Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,201 The Temptation of Scarred Akai

The weather is sunny today, and since it is Saturday again, business at Mihua Department Store is naturally good.

People coming and going either come here to watch movies or go shopping, which is much livelier than on weekdays.

Although she came to investigate the traces of Akai Shuichi, Judy couldn't help but feel a little discouraged after finding nothing.

After bidding farewell to Conan and others, she and Kamel, who was accompanying her, chose a cafe in the mall.

But just halfway through eating, Judy received a call from James: "Sorry, Boss, I haven't finished my lunch yet."

"Hey Judy, how long do you plan to take for lunch?" James said helplessly on the phone.

"Well...because something happened before, we are still having lunch in the cafe of Mihua Department Store." Judy explained sheepishly.

"Something happened?" James asked in surprise: "Did something go wrong?"

"No, no, that's not the case."

Judy quickly denied it: "I was just investigating some things, but I didn't gain much.

Kamel has gone to the bathroom now. When he comes back, we will meet you. "

"Okay, I understand." James nodded after hearing this.

"That's it for now, I haven't finished the ice tea I ordered." Judy said goodbye to James, hung up the phone and walked towards the restaurant.

In the men's restroom on the other side, Kamel was absentmindedly washing his hands after taking a rest.

'What's going on? Miss Judy's attitude has changed drastically recently. She seems to be a completely different person...'

Kamel washed his hands mechanically, but his mind was lost in thought: 'I remember that the change happened after the last robbery at the Imperial Bank...

Although Miss Judy told me not to tell Mr. James, what is going on with that black hat...'

As soon as Kamel thought of this, he saw a black peaked cap appearing in the mirror's reflection.

But when he saw the profile of the man under the hat, he couldn't help but be stunned on the spot.

Because the other party's appearance is exactly the same as Akai Shuichi!

Kamel subconsciously followed the movement of the man in the mirror, but the next moment the other man's mirror image disappeared.

He turned back to look at the exit of the bathroom and saw a man in a black jacket walking outside.

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Kamel ran out of the bathroom with a look of disbelief, shouting and trying to stop the other party, but the man's footsteps did not stop at all.

When he chased after him and ran outside the mall, he found that the figure who seemed to be Akai Shuichi had long since disappeared in the bustling mall with people coming and going.

‘That person just now was Mr. Akai! ’

Kamel looked around, picked a direction and ran.

Whether it's an illusion or something else, he always has to look for it!

——Camel is being searched——

In the coffee shop, Judy put down the finished glass of ice tea in her hands, clasped her hands together and thought about the results of the previous investigation.

'It's really strange. If a man who doesn't speak and has burn scars on his face goes to buy a hat, the clerk at the counter will definitely not forget about such a unique person...'

‘But after visiting for so long, no shop assistant has any impression of this. Is it true that there is no such person buying hats? ’

'But if so, who am I seeing? ’

Recalling her experience at Imperial Bank, Judy did not believe that the other party was a non-existent person.

After all, I was sitting next to the other person at that time and actually touched the other person.

But when the bank robbery was solved, he couldn't find the other person among the hostages. It was as if that person didn't exist at all, and he completely lost track of the other person.

Even today's investigation is the same, no one remembers the other party at all.

The stunned Judy came to her senses and her eyes began to focus.

The next moment, Judy's expression changed, and she realized that there was something unusual about the base of the cup she was looking at.

‘That’s weird, one corner of the coaster is bent? ’ Judy was stunned for a moment and recalled: ‘Is this the case before? ’

Feeling strange, Judy picked up the glass with only ice cubes left, picked up the coaster and looked at the other side. The next moment, her pupils shrank violently.

Because there was a sentence clearly written on the back of the coaster made of cardboard.

[Escape quickly, this area is dangerous]

‘Shuichi! ’

Judy's face was full of horror. She immediately stood up and looked around, but she didn't see any suspicious figure in the store.

But soon, Judy took a deep breath and began to force herself to calm down.

Since the other party is unwilling to show up to meet them, they may have their own considerations.

Or maybe he had to hide his traces because of information he didn't know.

But no matter what, the reminder from the other party cannot be ignored now.

After suppressing the urge to find Akai Shuichi, Judy began to call Kamel's phone number to contact him and meet him.

Compared to Kamel's encounter with a suspected Akai Shuichi, Judy received a warning from a suspected Akai Shuichi.

On the other side, Mouri Kogoro was very unhappy because his investigation yielded absolutely nothing.

It was okay when Mouri Kogoro and the others came, it was lunch time, but after the three of them investigated and visited several counters, the number of people became more and more popular.

And when there are more people, it becomes a lot more troublesome to ask the clerk. After all, everyone has to entertain guests, so the investigation progress becomes slower and slower.

After finally visiting the counters on this floor, I found nothing.

Even the clerk at the counter has never heard of the so-called "red T-shirt."

"Really, it's already past one o'clock now." In front of the elevator door, looking at the watch on his wrist, Mouri Kogoro said impatiently: "Why haven't you come over yet?"

"Perhaps something has delayed us." Xiaolan looked around and said, "Let's look for it again..."

"I'm done, let's go!" Mouri Kogoro looked at the growing crowd around him, walked to the elevator impatiently, and kept pressing the down button: "Let's go back now!"

"What's with this red paper bag?"

Compared to Mouri Kogoro who kept pressing the down button, Conan noticed the paper bag next to the elevator with a surprised look on his face.

"Did someone forget to take it?" Xiaolan propped up her knees and bent down to check what was inside the paper bag.

"Then, um...I advise you not to touch that bag casually..."

At this moment, a middle-aged man behind him pointed to the pink paper bag next to the elevator with a trembling voice: "Because, because there...may be a bomb..."

"Eh? Bomb!" Xiaolan and Conan turned around in surprise, looking at the man with a look of horror on their faces.


Hearing Xiaolan's exclamation, Mouri Kogoro who was pressing the elevator button immediately turned around and walked quickly towards the bald middle-aged man behind him with a questioning look on his face: "How did you know that there was a bomb in that paper bag!? "

"That, that's because... I'm in the same state..."

The middle-aged man unbuttoned his shirt as he spoke, with a look of despair on his face: "That's why I know..."

Conan and the others watched the man pull open his coat and saw the densely packed bombs tied to his upper body!

A total of two rows of bombs were strapped to the man's body, with a total of four bombs in each row. It even looked bloated.

But these are nothing compared to the terror caused by bombs.

One bomb is terrifying enough, not to mention eight of them tied to the middle-aged man in front of him!

Almost instantly, Xiaolan screamed in fright, and even Mouri Kogoro and Conan were also horrified.

And because of Xiaolan's scream, people near the elevator heard the sound and came closer and cast inquiring glances.

It is human nature to watch the excitement, but when they gathered around and saw the bomb tied to the man, they all showed fear.

"Hey! Why are you tying this thing up!" Mouri Kogoro said anxiously, looking at the other party with a horrified look on his face.

"I don't know either!"

The middle-aged man covered up his clothes with a look of panic on his face: "I was going to the bathroom for convenience, but suddenly I was knocked unconscious.

When I woke up, I saw a man with his face covered tied this thing to my body.

Not only that, the man also threatened me and said that in front of the escalator and in front of the stairs were the same paper bags you see in the elevator here.

If you don't do what he says, he said he will directly detonate the bomb..."

“Anyway, let’s call the police first about the current situation!!”

After listening to the man's words, Mouri Kogoro immediately took out his mobile phone, "In this case, you must contact the police immediately..."

"Don't call the police! The man said that as soon as he sees any sign that the police are approaching the department store, he will immediately press the detonation button!"

The middle-aged man was sweating coldly and said in a trembling voice: "In addition, if anyone escapes during this process, it will also cause an explosion..."

"how come..."

"No way..."

"Then what should we do..."

Hearing the conversation between Moori Kogoro and the middle-aged man, the crowd beside the elevator was in a commotion, but they were shocked by the power of the bomb and did not dare to escape at all.

Some timid ones even hugged their companions.

"Then what is the prisoner's request?" Mouri Kogoro asked in a deep voice.

"That person said he wanted to find out the true identity of the sender who mailed thirteen red T-shirts to him in this backpack..."

After hearing what Mouri Kogoro said, the pale, bald middle-aged man put down the blue satchel on his shoulder and explained at the same time.

"Red, red T-shirt?!"

Hearing the middle-aged man's words, Mouri Kogoro stuttered unconsciously. He never thought that the client would ask him to investigate in this way.

Even Conan couldn't help being surprised when he heard the news. He didn't expect that his client would go to such extreme lengths to force the investigation.

Thinking of this, he immediately came to his senses, took out his mobile phone and sent Tangze a text message explaining the situation.

After all, the news he had previously reported to Karasawa was that Judy and Kamel were investigating "fake Akai" in the mall, but he did not tell him that they would encounter such a dangerous situation.

Now the whereabouts of Judy and others are obviously not important. How to resolve the bomb crisis and save customers like Rice Krispies Mall is the top priority.

"He said that the guy who sent him the red T-shirt must be on this floor!"

The middle-aged man's words once again caused a commotion, and Conan did not expect that the prisoner was so sure that the person he was looking for was on this floor.

Looking around subconsciously, there were expressions of fear and fear on the faces of the densely packed guests.

But what he didn't see was that behind the cover of the crowd, men with squinting eyes and people with scars on their faces were watching this scene.

The ordinary-looking man, after receiving the text message, lowered his head to check the content of the text message.

That's right, it's Tang Ze who arrived here after changing his clothes!

But he did not show up, just like the other two, hiding in the crowd and quietly watching the development of the situation.

Knowing the plot, he naturally would not take the case too seriously. What he had to do was to calm the undercurrent in the rice flower mall and ensure that the secret confrontation could proceed smoothly.

Just leave the obvious case to Conan. All he needs to do is keep an eye on Shuichi Akai and Toru Amuro in the crowd.

Although the two of them were well hidden among the crowd, Tangze still locked onto each other's location due to his deliberate search.

As for the two of them, they knew nothing about Tangze's surveillance. After all, he was a complete stranger at this moment, and they didn't know him at all.

It can be said that it is completely a state of darkness and darkness.

Of course, Akai Shuichi is an ally and he doesn't need to pay too much attention to it. Amuro Toru is the target that he needs to pay special attention to.

After receiving Conan's text message, in order to prevent the other party from worrying too much, Tang Ze still sent a text message to Conan, telling him that the bomb was fake.

Because he knew the existence of the plot, after arriving at the mall and seeing the bags next to the stairs and escalators, he opened the bags directly and checked, confirming that the bombs inside were all fake and would only emit smoke.

When the man approached and Conan and the others were talking, he pretended to be a passerby waiting for the elevator and endured the bad air in the mall, confirming that the man was carrying only the same goods.

After Tangze sent the text message, Conan's cell phone rang soon after. He quickly took it out to check the content, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, he also kept in mind what Tang Ze said in the text message, not to look around after reading the text message and then refrain from looking for Tang Ze's whereabouts.

But he already knew that Tangze Criminal had arrived at the mall and was probably hiding among the crowd at the moment.

And when he looked at the middle-aged man again, the pressure of his life hanging by a thread was gone.

After all, Tangze Criminal had personally inspected the handbags next to the elevator, and used his super-olfactory sense to confirm the bags on the other side. Conan still trusted Tangze's judgment very much.

However, he did not intend to stand up immediately, but planned to wait and see what happened for the time being.

'After all, there is still a "red T-shirt" mystery that has not been solved, so the case is not over. ’

Conan thought secretly.

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