Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,189 The Prisoner’s Lies

In the coffee shop, I watched the two people around me ask questions one after another. The young man in a gray-blue jacket looked at the people's attention and consciously introduced himself.

"My name is Kuma Takuya. As for the reason why I wasn't in the store at eight o'clock, it was because I ran out of cigarettes."

Kuma Takuya explained: “The vending machines in the coffee shop didn’t sell the brands I usually like to smoke, so I went out to buy cigarettes at that time.

After that, just like the big brother, the room was very lively after entering, and the criminal came over too. "

"Brother, did you watch the game today?" Conan asked cutely.

"Well, of course I watched the game too."

Kuma Takuya nodded when he heard this and said: "Today I am watching football, the game between Big Osaka and Tokyo Spirit at Toto Stadium.

As for the result, 2: 1, Big Osaka won. This was also an exciting game where the winner was not decided until the end.

I am a fan of Visitor Big Osaka, and even though they won the game on the road, I was very happy when they hugged each other to celebrate the victory.

But after all, we were in an away game surrounded by Tokyo fans, so I only dared to clap my hands in celebration. "

After listening to Kuma Takuya's words, Takagi moved to Karasawa and whispered: "Karasawa Criminal, Mr. Kunisue is from Osaka, so he should also be supporting the Big Osaka team, right?

So it seems unlikely that the two will conflict, right? "

"Let's take a look first and then talk." Regarding Takagi's judgment, Tang Ze was noncommittal. After all, it could not be ruled out that the three of them were lying, so further judgment was needed.

"What about football?" He and Ye looked at the glasses guy again, "What's Mr. Kunisue's attitude towards football?"

"He must be very fond of football. When he lived at my house, I often saw him watching football games on TV."

The guy with glasses thought for a while and said, "But I don't seem to see which team he particularly likes."

The unexpected answer disappointed He Ye again. He originally thought he could rule out the suspects based on his hobbies, but in the end, no one was left out.

"It looks like you three had a great game during the day."

Hattori Heiji on the side couldn't help but look at the three of them after hearing what the three said. However, facing his words, the three of them just looked at him without making a sound.

"It would be great if I could know the game Mr. Kunisue watched today." Takagi on the side sighed after recording the three people's confessions.

"Then I wonder if there are any other clues in Mr. Kunisue's wallet?" Hattori Heiji heard this and said: "If there is something like a ticket stub, we can know where he went today."

"Unfortunately, apart from the credit card and money, there is only one amulet in the bag." Takagi said with a helpless expression.

While the two were talking, the TV in the store suddenly changed the channel and broadcast baseball news.

[Please watch today’s daytime baseball game below...]

"This seems to be broadcasting news about a baseball game." Kazuye's attention was attracted by the news, and he was suddenly stunned and said: "Do you think the prisoner watched the baseball game, but lied to avoid suspicion? ?”

"Yes, if the prisoner had a conflict with Mr. Kunisue at the stadium and had a desire for revenge, he would definitely not tell the truth that he went to watch other games."

Xiaolan suddenly said after hearing He Ye's words.

"It's true that the three of them can lie, but it shouldn't be possible in a baseball game, right?"

After hearing this, Hattori Heiji looked up and looked at the TV that was showing the baseball game: "I watched this baseball game, and both sides were in bad shape during the game. It can be said that they made frequent mistakes, and it was extremely boring.

The only highlight is what happened in the second half of the ninth inning..."

"Hey! Wait a minute!"

Before Hattori Heiji finished speaking, Kuma Takuya on the side slammed the table excitedly, stood up and shouted dissatisfiedly to the clerk: "That's my popcorn!"

"Ah, sorry..."

The clerk who was clearing the table at the side smiled sheepishly: "I saw that all the customers had left, so I thought of clearing the table..."

"Don't just take other people's things." Takuya Kuma picked up his popcorn bucket and said dissatisfied, "I haven't even taken two bites of what I just ordered."

"Then please, brother, please reheat my half-eaten hot dog, and then take it over here." Seeing this, Ivy Kengo immediately remembered what he had not finished yet, and echoed.

"Then please bring me my beer, too." Seeing both of them making requests, Satsuma Kazuo on the side also followed closely.

When the waiter on the side heard this, he could only stop what he was doing and help a few people. Hattori Heiji, who was interrupted by the quarrel, came back to his senses and said: "Well... where did I just say it?"

"Day game."

After reminding Kazuha, he looked at Hattori Heiji in confusion and said, "Why are you so sure it's the baseball game during the day? Tokyo and Yokohama both have baseball games at night, right?"

"Idiot, have you forgotten that Mr. Kunisue called his friend to tell him that he had good luck in the evening?"

Hattori Heiji reminded: "If Mr. Kunisue is really watching a baseball game, then he can only watch the one during the day."

"Ah, yes." Heye said suddenly.

"And I just checked on my mobile phone. The score of this game is 1:10. The team that kept falling behind and making mistakes asked for help and finally hit a home run in the second half of the ninth inning."

When Hattori Heiji said this, he said with disdain: "This is just a boring game.

Mr. Kunisue couldn't say anything like "that's great," right? "

"I just checked the daytime games and apart from sumo, beach volleyball, soccer and baseball, the only one left is golf."

Hattori Heiji was fiddling with his mobile phone and said: "Although the competition is also a wonderful comeback with a hole-in-one at the end, the competition venue is quite far away from here.

If you want to come to this sports cafe before 8 o'clock after watching the game, you may be pressed for time.

What's more, according to the clerk, Mr. Kunisue came almost an hour ago, which was not enough time. "

"Then there's no clue." He Ye said in frustration, holding his arms in his arms.

"Yes, we still don't know who beat Mr. Kunisue, and we can't identify the three suspects..."

Xiaolan also looked worried, not because she was worried about the case, but because the case would require a longer investigation.

Then the amulet in the wallet is bound to be opened. After all, Mr. Kunisue once said that it was a wonderful game and brought good luck.

Then maybe the other party put the ticket stub inside the amulet.

If the amulet is opened, it's all over.

While the two girls were frowning at this, Hattori Heiji and Conan heard the conversation between the two and said in unison: "No, I already know who the culprit is!"

After the two of them finished speaking, they glanced at each other subconsciously, and then looked at Tang Ze with a hint of concern, as if to see if Tang Ze had noticed the key to the case.

If the other party doesn't notice, this might be their first victory!

But when they saw Tangze's chin raised slightly and pointed at the TV, and the two of them let out a "boo", they knew that they had been delusional.

Kazuha who was on the side heard what the two said, and immediately rushed to Hattori Heiji and said dissatisfied: "Since you all know who the culprit is, why don't you find the culprit quickly and solve this case!"

"Tang Ze Criminal, if it is later proven that the amulet has nothing to do with this case, then it can be returned to us immediately, right!" Xiao Lan quickly came to Tang Ze and asked.

"I'll say hello to the forensic department then and confirm that it's okay if it has nothing to do with the case." Tang Ze said with a smile.

"That's great!" Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and He Ye also had a look of surprise on his face.

"What? I've been talking about amulets and amulets since just now, but Kunisue-san was also beaten with your amulet."

Hattori Heiji on the side looked at Kazuha who was looking for trouble in an aggressive manner, and said angrily: "It seems that the amulet you value is not very effective."

After hearing Hattori Heiji's words, Kazuha's face turned red and she shouted in embarrassment: "Because that amulet only works on me, do you understand?

Okay, stop talking nonsense and find the murderer quickly! "

"Conan, do you know it too!" Xiaolan urged: "Hurry up and tell me!"

"It's not that they don't want to say it, but it's because there is no evidence to prove it." Tangze looked at Conan and the two who were forced by his girlfriend, and spoke to help them out: "Without evidence, there is no way to support the reasoning, and it is impossible to say everything. Just a loft in the sky.”

Speaking of this, the guy with glasses on the side touched his chin and said in deep thought: "Speaking of evidence, Kunsue called me very excitedly and told me that it was a wonderful game, and he also wanted to show me the evidence...

But what exactly is this evidence..."

"That's right. Since we're talking about evidence of a wonderful game, there must be something to prove it."

Takagi touched his chin and muttered: "For example, precious photos of the moment when a football player enters the door, or the moment when a sumo wrestler defeats his enemy...

But we have also checked Mr. Kunisue's mobile photo album before, but we did not see similar photos. "

"Is it possible that Mr. Kunisue got an autograph from a sports star on the field?" Xiaolan speculated.

"Although he really likes all kinds of sports at the end of the country, he would be so excited if he got an autograph. He would only be so excited if he got an autograph from a tennis player he was playing."

As soon as the glasses guy finished speaking, the TV nearby suddenly rang with huge cheers from the crowd.

This scene attracted everyone's attention, and the host on TV then explained the game.

[Congratulations to Ukawa Sho! Hit a wonderful eagle on the final 18th hole! ! A reversal of victory was achieved! 】

On the TV, with the host's passionate words, the game finally came to an end.

The winning golfer celebrated by throwing the winning golf ball directly towards the audience watching the game.

The next moment, the guests who were cheering and celebrating all jumped up, trying to grab this golf ball that had a huge significance.

Seeing this scene, the faces of Tang Ze and the other three people showed surprise, and they understood what the other party's so-called "evidence" was.

And in order to let his friend see this conclusive evidence, Mr. Kunisue specially called his friend to this store.

The three of them looked at the suspects sitting at the table eating their own food, and understood that the evidence might have been snatched away by one of them at this moment.

" you have anything else to ask?"

Just when he was about to solve the puzzle and prepare to speak, Kazuo Satsuma looked at several people and spoke first: "If everything is alright, I'm almost going home."

"I've told you everything I know." Ivy Kengo said impatiently, dragging his chin: "Can you leave now?"

"Yes, and you also searched me..." Takuya Kuma hugged the popcorn and echoed: "Didn't you find any suspicious items?"

"Ah... Because there are no alibi guests, there are only three of you..." Takagi heard that the three of them were about to leave, and explained with some embarrassment, hoping to appease the three of them and stay quietly for a while.

"Hey! You didn't let us leave without any evidence at all. This is against the rules!" Ivy Kengo didn't follow Takagi's advice and shouted in displeasure as he slapped the table.

“When encountering a case, residents are obliged to cooperate with the investigation.”

Looking at the fierce-looking Ivy Kengo, Tang Ze glanced at him lightly: "And you are now the suspects in this case.

The maximum period of voluntary cooperation is 24 hours. Do you want me to ask you to go back to the Metropolitan Police Department for a talk?

Of course, you can refuse, but I have the right to treat you as a suspect and arrest you directly for obstructing official duties.

In this case, the time I will be holding you in custody will be longer than 24 hours. If I apply for an arrest warrant, you may have to continue to cooperate with me until the case is over.

Best, hands-on are welcome. "

As Karasawa said, he stretched out his hand and made a "please" gesture, but Ivy Kengo's expression kept changing. Finally, facing Karasawa's sharp eyes, he smashed the table and sat down in displeasure.

Obviously, he was shocked by Tangze's words. He had a bad temper but was not stupid. If the other party had such a tough attitude, he would be so angry that if he attacked him, the consequences would be disastrous.

In the case, criminals are always a strong group when facing suspects. Karasawa's words are well-founded. In line with the principle that the people should not fight with the officials, Ivy Kengo can only endure it no matter how unhappy he is.

Seeing this scene, the other two people who were muttering about leaving stopped saying anything and sat in silence.

"But don't worry, everyone. We already have a clue about the prisoner and can leave right away."

Hattori Heiji stood up and acted as a white face to ease the atmosphere, but his eyes were sharp: "Of course, they are the two who are not guilty."

"So, Heiji, have you found the prisoner?" Heye Wenyan said excitedly: "You are really just kidding me! You just said there was no evidence!"

"That's because I just learned about the evidence."

Hattori Heiji smiled and said: "As for who the prisoner is, he has been exposed in the previous conversation!"

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