Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,188 Three people who like sports

The reason why the three of them were asked to follow them to the corridor was because the others could leave after the criminals recorded the information.

The scene would inevitably be a bit chaotic, and he also wanted to prevent the three of them from taking advantage of the chaos to escape.

Although the three of them looked frightened and reluctant in response to Tang Ze's order, they could only follow Tang Ze honestly and walked to the corridor nearby.

There is no other way. If you show up again now, the police might arrest you on the spot as a criminal.

Those who did not commit the crime naturally do not want to take the blame, and the suspects do not dare to show their faces.

After all, he was more likely to escape among a group of people before, but now that there were only three of them left, he had to hide himself even more carefully.

"What exactly are you asking?"

"And why are you only asking the three of us?"

"Can you please explain the reason?"

Although they followed Tang Ze and others out of the hall, the three people's faces were full of confusion, hoping that Tang Ze could give them an explanation and let them know why they doubted themselves.

"it's actually really easy."

Karasawa said: "When Mr. Kunisue went to the bathroom, it was after receiving the crackers at 7:55.

Afterwards, the clerk was passing by the restroom to throw away the remains of the crackers. He heard the noise in the restroom and found Mr. Kunisue with blood on his head 10 minutes later.

In other words, the crime occurred exactly around 8 o'clock. "

"But even if that's the case, why do you have to ask the three of us?"

Among the three, a middle-aged and elderly man wearing round glasses and a mustache asked in confusion.

"Didn't that criminal Takagi say before that the store held its first anniversary celebration at 8 o'clock?"

Conan smiled and explained: "The evidence Takagi Criminal wants is the evidence of the first anniversary celebration."

"The first anniversary celebration... isn't that just setting off colorful crackers?" The sturdy man in a green jacket asked puzzledly: "But the store has given them to us."

"So I wanted to get the colorful crackers on the table, but I couldn't find them." A young man with medium-long hair on the side quickly explained.

"Of course you can't find crackers, that's why you're here."

Tangze on the side said unceremoniously: "As I said just now, in order to prevent customers from throwing the crackers around after the celebration, the clerk immediately recovered the remains of the crackers.

The guests who set off the crackers naturally knew that the crackers had been recycled, so they immediately squatted down to pick up the confetti ribbons on the ground after listening to the countdown.

And the three of you standing still, whether you want to hold the crackers or not, have already exposed the fact that you are not in the hall to set off the crackers with everyone during the 8 o'clock celebration. "

"In other words, you three are very suspicious guests." After Hattori Heiji finished speaking, he also saw Takagi Criminal walking over.

"As for the other guests, I have asked other criminal records to record their phone numbers and addresses and gradually evacuate them. We can go there later."

Takagi looked at Tang Zehui and reported: "As for the murder weapon, we initially suspect it is a mop placed in the bathroom storage room.

According to the current situation and clues, it should not be a premeditated crime, but an impulsive injury. "

"That, that..."

Kazuye, who was listening to the conversation between the two, looked at Takagi hesitantly and asked: "Excuse me, did you find any amulets on Mr. Kunisue?

I think it should be in his wallet. "

"Ah, there is an amulet in his wallet." Takagi nodded and said, "I saw it when I checked Mr. Kunisue's belongings."

"Really!" Kazuye's excited look scared Takagi and subconsciously leaned back: "What, what's wrong?"

"That was actually He Ye's amulet, but I took it by mistake." Xiaolan also asked quickly: "Can you return it to her?"

"Sorry, not yet."

Seeing Takagi's troubled expression, Tangze spoke before him: "The case is not over yet, and the amulet is also one of the physical evidence in this case according to regulations.

Don't make things difficult for Takagi Criminal. Violating the rules is not something you just get scolded for. "

"Well, don't worry, if after careful inspection it is found that the evidence is not relevant in this case, it can be returned later."

Takagi smiled and said: "If you are in a hurry with Ye, then I will say hello to the forensic department later and let them check your amulet first."

"No, absolutely can't check!"

Hearing Takagi's words, Kazuye screamed with blushing face.

After all, there is a photo of Hattori Heiji in the amulet. If it is opened, she will really die, and she will die in front of the person involved.

This was something she decided she couldn't accept.

"Hey, don't mess around here!"

Hattori Heiji looked at Kazuha and scolded him dissatisfiedly: "Mr. Kunisue has been seriously injured and is being rescued. You actually still have the mood to care about the amulet!"

"That's what I said..."

On the side, Kazuha was preaching to Hattori Heiji. Not only because he couldn't face Heiji because of the photo, but also because he was wrong, he could only respond in a low voice: "I'm sorry..."

"But speaking of amulets, I remembered a strange point..."

Takagi on the side heard the amulet, touched his chin and seemed to think of something, which made Kazuye extremely nervous and asked quickly: "What's wrong again?"

Obviously she was afraid that Takagi would suddenly think of some doubts about the amulet, and then take out the amulet to study.

In that case, she would really have no shame in living in this world.

Fortunately, what Takagi mentioned was not the amulet, but his wallet.

"The wallet containing the amulet was found in the back right pocket of the victim's jeans."

Officer Takagi pondered: “In addition, the victim’s cigarettes and mobile phone were also placed in that pocket.

There are so many things stacked on top of each other that the pockets are bulging.

When you mentioned the amulet and wallet before, I felt something was wrong. After all, most people wouldn't put these things together, right? "

"Is it because his left hand was injured and was wearing a plaster?" He Ye guessed on the side: "After all, his left hand is fractured, so he can only use his right hand, right?"

"Yes, so he put everything in the right pocket, right?" Xiaolan said suddenly.

"But his coat pockets are empty."

Takagi crossed his arms and still had some doubts: "It stands to reason that putting things in the front pocket of the jacket will make it easier to access, no matter whether it is on the left or right?"

"Put this doubt aside for now. All the guests in the hall have left. Let's sit down and have a good chat."

Tang Ze saw that several people were beginning to dig into the unfounded clues, so he stopped their thinking and changed the topic.

When they arrived at their seats, the three suspects first went to sit at the table next to them, but Tangze and the others did not go there first.

He looked at Kunisue's friend who had no presence at the side: "I have something to ask.

At noon today, Mr. Kunisue went to see some game, right? "

"Well, that guy said he must go to that game last night when he was surfing the Internet." The guy with glasses replied truthfully.

"If that's the case, then I'm afraid something happened while watching the game at noon that led to this injury." Tangze speculated after hearing this.

"I think so too. This case looks like a crime of passion. I'm afraid the conflict happened at the competition venue."

Hattori Heiji nodded in agreement, and also agreed with Karasawa: "I remember Mr. Kunisue was very excited and called you after watching the game, right?"

"Well, at that time he said it was great, his good luck has finally arrived, and so on." The guy with glasses nodded and said, "He also said he wanted to show us evidence and so on."

"Then you made an appointment to meet here?" Takagi, who didn't know what was going on, asked after hearing this.

"Well, at the end of the country, he asked me to come over here to find him around 8 o'clock." The guy with glasses explained.

"So I guess that good thing may have been the cause of Mr. Kunisue's injury."

Tangze smiled and said: "Generally speaking, good things are beneficial to one's own "interests", and once such interests are targeted by others, conflicts will naturally occur."

Hearing Karasawa's analysis, Takagi nodded repeatedly: "So, the prisoner is probably someone who watched the same game as Mr. Kunisue?"

"That should be it." Hattori Heiji said, looking at the three people sitting next to him and smiling: "As for who it is, let's talk about it after asking."

After the group finished speaking, they asked Xiaolan and the others to wait aside. Tangze and others walked towards the three suspects and asked them to introduce themselves and explain why they were not at their seats at 8 o'clock.

"Let's start with the gentleman wearing glasses." Takagi looked at the three of them and motioned for the other person to speak first.

"My name is Satsuma Kazuo."

The man wearing glasses heard the words and said, "I came to this store a little after eight o'clock, so I don't know much about the celebration in the store."

"Is this true?" Hattori Heiji had a suspicious look on his face.

"it is true."

Kazuo Satsuma felt a little aggrieved when he said this, as if he felt wronged for this innocent disaster: "As soon as I opened the door, I saw the guests inside clapping their hands enthusiastically. I thought there must be some reason.

Now that I heard what you said, I know that it is a celebration in the store. "

"Uncle, you came to this store because you like sports, right?" Conan asked after Kazuo Satsuma explained the reason.

"Well, I like to watch sumo matches." Kazuo Satsuma nodded and said, "I also went to watch a sumo match today."

Speaking of this, Kazuo Satsuma pointed to the TV nearby, which happened to be playing replays of sumo matches.

"Speaking of this game, it was really exciting."

Kazuo Satsuma also became interested when he said this: "Although I am a fan of Akane Ryū who lost the game, this cannot and cannot distort my view of this game."

"But you still felt a little unhappy, so you had a conflict with Mr. Kunisue who seemed very happy, right?"

Hattori Heiji randomly found a reason to deliberately frame the other party, while Satsuma Kazuo repeatedly denied it.

And Karasawa also asked Kunisue's friend who didn't deserve his name, the guy with glasses, and finally learned that Mr. Kunisue had indeed watched the broadcast of the sumo match.

"Then tell me about the gentleman wearing green clothes next."

Seeing that he couldn't ask any questions, Tang Ze motioned to the dark-skinned, muscular man to take care of himself.

"My name is Ivy Kengo."

Compared to Kazuo Satsuma, who had a somewhat submissive attitude, this burly man showed no concern or fear from the suspect.

The man supported his chin with his right hand and said in a very casual tone: "When the eight o'clock event started, I just received the call.

At that time, I thought that if crackers were set off in the store, it would be so noisy that nothing could be heard, so I went out to make a phone call. "

"Then you don't know who the caller is?" Tang Ze asked after hearing this: "Can you testify that you were talking on the phone at that time?"

"I don't know who that guy is either."

Ivy Kengo was a little unhappy when he said this, and seemed to be complaining that the phone call made him one of the suspects: "As soon as I answered the phone, the guy seemed to be trying to sell something and was just talking about it. Did not play.

At that time, I found out that it was not an acquaintance but an advertisement, so I hung up the phone angrily.

When I returned to the store, everyone started making noises saying that someone had been beaten in the bathroom.

After that, the cash register in the store also malfunctioned, and I returned to my seat since I couldn't leave.

Then not long after, you criminals came over. "

"Can you keep that phone record?" Hattori Heiji asked.

"Yeah, but there's no number displayed on it." Ivy Kengo said, holding up his cell phone.

"Besides, have you gone to any games today?" Tang Ze asked the last question after finishing the questioning.

"Well, there is a competition." Ivy Kengo replied truthfully.

"Then what did you see?" Tang Ze continued to ask.

"Beach volleyball." Ivy Kengo smiled happily when he said this: "It's a good game where it's hard for you to win or lose.

Of course, it’s a pity that I didn’t see the leaked scene~”

At this point, Karasawa and his party realized that the other party was talking about women's swimsuit beach volleyball, and they all rolled their eyes, while Xiaolan and Kazuye looked at the lecherous uncle with disdain.

"Oh? In that case, did you have a conflict with Mr. Kunisue because you kept looking at those athletes with obscene eyes?"

After hearing Ivy Kengo's words, Hattori Hei once again transformed into Mouri Kogoro and began to point out randomly that the other party was the prisoner, hoping to see the other party's reaction.

"I didn't quarrel with anyone!"

Ivy Kengo immediately became furious when he heard Hattori Heiji's unjust words: "You guy, don't unjustly accuse me!"

The two of them, Kazuya, also asked the guy with glasses with expectations whether Mr. Kunisue liked watching beach volleyball matches, and the answer they got was that he liked it completely as expected.

In this regard, Karasawa said that Mr. Kunisue may be involved in a wide range of sports. He may also like the sports that the third suspect likes.

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