Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,190 Failed Secret Love

"The criminal is you, Takuya Kuma!"

Not bothering to try to hide his identity anymore, Tang Ze pointed out the prisoner.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm watching football!" Takuya Kuma said excitedly after hearing Karasawa's words.

"Actually, when you say you watch a football match, you're already exposed."

Karasawa said calmly: "Visitor means away game, but this is not a word used in football fields, but a word used in baseball fields to express away games.

If it's football, "aay" should be used to express away games. Real fans will not get the terminology wrong.

In other words, you are not a football fan at all, but a baseball fan. "

"I only fell in love with football recently!" Takuya Kuma said excitedly: "You people who doubt me have no basis at all."

"Then please tell me what is the number of the player who scored the winning goal?"

Karasawa's question made Kuma Takuya stunned: "Well...I..."

"I don't know, right? That's natural."

Karasawa walked up to Kuma Takuya and looked down at him: "Although you checked the results of the game on your mobile phone in advance, you know which side won.

But the player's jersey number will not be broadcast in the news.

Of course, you can say that you are not familiar with the players, but unfortunately this time, the person who scored the reverse goal was the star player of the big Osaka team.

If you actually went to the game, you would definitely be able to name the contestant even if you didn’t know the number.

You don't even know the star who likes the team. I can only say that you are just a fan. This also proves the fact that you didn't go to the football game at all! "

"Wait a minute Karasawa Criminal, didn't I say before that Mr. Kunisue watched a wonderful game?"

Hearing Karasawa's words, Kazuha's face was full of confusion: "But that 1:10 baseball game couldn't be considered exciting."

"Idiot, the so-called wonderful game does not only refer to the outcome of the game."

Hattori Heiji said angrily: "If you are the only one who gets a souvenir during the game, no matter how bad the game is, it will still be a wonderful game for you, right?"

"Ji, souvenir?" He Ye hesitated for a moment: "You mean..."

"Yes, Mr. Kunisue received a souvenir, and it was a baseball used during the game.

At the same time, it is also proof of that player's wonderful performance, plus he likes that player very much, so what? "

When Karasawa said this, he glanced at Takuya Kuma who subconsciously hugged the popcorn in his arms after hearing their reasoning. He already had the answer to the "evidence" in his heart.

"That way, even if it is a bad game for others, it will be the most exciting game for him."

After hearing Karasawa's question, Kazuye suddenly said after answering: "Did you mean that home run ball?"

"Yes, Mr. Kunisue's original plan was to show off the baseball he got, so he called his friends to this cafe."

Karasawa said and looked at Kuma Takuya who lowered his head and did not dare to look at anyone: "But it is a pity that this baseball was snatched away by Mr. Kuma who followed him all the way from the stadium."

"But how did you know it had to be baseball?"

Kazuha no longer struggled with the question of who the prisoner was. Instead, he became curious about the case and began to ask Hattori Heiji how they knew the answer.

"It's very simple. Have you forgotten that the right pocket of Mr. Kunisue's pants is full of wallets, mobile phones and other items?"

Hattori Heiji heard this and smiled: "That is the best evidence."

"The reason why so many things were put there was not because Mr. Kunisue had easy access to the things, but because the prisoner was trying to cover up his pants pockets that were inflated due to baseball."

Conan on the side saw that the two girls were still a little confused, so he explained: "After all, if the criminal discovers that the pocket is too big and there is nothing inside, it will look strange, right?

Maybe you will think that there were things like baseballs in it, so naturally you have to stuff it with things to make the open pocket look less awkward. "

"But since Mr. Kunisue got the ball, why did he have to call his friends to come to this store?" Xiaolan looked puzzled.

"Yeah, wouldn't it be nice to take the baseball back?" Heye agreed, "What's more, I'm still living in that friend's house."

"If you don't let your friends see the live broadcast, no one will believe that the baseball is a home run in a professional game, right?"

Tang Ze smiled and said: "But if there is a picture to record this scene, then it can be proved, right?"

"So, it seems that the TV will broadcast the home run ball flying into the audience, right?"

When Xiaolan heard Tangze's reminder, she suddenly thought of the TV station's practice of hitting home runs, and immediately spoke.

"Yes, if it is other ball sports, photographing the audience is just accidental, but in baseball, as long as it is a home run, it will be photographed."

Hattori Heiji nodded and said: “And if the baseball flies into the audience and is picked up by a man with a bandage, it is more likely to have a close-up.

That's why Mr. Kunisue called his friend here, because this sports cafe will play the highlights of sports games over and over again.

Only here could he prove that what he said was true and make the atmosphere in the store more lively. "

As Hattori Heiji finished speaking, the football broadcast on the TV nearby stopped, and the screen jumped to the baseball game.

[Then, please enjoy today’s home run. 】

The host's voice was just a short sentence, and the next moment the screen turned and he appeared on the field.

As the pitcher threw the ball, the batter swung the bat, and the baseball thrown towards him flew directly towards the distant auditorium.

The next moment, the screen followed the baseball flying in mid-air and pointed towards the auditorium, and an unexpected commotion occurred in the area where the baseball fell.

After a scramble, Mr. Kunisue, whom they were familiar with, raised the baseball high with his good right hand.

As Hattori Heiji guessed, the TV station was lucky enough to get the baseball game because Mr. Kunisue injured his left hand, so the photographer specially gave an enlarged close-up.

In the picture, Mr. Kunisue, who has a bandage on his left hand, looks very happy, and among the guests behind him, Takuya Kuma, whom they suspected, is in the seat in the back row!

This scene is the most irrefutable evidence that exposes Kuma Takuya's lies!

He didn't go to the football game, but went to the baseball game like Mr. Kunisue, and because of that home run, he injured Mr. Kunisue in the bathroom!

When all the irrefutable evidence was placed in front of him, Kuma Takuya's face was extremely pale and his trembling lips could not say a word.

"Ah, I see, that's why you were just broadcasting the truth about professional baseball, and suddenly you are yelling!"

Takagi then realized in hindsight: "You just did this to prevent us from seeing the close-up of Mr. Kunisue getting the baseball in front of us, right?"

"Not only that, he was also nervous that the bucket of popcorn would be taken away by the waiter."

As Karasawa said this, he stepped in front of Kuma Takuya and gently pushed the popcorn bucket. The next moment, the popcorn poured onto the table, and a baseball slowly rolled from it onto the table.

"The reason why you were able to avoid the physical examination is that you hid the baseball in it." Karasawa said calmly, looking at Takuya Kuma who looked frightened, "Tell me, why do you do this?"

"Yes, it's just a home run. Why do you have to steal it?" Hattori Heiji also wondered: "Could it be that you are a die-hard fan of that baseball player?"

"Actually...that's the player my girlfriend likes very much..."

Jiujian Takuya looked sad: "Last night, she passed away due to illness...

And her mantra was to get that player’s home run, and she still couldn’t forget it even when she was dying yesterday…”

Kuma Takuya looked at the home run ball on the table, his face full of sadness: "That's why I wanted to get it for her, get it before her cremation and put it in her coffin.

I deliberately chose an auditorium near the baseball field and put on a baseball glove.

In the end, God favored me and really allowed me to receive it! "

"Did you receive it?" Kazuye looked a little puzzled and said, "But it was Mr. Kunisue who received it, right?"

"I really got it!"

Kuma Takuya looked sad: "But the situation was too chaotic at the time, everyone came to fight for it, and the baseball was quickly squeezed out.

When I came back to my senses, I realized that the baseball had been snatched away by a man wearing a bandage..."

"But there is nothing we can do about it." Xiaolan heard the words and said: "Mr. Kunisue is so far away from you, there is no way he can steal your baseball.

It can only be said that the baseball happened to fall into his hands during the scramble. "

"Just because of that, you had a grudge against Mr. Kunisue, and after beating him, you took the baseball away!" Kazuha looked at Takuya Kuma angrily: "You're going too far!"

"No! I told him everything!"

Kuma Takuya said emotionally: "I asked him to return the baseball to me, and I asked him over and over again...

But he questioned what I said, suspecting that I just wanted the baseball to be sold badly, and said that it was impossible to give the baseball to me.

When I heard those words, I was suddenly overwhelmed with anger. Thinking that he would snatch the things away without giving them to me, I beat him...

I am so sorry! "

Kuma Takuya bowed to everyone, with a look of remorse and regret on his face.

Obviously, he also deeply regrets what he did in the heat of the moment.

"As for the apology, you should talk to Mr. Kunisue in person."

After Takagi answered the call, he held his cell phone and smiled at Kuma Takuya: "I just received a call from the hospital, saying that Mr. Kunisue has regained consciousness."

"Really!" He Yewenyan was very happy.

After all, in addition to the amulet, the other person is also a neighbor she has known since childhood, so naturally she does not want anything to happen to the other person.

"That's great..." Kuma Takuya was relieved when he heard Takagi's words, and he completely relaxed.

After all, he had been under heavy pressure to kill people before. Now that the other party has been rescued, he naturally no longer has to worry about it.

Of course, since you hit someone, you still have to bear the crime. As for the severity of the sentence, it depends on Mr. Kunisue's subsequent attitude.

Kuma Takuya was eventually taken away by Takagi, while Karasawa and his team went to visit him after asking about the hospital where he was.

Aipado Central Hospital.

When Karasawa and his party arrived, Mr. Kunisue was already fully awake.

Afterwards, He Ye informed each other of all the causes and consequences, as well as the case resolution process.

"It turns out that's why that person would be so desperate to ask me to give him the home run ball."

After hearing the cause and effect of the incident, Kunisue suddenly smiled. It was obvious that he was in a good mood and was not full of anger because of being beaten by the other party.

"Eh? Don't you know about this?" Xiaolan said in surprise when she heard this.

"He said he told you the situation." He Ye also looked puzzled.

"No, I didn't hear about the death of his girlfriend. He just said he wanted to give it to his girlfriend at that time."

Kunima smiled bitterly and said: "Even though I was drinking alcohol at the time, I became even more depressed after hearing what he said, so I was a little rude at the time.

From his point of view, it is understandable that I would be overwhelmed with anger because I insulted his dead girlfriend. "

"Eh? But didn't you get the home run baseball?"

Heye looked curious: "Shouldn't it be a celebration of drinking? Why are you drinking boringly?"

Hearing He Ye's inquiry, Guo Mo, who was on the bed, looked at his face with curiosity, and looked at Ye You resentfully without noticing.

He sighed and snorted angrily: "Because I was just dumped by a girl I like very much, so I am very depressed.

I was even more upset when I heard that the man said he wanted to give it to his girlfriend. "

"That's right."

He Ye nodded suddenly, completely unaware that she was the "initiator" who made the other person fall in love.

However, Tangze saw this and couldn't help laughing when he looked at Kazuye who was beside him at a loss.

This country is really unlucky. You have had a crush on the other person for so long, but the other person has no feelings for you at all, and you don't even think that there is any possibility of a relationship between a man and a woman.

It really echoes the poignant words of "Secret love is a person's turbulent waves, and a person's quiet death."

"By the way, I want to ask you about the wrong amulet." He Ye seemed to have finally remembered his business and asked quickly.

"Ah, regarding that amulet, I just asked the people from the forensics department to get it back and gave it to Hattori-kun." Takagi on the side heard this and said kindly: "Don't worry..."

"When! Where is it!"

But after hearing Takagi's words, Kazuye did almost teleport and ran to Takagi and asked urgently.

"Ah... just now..." Seeing Kazuya's embarrassed look, Takagi felt that he had done something bad with good intentions, and he felt a little guilty.


After hearing Takagi's words, he and Ye Shanann rushed out the door and ran towards the corridor.

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