Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,196: No suspicion in the investigation?

"Well...thank you for your testimony."

After listening to what the waitress said, Officer Megure expressed his thanks and continued to ask: "In addition, was it the lady next to me who came to the coffee shop 10 minutes after the lady in the photo went to the bathroom?"

"That's right, she said she made an appointment with the customer who was wearing gothic lolita style, so I led her to her seat." The waitress nodded.

"Then did this person go out after this?"

Although Zhuangtang Weika was right next to him, Officer Megure had no scruples or fear of causing the other party's dissatisfaction, and still asked very detailed questions.

"That's right, this young lady was sitting here and made many phone calls to that gothic lolita lady."

"Well, it seems that if Ms. Shodo is the criminal, then she must call the victim to Yogi Park immediately after the victim goes to the bathroom, kill her, and then return to the store."

Memu looked at the watch on his wrist, pondered for a moment and said: "It's a long way from this cafe to the restroom in Yogi Park. Whether you take the train or drive, it takes more than half an hour.

So Miss Zhuangtang, your suspicion has been cleared for the time being. "

Regarding the police's suspicion of being fair and clearing her suspicions, Zhuangtang Weijia did not show any signs of relief, but her face was still sad, as if she was sad that her friend was killed.

"Brother Tang Ze, what do you think?" Officer Memu looked at Tang Ze and wanted to ask his opinion.

"Hmm... What worries me a little is the huge difference."

Karasawa thought for a while and then said: "Although the Miss Kuze Mizuta we saw on the driver's license has dyed hair, she looks very delicate.

But the contrast between what I saw in reality was huge. "

"But that's not surprising."

Sonoko on the side said puzzledly: "To dress up like a Goethe Lolita, you need to put on makeup and use foundation to make your skin look pale.

At the same time, you should also use mascara and other tools to change the shape of your eyes to make them look brighter and brighter.

It’s normal for there to be contrast in this way, right? "

Xiaolan on the side also nodded repeatedly, obviously thinking that such a contrast is normal.

"It is true that the contrast in styles is normal, but since they all wear the same makeup and wear the same clothes, if the faces are similar, it might be difficult to tell who is who under the same clothes, right?"

Karasawa's words made Officer Megure and others look stern. It was obvious that everyone was aware of this problem.

Among the witnesses they have, it is indeed said that Kuze Mizuro came to the coffee shop.

But it was only the first time for the other party to see each other, and all identification relied on clothing.

So how can they be sure that it is Mizu Kuze himself and not someone else pretending to be Mizu Kuze.

If Sonoko had previously noticed details that Karasawa didn't notice due to her understanding of Gothic Lolita style, now she was also trapped by this common sense.

After hearing Tangze's words and realizing the problem, Mumu felt a little headache. After all, makeup is sometimes like the art of disguise. It's really difficult to tell who is who.

But no matter how difficult it is, the case must continue to be investigated. The only change is that Zhuang Tang Weijia has become a suspect again from being no suspect before.

Moreover, he is currently the most suspected candidate.

"May I ask the young lady who came in first, if she ordered anything?"

After realizing that the suspicion of Shodo Weika could not be ruled out so easily, Megure immediately looked at the waiter and asked.

"She said she had to wait for her companion, so she didn't order anything." The waitress thought for a moment and said, "But I gave her the menu."

"Can we borrow this menu?" Officer Megure asked.

"no problem."

When the waitress agreed, Megure put on gloves and tried to take the menu back to have her fingerprints checked.

But at this moment, Zhuangtang Weijia on the side suddenly spoke: "I think there should be no unprinted fingerprints on the menu."

"Huh? Why?" Mumu looked at the other party in surprise when he heard this.

"Because when I came here, I broke the water glass because I didn't pay attention when ordering."

Zhuangtang Weijia explained with a normal expression: "I was so panicked at the time that I put the menu on the table and went to pick up the broken glass shards on the ground, and accidentally got the menu wet.

Of course, the menu, the sofa, and the table have all been wiped by me, so there should be no traces left here. "


When Officer Memu heard what Zhuangtang Weika said, his face couldn't help but become serious. Obviously, the other party's actions now seemed to be completely destroying evidence.

"In this case, will I be regarded as a murderer?"

Seeing Mu Mu looking at him seriously, Zhuangtang Weijia said worried words, but there was no fear on his face. Instead, there was a confident and proud look in his eyes.

"Don't worry, this won't happen."

Tang Ze on the side heard the words and said: "Criminal cases all require evidence. We cannot treat you, Miss Zhuangtang, as a prisoner just because of one of these possibilities."

"It's really nerve-wracking. The water cup Wei Wan used was also broken. I destroyed the evidence that could prove my innocence..."

Although Zhuangtang Weijia's words were expressed with regret, to Tang Ze, they sounded like the arrogance of a prisoner, as if he was saying, "I have destroyed all the evidence. Even if you doubt me, what can you do to me?" a feeling of.

Although it was most likely a useless effort, Officer Megure found the trash can where the waiter had thrown the water glass and found all the glass fragments.

"Well, it's just a simple fingerprint identification. Let the people from the forensic department check it." Officer Megure looked at the fragments placed on the handkerchief and said without much hope.

"By the way, do you want to go to the store where Weiwan buys clothes?"

Just when the search was stalled and nothing could be done, Zhuangtang Weijia suddenly suggested: "I know which store Weiwan usually goes to to buy clothes."

"Then let's go and have a look." Tangze winked at Officer Memu and agreed directly.

Under the leadership of Zhuangtang Weijia, the group came to a shop with a Lolita-style door.

After showing the photo on the driver's license of the deceased to the store attendant wearing heavy makeup, the other party immediately had an impression of him: "That's the lady. It was almost evening yesterday. This lady also came to the store. .”

"Did she come alone?" Officer Megure asked.

"Yes, she is the only one here." The clerk replied.

"Is there anyone else who bought this suit?" Conan asked quickly.

"Of course." The clerk nodded and said, "But this costume is an original design of our store, and it was only sold yesterday.

Because it was a trial sale, not many clothes were produced, and the response was very good, so it was sold out all day yesterday. "

"Then I wonder if this lady is among the customers who bought that gothic lolita set?"

Even though the suspicion was already clear, and she was the only suspect in the case, and it was obviously a "proof question" rather than a "choice question", Tang Ze stopped covering up and started asking questions openly.

And since the other party brought them here, it meant that the other party had been prepared, but Tang Ze didn't mind.

Now let the opponent make his move first, and after seeing the whole picture clearly, it will be his turn to solve the trick.

As expected, after hearing Tang Ze's question, the clerk took a closer look at Zhuang Tang Weijia's face and shook her head: "I have no impression."

"There's no way I can buy this dress!"

Zhuangtang Weijia on the side heard Tang Ze's words and quickly explained: "Last night, I was on a business trip for work.

She didn’t call me until we were in the taxi on the way to Fukuoka, and that’s when I found out about her shopping for clothes. "

"Oh? Did you go to Fukuoka?" Megure heard this and looked at Shodo Weika and asked.

"That's right. After I flew to Haneda Airport at noon today, I got off the plane and went directly to the coffee shop we made an appointment with."

"Really?" Officer Memu on the side couldn't help but question after hearing this.

"If you don't believe it, you can go investigate!" Zhuangtang Weijia seemed to be annoyed by the constant suspicion, and said impatiently: "I didn't go alone, I went on a business trip with my colleagues in the company.

We also took the same flight when we came back, and there are people who can testify to this! "

"Well...I understand the situation. I will contact someone to verify."

Officer Memu nodded on the side, then walked aside and made a phone call, arranging people to verify what Zhuangtang Weijia said.

Conan and Karasawa looked at each other and understood that the other person was probably thinking the same thing as themselves.

First of all, if what Zhuangtang Weijia said is true, then she really has no possibility of committing the crime, but judging from the details of the previously investigated cases, the suspicion does point to the other party.

But the key question is, how did the other party do it?

Just as the two were thinking, Xiaolan's voice suddenly came over: "Conan~Conan, come on~"

Seeing his girlfriend only showing her head and waving to him from behind the curtains, Conan put aside his thoughts and walked over quickly: "What's wrong?"

"We borrowed the fitting room in the store to change clothes."

Xiaolan's words made Conan feel a little ashamed, and his eyes were full of "wisdom". After all, a case had occurred, and Xiaolan and Yuanzi actually had to change into Lolita clothes.

But with this little slander in her heart, Xiaolan opened the door curtain, and Conan was slapped in the face by his thoughts at the speed of light.

Xiaolan walked out of the fitting room wearing a pink long skirt. The skirt and the edges of the cuffs were dotted with white lace, which added a bit of cuteness to the skirt.

"Isn't it strange?" Xiaolan said a little embarrassed.

"I-I don't think it's weird."

Looking at Xiaolan, who was dressed in pink and cute style, Conan was stunned for a moment, and his cheeks were filled with a shy blush.

Obviously, the sweet Lolita-style Xiaolan paired with her cute and innocent angelic face directly hit his heart.

Obviously, this Lolita-style skirt directly "defeated" Conan's "mental defense" and made him become Xiaolan's "captive".

"Really, it would be such a waste to wear such a beautiful dress to a brat like this."

The surprise from his girlfriend did not last long, and Sonoko's complaining words on the side made Conan wake up immediately.

He glared at Yuanzi angrily, thinking that everything about Yuanzi was good, she was a rich woman with a beautiful heart and a kind heart, but it was a pity that she just had a big mouth.

After seeing Yuanzi, he also noticed that the two girls bought the same style of skirts.

"It's beautiful ~ you two!"

Ayako's eyes lit up when she saw the pink skirts on the two of them: "Although the style of this skirt has a Lolita style, it is not particularly exaggerated.

Yuanzi, it’s true that your mother won’t be angry with a skirt like this. Your exaggerated reaction before made me think that you and Xiaolan bought some exaggerated skirts.

It took me a long time to prepare mentally. "

"Hehe, that's too exaggerated, sister."

Yuanzi stuck out her tongue when she heard this: "Xiaolan and I have already spent a lot of courage to wear this dress. It's as exaggerated as a gothic lolita. Even if it were bought for us, we wouldn't dare to wear it."

"It suits you very well." Tang Ze on the side also gave a thumbs up: "And it's not too exaggerated, so don't be too shy."


Xiaolan was relieved when she heard Tang Ze's words: "If Tang Ze's criminal also said the same, then I would be relieved.

After all, Sonoko always encourages me, and Sister Ayako is also a girl, so she has a more relaxed view.

Now if Tangze Criminal also says the same, then I can go home with peace of mind. "

"Hey, my aesthetics and vision are also very avant-garde. Don't use me as a reference for your father's vision."

After hearing Xiaolan's words, Tangze said angrily: "Don't blame me for getting angry when you go back to Detective Maori!"

"Hehe, no, at least Tang Ze Criminal represents the public's opinion." Xiaolan waved her hands after hearing this: "At least I have the courage to go out wearing this dress."

"After all, you can also represent the public aesthetics of the majority of men." Ayako patted Karasawa on the shoulder and smiled.

"Then thank you very much." Karasawa rolled his eyes upon hearing this, feeling that Ayako was underestimating his aesthetics.

He had already made up his mind to go back and customize a few more clothes, and let Ayako know what "aesthetics" meant in the evening.

"But sister Xiaolan, why do you want two of you to wear the same clothes?" Conan, who was standing aside, looked at the identical skirts on the two of them and asked the straight man question.

"Really, that's why the kid doesn't understand anything!"

Sonoko on the side put her hands on her hips and looked down upon Conan, then said seriously: "This is a trend, do you understand?"

Upon hearing Sonoko's seemingly ordinary words, Karasawa and Conan were startled at the same time. Lightning seemed to flash across their minds, and all the information about the case flashed rapidly in their minds.

The next moment, a smile appeared on Tang Ze's lips, and when he looked down, he found that Conan had the same expression.

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