama Kazuha pointed at Hattori Heiji's face with an unhappy expression and said angrily: "And this idiot is all to blame for this!"

"What did you say!?" Hattori Heiji said angrily: "Why do you blame me! You promised others, but you forgot all about it. You are responsible, okay?"

"What is the specific situation?" Ayako asked curiously: "How could I be wrong?"

"Actually, it's like this..."

Hattori Heiji scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "That guy named Kunisue was standing at the window of the dojo where Kazuha practiced Aikido, staring inside intently.

When I brought water to Heye, I thought he was a pervert.

But after learning about the situation, I told him that Heye would definitely practice Heqi Dao for a long time, after all, she was about to take the promotion test.

At that time, he had a headache. After all, if he was later, he would not be able to catch the Shinkansen bus.

So I took the initiative to help and offered to help him take out the amulet.


"Did you get the wrong one?" Xiaolan asked in surprise: "Then the amulet Hattori-kun gave me is the one that Kazuha-chan has always cherished?"


Kazuha was extremely angry when he said this: "It's the one I made for Heiji, the amulet with the fragments of the handcuff chain inside!

But that fool actually gave him the amulet! "

"There's nothing I can do!" Hattori Heiji retorted unconvinced: "He didn't tell me what the amulet looked like!"

"Even if you don't ask, you should know how the amulet you want to give to someone else is tied to the handle of your bag!"

Heye said dissatisfied: "And I carry that amulet every day, but you didn't even notice it.

Fortunately, you are still a detective, and your insight is no better than the eyes of the mother-in-law next door! "


Hearing Toyama and Ye mocking his own reasoning, Hattori Heiji couldn't bear it, but after all, he was responsible for this matter, so he said weakly: "But you made that amulet yourself, and it didn't work anyway. , why don’t you do another one?”

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

But what Hattori Heiji didn't expect was that his words directly added fuel to the fire and angered Toyama Kazuha: "It's because I always carry it with me, so I'm safe!

Have you forgotten how miserable you were when you lent the amulet to Conan? "

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