Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,186 Unsuccessful trip to find someone

Hattori Heiji's nonchalant attitude towards the amulet directly angered Kazuha, and she directly turned on the preaching mode towards Heiji, leaving Heiji with no choice but to hold his head while being scolded.

But there is a reason why Lotus Leaf is so superstitious about this amulet.

According to Kazuha, once Hattori Heiji lent the amulet to Conan, he was shot by someone else.

And thanks to that amulet, Conan was stabbed with a kitchen knife and saved a small life.

"Has something so dangerous ever happened?"

After hearing the function of this amulet, Ayako was surprised and said: "Then this amulet is really important."

On the other side, Tangze gradually gained an impression of these cases after being reminded by Kazuye.

It was obvious that these cases that had occurred were cases that he had no involvement in and missed at all.

But he didn't dwell too much, after all, he knew from the beginning that he couldn't participate in all cases.

After all, the world doesn’t revolve around you and you can make money alone. You may not know anything about some cases, and then they happen directly.

Just like the ones Conan and Heiji met, maybe they just made an appointment to hang out together at the beginning. Even if they encountered a case along the way, they wouldn't be able to ask for help from Karasawa.

Compared to those cases that have already occurred, he is still more concerned about this potential case now.

After all, if the Eastern and Western Shinigami come together, a crime will definitely occur.

As for Kunisue Iraku who took the Kazuha amulet...

It can only be said that he was unlucky, the amulet he took became a life-threatening charm...

The only thing Tang Ze can hope for now is that this amulet can play some role, allowing him to survive the crisis without any danger.

As for now, Tangze decided to eat until full first.

After all, after listening to what Kazuha said about the role of the amulet, Ayako's words obviously added fuel to the fire.

As expected, after hearing Ayako's words of approval, Kazuha became even more excited: "Right, and the time Heiji fell into the sea before, he was rescued by a nearby fishing boat because of the amulet, wasn't it?"

'But it's also possible that I fell into the sea because of that amulet...'

Hattori Heiji didn't refute with his mouth, but he was murmuring in his heart, just like those men who are afraid of their wives after getting married, and only dare to murmur and complain in their hearts when facing the fierce "tigress".

"Anyway, please pay attention to me!"

Sitting opposite, Kazuha looked at Hattori Heiji's somewhat unconvinced expression and said with a fierce expression: "If you don't get the amulet back, if something happens to me, I will hate you Heiji for the rest of my life!"

"So I said just leave it to me."

Hattori Heiji said helplessly: "I originally planned to come to Tokyo to find him myself. I have seen him in photos. It will not be difficult to help you get the amulet back.

Why do you have to come here by yourself? "


Hearing Hattori Heiji's puzzled inquiry, Kazuha, who was originally aggressive, suddenly lost his previous momentum, and his face turned red: "That's because...that...because..."

"Well, you two, stop arguing. We can just go find someone tomorrow."

Xiaolan, who was on the side, saw He Ye coyly unable to answer the question, and felt that there might be some "girlish thoughts" in this, so she quickly opened her mouth and changed the topic.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Karasawa said: "Hattori just said that he would use my power to find someone, which means that they may have already gone to Teidan University to find him in the afternoon.

But knowing the school and such detailed situation, yet still not finishing the matter, the result may not be ideal. "

"That's right, we couldn't contact him a few days ago." He Ye said with a worried look on his face: "It's like he disappeared."

"I asked the teacher at school and found that he didn't go to class either." Hattori Heiji said: "As for the apartment where I live, I haven't gone back for several days."

"Does that mean his whereabouts are unknown?"

Xiaolan frowned slightly when she heard this: "I hope I'm not involved in anything weird."

"Looking at it now, I'm afraid he is really involved in some trouble." Conan shook his head slightly and said, "Otherwise, it would be impossible to disappear for no reason."

"I'll accompany you to school tomorrow to ask." Tang Ze said, "Let's ask his close friends."

"This is exactly what I hope. With you here, it will be much easier for us to do things."

Heiji Hattori smiled when he heard this and said: "When I went today, the tennis club had finished its activities. Let's go to the tennis club tomorrow to ask.

He didn't say before that he wanted to participate in the competition, he should be with them every day. "


Tangze nodded and said with a smile, "Okay, let's talk about those things tomorrow. When we get together today, don't discuss those unhappy things and focus on tasting the delicious food."

"Oh! Just what I want!"

Hattori Heiji expressed his protest to Karasawa while eating wildly: "Today's food is really delicious, Karasawa, you are not kind, you have not brought us here for so long since you have been in Tokyo!"

"You can't blame me."

Tang Ze spread his hands and said: "The owner of this restaurant is very random in opening the restaurant. I can only say that you are unlucky. When I came here a few times before, I either rushed the owner to go abroad or the restaurant was not open. Naturally, I couldn't bring you here."

"If this store is open when we come over in the future, please be sure to treat this place as a place to eat!" Hattori Heiji praised: "I don't think I will get tired of eating a hundred more meals!"

"no problem."

Ayako smiled, then looked at Kazuye and said, "Have you found a place to stay tonight?

Otherwise, you can stay at my house and stay in the two rooms where you two slept before. "

"Sorry to trouble you, Sister Ayako." Wen Yan and Ye thanked her.

"You're welcome, I have a question to ask you." Ayako looked a little curious when she said this, glanced at the three boys, and whispered in Kazuya's ear: "That amulet..."


Hearing Ayako's words, Kazuye suddenly screamed and immediately interrupted Ayako's words. Looking at the focused gazes of everyone, his face turned red with embarrassment: "It's okay, it's okay, you guys eat!"

"Eat quickly, Conan." Xiaolan, a good friend at the side, saw Heye's embarrassed look and quickly changed the topic.

The three men sitting together looked at each other. Although they felt that there must be some secret, since the three girls were whispering there, it was obviously a private conversation and it was not convenient to reveal it to the boys.

"So this is the reason why you insist on coming here?"

A look of surprise appeared on Ayako's face after hearing the reason why she and Ye Fei wanted to come with them to get the amulet.

Xiaolan on the side covered her mouth tightly to prevent herself from screaming out in surprise.

"I thought you wanted to spend more time with Hattori-kun." After Xiaolan digested her shock, she looked at her best friend and teased with a smile.

"Although there is a little bit of that reason, I included the photos."

Kazuha said shyly when talking about this: "If Hattori was holding the amulet alone, he would definitely open the amulet and confirm whether there were handcuff chains inside.

In that case, you will definitely see me putting the photo inside the amulet.

Therefore, the amulet must not be obtained by that guy Heiji! "

"I understand. If Mr. Kunisue wants to give the amulet to Hattori-kun, I will also find a way to stop it." Xiao Ran said seriously.

"Thank you, Xiaolan." Heye thanked him.

"Sorry, I can't go with you. I have things to deal with at my company tomorrow."

When Ayako said this, she changed her tone and said: "But I can tell Genichi to stop Heiji from guarding the amulet, or give it to you directly after getting it.

I believe that after I explained it to him, even if he was curious about what was inside the amulet, he would not open it and take a peek. "

"Thank you so much." Kazuye obviously believed in Karasawa's character, and after hearing Ayako's words, he felt that this was a good insurance policy.

With the help of the sisters, He Ye felt a lot more relieved. The whispers quickly moved to other topics, and soon they started chatting enthusiastically.

As for the three grown men in Tangze, although they were curious about their conversation, they obviously had no intention of telling them, so they had no choice but to suppress their curiosity and bury their heads in the water.

After the dinner where the guests and guests enjoyed themselves, Xiaolan and Conan made an appointment with the four of them to go see Mr. Kunisue tomorrow and went back to the office directly.

And Tang Ze drove the three of them home, because the two of them had stayed at home before, and everything was familiar, so there was no need for Tang Ze and the others to introduce the situation of the room.

After the two of them went into their rooms and rested for a while, they started to wash up and get ready to sleep.

As for Ayako, she told Karasawa about the amulet and asked him to watch Hattori Heiji and not let him open the amulet.

"It seems that the girl's secret is hidden in the amulet." Tangze said with a smile when he heard this.

"I know, just help me."

Speaking of this, Ayako warned: "You are not allowed to peek, and you are not allowed to tell Hattori-kun about this, do you hear me?"

"I understand." Tang Ze hugged Ayako and smiled: "Don't worry while I do the work, and sleep peacefully."

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Karasawa and Ayako got up as usual and planned to make breakfast, but found that Kazuha and Hattori started working in the kitchen.

"Are you awake?" Heye smiled and said after seeing the two of them: "I made thick egg yakisoba, come and eat it after washing up."

"Why did you wake up so early?" Ayako said embarrassedly, "We were supposed to entertain you..."

"Don't say that, Ayako-san."

On the side, Hattori Heiji walked out of the kitchen with a salad: "We are the ones who are taken care of, so making breakfast is a return gift within our ability."

Of course, although Hattori Heiji said it nicely, Kazuha was still responsible for cooking, and he was basically just a handyman.

Because he had been to Tang Ze's house before, he was familiar with the ingredients and seasonings, so He Ye was already familiar with them, so the breakfast was not monotonous, but rich.

In addition to thick egg omelettes and salad, Kazuha also made miso soup and grilled fish, which is quite rich for breakfast.

After breakfast, Ayako said goodbye to the three of them and headed to the company, while Karasawa and the others rested until nine o'clock, then drove to pick up Xiaolan and Xiaolan, and headed to Teidan University together.

Although it is the weekend, the university is still very lively, and without classes, many people can devote themselves to club activities.

After several people asked for directions, they quickly found the tennis club and found the club members to express their intentions.

"You are here to see Guo Mo."

A boy wearing glasses recalled: "It seems that I haven't seen him come to participate in activities for a while."

"Excuse me, what happened?" Tang Ze asked.

"The guy's hurt."

The boy wearing a blue hat on the side heard this and said, "That guy from Kunisue, when we were practicing before the competition, he accidentally got injured and broke his left wrist."

"Broken bone!?" Xiaolan was surprised when she heard this.

"Did you accidentally overexert yourself during practice and cause a fracture?" Kazuye couldn't help but ask. After all, he was a familiar person, so he was naturally a little worried.

"On the contrary." The boy in the blue hat shook his head and said, "He was in a daze on the court and did not pay attention to practice, so he accidentally got injured."

"I remember that before his vacation started, his fighting spirit was still very strong." The boy wearing glasses said strangely: "But after he came back, he seemed a little absent-minded."

"So Mr. Kunisue, is he hospitalized?" Conan asked from the side.

"That's not true. His injury is not that serious." The boy in the hat shook his head.

"I remember he said that he was going to temporarily stay with a friend from the same department during the period of injury. After all, he injured his hand, and it would be nice to have someone there to take care of him." said the boy wearing glasses.

"Then do you know the other person's home?"

Karasawa asked for the address of Kunisue's friend's apartment and drove to the other party's apartment.

"As you said at the end of the country, he does live here with me."

After knocking on the door and revealing his identity and purpose, the other party replied: "But I also told him that it is a bit crowded for two grown men to live in a single apartment. I hope he can go back soon."

"Is Mr. Kunisue in the room now?" Kazuye asked immediately after hearing the square-faced boy admit that Kunisue lived with him.

"No, he's not at home now."

Kunisue's friend laughed and said, "I told him that squatting at home all day long was not an option, so I suggested that he go out for a walk occasionally.

For today, I think I should go out at noon..."

"Then do you know where he went?" Hattori Heiji asked.

"That's not clear."

The boy touched his chin and thought: "But at the end of the year, he likes sports, so he probably went to watch some competition.

Just now he called me happily, saying that his good luck had finally arrived, and that he wanted to show me evidence and so on, and asked me to go to a sports cafe in Shibuya to find him.

If you guys are looking for him together, why don't you go there together?"

"If that's the case, I'll trouble you." They didn't expect that finding someone would be so smooth, so they agreed directly to the other party.

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