Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,195 This case is a proof question

Facts have proved that criminal identification is still very useful, especially when a murder occurs.

After Tangze revealed his identity, the flustered women in the bathroom quickly calmed down.

Under Tang Ze's command, everyone left the bathroom with their companions and waited outside for the arrival of the police.

After all, they are all related to the case. Even if they are not related, they still need to wait until the large force arrives to take notes and leave their contact information.

Karasawa had encountered this situation many times, and he quickly calmed the crowd. Ayako also called the police, and soon the two patrolmen who had escorted the thieves from the police station rushed over.

Although these two people did not play a big role in the case, there was absolutely no problem in maintaining order and evacuating the spectators.

After initially controlling the scene, Officer Megure, who received the report, also brought Takagi to the scene.

Tang Ze gave a rough explanation of the situation, then took the white gloves from Takagi and made a preliminary inspection of the body.

The deceased was a gothic lolita whom they met once in a cafe. Although this kind of thing was an afterthought, it was indeed expected by Karasawa.

The only thing that made Tangze regretful was that the clues before the incident were too small. He only spent a few minutes with them in a coffee shop, and his appearance caused a discussion between Xiaolan and Xiaolan.

In this case, after entering Harajuku, Sonoko and Xiaolan had been excited by the cute costumes of passers-by countless times.

It’s just that there were few people at the time, and all they saw were cute Lolita-style costumes, so they were so excited when they saw this gothic-loli dark-style girl appear.

If the two of them follow the vigilance of paying attention to whoever is discussing, it will tire Tang Ze to death.

After all, everyone is suspect, which means no one is suspect.

However, Tang Ze had already been mentally prepared for this outcome, so he had no regrets and instead calmly observed the fatal injuries on the body.

"There were rope marks on the deceased's neck. In addition, there were Yoshikawa lines created by the deceased himself during his struggle."

Tang Ze easily judged the cause of death: "It seems that he was strangled to death. This is probably a very painful way to die."


Officer Memu clasped his hands together and squatted down to look at the deceased, his fat face full of weirdness: "But her dress is exaggerated enough. Is this kind of dress popular recently?

I just saw a lot of women wearing similar styles on the road, but they looked cuter than this one. "

"No, actually Gothic Lolita is a popular costume a long time ago, and they are collectively called Lolita style. The cute style you see in the police department is one of them."

After Takagi heard what Officer Megure said, he quickly explained with a wry smile while feeling ashamed.

"I'm sorry, I'm an old-fashioned person who doesn't understand fashion." Megumi said with some confusion on his face.

"No, no..." Takagi heard his boss say this and quickly waved his hands to deny it. Even if he did have this idea, he couldn't complain to his boss in front of him.

Isn't that just finding some shoes for yourself?

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Has the identity of the victim been found out?" Officer Memu didn't bother to delve deeper and brought the topic back to the topic.

"We found the driver's license on the body of the deceased. The person was a resident of Cupido Town and his name was Kuse Mihou."

Takagi replied holding the driver's license in the evidence bag.

"There are Yoshikawa lines and strangulation marks on the neck. It is almost certain that he was strangled." Officer Megure looked at Karasawa after hesitating and said, "You said you had seen the deceased before. Can you tell me more about the situation?"

"No problem." Karasawa nodded and organized his speech, then told Officer Megure in detail about his previous encounter with the other party.

"Coffee shop..." Officer Megure heard this and asked, "Do you still remember the companion who had an appointment with me?"


Yuanzi nodded repeatedly and said: "The other party seemed to have an appointment with the deceased lady, but she was about ten or fifteen minutes late when she arrived at the coffee shop.

Because of this, she did not meet this young lady. She had already gone to the bathroom at that time. "

"What's the other party's appearance?" Officer Megure asked quickly.

"Wearing glasses, he looks like a serious office worker." Xiaolan recalled.

"The two of them made an appointment, but they didn't meet. If they didn't keep up with the appointment for such a long time, there should be a call from the girl on her phone."

After Karasawa reminded him, Takagi quickly went to the forensic department personnel to get the phone. Sure enough, they found that there were many missed calls, basically one every minute, and they were all from the same person.

Before Takagi handed the phone to Officer Megure, the phone rang again.

Upon seeing this, Mu Mu directly chose to connect, and the next moment a woman's complaining words came from the phone: "Hey! I said Wei Wan, what on earth are you doing!

The waiter said you went to the bathroom, why did you go there for so long?

I'm still waiting for you in the cafe, can you come over quickly? "

The woman on the other end of the phone spoke very rudely, and the impatience in her tone made it possible to hear the other party's irritability as she waited.

"Sorry, I'm in charge of handling the case."

After the other party finished complaining, Officer Megure directly revealed his identity.

"Penal, criminal?"

The woman on the phone looked a little panicked and worried: "What's wrong with her?"

"Please have my condolences..." Officer Megure paused, but still told the other party the news that Kuse Mizu was murdered, and asked her to get here as soon as possible.

After hanging up the phone, Mumu let out a sigh of relief. Obviously, even a veteran criminal for many years would find it difficult to tell the victim's death to relatives and friends of the deceased.

However, he was a veteran criminal after all, so he quickly adjusted his mentality and began to think about the details of his case.

"The murderer dumped the body here and closed the compartment door, probably to delay time."

Officer Memu touched his chin and said in deep thought: "But how did the prisoner leave the cubicle after killing everyone?"

"There are buckets in the storage room. If they are put together, they can be used as footrests. You only need to close the door from the outside, and then use a mop to close a simple door lock such as the bathroom."

Karasawa was not idle before the arrival of Officer Megure and the others. After the criminal from the nearby police station took over from him to maintain order at the scene, he also checked the situation nearby and learned about the props placed in the storage room.

Of course, let Tang Ze see that there are too many ways to close a simple sliding switch like the bathroom. Even if it is not the one he gave an example, there are many ways to close it.

So the key is still how to find the prisoner.

What he currently suspects is the only bespectacled friend on the phone who has close contact with the deceased.

"How, how could this happen..."

When the woman wearing glasses came to the crime scene, she looked sad when she saw the body lying on the toilet in the bathroom.

Seeing that the woman was about to pounce on her, Takagi stretched out his hand to stop her, preventing her from getting close to the body.

After a simple identity inquiry, the group also learned that the woman's name was Zhuangtang Weijia.

"You have an appointment with Miss Kuse Mizuro today. Is there no problem with that?"

After briefly asking about her identity, Tang Ze looked at Zhuangtang Weijia's continuous tears and showed no sympathy at all. Instead, he directly asked questions.

After all, in his opinion, this is just the "actor's self-cultivation" carried out by the only suspect in the case, and there is nothing to sympathize with.

To make him sympathize, he must at least find the culprit and confirm that she is not the culprit. Then Tangze will believe that the other party is not shedding "crocodile tears."

"Well, we made an appointment at the beginning to meet at that coffee shop." Zhuangtang Weijia choked while wiping away tears.

"Then after you and Weiwan met at the coffee shop, did she come to this bathroom?" Officer Megure continued to ask.

"She and I didn't meet in the coffee shop, and I haven't seen Wei Wan all day today."

Faced with Officer Megure's trap-laden answer, Zhuangdang Weika's answer was accurate: "I was delayed for ten minutes on the road, and when I got to the store, I seemed to have just gone to the bathroom."

"Then, after we left the store, Miss Weiwan never went back." Yuanzi heard this.

"I waited for a long time, but no one came."

Zhuangtang Weijia also followed up and recounted her actions during that time: "Later, I asked the waitress to go to the bathroom to check the situation, but she told me that there was no one in the bathroom at all.

After that, I called Weiyu every ten minutes to find her, but no one answered.

We finally got in touch after that..."

"That's me."

Officer Megure saw Weika Shoudou nodded, and immediately asked again: "But why don't you go to the bathroom to find your friend by yourself?"

"Well... I initially wanted to wait for Wei Wan to come before ordering a drink, but since I couldn't wait for her, I felt embarrassed just sitting there, so I ordered a drink."

Zhuangtang Weijia explained: "The restroom of that cafe is outside, and I am alone. Going out would be like skipping the bill, so I can only ask the waitress..."

"I see." Officer Megure nodded clearly: "So have you been staying in the coffee shop before?"

"Well, I've been staying in the store all the time. If you ask anyone in the store, they should have an impression of this." Zhuangtang Weijia nodded.

"Well, we've almost asked about the situation. Let's go to the cafe to ask about the situation."

After having a preliminary understanding of the situation, Officer Memu said: "After all, the deceased had been to the cafe before his death. To be on the safe side, while everyone has an impression of what happened, it is indeed necessary to go there."

"Then let's go." Tang Ze nodded.

"Then Takagi, I'm going to ask you first. If you have any information, please contact me immediately." After Officer Megure told Takagi to guard the body, he motioned to Shodo Weika to lead the way to the coffee shop.

The group of people walked towards the restroom, but when Sonoko passed by the restroom, Sonoko, who had been so frightened that he was lying on the ground before, stopped in front of the cubicle.

"Yuanzi, why are you still standing there!"

Ayako on the side saw that her sister, who had turned pale with fright just now, had the audacity to look at the corpse, and couldn't help but scold her.

"It's okay, sister, I was just suddenly frightened before. Once I calm down, it'll be fine." Yuanzi waved her hand.

"That's not the problem!" Ayako grabbed Sonoko's ear: "What are you looking at here!"

"Because it's a little strange!" Sonoko who was beside her was in pain and unconsciously walked out with Ayako, but her face was full of confusion: "Don't you feel that something is wrong with this?"

"What's wrong?" Tang Ze asked after hearing this.

Although Sonoko's general reasoning is as bad as Mouri Kogoro's, and can even be used as a reverse reference, in the female field, if the other party feels something is wrong, they can still listen and see.

After all, some details can only be understood by those who are also women. No matter how much Tangze knows about them, he only knows them from written texts and will not delve into them.

So after Yuanzi pointed out that something was wrong, he did not ignore it but wanted to hear the other person's opinion.

"Normally, if you want to dress up as a goth loli, your hands should be painted black or white, right?"

Sonoko pointed to the corpse’s hands and said, “But Miss Kuze Mitsu’s nails were not painted with any nail polish.

Having said that, I remember that in the cafe, her nails were also unpainted. "

"When we checked the corpse before, we didn't find any false nails that fell off in the bathroom stall." Tangze touched his chin, feeling that the details Sonoko found might also be a clue.

However, the case is still under investigation, and Tangze can only take it one step at a time.

The group of people went from the restroom to the coffee shop where they had stayed before. After showing their identities and stating their intention, they asked the coffee shop waiter for details.

"I do have an impression of that lady. She probably came here a little later."

The waiter led everyone to the seat where Kuze and Mizuo once sat and said, "She was sitting here at that time."

"Are you sure it's the lady in the photo?" Officer Megure held up a photo just taken at the scene and asked the waiter to confirm it.

"I think it's her, and I remember her as a very soft-spoken girl."

The waitress thought about it for a while, and also brought out the details of the encounter with the other party to confirm the authenticity of her words.

"The voice is very low?" Tang Ze was moved when he heard this: "Can you explain it in detail?"

"As soon as she sat down on the seat here, she immediately asked me what time it was."

The waitress replied: "I remember the time I answered her was 12:57.

But what made me feel a little strange was that there was a clock hanging on the wall next to the seat here, but she still asked me the time, so I was still very impressed by her. "

Hearing this, Tang Ze glanced at Zhuangtang Weijia next to him calmly, feeling that the other party's suspicion was getting bigger and bigger.

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