Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,199 The Truth

With Zhuang Tang Weijia's confession, the whole story of this murder case finally came to an end.

In the end, no one knew why Kuze Mizuta treated Shoto Yuka like this.

Is it his greed for herself and his desire to monopolize her friendship?

Or does he hold a grudge against her, pretending to be her friend, but actually tortures her for fun?

Or maybe the reason behind the loss of her friends and job was for her own good, but she just didn't have time to explain it.

It is no longer possible for Zhuangtang Weijia to know why her childhood sweetheart, who she grew up with, treated her like this.

"Let's go."

After a moment of silence, Officer Megure walked up to Zhuangtang Weika and said.

Having seen many murder cases, for Officer Memu, this is just one of many love-hate relationships, and there is nothing worth lamenting.

"Thank you for your cooperation. I have caused you trouble this time."

Tangze nodded to the clerk to express his gratitude. After all, he had stayed here for so long and bought nothing. Even if the other party was obliged to cooperate with them in handling the case, they still needed to express their gratitude.

"You're welcome, I also witnessed a wonderful reasoning."

The clerk on the side said that she also took out a Karasawa, her eyes sparkling: "Besides, I am your fan, can you give me your autograph?"

"Um...that doesn't matter."

After seeing the book, Tang Ze confirmed that the other party was a true fan, so he took the pen and wrote his name. However, he still asked curiously: "But you didn't seem to show this just now. Did you?" Do you recognize me?"

"How is that possible?" The clerk carefully put the book away and said with a smile: "But weren't you investigating the case just now, and I am a relevant witness.

If I show that I am your fan, the prisoner lady just now will definitely say that I am biased towards you and that is why I gave false testimony.

So in order to avoid trouble, I never showed it.

Of course, I promise that what I said before is all the truth! "

"That's it. Thank you again for your help."

After hearing what the other party said, Tangze didn't expect the fan lady to be so calm, but just like the other party said, it did save him a lot of trouble.

After bidding farewell to each other, Tang Ze and others followed closely and walked out of the store.

"Get in the car." When Tangze and others walked out of the store, they saw Officer Megure opening the door of the police car and motioning for Zhuangtang Weika to get in the car.

But before getting into the car, Zhuangtang Weijia turned around and looked at Xiaolan and Yuanzi who were following Tang Ze and others.

Seeing Zhuangtang Weijia looking at him, Yuanzi and Xiaolan were both a little surprised. They didn't know why the other party suddenly looked at them, two unrelated people.

Looking at the two people with blank faces, Zhuangtang Weijia showed a malicious sneer on his face: "You who are still living in fairy tales, you'd better pay more attention.

Because there is nothing more cheap, fragile, and unreliable than friendship. "

"Okay, okay, get in the car!" When Officer Megure heard Zhuangtang Weika say this to the two girls, he quickly interrupted the other party and urged them to get in the car: "Let's talk about it when we get to the station."

Hearing this, Xiaolan looked uncomfortable, obviously because of the other person's words, she was sentimental, while the grumpy Yuanzi looked at the other person angrily and said angrily: "You are just an idiot!"

Yuanzi's roar made the two people who originally planned to get in the car turn their heads. Yuanzi looked at Zhuangtang Weijia angrily and roared: "Even if it's unreliable! So what if it's fragile!"

Because of this, when two people are connected, they will feel warm! ! "

Yuanzi clenched his hands and roared at Zhuangtang Weika with all his strength: "If it is as hard as steel and extremely cold, how can it make people feel warm?"

Ayako looked at Sonoko in surprise. She didn't expect her sister to have such a side, but she was very pleased because it was something more important than the so-called ladylike etiquette.

Seeing Yuanzi standing up to protect what he cherished, Zhuangtang Weijia smiled sadly.

She was thinking that if she had the funds to bravely say these words to Weiwan like Yuanzi does today, then maybe they could feel each other's warmth again like they did when they were children.

It's a pity that adults are used to silence and scruples, and are used to suffering in silence.

Everything that was suppressed in the end turned into murderous intent the moment he learned the truth.

Zhuangtang Weijia didn't say anything in the end, she just got in the car and left in silence.

"Yuanzi, you are so cool!" Xiaolan clenched her hands and exclaimed as she watched the police car go away.

"Of course!" Yuanzi put her hands on her hips and smiled.

"It's just that this cute outfit is a bit inappropriate..." Conan on the side complained silently, but his face was also full of smiles.

Perhaps for him, having a childhood sweetheart like Yuanzi is enough to make him happy.

"The garden has grown up too."

Ayako looked at her sister and smiled slightly, but when she saw Sonoko's expression became "arrogant" again after hearing her compliment, she couldn't look like a lady at all.


Ayako glared, causing Sonoko, who had lost control of her expression, to immediately restrain herself.

"Although the case has been solved, there is not much time for shopping." Tangze looked at the time and found that it was already six o'clock, "Let's go directly to dinner."

"Okay, I happen to be hungry too!" Sonoko cheered and suggested, "Can I have sukiyaki?"

"Hey, hey, didn't you say it was hot before?" Conan on the side complained: "Now you are going to eat sukiyaki?"

"Why, no!"

When Yuanzi heard this, she put her hands on her hips and said, "Don't you feel that the weather is getting cooler now? Kid!

And I just want to eat shabu-shabu! ! "

"Then it's decided?" Karasawa looked at Ayako and Xiaolan and found that they nodded and decided to eat sukiyaki.

Conan's complaints are complaints, but they are just complaints, and he has no objection to eating sukiyaki.

As for Yuanzi who choked Conan just now, how should I put it, it was like the habitual quarrel between childhood sweethearts, except that Yuanzi didn't like Conan after they became smaller, and he would block Yuanzi every day whenever he had the opportunity.

It's okay to hurt each other.

Sukiyaki pot is somewhat like shabu-shabu, and it is one of Karasawa's favorite dishes, mainly because compared to the bland taste of sushi, sukiyaki has meat and is rich in flavor.

Today they chose the mildly spicy flavored pot. Although Tangze felt that it was basically not spicy, seeing that several people around him thought the spiciness was moderate, he could only remain silent.

Although Karasawa and others came across this shop by chance while shopping, the taste was surprisingly good. The beef was also very smooth and tender, especially the shiitake mushrooms. After absorbing the soup and adding a slightly spicy taste, I couldn't stop eating.

"Ah~ I'm full, I'm full~"

Yuanzi lay facelessly on the seat and sighed: "I am satisfied with this book!"

"Why are you eating so fast? We have only eaten half of it." Ayako said angrily as she looked at her expressionless sister.

"Hehe, we actually plan to continue shopping!"

Yuanzi hugged Xiaolan and said, "The two of us discussed it on the way here. After dinner, we will continue our previous shopping plan!"

"Still going?" Ayako said in shock, "But it's already night."

"Evening is also a good time to go shopping!" Yuanzi said with a smile: "It would be too bad to stop the plan in the middle of the plan, so I might as well finish shopping in the stores in the plan~"

"It's great to be young." Tang Ze looked at the energetic garden and couldn't help but sigh.

Even though the age difference between the two seems not very big, in fact, they are almost 7 years apart.

This is basically a period of high school + college. It can be said that Sonoko and the others are still students, while Karasawa is already an adult.

After working as adults, people's energy is exhausted at work. They fish when they can, and they just want to rest when they are free.

It seems that because students are still in the stage of physical growth, their energy recovers faster, and more importantly, they are young mentally.

For example, when Tangze encountered a case today, he didn't want to bother with it after handling it, while Sonoko and the others still planned to go shopping as if nothing had happened.

Of course, it is also possible that Tang Ze is a participant and they are all spectators.

"Hey, brother-in-law, if you don't want to go shopping, just go home." After hearing Tangze's emotion, Yuanzi laughed and said, "We will only go to a few stores. After shopping, we can just take the subway back."

"Hmm...that's fine too."

Tangze glanced at Conan sitting next to Xiaolan, and finally nodded.

Since the case has passed, there will be no danger in the plot, and Xiaolan's force value of the ordinary small danger can be easily solved. If Conan follows, there will be no problem with basic safety.

Besides, Neon's daily security is still okay, but there are a lot of murders in this world, so Tang Ze is always worried about their safety the more he comes into contact with them.

After a while, Xiaolan also finished her meal. Under Yuanzi's urging, Conan reluctantly speeded up her meal, and finally left with the two of them.

Tangze and the two of them ate slowly, and it took almost another half an hour before they finished their meal.

Xiang Yuanzi and the others didn't look like they were out to eat just for shopping. Instead, they looked like they were just eating fast food to fill their stomachs.

Driving home, Tang Ze just lay on the bed and didn't want to move after washing up.

There is no way, although I am not physically tired, mentally tired is inevitable.

I originally thought that Hattori Heiji's case had just been settled and the next case wouldn't come so soon, but I didn't expect that a murder occurred just one day later.

‘Sure enough, a case without human life harvesting is not considered a case in the eyes of the “God of Death”...’

Tangze lay on the bed and complained, and his whole body gradually relaxed.

If you handle the case for at least two days in a row, there will definitely not be another case in the future...right...

Perhaps because he had been worrying about the case for two days in a row, Tang Ze felt sleepy as soon as he relaxed.

However, after going to bed, Tang Ze did not forget to open the panel to check today's case settlement.

Although he doesn't think the reward this time will be big.

Turning on the panel, Tang Ze took one look and turned it off without any hesitation.

And nothing happened as he expected.

[True and Fake Goethe Lolita]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 300 destiny points]

Simple reward settlement, no comments at all.

Obviously, Karasawa could not change anything in this case, but simply solved the case.

But there is no way to do this. After all, when they met the suspect in the coffee shop, the crime had already occurred but had not yet been discovered.

This can be said to be what Tangze hates the most. After all, the final result will be the same whether or not there are any clues in the case, giving you no chance to change at all.

He is not a god, and he has no ability to prevent the murders happening around him.

But if there is one good thing, it might be that Karasawa no longer has to worry about not being able to prevent the case.

As for rewards, although encountering cases for two consecutive days made him a little tired, it had to be said that it was the only way to quickly accumulate destiny points.

He only had 300 destiny points before, but yesterday's 200 plus today's 300 suddenly brought his savings to 800 destiny points.

You must know that he just finished drawing the lottery some time ago, and now he is close to accumulating enough ordinary destiny points. It can only be said that cases come too frequently.

'I hope that subsequent cases will not be so tightly scheduled...'

Feeling sleepy, Tangze stopped trying to hold on and quickly fell asleep.

Not long after, Ayako also walked in after washing up. Seeing the sleeping Karasawa, she subconsciously slowed down her steps.

Lying gently next to Tangze, he turned off the bedside lamp, and the bedroom fell into darkness.

Have a good night's sleep.


It was a new day again, but Tang Ze did not rush to go to work. Instead, he directly chose to fish.

There was no other way. Two cases were solved on Saturday and Sunday, and all the good holidays were wasted and turned into overtime. It can be said to be "miserable" with a capital capital.

So Tang Ze happily regarded the first two days as overtime and gave himself two days off.

As for Koshimi Nanatsuki who was complaining, that was out of his consideration. After all, isn’t the assistant only effective when he touches the key (fish)?

Monday is the beginning of a tough week, and everyone is busy, so Tangze, who has some free time, feels out of place.

But it didn't matter. Karasawa didn't really want to go out. He just practiced the skills he had acquired before at home to increase his proficiency, and prepared a rich lunch for Ayako by the way.

In the afternoon, I made an appointment with Aso Minoru, who had a day off today, to go out and play billiards, and the two families would have dinner together after get off work.

Drinking skewers and drinking, peaceful days without cases are so comfortable.

However, what Tangze didn't expect was that the calm time was a bit long this time, and there was no movement for half a month.

But as time went by, Tang Ze felt something was a little abnormal, which made him think it was a sign before the storm.

Just in case, he made an appointment with Conan at Dr. Ali's house midway, not only to inquire about the other party's recent movements, but also to remind him again to always pay attention to the FBI's movements.

If Karasawa's prediction is correct, perhaps after the bank case is closed, the organization will take the next step!

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