Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,187 Three suspects were screened out again

After the boy heard that Karasawa and others were going to the sports cafe in Shibuya with him, he told them that the time he and Kunisue had agreed on was at eight o'clock, and asked them to come back to him later.

Tangze and his party looked at the time and saw that it was only about four o'clock now, so they decided to have dinner nearby first, and then wait until the agreed time was almost reached before going to find friends from the end of the country to go to the banquet together.

"It seems we came at the wrong time yesterday afternoon."

After deciding to go have dinner first, Hattori Heiji went downstairs, scratched his head and said: "I called several people yesterday but they didn't know his whereabouts, and I couldn't get through on the phone. I thought he had an accident.

Unexpectedly, I found someone who knew Mr. Kunisue's location so smoothly today, and the two of them even made an appointment to meet later. "

"It's great to be able to get the amulet back so smoothly." Xiaolan looked at her best friend and said with a smile.

"But I still don't know where he put the amulet." He Ye was not so optimistic: "Maybe it was put away by the other party, and I might have to make another trip."


Just as the two of them were talking, the door of the apartment suddenly opened, and a boy with a square face wearing glasses came out: "Are you talking about the amulet that Kunima brought?"

"Eh? Have you seen that amulet?" Heye said excitedly after hearing what the other party said: "Then do you know where the amulet is now?"

"Are you talking about the amulet that the girl from his hometown made for him?"

The boy smiled when he heard this and said, "That amulet is very precious at the end of the country. I always carry it with me in my wallet."

"Really!" He Ye was very happy after finally getting the specific whereabouts of the amulet.

"Then when we see Mr. Kunisue, we should be able to get the amulet back right away." Xiaolan said with a smile.

"Well, I also brought the amulet I originally wanted to give him. I'll just exchange it with him then." After getting the important news about the amulet, Heye became much happier.

Although there are five adults and one child, Conan can just sit down in Xiaolan's arms.

Following the other party's guidance, Tang Ze quickly drove to a "Sports Cafe" coffee shop.

Tang Ze parked the car nearby, and everyone got out of the car and walked towards the coffee shop.

The neon lights on the street kept flashing in the dark night, and the surrounding pedestrians chatted and laughed in twos and threes, obviously enjoying their own night.

Yes, it's already night now.

Today I kept looking for people to get information, and then moved on to the next place. By the time I found the friend's house where Kunisue was staying, it was almost evening.

And then because the two of them made an appointment at eight o'clock,

But what they didn't expect was that there was a police car parked in front of the sports cafe, and there were many passers-by gathered at the gate. It seemed like something had happened.

"Takagi, what happened here?"

Seeing the criminals outside, Tang Ze often typed a hello, and then led a few people into the cordon.

"Karasawa Criminal?"

Karasawa's voice was naturally familiar to Takagi, so he subconsciously turned around to respond, and then saw Hattori Heiji next to Karasawa: "Hattori-kun is here too?"

"Ah, I have something to do so I came to Tokyo."

Hattori Heiji asked: "If you don't talk about this, what happened here?"

"It was an incident of harm."

Takagi asked the inspectors to evacuate the crowd watching the fun, and he led them a few steps into the cafe. After distancing himself from the crowd, he explained: "There is a man with a bandage on his arm in the bathroom. Got beaten."

"A man with a bandage?"

Conan showed a strange expression when he heard this, then looked at Hattori Heiji and said, "I have a bad feeling."

"You're talking about this man, right?"

Hattori Heiji also looked ugly, obviously thinking the same thing as Conan.

As for Tang Ze's expression, it was obvious that he had expected this situation.

After all, when Hei Hattori is looking for him, it means that this guy is doomed.

That is to say, the other party was missing and could not be found. Otherwise, Tang Ze would definitely want to find this guy and then follow him to prevent the murder.

There was nothing he could do about the disappearance. He might not be able to investigate it faster than Hattori Heiji and the others, so he naturally chose to act together.

However, the opponent was only injured this time and was not directly killed, which surprised Karasawa, but this may be because Kazuya's amulet was working.

Although this thing is very "technical", Tang Ze still believes in the existence of such metaphysical props after seeing the system's metaphysical props and even obtaining a protective diamond.

It's a bit less, but it's not surprising that He Ye's amulet has an effect. After all, he is also one of the heroines, and this amulet also saved Conan's life.

For this reason alone, this amulet is not simple.

"That's the man!"

While Karasawa's mind was racing with thoughts, Takagi also saw the man in the photo and immediately looked at Hattori Heiji in shock: "Why do you have a photo of him!"

"It's obvious that we are related now."

After seeing Takagi's reaction, Hattori Heiji smiled and said: "Then it shouldn't be too much to let us see the scene, right?"

Afterwards, Karasawa informed Takagi roughly why they were looking for each other.

"So that's it." Takagi heard this and said, "That's really unlucky. Mr. Kunisue's injury was on his head. He is still in a coma and is being rescued."

"How, how could this happen..."

The friend at the side of the country stuttered when he heard this: "Who beat him like this..."

But it's a pity that no one can give him the answer at present, otherwise the criminals would have arrested him long ago.

"Then let's solve the case first."

Hearing this, Tangze looked at Kazuye who looked worried and said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to get your amulet back for the time being. Let's solve this case first, and then we'll visit the hospital later."

"That's the only way it can be." He Ye Wenyan nodded in understanding.

Under the leadership of Takagi, the group quickly entered the sports cafe.

It is said to be a coffee shop, but in fact it is more like a club for watching various sports games.

Not only does it have coffee and wine, but it also provides a variety of catering.

The space here is also very spacious and the business is quite good. Tangze saw customers sitting at several tables.

Following Takagi, the group quickly entered the men's room and came to the door of a private room.

"At that time Mr. Kunisue was sitting here limply with bleeding from his head."

Takagi pointed to the toilet and said: "As for who beat him, it's not clear yet.

However, the time of the crime is already clear, it was within the 10 minutes between 7:55 and 8:5. "

"Is the time of the crime so accurate?" Hattori Heiji asked after hearing this.

It is generally good to determine the time of the murder of the prisoner within a few hours, and some even take a few days, so Hattori Heiji asked this question.

"Because today is the first anniversary of the sports cafe, everyone was given a colorful cracker."

Hearing this, Takagi replied: "The store plans to celebrate at 8 o'clock and distribute crackers to the guests at 7:55.

The waiter at the front desk still had an impression of Mr. Kunisue sitting in front of the bar drinking. After all, his arm was bandaged, so the clerk remembered him.

After Mr. Kunisue received the colorful cracker, he placed it next to the wine glass and went to the bathroom. "

"I see."

After hearing this, Tangze could already think of what would happen next: "Then everyone finished setting off the fireworks, and after some time passed, the clerk discovered that Mr. Kunisue hadn't come back yet.

Worried that the injured Mr. Kunisue would be in trouble, he went to the bathroom to check the situation, found the unconscious Mr. Kunisue, and called the police directly. "

"That's right."

Takagi nodded when he heard the words, holding the notebook with the confession and said: "Besides, the clerk recalled it afterwards.

Amidst the sound of the guests cracking firecrackers, there seemed to be strange noises and groans coming from the bathroom, which was why he went to the bathroom to check later. "

"Then why didn't he run over to check the situation in the bathroom immediately after hearing the noise?" Hattori Heiji asked in confusion after hearing Takagi's confession.

"According to his statement, after the celebration, he needed to collect the remains of the crackers from the guests to prevent them from throwing them everywhere."

Hearing this, Takagi said: "After he finished his work, he went to the bathroom."

"Then do you know if any customers left this cafe within these 10 minutes?" Conan asked.

"I don't think so. The cash register in the store broke down before eight o'clock, so customers had to stay in the store temporarily and wait for the machine to be repaired."

Faced with Conan's questions, Takagi, who was used to it, also informed the other party of the information very politely. It's no wonder that Officer Megure would be so angry sometimes.

After all, it seems so weird for a criminal to report the case to an elementary school student.

But Takagi had no awareness of this at all, and instead thought it was a normal thing.

"In other words, the suspect who assaulted Mr. Kunisue is still among these guests?"

Hattori Heiji said as he looked at the customers sitting in the store with a look of scrutiny on his face.

"Well, so after I arranged the surrounding situation, I was planning to question the guests inside one by one." Takagi nodded.

"That's not necessary." Hattori Heiji said with a smile on his lips.

"That's right, maybe we can find the prisoner right away." Conan said the next sentence in a tacit understanding. It was obvious that the two of them had reached a tacit understanding after learning about the current situation.

"What should we do?" Takagi asked quickly after hearing the two men's determined words.

"What else can you do? It's very simple..."

As soon as Karasawa opened his mouth, Hattori Heiji and Conan stared at him as if they wanted to eat people. Their looks were clearly telling him to shut up.

Apparently, Tangze's behavior of stepping on the groundwork of the two of them to grab key points of reasoning caused dissatisfaction between the two of them.

After all, the two of them are just about to show off their skills and show off their skills. You just want to take over all the cores. It's not kind at all!

In the end, Karasawa shrugged and gave the two of them the opportunity to explain their plan.

The main reason is that this case is an injury case. There is no victim and it has not been successfully prevented. The reward for Karasawa's trick will be the lowest level.

In this case, no matter how hard it is, nothing will change, and Tangze is happy to leave this wasteful matter to the two of them.

After some explanations, Takagi led everyone into the cafe first.

"Please be quiet, everyone! I am Detective Takagi of the Metropolitan Police Department."

Takagi led a group of people into the hall, which naturally attracted the attention of the guests. After hearing his self-introduction, everyone in the room calmed down and looked at Takagi to see what he was going to say.

Faced with such an occasion, Takagi was not nervous, and looked at everyone with a normal expression: "Everyone must know that an injury occurred in the restroom of the store.

We will ask you a simple question before conducting the search. Now please follow my instructions, stand up and close your eyes to listen clearly. "

Although the guests didn't know what Takagi planned to do, the situation at this moment naturally required them to obey the criminal's words.

Therefore, all the guests had no objection to Takagi's words and stood up one after another.

People have a herd mentality. Even if some of the guests don't want to stand up when they see others standing up, they will be forced to stand up reluctantly.

After all, if you don't obey orders at this time, it is tantamount to making yourself uncomfortable, making criminals suspicious of you, and causing trouble for you.

The scene of dozens of guests standing up one after another was still very spectacular, and Takagi watched the guests all stand up, and looked at everyone with serious eyes to give subsequent instructions: "I believe everyone knows that a celebration was held in the store at eight o'clock.

I will count to three and ask you to hand over the evidence that can prove the event to me immediately. "

"1, 2, 3!"

After Takagi clearly introduced what everyone had to do, he immediately started counting.

And when Takagi shouted "3", almost everyone present squatted down to pick up the colored papers on the ground.

Only three people were still standing there, without any intention of picking up anything.

"Three people." Tang Ze looked at the three people with panic expressions on their faces, but there was no surprise on his face.

Faced with the truth of dozens of suspects, the elimination method that Hattori Heiji and Conan came up with will definitely work, but it will inevitably leave 3 to 4 people.

This is basically an iron-clad law of science.

So Tangze didn't doubt that their plan would fail, but he didn't think that the culprit would be found.

"This has already narrowed the scope."

Hattori Heiji on the side heard Karasawa's words and thought that Karasawa was regretting that he did not directly identify the prisoner. He smiled and said: "We will investigate the rest and we will get it done."

"Then you three come with me."

After the preliminary screening, Karasawa asked Takagi to arrange for the rest of the guests to return to their seats and wait patiently for the criminals to record the information. He motioned to the three suspects to go to the adjacent corridor for questioning.

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