Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,200 All parties gather

Tang Ze will feel that the organization has begun to take action, which is actually a prediction based on intelligence.

You know, at the beginning of the bank robbery, it was proven that the organization excluded Bourbon and began an in-depth investigation into the death of Shuichi Akai.

At the same time, Judy and others have been investigating the organization's traces, but to no avail.

But the two tracked each other and would always meet. After that, Tang Ze handled several cases in succession.

Two major plot cases such as Shiratori and Hattori Heiji have gone through. Coupled with the two weeks of calm, it is difficult to say that the organization has secretly begun planning operations, but it has not yet shown its fangs.

At this stage, Akai Shuichi's fake death cannot be exposed. Even if Bourbon is an ally, Karasawa has no intention of confessing to him because of the sharp conflict with Akai Shuichi.

It's tiring to have friendly forces try to hide things from me, but there's no way around it and it's necessary.

After all, if Amuro Tohru and Akai Shuichi are not allowed to have a few fights to vent their anger, they may really be used as a stepping stone to further gain the trust of the organization.

Seeing that the second week also came to Friday, Tang Ze had a hunch that a case might be coming.

But until Aso Minori called Tangze to go to a dinner party at night, there was still no movement on Tangze's cell phone.

‘It seems nothing will happen today. ’

Some of the tense spirits relaxed, and the collision of the wine glasses caused a little ripple in the glass.

And just as Karasawa was exchanging cups and cups, the Mori Detective Agency was also having dinner like thousands of other people.

But today's dinner is a little different.

It's not rice cooked by Xiaolan herself, but a luxurious sushi gift box.

"You said someone called to make a commission today?" Mouri Kogoro asked while eating sushi.

"Yes, the other party called dad to ask for your help..."

Xiaolan nodded while holding a piece of roe sushi: "I heard from the client that the other party seems to receive red long-sleeved T-shirts every week. So he hopes, dad, you can help him investigate who sends him clothes in the mail every day.

We will meet with the client before noon tomorrow, and the client said that he wants to talk to dad about this matter face to face. "

"So, did the client who called me leave his name and home address?" Mouri Kogoro asked casually while dipping his hands in soy sauce at the sushi station.

"No, the client hung up the phone immediately after he mentioned the entrusted task." Xiaolan shook her head.

"Well, it's probably a female college student who was targeted by a stalker." Mouri Kogoro casually guessed after hearing this.

"I'm not sure about this, because the client's voice sounded like it was coming from a voice changer, and I couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman." Xiaolan said with some concern.

"For a strange commission like this, just choose it directly."

Mouri Kogoro swallowed his sushi and said, "And even if we don't care about the client who is troubled by the "strange red T-shirt," he will find it by himself tomorrow."

"Ah...well...he didn't say he wanted to come to the detective agency, but asked us to investigate at the sports goods counter in the Rice Krispies Department Store in 3-chome."


Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but became furious when he heard his daughter's words: "Why should I go all the way to the department store to investigate that inexplicable case for that kind of guy whose origins are unknown!"

"But, but...we have already eaten..." Xiaolan said with a guilty conscience.


Mouri Kogoro, who was eating sushi, was both stunned. Conan turned to look at Xiaolan and said, "What did you eat?"

"When I came home from school this afternoon, I checked my mailbox and found an envelope inside with the commission fee written on it."

Xiaolan smiled awkwardly: "There is 100,000 yen in it..."

"Hey! Could it be that these sushi were bought with a commission fee..." Mouri Kogoro said in surprise as he looked at the sushi in his hand.

"Well, not only the sushi, but the bills we have always owed to Poirot Cafe were all paid with the commission fee."

Xiaolan smiled awkwardly and said: "I thought it was the commission fee for the case Dad you solved last week...

Later, I heard from the person that the commission fee had been put in the mailbox, and it seemed that the sushi had already been ordered..."

"Really!" Mouri Kogoro complained unhappily, but he didn't say much after hearing Xiaolan's words.

After all, he ate it all, and the remaining money was to pay back the bill from the cafe downstairs. He really couldn't say anything.

After all, in the final analysis, it is still caused by my own lack of money, so the money is just spent. At worst, I can just go to work tomorrow.

Conan, who was silent on the other side, was holding a cup and drinking water, thinking about Xiaolan's words in his mind.

And he still remembered the location of the Rice Krispies Department Store, which was right next to the Imperial Bank that was robbed last time.

Last time, Karasawa Criminal said that he discovered the "Scar Akai" disguised by the organization. This time, another client of unknown origin was nearby, and Conan had to think about it.

Thinking about Karasawa's criminal connections in the past few days, which made him pay attention to the FBI's movements, Conan felt a secret feeling.

'Fortunately, Tang Ze Criminal also expected this and must have made a lot of preparations. I just need to pay attention to the current situation, notify him in time, and then adapt to the situation...'

Thinking of this, Conan felt relieved and began to concentrate on the sushi in front of him.

Anyway, the situation is not clear yet, just wait and see tomorrow.

There is only a little time after dinner, there is nothing urgent, and most people will choose to fall asleep.

Xiaolan and others were not surprised. After talking about the entrustment at the dinner table and setting a plan to investigate tomorrow, the three of them watched TV for a while and soon fell asleep.

If there is a way, if there is a book, it will be long; if there is no book, it will be short.

After spending a comfortable morning and having lunch the next day, the "Death Trio", who were ready to go, set off for the Mihua Department Store Building and arrived at the sporting goods counter mentioned by the client.

"Huh? The mystery of the red T-shirt?"

The short-haired clerk looked at Mouri Kogoro with some confusion and said, "You mean, someone wants you to solve this mystery, right?"

"That's right, the client asked us to meet here." Mouri Kogoro nodded and said, "Is anyone else coming?"

"As you can see, there are no customers in the store." The clerk gestured and then said with a puzzled look on his face: "But then again, why do you want to come to us?"

"Well... we are also curious about this..." Mouri Kogoro smiled awkwardly but politely.

"Could it be this store, dad?" Xiaolan on the side looked around and guessed.

"Hey, are you going to let me visit all the shops on this floor?" Mouri Kogoro couldn't help shouting after hearing his daughter's words.


The clerk on the side looked into the distance and seemed to remember something and said quickly: "We have a customer here to ask questions about hats."

"Hat?" Mouri Kogoro asked in surprise. ,

"It's over there, look." The clerk pointed to the counter behind Mouri Kogoro: "That's the foreign woman over there."

"Hey, how many times do you need me to say it before you understand!"

Judy had an anxious look on her face and an angry look in her eyes, pointing to the logo on the hat in her hand and saying, "The embroidered logo on this hat is the original design of your store, right?

In other words, it’s an exclusive and limited product that can’t be bought anywhere else, right?

Don’t you remember which customers came here to buy these hats? ? "

"Sorry, I really don't remember."

The clerk on the side looked at the excited foreign woman in front of him and apologized: "And the customer you just described with an injured face, I really have no impression at all.

After all, if it was a customer with injuries on his face, I would definitely be impressed. "

" can almost tell me."

Kamel, who looked at Judy's extremely gloomy face, had a confused look on his face: "What happened to the customer who bought this hat first?"

"Don't worry!" Judy said impatiently: "Just watch and don't talk!"

"Teacher Judy?"

On the other side, under the guidance of the clerk, Mouri Kogoro and others saw the acquaintance behind them and couldn't help but screamed in surprise.

‘Teacher Judy? And Inspector Kamel? ’

Seeing the combination of the two, Conan's expression was stunned, and he immediately felt that Tangze's worries had come true.

I'm afraid that the "Scarred Shuichi" pretended by a previous member of the organization appeared in front of Judy, causing her, an unknowing person, to start a diligent investigation.

As for the FBI's investigation, it was not a big deal here. At the same time, Kogoro Mori was entrusted to rob the Popcorn Department Store next door, and the client's information was still unknown...

Thinking of this, Conan immediately took out his mobile phone and stood aside to edit a text message to explain the situation, sent the text message to Tang Ze, and immediately deleted the text message record.

On the other side, Xiaolan also saw Teacher Judy and couldn't help but step forward: "Why are you here?"

"No, it's nothing serious." Seeing Xiaolan's curious expression, Judy Khan said, "It's just a few things that need to be investigated."

"Speaking of which, Teacher Judy, your neon language has become very good!" Xiaolan, who was unaware, thought Judy was the school's poor spoken English and was surprised when she heard her words.

"'s because of that..." Judy, who was feeling guilty, couldn't care less about being angry. She pointed at Kamel and forced a smile and said, "That's what Kamel taught me!"

After finding a suitable reason, Judy immediately felt confident and put her hands on her hips and said, "Yes, my neon language has improved a lot in recent times. After all, I really like it here! Can't you?"

Seeing Teacher Judy's rhetorical question, Xiaolan quickly waved her hand, while Conan, who was guiding the truth aside, smiled with shame: 'This is the first time I've seen such an explanation...'

Mouri Kogoro on the side heard his daughter's words and couldn't help but look at her: "Teacher Judy...I heard it seems to be the FBI who teaches English at Tedan High School..."

"Teacher, haven't you returned to Meijian?" Xiaolan said in surprise.

"Well...because I still have some personal matters in Neon..." Judy said and pointed to Kamel beside her: "This is my colleague Kamel, the investigator. We should meet again in the near future." Stay in Neon for a while.”

"If we meet again, please take care of me then." Kamel was also inexplicably made nervous by Judy, and his voice became quite nervous.

"Then we'll say goodbye." Judy waved her hand towards Xiaolan and left with Kamel.

" doesn't seem to have anything to do with the "mystery of the red T-shirt."" Mouri Kogoro said, looking at the backs of the two people.

"Yes." Xiaolan nodded and agreed.

"Hey, did the foreigner sister just ask you about anything besides hats?" Conan on the side was much more perceptive. He ran up to the counter teller and asked about the purpose of their visit.

"Of course, she asked me many times if I had ever seen a man with a fire burn scar on the right side of his face come here to buy a hat." The clerk replied truthfully.

‘A man with a fire scar on the right side of his face? ’

Conan's expression flickered, and he looked at the two people's retreating figures and said to himself: 'So, Teacher Judy may have also seen the person Tang Zexin was looking at...

It's just that unlike us, Teacher Judy doesn't know that it's a member of the organization pretending to be a member of the organization, but really thinks it's Mr. Akai...'

Thinking of this, Conan couldn't help but feel lucky. Fortunately, he contacted Tangze, who would probably follow up and investigate.

"Conan, let's go too."

Just as Conan was thinking, Xiaolan on the side also finished talking to her father and greeted Conan to leave.

Conan, who came back to his senses, trotted after him, and continued to inquire at other counters with Mouri Kogoro.

After all, no matter how unhappy he was, he took the client's 100,000 commission fee, ate it all, and couldn't vomit it out, so he had no choice but to investigate honestly.

Even if you get nothing by then, you still have an excuse.

Just as Conan turned to leave, a man wearing a brown suit jacket and a high-collared white shirt walked over.

He adjusted his glasses and found the clerk who Conan had asked before again: "Hello, can I ask you something?"


On the other side, after Tangze received Conan's text message, he was not nervous at all. Instead, he felt as if the hanging stone had finally fallen to the ground.

Just like "Beware of Thieves for a Thousand Days", you are always on tenterhooks waiting for something to happen every day. Since what should happen will always happen, Tangze would rather it happen under his nose.

Asking the "detective" to delete the text message sent by Conan, Karasawa immediately drove to the nearest safe house to disguise himself.

That's right, relying on his "money ability", Tangze ran some more safe houses.

Of course, these are nominally purchased in the name of investment, but they will not be sold at all.

This situation is not trivial, and it is a test designed by Toru Amuro and others. Naturally, Karasawa cannot use his own identity.

Otherwise, he would be involved every time he got involved, and even an outsider would be suspected by the other party.

After changing his clothes, Tang Ze drove a Santana with a camouflaged license plate and drove towards Mihua Department Store.

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