Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,194 Murder in the Bathroom

After walking out of the coffee shop, Yuanzi and Xiaolan read the magazine recommendations and hurriedly walked towards the next target store.

Tang Ze and others came to shop relatively early in the beginning, so there were not too many people on the street. However, when they came out of the cafe again, there were obviously a lot more pedestrians on the road.

This is normal, after all, today is the weekend, which is a good time for women to wear beautiful clothes and relax and stroll around.

When he came to the streets again, Karasawa finally felt how popular the "Lolita style" that fascinated Yuanzi and Xiaolan was.

On the streets where people come and go, four or five out of ten girls passing by are wearing Lolita-style clothes.

Sweet pink, pure white, mysterious black, all kinds of different styles make the street seem like a fairy tale, making Karasawa feel like he has arrived at a comic exhibition, or some kind of fairy tale theme amusement park.

“Should I say it’s worthy of Harajuku?”

Seeing that the passers-by shopping around looked like they were used to it, and the Lolita-style girls passing by had no expressions of surprise at all, Tang Ze couldn't help but sigh.

Harajuku is an area in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, and is also a very famous "Youth Street" in Tokyo. Even though Ginza is a world-famous shopping street, among young people, it is the core of the fashion industry.

Walking here, you can definitely see the city's latest fashion styles, and young people who pursue new fashions perfectly form this "fashion ecosystem."

Although there are expensive brand stores here, there are more cheap and stylish shops where everyone can find their favorite style.

As for the men who accompany their girlfriends, they have also integrated into this trendy street, but as a very common tool man, they have become a common sight on the street.

You can see girls dressed up beautifully, happily shopping and laughing with their girlfriends, and you can also see some men looking impatient, but they can only struggle to carry the various clothes they bought. .

Although neon machismo is already very common, it only occurs after you have a family. If you want to please girls and girlfriends when you are single, you still have to be a gentleman (lick) and a gentleman (dog).

Of course, what Karasawa was carrying was only his own clothes. As for Xiaolan and Sonoko, they were worried about Karasawa and Ayako peeking, so they directly rejected his kindness and chose to take it themselves.

“The clothes in this clothing store are so beautiful!”

Xiaolan looked at the magazine in Yuanzi's hand and couldn't help but admired it.

"Then let's go to this store next!" Yuanzi nodded in agreement: "The clothes in this store are really cute!"

But just when the two of them were full of energy and ready to go to the next store, a sudden touch behind them made their expressions stagnant.

The two people's necks seemed to be mechanical, and they turned their heads bit by bit, and found that the two foreigners behind them actually pressed the ice cream cones directly behind their backs.

"It's really annoying!" After Xiaolan came back to her senses, she immediately put down the bag containing the clothes in her hand and looked at the situation behind her.

"Hey! Isn't this ice cream!" Yuanzi and Xiaolan also made the same move, putting their bags on the ground and complaining with irritated faces.

When the two looked at the culprit behind them, they found that the two blond foreigners had panic expressions on their faces and kept talking in English, which was completely incomprehensible.

The dancing figure of the other party instantly attracted the attention of Xiao Lan and the two of them.

"Lan, which country are they talking about?" Yuanzi, a low-school student, quickly looked at his best friend and cast a look for help.

"I don't know either..." Xiaolan also looked confused: "They spoke too fast, I couldn't hear clearly..."

But they didn't notice that a black hand quietly reached into the pocket at their feet.

"Brother-in-law, can you understand?" Yuanzi and Xiaolan turned to look at Tangze, but found that the other party directly ignored them, leaned over slightly and grabbed the black hand that was about to touch the clothing bag.

"Sister Xiaolan, be careful! These guys are ice cream bandits!!" Conan looked at the two people who were still a little confused and shouted immediately.


Hearing Conan's words, Xiaolan and Yuanzi immediately screamed in surprise, but the foreigner holding ice cream in front of them quickly waved his hand and shouted: "NO! NO!"

"This is a common criminal method used against tourists abroad. Once ice cream gets on your clothes, you will naturally want to wipe it off immediately and loosen your luggage."

Tangze's wrist was like an iron lock, imprisoning the thieves who wanted to steal the pockets, while he explained their modus operandi to everyone:

"Then it's like what you just experienced. He speaks quickly in his native language to attract attention, and then his accomplices steal the luggage placed on the ground."

Having said this, Tangze looked at the two foreigners and said calmly in English: "I am a criminal, and I am arresting you on suspicion of theft."

Hearing Tang Ze's words, the expressions of the two foreigners changed. The guy whose wrist he grabbed immediately started to struggle, and he made a fist with his other hand and hit Tang Ze directly.

But this simple struggle was not dangerous at all, and Tang Ze's strength was far greater than that of the opponent. With a twist, he pinned the guy who had not stood up to the ground.

When the accomplice holding ice cream on the side saw that something was not going well, he immediately rushed over and tried to rescue his companion. However, Tang Ze quickly stood up and punched the opponent in the abdomen. He tripped and knocked him down.

With a scream, Karasawa easily brought down the attention-grabbing thief and landed on top of his companion.

"Ke'an, you go to the nearby police station to explain the situation and ask them to come and take the person away."

Tangze took out the handcuffs from his waist, asked Xiaolan and Yuanzi to help, and cuffed them directly on their left and right wrists.

As for the struggle between the two, Tang Ze simply ignored it. With his strength, it was very easy to suppress the two guys who were stacked on top of each other and couldn't use their strength at all.

Because Harajuku is a street with a lot of traffic, and security is a top priority, there is an interchange near the street.

After a while, Conan and Anxin followed, and Ayako ran back with two patrols.

After Tangze showed his ID, the two inspectors immediately saluted respectfully.

"You don't have to be so polite, I'm taking a rest now." Tang Ze nodded at the two foreigners below and said, "Do you all understand the situation of the case?"

"Well, this boy has made it clear to us just now." The younger inspector nodded repeatedly and looked at Tangze with admiration, obviously knowing him.

"Recently, Harajuku has received reports of many foreigners using ice cream tricks to steal property. I'm afraid it's them."

The middle-aged inspector on the side also smiled and said: "Thanks to Tang Ze Criminal, it seems that the headaches we have here have come to an end."

Watching the patrols handcuffing the prisoners one by one, Tang Ze took back his handcuffs and watched the two foreign thieves with dejected expressions being escorted away.

It can be seen that these two guys are habitual criminals, and I heard from the two people at the exchange that there have been many such cases in Harajuku recently.

The accumulation of these crimes is probably enough for those two guys to drink a pot.

"What a bargain for those two bastards!"

Yuanzi waved his fists with a look of displeasure on his face: "Brother-in-law, you were too gentle when you subdued them!

If you ask me, I should give them a set of combos using the most powerful karate moves, just like you usually practice, Xiaolan! "

"Combo skills and stuff are too exaggerated..." Xiao Lan said with a sneer.

"I'm afraid you don't want them to die..."

Conan and Karasawa on the side also looked speechless when they heard Sonoko's complaint.

After all, Xiaolan's strength is so powerful that she can open a stone cracking monument and be hospitalized with just one killer move. If she really wants to use combo skills, I'm afraid there will be no one left.

"Okay, okay, stop complaining, you should go change clothes quickly."

Ayako on the side held down the excited Sonoko, wiped the ice cream off their backs, and then suggested.

"It's also like this. I can't go shopping anymore..."

Yuanzi and Xiaolan looked at each other's shoulders and said with some distress.

"On this point, this is a rare opportunity. Why don't you just put on the clothes you bought?"

Tang Ze suggested with a smile, his expression a bit gloating: "You didn't change before, but now you have to change~"

When the two girls heard Tangze's words, their expressions turned into beady eyes. Obviously, Tangze's proposal directly hit their "weakness".

In other words, they were simply not mentally prepared to change their clothes.

But now Tang Ze's old matters are brought up again, and Xiaolan and Yuanzi have no better choice in this situation.

"Ah, brother-in-law, you are so annoying!" Yuanzi yelled angrily, venting the awkward emotions in his heart.

But after venting, she and her best friend Xiaolan looked at each other, and finally chose Tang Ze's proposal.

After all, judging from the current situation, if you don't want to go home and continue shopping, Karasawa's proposal is the best solution at the moment.

"Then let's go to the nearby Yogi Park." Seeing her sister and Xiaolan agree to change clothes, Ayako suggested with a smile: "The only public restroom is there."

"That's all we can do now." Sonoko nodded, and the group walked towards Yogi Park.

"But we have to talk first. You three must not laugh at us!" Holding the clothing bag, Sonoko looked at the three of them and said righteously.

"Absolutely not!" Xiaolan on the side also echoed and spoke again: "If you laugh, Conan, I will never forgive you!"

Of course, this was said to Conan on the surface, but in fact it was also said to Tang Ze and the two of them. It was just said through the words he said to Conan.

"Haha..." Conan smiled cutely, "I know, sister Xiaolan, go change clothes quickly."

The two of them nervously entered the bathroom with their clothes, and their hesitation could be seen from their hesitant steps.

However, when the two of them entered the women's restroom, they couldn't help but were stunned because there were too many people.

This women's restroom is quite large, but there are people lined up in front of each stall, and most of them are holding clothing bags in their hands.

"Everyone's purpose seems to be the same." Yuanzi looked at the people holding clothing bags around him and noticed that in addition to physical needs, many people also came here to change clothes.

Of course, not all of them are to change into new clothes, some are to change back into casual clothes.

Dressing like this is normal in Harajuku, but if you go to other occasions, this kind of clothing will be a bit eye-catching, so many women choose to wear this type of clothing when shopping here, but change back to regular clothes when they are ready to leave.

"There are too many people here..." Xiaolan said hesitantly: "Do we really want to wait here?"

"Otherwise, go somewhere else..."

Before Yuanzi finished speaking, a sharp shout accompanied by a furious slamming of the door rang out from the people lining up nearby: "Hey!! I told you not to go too far!!"

A girl with short hair knocked impatiently on the cubicle door, her face full of displeasure.

"Excuse me, what's wrong?" Xiaolan couldn't help but stepped forward and asked after seeing this.

"The guy inside has been in there for half an hour and still hasn't come out!" the girl with short hair said with an unhappy expression.

"It couldn't be that he suddenly passed out because of a heart disease or something like that..."

After the kind-hearted Xiaolan heard the other party's complaint, she was not dissatisfied at first, but became worried about the safety of the stranger in the cubicle.

"At times like this, this is what happens!"

After hearing Xiaolan's words, Yuanzi on the side handed Xiaolan the garment bag in his hand, and then put his hands on the compartment with everyone's surprised eyes, obviously intending to take a look inside.

But the next moment, after Yuanzi saw the situation in the compartment, he screamed in horror.


The huge shout was heard by Tang Ze and others who were waiting outside. This feeling of dissatisfaction directly filled Tang Ze's heart.

Because in Ke Xue's cases, screaming is usually the beginning of the case.

Regardless of the difference between men and women, Karasawa, Conan and the worried Ayako rushed directly to the women's restroom.

"Yuanzi, what's wrong?!"

As soon as they entered the bathroom, Tangze saw Sonoko lying on the ground, looking distracted, and asked quickly.

"Wash, washroom..."

Yuanzi watched the three people pointing to the private room in front of them: "Brother...Goethe Loli..."

"Yuanzi, what's going on, don't be afraid to tell me slowly!"

Ayako saw her sister turned pale with fright and was shaking so hard that she couldn't speak clearly. She couldn't help but worry and ran over to comfort her.

"Conan, go up and have a look."

Tangze on the side had basically foreseen this incident, but it was still inappropriate for an adult male to go up to the women's toilet stall to check the situation, so he reported Conan directly.

With Tang Ze's help, Conan pulled the door panel with both hands and propped himself directly on the compartment. His expression changed greatly: "Tang Ze Criminal, the woman in the private room is dead!"


Conan's words caused all the women in the bathroom to scream, and everyone stepped back in horror.


Tangze immediately shouted loudly when he saw the commotion, took out the criminal evidence and began to control the situation.

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