Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,193 Shopping

"Hello, Xiaolan~"

Ayako smiled and greeted Xiaolan: "Long time no see."

"Long time no see, Ayako-san."

After saying hello, Xiaolan looked at Tang Ze and said, "We meet again, Tang Ze Criminal, have He Ye and the others gone back?"

"Well, I left by train this morning." Tang Ze said with a smile, "It was very noisy when I left."

"Huh? Why are we quarreling again?" Xiaolan was surprised when she heard this.

"It's probably a conflict caused by information checking."

Karasawa explained with a smile: "Kazuha feels that everything in Tokyo, including Mr. Kunisue's injury, is all because of Hattori Heiji.

But that boy Hattori didn't know that Kunisue liked Kazuha, so he was distracted when he saw his photo in the amulet, causing injury, which led to a series of subsequent events.

So the two of them couldn't agree with the other, so they started to quarrel. "

"So that's it..."

Xiaolan could only look helpless at this. After all, as long as Heye was unwilling to tell the truth, there might be no way to resolve this conflict.

Conan on the side had the same idea as Xiaolan, but his expression was more disdainful, obviously showing disdain for Hattori Heiji's Tenhu cards that led to such a bad situation.

As the most successful person in love in this life, Conan has the right to laugh at the loser Hattori Heiji.

Of course, compared to Conan's good mood, Karasawa's mood was not so wonderful.

After all, anyone who is happily shopping with his girlfriend and discovers that the "homicide trigger" has come to you will be unhappy.

"But the case only happened yesterday, so today should be just a coincidence..."

Tang Ze touched his chin and pondered, feeling a little more at ease.

Maybe this time is really a daily coincidence. Even if "Dad Death" is so partial to Conan, there needs to be some "sage time" for people to take a breath, right?

Although Tangze felt a little relieved, he still kept some things in mind and planned to see if he would encounter any suspicious people during the subsequent shopping.

As for the characteristics... acquaintances that a group of people met by chance, a group of strangers who got to know each other because of some small accidents.

Anyone who has anything to do with their small shopping group needs to pay attention.

After setting the scope for himself to pay attention to, Tang Ze and Conan became the tool men who accompanied him when he went shopping and carried bags.

Fortunately, the destination of Ayako and others was clear, which was to buy Lolita-style dresses, so the group just visited a few stores on the way to the target store.

Of course, perhaps because of their shyness, when Sonoko and Xiaolan went to choose Lolita clothes, they mysteriously refused to let Ayako and the other three follow them, saying that they would wait until they had finished choosing.

Seeing that her sister and Xiaolan were embarrassed, Ayako did not force them to follow them. Instead, she took Karasawa to the nearby men's clothing store to try on clothes.

In fact, for Ayako, apart from buying clothes for herself, her biggest hobby is matching Karazawa's clothes.

Because Tangze himself is a capable model, many clothes can be charming on him, and such a person will shine differently in his hands, and then go on a date with him.

For Ayako, this is double happiness.

So under Conan's drooping expression, Ayako and Karasawa started showing off their affection.

"What kind of suffering is this in the world!"

Sitting on the sofa nearby, Conan watched the tacit and intimate actions between the two of them choosing clothes, and his eyes became more and more fishy.

My girlfriend went shopping for clothes with her best friend, and I was thrown here to watch Tang Ze show off his affection.

Conan really felt that he had made a mistake by following Xiaolan out today. He should have insisted on looking after the house by himself at that time, instead of thinking about spending more time with Xiaolan.

"Ah~ It's so hot. Let's go buy something to drink!"

Just as Conan was thinking about it with resentment on his face, Sonoko's loud voice came from the side. This sentence was like nectar after a long encounter, and it instantly cheered up Conan.

"Conan-kun, where are Karasawa Criminal and Ayako-san?"

Xiaolan walked into the store and saw Conan sitting on the sofa, bored, and couldn't help but ask.

"Sister Ayako picked out clothes for Karasawa Criminal. She should be in the fitting room now."

Conan pointed to the fitting room next to him with a look of relief on his face: "Sister Ayako has already bought several sets of clothes for Karasawa Criminal. If you don't call them, this store will probably be emptied."

"It's too exaggerated to say it was emptied out." Yuanzi waved his hand: "It's impossible for all the clothes in this store to be judged by my sister.

No more talking, I went to call them. Now I was tired and thirsty. I seemed to be wearing a bit thick clothes. It was so hot when I went shopping. "

Sonoko said a lot, and then rushed to the fitting room next to her, obviously going to find Ayako.

"Have you bought the things? Then let's go."

Seeing the expression on Karasawa's navy blue suit, Ayako adjusted Karasawa's head with satisfaction, and then looked at her sister with a smile.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Yuanzi fanned himself with his right hand: "I'm dying of thirst."

"When I first came here, I saw there was a coffee shop nearby. Let's go there to have some drinks and have a rest." Tang Ze thought for a moment and said, "If you are hungry, let's have some desserts by the way."

"Of course I want to eat it! The dessert is in the other stomach!" Yuanzi nodded immediately after hearing this, and then laughed a little sheepishly: "But I have to trouble my brother-in-law to treat me~

Xiaolan and I just bought Lolita skirts, and our pocket money is a little short~"

"No problem." Tang Ze didn't take this small amount of money seriously at all, so he agreed directly.

"Ah! Thank you, brother-in-law, for the treat!" Yuanzi looked very happy after hearing this.

Of course, even if she is a rich woman, she is still only a high school student. Although she will not neglect food, drink, housing and transportation, her family will not give her unlimited pocket money.

After buying the dress, she didn't have much pocket money. She had to wait until her mother gave her pocket money next time. Treating guests now would naturally save a lot of money.

Because the coffee shop is not far from the clothing store, everyone arrived at the coffee shop within a few steps.

After everyone selected their coffee and the dessert they wanted to eat, Sonoko spread out directly on the seat.

"Speaking of which, have you ever bought clothes?" Ayako asked curiously while drinking coffee: "What kind of style are they?"

"Haha... Sister, don't ask..." Yuanzi hid the clothing bag behind her back: "It's just the Lolita style clothes anyway."

"Yes..." Xiaolan also laughed: "And we were not mentally prepared..."

"I've already bought it. It's a little too late to talk about it now." Tangze smiled and joked: "Do you plan to put it in the closet to sleep?"

"That's not true, but it doesn't have to be in a crowded place like this." Sonoko retorted after hearing Karasawa's words: "You can't wear it after you go home."

"Then take a photo as a souvenir and then stop wearing it?"

Karasawa smiled and joked: "In that case, the clothing will lose its meaning."

"Huh, no way!"

Faced with Tangze's instigation and Xiaoji general, Sonoko retorted unconvincingly: "We will wear it, but not now, wait until we are mentally prepared."

As they were talking, the pleasant sound of wind chimes came from the door of the cafe. The next moment, footsteps approached and they found a girl wearing a Lolita style skirt walking past their seat.

"Look at how bold people are in dressing up." Ayako smiled and joked: "Sonoko, do you want to change here too? My sister is looking forward to it."

"Why is even my sister starting to make fun of me?" Yuanzi said with a headache.

"It doesn't work anyway!"

Xiaolan saw that her best friend Yuanzi's attitude was a little loose, and she quickly refused firmly: "I, are we mentally prepared?

Anyway, the clothes will be worn, but not now! "

Seeing that the two of them were so resolute, the faces of Tang Ze and the other three people sitting opposite them all had a look of regret on their faces.

Even Conan had the same expression, obviously looking forward to his girlfriend wearing Lolita clothes.

"But that girl's costume is really cute!"

When Yuanzi saw that Tang Ze and others had given up their instigation, he quickly nudged Xiaolan with his elbow: "Xiaolan, did you see all the clothes that girl was wearing just now?"

"I saw it! I saw it!"

Xiaolan said with an excited expression: "That's a goth lolita, it's really good-looking!"

"Yeah, it looks really cool!" Sonoko said excitedly.

"Gothic Lolita, this is the gothic style and black costume that often appears in film and television works such as the vampire Dracula."

Ayako glanced at the girl at the table next to her who was ordering, then looked at Sonoko and said, "You two didn't buy this kind of dark-style clothing, right?

Although this kind of doll-style clothes is very popular and beautiful, I always feel that some of them are not suitable for you...

I don’t know about Detective Mori, but Sonoko, if you dare to go back wearing such weird clothes that look like monsters in your mother’s eyes, even if I excuse you, I’m afraid you’ll be scolded. "

"No!!" Yuanzi shrank when he heard this, obviously knowing that the parents of this family would not understand this kind of clothing, so he waved his hands: "What we bought is not this style."

"Yes, yes, the two of us bought more cute clothes." Xiaolan quickly agreed. Obviously, he also felt that his father's personality would never accept that style of clothes.

Saying this, the gothic lolita girl got up and walked outside the store, attracting the attention of the two girls again.

"It doesn't look like you are unattractive at all." Ayako looked at the two of them and said helplessly: "Even if you really buy it, remember not to let your elders see it, just pass it on secretly. "

"No way!" Yuanzi waved his hands after hearing this: "Actually, that style is not suitable for us. We actually tried it on in the fitting room just now, hehe~"

"The main reason is that we don't have that cool feeling." Xiaolan also smiled and echoed: "By the way, Haiyuan feels that that style of clothes is quite suitable."

"Ah~ you are talking about the aloof girl from Dr. Ali's family, right?"

After hearing this, Yuanzi thought about the dark-style clothes the other party wore, and nodded repeatedly: "Indeed, she feels very suitable!"

Everyone was chatting and drinking drinks. After a while, the door of the store opened, but it was not the Goethe Lolita from before, but a girl who looked very serious wearing glasses.

"Um, is there a girl here dressed in Gothic Lolita?" The girl wearing glasses walked up to the waiter and asked, "I'm her friend."

"Ah~ that guest went to the restroom outside. Please wait at your seat for a moment." The waiter replied with a smile after hearing this.

"Am I ten minutes late? Is there something wrong?"

"The customer said he would wait until his friend comes to order."

"Then I'll wait for her too."

The woman wearing glasses smiled when she heard this, but the menu in her hand accidentally knocked the water glass directly to the ground.


The broken water glass attracted the attention of the customers in the store, and the woman wearing glasses quickly apologized: "I'm sorry! I will compensate for the glass!"

"It's okay. Guests, be careful not to get hurt." The waiter quickly dissuaded: "I will take care of it."

Because the other party was sitting next to Tang Ze and others, everyone clearly heard the conversation between the two and the subsequent minor incident even if they didn't pay much attention.

Of course, this was just a small episode between strangers, and it didn't cause any waves at all.

"full HP resurrection!"

After finishing the last piece of snack, he poured the drink directly into the cup, stretched himself, and said with full energy, "Let's go back to shopping!"

"We have already studied the routes to the stores we want to go to," Xiaolan said with a smile.

"Then let's go." Tang Ze said this and glanced at the woman who was still waiting for his friend, his brows furrowed slightly.

To be honest, he was always a little concerned about the little accident that happened when the other party came into the store just now, and the other party's friend had not come back even after going to the bathroom, which gave him a slightly bad feeling.

"Hey, the kid is gone!"

After Karasawa stood up, Conan still made no move in his seat, but stared straight at the woman wearing glasses in the seat next to him.

Because Conan is the God of Death, Karasawa's ominous premonition became more serious when he saw that the other party also noticed the girl wearing glasses.

"Does something feel wrong?"

Karasawa patted Conan on the shoulder to bring him back to his senses, and asked directly.

"Ah...I was just thinking about that sister in Gothic Lolita costume. Her speed seems a bit slow."

Hearing this, Conan pretended to ask his question with an innocent expression on his face: "She seems to have gone to the bathroom for more than ten minutes, and she hasn't come back yet."

"Ha, a kid is just a kid. He really has no common sense."

Yuanzi looked disgusted: "Girls go to the restroom differently than men, especially in public restrooms. If there are many people, you have to queue for a long time."

"Is that so?" Conan scratched his head and giggled.

"Well, Conan, you are a boy, so you don't know." Xiaolan also smiled and said: "Girls will line up when there are more people, but boys will find it much more convenient than us."

Speaking of this, Xiaolan stretched out her hand and said, "Okay, let's leave quickly."

"Yeah!" Conan reached out his hand when he saw this, and Xiaolan pulled him out of the cafe.

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