Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,197 Substituting one thing for another

To be honest, for "proof" cases, Tang Ze does not need to rely on his super sense of smell and insight to find evidence and clues in reality to confirm the target.

He was able to confirm that the other party was the prisoner just by relying on "Ke Xue".

After all, this was the only suspect, and the other party tried his best to prove his innocence and talked about his alibi.

To Tangze, this kind of prisoner is just a food delivery person, and all the other party's cover-ups are invisible to him.

Of course, locking a target is one thing, but in reality, you still need tangible evidence to catch a criminal.

And Sonoko's casual words just now were like clues in a chaotic puzzle. Tangze immediately understood the shape of the puzzle and put together all the messy clues.

Everything is clear, all that's left is how to break the situation and expose this conspiracy.

"Oh? Is that so?"

Just as Tang Ze and the two were deep in thought, Memu suddenly received a call: "Did you find Miss Weiwan's fingerprints on the broken glass?"

"If that's the case, will my suspicion be cleared?"

After Zhuangtang Weijia heard what Officer Memu said, she said, "Then can I leave now? It's already time..."

As Zhuangtang Weijia spoke, she opened her sleeves to look at the watch on her wrist, but her expression suddenly changed the next moment, but she was quickly calmed down by the other party.

She reached out and took out her phone and took a look at it before saying, "It's getting late after all."

"This...the situation at the company has not been investigated clearly. Please wait a moment, Miss Zhuangtang."

Officer Megure didn't want to let the other party leave. After all, the other party was now the only suspect in the case. If possible, he would still try to let the other party stay.

And while Memu was delaying the truth from the other party, Tang Ze was thinking about the scene just now in his mind.

The other party's movements and expressions all fell into Tang Ze's eyes, and he knew how to crack this trick.

Under Conan's urging gaze, Karasawa took out his cell phone and dialed Takagi's number and explained his purpose.

"Looking for a particularly clean spot in the bathroom stall?"

After answering the phone and hearing what Karasawa said, Takagi entered the cubicle and took a look: "I don't think there is a place you mentioned in the bathroom where the body was found..."

After all, it is a public restroom, no matter how clean it is, it cannot be like home. However, because it was Tang Ze's instructions, Takagi checked it carefully and replied to Tang Ze again.

"Then have you seen the other compartments?" Tang Ze asked.

"No, we just moved the body out and haven't had time to check it yet." Takagi heard this and walked to the cubicle next to him with his cell phone.

"Ah! Yes!"

After seeing the situation in the compartment next to the corpse, Takagi said "Ah" and quickly walked to the toilet paper box next to the toilet and observed carefully: "Yes, the lid of the toilet paper box is very clean."

"Really?" A smile appeared on Tang Ze's lips: "I understand."

On the other side, Zhuangtang Weijia was not easily persuaded. Faced with Officer Mumu's words, Zhuangtang Weijia looked dissatisfied and said:

"Since Wei Wan's fingerprints have been found on the cup, it proves that the goth loli who went to the cafe is not me pretending to be, but Wei Wan himself!

If I were really a prisoner, then I would have to call her to Yogi Park, half an hour away by car, while she was going to the bathroom.

This is not magic. How could I cross half an hour's journey and arrive at the scheduled coffee shop ten minutes later?

If there is no legitimate reason, please let me leave. Now that Wei is dead, I have to notify her parents and other friends as soon as possible. "

"This..." Faced with Zhuangtang Weijia's well-founded rebuttal, Officer Mumu looked hesitant and embarrassed.

He always felt that something was not right about the situation, but there was no evidence to keep the other party.

Thinking of Mu Mu's eyes asking for help from Tang Ze, he couldn't help but feel relieved when he found that the other party nodded towards him.

"Miss Zhuangtang, in fact, with the investigation, there are still some doubts in the case that have not been resolved, so I can only trouble you to stay here temporarily."

Tang Ze came to Zhuangtang Weijia and smiled apologetically: "Of course we can understand your anxiety.

But don’t worry, just leave it to our police to inform Mizuto Kuse’s parents about their daughter’s death.

After all, notifying the victim's family is part of our job. "

"Not only do I need to inform Kuse's parents of their death, I also need to help with the subsequent funeral arrangements with my friends. This is why I am leaving in a hurry!"

Zhuangtang Weijia said impatiently: "In addition, what are the doubts you mentioned? What happened to that cup?"

"The news just came from the Forensic Department. Miss Kuse's fingerprints were detected on the glass, which proves that the other party must have used the cup."

Facing the impatient Zhuangtang Weijia, Tang Ze's expression remained as usual: "But when I picked out the broken pieces of the cup before, I found that there was no trace of lipstick on the cup.

Ms. Kuse was dressed up like a gothic lolita, with very dark lipstick on her mouth. If she drank water, there should be lipstick marks on the edges. "

"About this, you, this criminal, are not a woman, so you may not know."

Zhuangtang Weijia smiled and said: "As a lady, it is polite to wipe off the lipstick marks on the rim of the cup with your hands after drinking water."

"But there are no traces of fingers wiping the cup rim."

Tang Ze said calmly: "In other words, the forensic examiner did not detect traces of lipstick on the cup at all. This cannot be wiped clean with hands and water."

When the forensic examiner called Officer Megure just now, the other party only mentioned the fingerprints, but did not mention the lipstick at all. This is enough to explain the problem.

If the ingredients of the lipstick are detected, the forensic personnel will definitely report it. Their job is to inform the criminal of the detected ingredients.

They will not selectively report tested ingredients based on their own subjectivity.

"It's entirely possible that Wei Wan reached out and moved the cup to the side in order to read the menu and prevent it from breaking!"

Zhuangtang Weijia retorted: "In fact, I knocked over the cup because of my carelessness, didn't I?"

"Hey~ That sister is really lucky~"

At this moment, Conan, who was silent on the side, suddenly spoke with a look of innocence on his face.

And his words also made Zhuangtang Weijia look stunned. She didn't know why this boy suddenly said such words: "Lucky?"

"Because if the cup hadn't been broken, then when the criminal discovered the murder and called you to the murder scene, the cup would have been picked up by the clerk because you left, right?"

With an innocent expression of harmlessness, Conan's words were like the most vicious backstab, and like the devil's whisper telling the truth: "If this is the case, then after the clerk cleans it, the fingerprints will definitely be Disappeared?

And I'm very curious, sister, why are you sitting in the seat of Goethe's Lolita sister?

If two people make an appointment to meet, they will usually sit across from the other person, right?

If you were sitting across from me, you wouldn't destroy that evidence. "

"Wha, what!" Zhuangtang Weijia heard Conan's soul-like torture and subconsciously took a step back, looking at Conan with fear: "Who are you?"

"My disciple."

Just when Conan was about to show his "war-god smile" and say that he was a detective, Karasawa's quick answer made Conan instantly break through.

‘Who is your disciple? ’

Conan gasped in anger. He was interrupted just as he was about to "pretend", which made him extremely uncomfortable.

But Xiaolan was watching from the side. Faced with this situation, Conan could only endure it, and tried his best to open his mouth with a smile: "Yes, I am a disciple of the "famous criminal" Tangze Criminal!"

"You, you are that...Karasawa Genichi..." Zhuangtang Weika seemed to have seen some terrifying monster, looking at Karasawa in front of him and breaking out in cold sweat.

"it's me."

Tang Ze smiled slightly and said: "Then I will give you Miss Zhuangtang one last chance to surrender.

Now I can still count you surrendering, but if you wait until I finish reasoning, it will be too late. "

There was no emotion in Tangze's words, but it was this calmness that revealed extremely strong self-confidence, which made Zhuangtang Weijia subconsciously take a step back.

"Do not make jokes!"

After Zhuangtang Weijia came to his senses, he immediately realized that he shouldn't have a guilty reaction, and immediately took a step forward, looked at Tang Ze and said sternly: "I'm not a prisoner, why do you say that!

Is this considered a threat and an inducement to confess? Even if you are a "criminal", I will still complain to the Metropolitan Police Department! "

"Hey...why is it always like this?"

Looking at Zhuangtang Weijia who was clearly scared to death but still refused to admit guilt, Tang Ze shook his head helplessly.

These prisoners are always like this. They clearly feel that something is wrong, but they still refuse to plead guilty. This is a typical example of "not shedding tears until they see the coffin."

But this is the tragedy of the criminal. After committing the crime, he does not want to be caught and ruin his future, so he resists and refuses to plead guilty.

But the cruel thing is that their resistance is completely in vain and will only make them miss the opportunity to alleviate their crimes and leave them facing despair.

But Tangze will not sympathize with them because they are criminals and they have brought all this on themselves.

"In that case, let me talk about this case."

Ignoring the angry-looking Shodo Yuika, Karasawa spoke of the case calmly, "First of all, the deceased in the case, Miss Kuze Mizuta, was strangled in a toilet cubicle in Yogi Park.

You then went straight to the coffee shop to create the perfect alibi. "

"That's nonsense! It would take half an hour to drive from Yogi Park to that cafe in Harajuku and back!"

Zhuangtang Weijia roared angrily, like an enraged beast, but her anger and irritability were just to cover up her guilty conscience: "Tell me! How am I going to kill Wei Wan in that bathroom, and then within ten minutes?" Get to the coffee shop!"

Even though she was looking at him with an angry face at this moment, Tang Ze still saw the fear hidden behind the anger.

He just looked at her, and those calm eyes looked like a deep pool to Zhuang Tang Weijia, which made her afraid.

"Indeed, there is really no way to kill Miss Mitsu after she goes to the restroom in Yogi Park."

Tangze nodded, and then changed his voice and said, "But, what if the time you killed Miss Weiwan was before Miss Weiwan went to that coffee shop?

In that case, there will be plenty of time. "

"Before Miss Weiwan..." After hearing Karasawa's words, Officer Megure turned to look at Shodo Weika: "So, what appeared in that cafe was indeed..."

"That's right, I think Officer Megure should have noticed some clues after seeing Miss Weiwan's body."

Tangze nodded and said, "Miss Weiwan's Gothic lolita outfit is very gorgeous in workmanship, and the makeup on her face is also very thick to match the outfit.

Whether it is the clerk of the cafe or the customer who happens to be in the store, they will only leave a very strong first impression on Miss Wei Shu.

But this overall impression is not the memory impression of her original appearance.

What's more, I didn't even expect that the woman who arrived at the cafe ten minutes later and dressed as a serious office worker was the goth lolita. "

"What the hell are you talking about!"

Zhuangtang Weijia said sternly: "It seems that her fingerprints have not been wiped on the water glass in the cafe!"

"Of course fingerprints can be detected on that cup."

Tang Ze said calmly: "Because that cup was the water cup you stole from the coffee room in advance and placed it on the seat."

Although Tang Ze's speculation was groundless, Zhuang Tang Weijia's expression suddenly changed after hearing his words.

"I think you filled the drink with that cup and entertained Miss Weiwan at your home so that her fingerprints could get on it."

Although there was no basis for what he said, the calmness in Karasawa's words was as if he had witnessed it with his own eyes: "Then when you pretended to be a goth lolita and entered the cafe at the beginning.

Exchange the cup the clerk took with the cup you prepared that is stained with Ms. Wei's fingerprints.

In this way, your preliminary layout is completed.

Afterwards, you only need to ask the clerk about the location of the restroom to deepen the other person's impression, and then go to the restroom to change into your usual clothes and enter the store.

After that, you deliberately sat in the previous seat and pretended to accidentally break the cup to let the water flow out.

In this way, you can naturally wipe away the traces of where you sat down ten minutes ago, as well as the fingerprints of Ms. Wei Wan that should be on the menu.

And the broken water glass became the only evidence you left behind.

Even if you touch the cup deliberately before the clerk clears it away in advance, it won't be surprising if your fingerprints are stained on the cup. "

After hearing Tangze's reasoning, Zhuangtang Weika's face turned pale, because it completely corresponded to her previous actions.

She even regretted not seizing the opportunity given by the other party to surrender just now.

But it's too late now, there's only one way she can go.

Even that road is an abyss called judgment.

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