Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,192 The Unsurprising Ending

Because it was already very late after solving the case, Hattori and Heiji were not in a hurry to go home. Instead, they planned to stay at Karasawa's house for another night and then return to Kansai early the next morning.

After all, it's another matter whether I can buy a ticket to go back at this time. It's already late at night when I go back, and there's nothing urgent tomorrow, so naturally I won't be so panicked.

After asking Takagi to take the lead, Tang Ze and his party left the hospital directly.

After returning home, Tangze randomly opened the panel and took a look at the rewards, and then lost interest.

【A shameful amulet】

[Congratulations to the host for getting 200 destiny points]

Basically, it was as expected by Tang Ze. Because it was just an ordinary injury incident, and Tang Ze did not change the plot to prevent it from happening, so the case only gave the lowest reward.

But Karasawa couldn't help it. After all, Hattori Heiji was involved in quite a few cases, and he didn't remember all of them.

What's more, this case really has no special features, he has no impression of it at all, and Mr. Kunisue was still "missing" during their investigation.

After finally getting clues about him, he had to wait for the other party to go to the coffee shop. By that time, the case had been completed, and it could be said that there was no room for maneuver at all.

I can only eat subsistence allowance.

But it doesn't matter, no matter how small the mosquito is, it's still meat. At least Tangze's wallet is a little bigger, reaching 500 destiny points.

The most important thing in this wave is to eat melon. After all, the extreme tension between Kazuha and Hattori Heiji is still very interesting.

However, Hattori Heiji's relationship is enough to make people complain. They are obviously in love, but he was forced to play "a little trick every day" for being single.

Of course, Tangze is not unable to understand the young man's thoughts. After all, he is the person he has identified with his whole life. Naturally, he hopes to choose a meaningful place to confess his love instead of hastily confessing his love anywhere.

It's good that love should have a sense of ritual, but it's not good if the mother-in-law makes people wait.

However, Hattori Heiji can't be blamed entirely. If I were to blame, it was fate. Every time he got there, he was always interrupted by various accidents.

However, Karasawa has already thought about it. If he has the opportunity to help, he can give Heiji a thumbs up behind his back, so he might also be able to get a good reward.

It seems that Yue Lao has always been here recently, and he was also involved in Shiratiao's good deeds in the past.

Looking back now, being able to obtain such good props might be due to the bonus he received from being a queen.

Shaking his head, Tangze finally turned off the panel and went home to wash up.

Back in the bedroom, Ayako was reading a book. When she saw Karasawa coming back, she naturally asked about the process of finding someone today.

Karasawa spent the whole day looking for someone, and finally found out that Mr. Kunisue was injured and found the prisoner, and Kazuha's amulet was eventually discovered by Hattori Heiji, but it didn't unfold as she expected at all.

Especially after hearing the last photo of Kunisue's prank, Ayako couldn't help but laugh: "This is really uncomfortable. Kazuha-chan's mood at that time was probably like an elevator."

"I think she was already prepared to reveal her true feelings and confront Heiji, but she didn't expect a twist."

Tang Ze also laughed and said: "I guess she was quite broken. Of course, she might also be relieved. After all, she might not be mentally prepared."

"It's a good ending. Although Heye's purpose has changed a bit, it can be regarded as hiding the girl's little thoughts."

Ayako smiled and stretched, then looked at Tang Ze and said, "It's getting late, let's take a rest."


Karasawa nodded and lay down directly, while Ayako on the side reached out to turn off the light and soon lay down next to him.

"By the way, are you free tomorrow?" Before going to bed, Ayako suddenly remembered something and asked.

"Of course. Are you okay tomorrow?" Tang Ze heard the words and immediately understood the meaning of Ayako's words.

"Well, I have a day off tomorrow. Sonoko asked me to go shopping." Ayako seemed to have thought of something when she said this: "The child wants to buy some different clothes and wants me to go with her so that her parents won't tell her when she goes home."

"Huh? Different clothes?" Hearing this, Tang Ze couldn't help but become curious: "What kind of tricks does Yuanzi want to play? It won't be some exaggerated costume, right?"

"It's a bit exaggerated, but it's not that serious." Ayako smiled and said: "She wants to buy Lolita-style clothes. Because the style is a bit exaggerated, she is afraid that her mother will not accept it."

"Well... from a general point of view, Lolita-style clothes do have some stylistic subtlety."

After hearing this, Karasawa said: "Although it is not the exaggerated look in cospaly animation, the style will indeed attract attention."

"I heard that Lolita-style clothes are popular among young girls now." Ayako smiled and said, "That's why Sonoko wanted to buy such clothes. It can be considered a novel experience."

"So that's it. Then I'll go shopping with you tomorrow. There's no point in staying at home by yourself."

When Karasawa said this, he joked: "But you're not planning to buy Lolita clothes with Sonoko, are you?

I'm really looking forward to that. "

"How is it possible? That style doesn't suit me." Ayako knew that Karasawa was joking, so she rolled her eyes angrily.

However, because the lights were off at the moment, Tang Ze did not see this, but could only hear the other party's emotions from his tone.

"It doesn't matter if you try it occasionally." Tangze encouraged with a smile.

"It still doesn't feel right, but I will see the effect of Sonoko wearing it tomorrow and think about it then." Ayako thought for a while.

"Then go to sleep." Karasawa kissed Ayako's forehead gently: "Good night."

"Well, good night." Feeling her left hand being held, Ayako closed her eyes and fell asleep with a smile on her lips.

A night of silence.

Since there was no need to find anyone today, and Ayako had warned them the night before, Hattori Heiji and Kazuha did not get up from their sleep early in the morning to make breakfast.

It wasn't until around eight o'clock that Karasawa and Ayako slowly got up when they heard footsteps walking outside.

Today's breakfast is the bread that Karasawa and the others bought when they came back last night. After heating the bread and milk in the microwave, breakfast was solved directly.

"What time is the ticket?"

Looking at the two people who had finished breakfast and were getting ready to go, Tangze couldn't help but ask.


Hattori Heiji seemed to have guessed Karasawa's plan, and waved his hand in advance and refused: "There is no need to send us off. We can just take the subway directly to the station after a 10-minute break."

"Yes, yesterday was enough trouble for you. It would be too embarrassing to use your rest time today."

He Ye also echoed from the side: "And we are all adults. There is no need to take a car and you need Tangze Criminal to drive us."

"Okay then, I won't send you off." Tang Ze nodded after hearing this.

"Thank you both for taking care of me this time." Kazuha pressed Hattori Heiji's head and bowed to the two of them: "This idiot has caused trouble for you."

"Huh? We obviously came to Tokyo to find your amulet, right?"

After raising his head, Hattori Heiji looked at Kazuha dissatisfied and said: "This is because of you, why am I the only one causing trouble!"

"If you hadn't mistakenly given my amulet to Mr. Kunisue, how could we have come back to Tokyo!" Kazuha was furious when he said this: "It's all your fault!"

"So you can continue to play pranks on my photos, right!" Hattori Heiji said angrily: "If it hadn't happened this time, how long would you have continued to do this!"

"I...I...I'm so angry. It's all your fault anyway!"

Kazuye blushed when he heard it, and immediately said angrily, "It's all because of you anyway, otherwise Mr. Kunisue wouldn't have been injured!"

Obviously, listening to Heye's vowing tone, he probably already knew from Xiaolan the fact that Guomo liked her.

Once he knew about this, Kazuha would naturally blame Hattori Heiji for the accidents caused by these series of events.

After all, if Hattori Heiji hadn't taken it upon himself to give his personal amulet to Mr. Kunisue, he wouldn't have seen the photo inside the amulet.

If you couldn't see the photos inside, then he couldn't have been distracted and injured his wrist, but he was actively preparing for the tennis match with full energy.

That way, he won't be frustrated when he goes to a baseball game, gets that home run baseball, and ends up getting hurt.

And I won’t be able to see my photos and end up like this!

So the ultimate culprit is Hattori Heiji! !

After running a circle of logic in his mind, Kazuha concluded that the root cause of all the encounters during this trip to Tokyo was Hattori Heiji's carelessness.

But this is also true. In the eyes of insiders Karasawa and Ayako, there is absolutely no problem with these words.

But this is not the case in the ears of Hattori Heiji, who does not know the whole situation. In his opinion, it is good that Kazuha made a funny face on his photo and he did not settle the score with him. What is even more inexplicable is that Do you blame yourself for the injury at the end of the country?

It’s simply baffling!

"What does Mr. Kunisue's injury have to do with me?!"

Hattori Heiji, who was furious, said angrily: "It's obviously your amulet that has no effect at all, but you still blame me!"

Because of the poor information, Hattori Heiji spoke very confidently, which made Kazuha beside him very angry.

But she couldn't refute it, otherwise she would have to tell the truth. Compared to that result, she absolutely couldn't accept it.

But Kazuha was not to be outdone. Even though she was being unreasonable on the surface, once she turned on the messy mode, Hattori Heiji, who was still noisy, couldn't hold his head up.

Moreover, it is an irrefutable fact that he took the wrong amulet earlier, and there is absolutely no problem in taking this.

In this way, the two of them spent the ten minutes of rest after eating completely quarreling. Tang Ze and the two couldn't get a word in at all. In the end, Tang Ze reminded them to leave quickly, which made the two stop bickering and ask for help. Walk to the train station.

After bidding farewell to the happy couple, Karasawa and Ayako also took some time off.

Ayako and Sonoko had agreed to go shopping in the afternoon, so they had some leisure time in the morning.

Although they felt at ease all of a sudden, the two of them did not have the panic mentality of having nothing to do and being idle. Instead, they each started doing what they liked.

Ayako recently fell in love with flower arranging, so she spent the morning arranging flowers, while Karasawa got into the mood and painted an oil painting.

Well, it's a portrait, and it's a work with Ayako arranging flowers as a model.

With his painting skills, even if Ayako keeps moving during the flower arrangement process, it will still not have any impact.

After all, with his memory at the moment, he can directly imprint his most satisfying movements in his mind and then copy them.

It's really cheating.

"You're pretty good at painting. I heard you said you could paint before, and I thought you were just at an average level. I didn't expect you to be so good."

After arranging the flowers, Ayako walked up to Karasawa's print and looked at the money in the painting in surprise.

"I just don't have time, but I am still very confident in painting." Tangze smiled.

After all, that was Tangze's eating skill in his previous life. Even though he lost his old profession when he came to this world, his craftsmanship was still not left behind.

In addition, he also picked up some skills in the lottery, coupled with the increase in "Dexterous Second Hand" talent and observation ability, it can be said that even if he does not keep in touch, his level has improved.

There is a difference between not having talent bonus and not having talent bonus. This is especially obvious in painting.

However, painting is a thing that is easy to get started and difficult to become a master. The peak of A level is just to pick up people's wisdom and keep copying and learning, and it is at a level where you can draw.

If you want to find your own style and create your own art, you have to be S-level.

However, Karasawa has no interest in becoming a painter. Now that he has such strong painting skills, coupled with his photographic memory, it is enough for certain search situations.

But what is more important for painting is to be able to please my wife.

Now Ayako couldn't put it down the portrait in front of her, and she was obviously very satisfied with the surprise Karasawa gave her.

As noon approached, the two of them returned directly to the Suzuki family's mansion and had a meal together. Not long after, Sonoko couldn't help but urge the two of them to go out together on the street.

In her words, there were not many people around at noon, and shopping felt like a private tour, but Karasawa felt that Sonoko just couldn't wait any longer.

Accompanying the Suzuki sisters to go shopping, Karasawa naturally became a tool driver.

As for the destination, it is naturally Harajuku, a fashionable street preferred by young people for shopping.

However, when Karasawa, Sonoko and others came to a coffee shop on the street, they saw two unexpected and reasonable people.

"Xiaolan!" Seeing his best friend, Yuanzi waved happily to her, then looked at Conan with a look of disgust and said, "Why did you bring this brat too!"

"My dad went out to play, so it's not good to leave Conan at home alone." Xiaolan explained with a smile, and then greeted Tang Ze.

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