Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,198 Wrist Injury

"But this is all just your guess!"

Faced with Karasawa's reasoning, Shoudou Yuika managed to maintain his composure and retorted: "And you said that cup was evidence that I deliberately left it behind, but if it is broken, it will definitely be thrown away!"

"That's true, but that's what happened when Miss Weiwan's body was discovered two or three days later."

After Tangze finished speaking, Officer Memu on the side suddenly slapped his palm: "No wonder you keep calling her.

If the phone keeps ringing but the person stays in the bathroom stall and doesn't come out, there will definitely be impatient people waiting to check what's going on.

And if you knew that the restrooms in that park would be crowded at that time, it would make sense.

And if the body is discovered, our criminal department will naturally not ignore you who called Miss Weiwan many times.

As long as I contact you later and explain the situation, I will naturally go to the coffee shop, and according to your explanation, I will find the broken glass before collecting it as non-burnable garbage. "

"Not only that, knocking over the glass will not only destroy the traces of your arrival ten minutes ago, but it is also a psychological trap."

Tang Ze added on the side: "First, he took the initiative to talk about the accident, so that the investigating criminals gave up hope, and at the same time, they suspected that they deliberately destroyed the evidence.

When the forensic officers found the fingerprints on the glass, they would naturally relax their vigilance and believe that it was just an accident.

This will be even more true when the fingerprint results come out. Miss Weiwan’s fingerprints will directly prove your innocence. "

"Hey! What are you talking about to yourselves!" Zhuangtang Weijia heard this and said impatiently: "Don't forget! She is wearing a gothic lolita outfit, but last night, I went to that store to buy it by myself!

And that gothic lolita costume is a new product created by the store itself, and it was sold out in one day yesterday!

And I went to Fukuoka for a business trip yesterday and didn’t fly back until noon today. How could I possibly buy that gothic lolita costume? "

"The key question is no longer who buys that piece of clothing."

Faced with Zhuangtang Weijia's fierce retort, Tang Ze interrupted her: "The important thing is, Miss Weiwan bought a few sets of clothes, don't you think so, Miss Zhuangtang?"

Hearing Tang Ze's words, Zhuangtang Weijia's pupils shrank violently unconsciously.

Having said this, Tang Ze looked at the clerk on the side and asked, "Excuse me, clerk, how many clothes did the lady in the previous photo buy from you? Do you still have any impressions?"

"Of course I remember, she is a regular customer of our store."

The clerk in a black dress thought about it and answered truthfully: "She bought two sets of clothes at that time, and because she said she only had time to come in the evening, she called us in advance.

Because she is a regular customer of our place, we reserved two gothic lolita outfits of the same size for her. "

"I have to say that your arrangements are very thoughtful. I remember that when Officer Megure asked the clerk about Miss Wei, you deliberately asked the clerk, "Miss Wei, is she the only one who comes to the store?"

After hearing such an answer, the clerk will naturally give you the answer you want. This cannot be said to be a lie, but it also avoids the key issue of the number of clothing sets.

Preemptively let us obtain incomplete information to mislead us, and then express your intention to leave again, preventing us from noticing your intention to conceal the key information of "how many sets you bought". "

"In that case, if you want to commit a crime, you need to make an appointment to wear the gothic lolita costume together when you go out. Otherwise, the makeup will take a long time, right?"

Officer Memu on the side touched his chin and pondered.

"Weiwan ordered two sets of clothes of the same size, not for me. It was Weiwen who was afraid that the clothes would be damaged, so she bought two sets, one to wear for herself and one to keep!"

Shodo Weika interrupted Officer Megure's words in a hurried tone, looked at the clerk and asked as if grasping a life-saving straw: "There must be such customers!"

"Ah...there will indeed be..." Frightened by Zhuangtang Weijia's excited look, the clerk was stunned for a moment before nodding.

"Even if you ask the clerk to help you testify about other possibilities, it will be in vain." Tang Ze said lightly: "On this point, the two girls who came with me have actually solved it."

"Eh?! Brother-in-law!?"


After hearing Tangze's words, they all turned their attention to the fitting room next to them. Xiaolan and Yuanzi used the curtains to cover their bodies, leaving only their two heads exposed.

"It's okay, don't be embarrassed."

Seeing the shy expressions of the two of them, Tang Ze smiled and waved, "Didn't you just say that you felt relieved when I said it was normal?

You have to have some confidence in my vision and come out as soon as possible. "

"Then there's no way."

Xiaolan, who was relatively thin-skinned, struggled to say something, but Yuanzi accepted the result calmly. When Xiaolan was in a panic, she smiled evilly and opened the door curtain.

The next moment, two girls in pink skirts appeared beautifully in front of everyone.

"What's going on? But two people are wearing the same clothes."

The old-fashioned police officer Megure on the side saw Xiaolan and Sonoko wearing the same skirt, and was a little surprised.

"Haha, Mr. Criminal, this is popular now." The clerk on the side heard Officer Megure's surprised words and said with a smile: "This is a twin costume that is very popular recently."

"Twin costume?" Officer Memu said in shock.

"They are just friends who have a good relationship. They deliberately choose the same clothes to wear, just like twins."

Tangze smiled and said: "Of course, apart from the clothes, even the lipstick on the mouth, the makeup on the face, including the bag are the same."

"When Miss Weiwan ordered two sets of clothes, I also felt that she wanted to wear twin outfits with her friends." The clerk on the side also agreed after hearing this.

"So that's it."

Officer Megure looked at Yuika Shoudou with a serious look on his face: "You have made an appointment before to dress up like twins, and then made an appointment to meet in the restroom of Yogi Park.

After changing your clothes, you immediately go to the cubicle and strangle Miss Weiwan to death while she is not prepared. After that, you immediately go to the coffee shop and implement your plan.

That’s right! "

"Huh, that's just your one-sided statement!"

Although Zhuangtang Weijia looked pale, she still said stubbornly: "If you think so, then bring out the evidence!

Show me the evidence that confirms that I am the murderer! "

Come on, come on, the classic part of the prisoner asking for a hammer and getting a hammer!

Seeing that Zhuangtang Weijia, who was still stubborn and refused to plead guilty, finally took the expected step, Tang Ze felt calm in his heart and even had the leisure to complain.

There is no way, after all, the prisoners in the "Ke Xue Case" will come to this stage when the reasoning reaches the final stage.

But as everyone knows, these are situations that the detectives have already anticipated, in order to give the other party a "definite kill" after a series of reasonings that shock the other party's psychology.

"Of course there is evidence."

As soon as Tang Ze's words came out, Zhuangtang Weijia's expression changed drastically, and the next moment she found that Tang Ze had grabbed her left wrist.

"What are you doing!" Zhuangtang Weijia covered her wrists in fear, or she wanted to hide her weak spot.

But Tang Ze would not be polite to an unrepentant murderer. Even if the other person struggled, Tang Ze still tightly restrained the other person's wrist.

"Just now you justly stated that you are innocent. When you want to use this to leave, you should check your watch, right?"

Tang Ze looked at Zhuangtang Weijia and said with a half-smile but not a smile: "At that moment, your expression changed very wonderfully.

Although you quickly realized that something was wrong and calmed down and managed your expression, it doesn't mean that I didn't see it.

So, what makes you change your expression after seeing the watch and turn to take out your phone to check the time?

I think the answer is because when you were strangling your friend Miss Weiwan, you were scratched by the other party's struggle. "

As Tangze finished speaking, Memu who was standing by had already forcefully taken off the other person's right hand that was covering his wrist, and pulled away the other person's left wrist that was holding the watch.

When the sleeves were pulled open to expose his arms, what was revealed to everyone was the watch and two band-aids attached to his arms.

"Sure enough, there are signs of being scratched." Officer Megure said solemnly.

"No, it's not like that!!" Zhuangtang Weijia panicked and withdrew his arm: "I scratched it accidentally..."

"Indeed, you can just make up any excuse for such a small wound. After all, no skin debris was found between the nails of the deceased Miss Weiwan."

Tangze nodded in agreement with the other party's excuse, but then changed his words and said: "I think what scratched you was probably the fake nails that Miss Weiwan put on.

You just need to address those fake nails to eliminate the evidence.

And it can also prevent you from exposing flaws in the details when pretending to be the other person and going to the coffee shop without fake nails.

However, no matter how meticulous the murder plan is, accidents will occur frequently in actual operations.

The removal of nails may be beyond your expectation.

Even if you and Ms. Weiwan have agreed to dress up exactly the same, the detail of the fake nails may be the other person's unauthorized decision.

And this also has to force you to leave the scene immediately after the crime and use makeup remover to remove the fake nails with your skin debris.

That's why you're late.

Of course, the most important reason for hiding this wound is to hide the decisive evidence!

When you strangled Miss Weiwan, she scratched herself with her nails when she resisted, and your blood also dripped somewhere in the bathroom! "

"Somewhere in the bathroom!?" Officer Megure heard this and asked quickly: "Where is it? I'll have someone investigate immediately!"

It's no wonder that Officer Megure is so nervous. After all, if Shodo Weika's blood can be found at the crime scene, this will be conclusive evidence!

"Don't worry, I've asked Takagi to investigate. The results should be almost there by now."

After hearing this, Officer Megure immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Takagi's mobile phone. He ignored the pleasantries and asked directly: "Did you find the blood stain that Karasawa Criminal asked you to look for in the bathroom?"

The next moment he heard the answer on the phone, Momo looked happy: "What! Are you sure it was a reaction to the blood stains found in the cubicle next to the murder scene!?"

"Yes, the lid on the toilet paper box here is very clean and dust-free, so I followed Tangze Criminal's arrangements and called in someone from the forensics department."

Takagi looked at the blood stains that appeared on the lid of the carton after the forensics officer held a blue light and replied: "The result is that there is indeed blood here, and the blood type is completely different from that of the deceased. It is most likely the blood stains of the prisoner!

I'm afraid that the real murder scene was in this compartment, but the prisoner specifically moved the body in order to hide the blood stains. "

"That's what it is."

Officer Megu, who was on the speaker phone, hung up the phone, turned to look at Zhuangtang Weijia and said, "If you can, please provide us with some blood for testing."

"Hmph, if you want it, then take it."

Zhuangtang Weijia snorted coldly, with a sinister look on his face: "Anyway, everything I have has been taken away by that bitch Weiwan, so I have nothing to lose."

"Is it your boyfriend who was snatched away?" Yuanzi guessed uncertainly on the side.

"That's one of the reasons."

Zhuangtang Weijia sneered: "I was around 20 years old when I first had my boyfriend taken away from me.

At that time, I was fired from my company, my friends all left me, and even the place where I lived was evicted by the landlord.

Only Weiwan, my childhood sweetheart who grew up together, was left alone by my side.

She used her father's connections to get a job at his company, and the two of us even moved into the same apartment to live together. "

"Then why do you still say that she stole a lot of things from you!?"

Hearing this, Officer Mumu couldn't help but said: "Isn't he a very good friend who is still by your side when you have nothing and helps you out of trouble?"

"Yes, I thought so too until recently."

Zhuangtang Weijia laughed at himself, and his face became extremely ferocious the next moment: "Until I learned that the reason why I was fired from my former company, kicked out of my apartment, and even my friends were unwilling to associate with me.

All of this was because that bitch Wei Shu was behind the scenes, and that was why I lost everything! ! "

Perhaps because they were childhood sweethearts and had some empathy, Yuanzi and Xiaolan looked horrified when they heard this, not knowing why the other would do this.

"How could this happen..." Xiaolan said in disbelief.

"Huh... who knows."

Zhuangtang Weijia laughed at herself, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes: "Maybe she wants me to be with her wholeheartedly.

Because I was the only good friend of hers, but she betrayed me...

I used to trust her so much!

So, this time I just want to get back what I once had! "

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