Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,191 The amulet that was pranked

"Did I do something I shouldn't have done..."

Looking at Kazuye's back as he rushed out, Takagi scratched his head and said with a guilty conscience.

"You have good intentions but do bad things." Tangze patted Takagi on the shoulder: "I'm afraid you will destroy the girl's mind."


Hearing what Tang Ze said, although Takagi didn't know the deeper meaning, he felt as if he had done something unkind.

"That... girl who dumped Kunisue-nii-nii, couldn't be Kazuha, right?"

When he and Ye ran away, Conan looked at the shy look on the other person's face and already had the answer in his heart.

"No way..." After Xiaolan heard Conan's words, she laughed in disbelief: "How is this possible?"

"Well, I agree with Conan's point of view." Tangze said with a smile: "When I was asking about the amulet with Ye Zai just now, I saw the helplessness on Mr. Kunisue's face.

When he finally answered, he also seemed to be giving up on himself, and he even peeked at He Ye midway, wanting to see the other person's reaction. "

"Hey, this is not a case. Don't analyze Tang Ze Criminal in such detail!" Kunisue said shyly while lying on the bed.

"Furthermore, in order to win the tennis competition, Mr. Kunisue went back to Osaka to ask for amulet from Sister Kazuha.

But after returning to Tokyo, he completely lost his fighting spirit and even injured his wrist. "

Conan didn't listen to Mr. Kunisue's words. He smiled and continued to strike: "I think Mr. Kunisue must have seen something inside the amulet."

"Hey, you kid..."

Kunisue originally wanted to stop Conan's words, but Conan had already told the whole truth, so he simply gave up and said: "Yes, I saw the photo of the dark-skinned boy in the amulet!"

"Eh? Conan, how did you know?" Xiaolan looked at Conan in surprise.

"Well, I overheard it accidentally."

When Conan said this, he looked at Tang Ze and directly dragged him into the water: "I think Tang Ze Criminal might have heard it while eating.

After all, with his hearing, such a short distance is nothing. "

"Hey!" Xiaolan panicked when she heard this: "Doesn't even Hattori-kun know about it?"

"Probably not. I think that kid is still jealous." Karasawa said with a smile: "And after I heard Ayako's explanation when she got home, I knew I had to keep it a secret, so I didn't tell him."

"That's good. I hope Kazuye can get the amulet back before Hattori-kun." Xiaolan prayed for her best friend.

"Oh, I'm so unlucky."

Mr. Kunisue on the side looked depressed and said: "At that time, I saw that the amulet was very worn and didn't look like new, so I opened it out of curiosity and took a look.

I still remember the guy said that he got the amulet from the handle of the bag, and I realized that he probably picked it up by mistake.

When I think that this is the amulet that Kazuha-chan carries with her, I really want to cry.

Originally, I planned to confess my love to Kazuha-chan after winning the tennis competition, but I ended up hurting myself..."

"Eh!! Eh..." Xiaolan was shocked by the news that Kunemue said, and she exclaimed repeatedly, as if she didn't expect that Mr. Kunemue actually had such a shocking plan.

"When I hit that home run, I thought something was about to change, but now it seems like it was just psychological."

Kunisue gave a helpless smile and looked at Takagi as if he remembered something: "By the way, Mr. Criminal, where is my home run ball now?"

"It is being kept by forensic personnel as evidence for the time being." Officer Takagi replied truthfully after hearing this.

"Then after the forensics, let's give that home run ball to the person who hit me." Kunisue said with a smile: "Please give me a message, saying that I am sorry for deliberately making things difficult for him at that time."

After hearing Kunisue's words, Takagi and the others smiled unconsciously. It was obvious that the other party's magnanimity had brought the matter to a fairly good outcome.

"Men with a generous heart are very attractive."

Tang Ze patted the other party's shoulder and smiled: "Although you are lovelorn now, I believe you will soon be able to find love of your own.

If you need it, I can help you introduce it. "

"Then I'll thank Tangze Criminal first." Kunima smiled helplessly and said, "Although I don't have this intention yet..."

"There's no rush." ​​Tang Ze said with a smile.

He really appreciates the other person. Ordinary people would definitely not be so generous when it comes to him, and they might ask the court for a harsh sentence or something like that.

But the opponent was able to understand the opponent's difficulties and finally gave the ball to the opponent. This kind of character really made Tang Ze appreciate it.

Moreover, when Karasawa said that he wanted to introduce someone to the other party, he was not just talking politely, but he meant it sincerely.

This guy has a solid character and good looks. Such a person must be very popular in school.

Tang Ze will encounter various cases in the future, and maybe he will be able to meet a good person to introduce to him.

"By the way, if you can, help me bring a message to Kazuya."

After talking to Tangze, Kunima seemed to have thought of something, looked at Xiaolan and asked with a smile.


Xiaolan stammered a little shyly, thinking in her mind whether the other party wanted her to help convey the words of confession.

But when she came closer, she found that Kunisue smiled slightly and blinked: "I played a prank, that's all."

"Huh?" Xiaolan, who thought she was going to convey some love words, looked confused, while Conan looked equally puzzled, wondering what the other party was trying to do.

"If you want to know the answer, then go out quickly."

Tang Ze, who had no impression of this case, was also curious. He looked at the two confused people and waved his hands quickly: "Let's go, let's go find He Ye and the others."

"This... is not good..." Xiaolan's expression was a little hesitant, but her steps betrayed her thoughts at the moment.

As for Conan, he was even more straightforward. When he heard that Karasawa took the lead to see the excitement of Hattori Heiji, his short legs immediately followed Karasawa's footsteps and ran outside.

Seeing the two of them running out, Xiaolan no longer hesitated and immediately followed them. In the end, even Takagi couldn't help but follow them out of curiosity.

With Takagi joining in to lead the way, Karasawa and his party quickly found Hattori Heiji, and Kazuha happened to run over after a lot of wrongdoing.

Upon seeing this, the group hurriedly hid at the corner of the corridor, only quietly showing their heads to observe the situation of the two people.

"God bless! God bless! Don't look inside!!"

Seeing Hattori Heiji holding the amulet in his hand, Kazuha snatched the amulet from the opponent's hand: "What are you doing!!"

But after yelling, Heye suddenly found that the amulet in his hand didn't feel right, so he quickly checked and found that it had been opened.

"He Ye..."

Hearing Hattori Heiji's cry, Kazuha's heart skipped a beat.

Although he just called his name simply, the emotion contained in those low words made He Ye hear the difference.

"I finally know the reason why you are so desperate to find the amulet."

Hearing Hattori Heiji's words, Kazuya's eyes flickered and kept peeking at Hattori Heiji's back, as if his heart was about to jump out.

Fortunately, the other person's back was turned to him at this moment, otherwise He Ye would really not know how to face him.

"It turns out turns out you treat me..."

Hattori Heiji's tone was also trembling, and Kazuha's face was even redder, and his eyes were like spring water, full of addictive girlish tenderness.

But the next moment Hattori Heiji's words did change, turning into gritted teeth and anger.

Under Heiye's confused gaze, Hattori Heiji pinched the photo, his brows jumped in anger, and he roared unhappily: "This is how you treat me like a fool, isn't it?!"

In the hands of Hattori Heiji, the photo contained in the amulet had been painted with a mischievous expression with a black pen at some point.

The wavy lines on his forehead, the scars at the corners of his eyes, the fish circles and beard on his cheeks make Hattori Heiji in the photo a completely funny existence.



Seeing the photo that was smeared like a ghost face in front of her, Kazuye screamed in surprise. She immediately took the photo away with a confused look on her face: "How could this happen? What is this."

"Hmph, stop pretending to be innocent here."

Facing Kazuha's surprised shouting, Hattori Heiji's brows trembled and he was obviously very angry: "Don't you dare to admit what you did?

But it doesn't matter, I'm a mature adult and I won't get angry with you because of such a trivial matter! "

"Hey, the so-called duplicity is what he is like now."

Karasawa on the side looked at Hattori Heiji suppressing his anger and pretending not to care, and couldn't help laughing.

"He's just a tough talker." Conan gloated: "I think he's obviously so angry that he's still pretending not to care."

"But this is good, He Ye's thoughts will not be exposed." Xiaolan smiled a little complicated, feeling both lucky and helpless.

Fortunately, Kazuha's secrets and feelings were not exposed. After all, if Hattori Heiji really saw his photo in the amulet, Kazuha would be really embarrassed to death.

But unfortunately, she didn't expect Mr. Kunisue's prank to be such a crime.

Although it was unexpected, considering that the other party liked He Ye, I felt that the other party's actions were very reasonable.

After all, photos of love rivals are either destroyed or destroyed. Drawing on photos seems childish, but isn't it just right when it comes to adult relationships?

"I really hope Hattori Heiji can see the original photo."

Hearing Xiaolan's words, Tang Ze smiled and said: "That way, it would save these two people from playing the "single game" here.

They are obviously in love, but they insist on being single based on their ability. It seems too anxious. "

"Indeed, Hattori-nii is not manly enough in this regard." Conan on the side also followed up and said.

"Haha... maybe it's because Hattori-kun is also looking for a suitable opportunity."

For some reason, when Xiaolan heard the two discussing the issue of confession, the scene of Shinichi confessing to her at her parents' proposal restaurant flashed through Xiaolan's mind.

Although it had been a long time ago, she couldn't help but feel shy every time she thought about the scene on that day.

But after being shy, it is indeed sweet in every possible way.

For no reason, Xiaolan agreed a little more with Conan's words.

At least in terms of masculinity, Shinichi is still very decisive.

As for Xiaolan's thoughts, Tang Ze naturally didn't know, but he still looked at Conan's self-proclaimed words with contempt.

After all, how can one elevate oneself and despise others? It is really disdainful.

Conan also noticed Karasawa's contempt and smiled, not feeling embarrassed at all.

In the corridor on the other side, Kazuye was also surprised, and quickly came to his senses and guessed that the handwriting on the photo might be a small move made by Mr. Kunisue after opening the amulet.

Although the other party's behavior made her a little crazy, on the other hand, it also made her a little lucky.

After all, he ultimately failed to prevent Heiji from getting the amulet. Although Mr. Kunisue's actions caused Heiji to become furious at the scene, on the other hand, it also saved her.

Otherwise, her intentions may be discovered by Heiji at this moment.

Thinking of this, Heye breathed a sigh of relief and felt that the current ending did not seem unacceptable.

"I didn't expect to be discovered by you."

It only took a moment for his thoughts to flow. Heye was not stupid to begin with. He quickly understood the current situation and decided to "choose the lesser of two evils" and directly take the blame.

Suppressing his shyness, Heye said with a straight face: "Why do you, a big idiot like you, always make me angry?"

"Huh? What does it have to do with me making you angry and you drawing a picture of me!" Heiji Hattori asked unhappily, holding up the picture.

"Of course it does matter. Every time you make me angry, I will put a mark on your photo!"

He Ye snatched the photo away and put it into his amulet: "I will remember these for you, and I will settle the score with you later!"

"You're so unreasonable!" Hattori Heiji said angrily: "I've never seen you so unreasonable!"

"Humph, girls are always unreasonable!"

When it reaches the messy stage, this is what girls are good at, and men will soon be defeated by this method, even if Hattori Heiji is a famous detective, the ending will be the same.

Fortunately, Karasawa and others showed up quickly after seeing the good show, otherwise Hattori Heiji might really have been scolded by Kazuha.

After all, this guy encountered a lot of dangers while investigating cases, and any one of them would be enough for Ye to lecture him on.

"Hey, you are here, the matter has been resolved, let's leave quickly."

Seeing Karasawa and others arriving, Hattori Heiji hurriedly stepped forward as if he had seen a savior.

The main reason is that Rang Heye's nagging ability is too strong, and as he talks, he becomes the weaker party.

"Go and say hello to Mr. Kunisue before you leave," Karasawa reminded.

"Huh, I'll leave it to you, Takagi Criminal." Heye Wenyan, who was on the side, remembered what happened before. He hummed and asked Takagi to help convey the message, and then walked outside without looking back.

Obviously, although Kunima's actions saved her from social death, it is obvious that this hurdle will not be overcome for a while.

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Chapter 1191 The Pranked Amulet is free to read.

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