Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,202 The Mystery of the Red T-Shirt

"Hey, are you telling the truth!?"

And just when Conan was relieved to learn that there were fake bombs all around, the uninformed Kogoro Mouri looked horrified: "You mean if we can't find the red T-shirt in the backpack? Whoever mailed it, is that guy going to detonate a bomb!?"

"Yes, that's right."

The middle-aged man held a blue satchel and said, "That's what the masked man who tied the bomb on me told me."

"And is that man sure that the sender is on this floor now?" Mouri Kogoro looked around, as if trying to find out who the owner of the red T-shirt was.

"That's right!"

The middle-aged man nodded repeatedly and said in horror: "That man also said that if the other party came out on his own, he would not detonate the bomb!"

Mouri Kogoro's expression on the side was extremely ugly when he heard this. Looking at the people whispering around him, he couldn't help shouting: "Hey, you all heard what he said!!

Although the specific situation is not clear, I don’t know why you sent out so many “red T-shirts” as a prank!

But if you listen to me now, come forward quickly! "

Hearing what Mouri Kogoro said, everyone present looked at the people around them, hoping that someone could step forward to resolve the crisis.

But it is a pity that although the crowd was in commotion, no one stood up. Obviously no one was willing to stand up at such a dangerous time.

"No one is willing to come out..."

Mouri Kogoro looked at the crowd with a gloomy expression, but he was not surprised at all.

After all, in such a dangerous situation, if he were the one who mailed the "red T-shirt", he would not dare to stand up casually.

If the bomber hiding behind him didn't keep his word and just detonated the bomb to kill him, everything would be over soon.

So even though Mouri Kogoro shouted for people to come forward, he was relieved when he saw no one.

As a criminal, he naturally knows how to deal with crises. What he shouted just now was just to appease the bomber hiding in the crowd.

Of course, if the other party cannot bear the pressure and comes out, then Mouri Kogoro will immediately take the other party away from the crowd to prevent the other party from directly killing him.

"That, that..."

After seeing this scene, the middle-aged man looked at Mouri Kogoro and said stammeringly: "That person told me to stop the escalator, and at the same time, the elevator is not allowed to approach this floor."

"I see. Until the mailer is found, are we going to trap everyone here as hostages?" Mouri Kogoro said in displeasure.

The conversation between the two was also heard by all the customers in the mall, and everyone turned pale for a moment.

"How could this be possible..."

"I don't want it, I don't want it!!"

After hearing this, all the guests stepped back one after another, and some people couldn't bear the pressure and shouted, pressing the elevator next to them to leave.

And people all have a herd mentality. When they see a man pressing the elevator button, they don't even think about whether the bomb on the middle-aged man next to him will explode, and they all follow him subconsciously.

Of course, there are also some smart people who run to the escalator. After all, even if there is a power outage, they can go directly to the escalator.

"Hey! Wait!!"

Mouri Kogoro looked at the crowded and chaotic crowd and shouted one after another, but the panicked crowd did not listen to Moori Kogoro at all.

Just as a group of people were frantically trying to escape, the paper bag next to the elevator suddenly burst open, and the next moment white smoke came out directly from the paper bag.

The crowd running towards the escalator also saw white smoke coming from the paper bag placed there.

The frightened guests ran back one after another, not daring to take another step forward.

Taking advantage of this gap, Conan also pulled Mouri Kogoro and Xiaolan aside to stay away from the middle-aged man with the bomb strapped to him.

Although it appeared that he was concerned about his safety, in fact Conan just didn't want the other party to hear their conversation.

After all, from the moment he knew the bomb was fake, the unlucky man found by the prisoner had the possibility of directing and acting on his own.

The white smoke coming out of the paper bag next to the elevator certainly made the scene riotous, but in Conan's eyes, it further verified the authenticity of Karasawa's words!

In the text message, Tangze checked that the bombs in the paper bag were all fake, and it was now confirmed that they would not explode.

Although the bomb on the middle-aged man in front of him was not checked, Conan trusted Tang Ze's judgment.

After all, he has seen the magic of Tang Zechao's sense of smell many times. If the other party says that the bomb on him is fake, then it is fake!

This is not only the trust in Tang Ze's sense of smell, but also the trust in Tang Ze himself!

"Uncle! Sister Xiaolan, come with me!"

Taking advantage of the chaos, Conan held one person in each hand and pulled them aside, away from the middle-aged man with the bomb.

"Hey, boy, what are you doing!"

Mouri Kogoro was pulled away by Conan, with an anxious look on his face: "There are constant riots now. If we let people leave and the bomber detonates the bomb, there will be trouble!"

"Don't worry." Conan pulled the two of them down and lowered his voice: "Tang Ze Criminal has checked the bombs and it has been determined that they are all fake!"

"What! Are you serious!?" Xiaolan looked surprised when she heard this, and her whole body relaxed, obviously believing in Tang Ze's words.

Mouri Kogoro on the side was even more surprised and shouted to the crowd: "Everyone, calm down! It's okay!!"

Mouri Kogoro's roar immediately calmed the guests who were running away in panic, causing them to stop unconsciously.

Seeing the crowd of people looking at him, Mouri Kogoro was about to explain the situation and tell everyone that the bomb was fake, but Conan, who was already on guard, pulled him back and staggered him.

"What are you doing!" Mouri Kogoro looked at Conan dissatisfied and yelled: "Do you know what is going on now!"


Conan asked Mouri Kogoro to keep his voice down, and quickly pulled on Karasawa's tiger skin and explained: "Karasawa Criminal said that the current situation should not be made public, because it is not ruled out that the uncle can direct and act on his own!

So he will investigate secretly on this level, and at the same time, he also needs Uncle Maori to cooperate with the bomber's request to delay time.

Of course, it would be better if we could investigate the other party's traces, but in short, the matter has not been resolved yet, so don't act rashly.

After all, even if these are obviously fake, we can't bet on whether they are really on this floor. "

"is that so?"

Mouri Kogoro frowned, then looked at the middle-aged man and said in surprise: "Then you mean the bomb on him..."

"It's also fake!" Conan said firmly: "Tangze Criminal confirmed it with his nose!"

"But why haven't I seen Tangze Criminal before..."

Xiaolan looked at the crowd around her and found that everyone was looking directly at them, so she couldn't help but look away quickly.

"Tang Ze Criminal should be dressed like Qiao Zhuang."

Conan hesitated to say more and quickly changed the subject and pushed Mouri Kogoro: "Anyway, please, uncle!"

With Conan's push, Mouri Kogoro took two steps forward and came to the front of the guests.

"You should have heard our conversation just now!"

Mouri Kogoro looked at everyone with a serious face and said: "The bomber is now looking for the mailer to send the "red T-shirt" to him!

And the other party is convinced that the mailman is now on this floor of the mall, and before he is found, anyone who leaves this floor of the mall will detonate a bomb.

The same goes for calling the police. "

Speaking of this, Mouri Kogoro glanced at the middle-aged man next to him carefully, and carefully observed the other man's expression: "Is this what the prisoner meant?"

"That's right." The middle-aged man nodded in a cold sweat, still looking scared.

He didn't see anything, and Mouri Kogoro didn't take any further action. After all, what he wanted to do now was to delay time, not to confront the suspect.

Looking around at the crowd gathered together, Mouri Kogoro crossed the crowd and came to a female teller in uniform and said: "I'm sorry, you have seen the current situation.

Please contact the person in charge of the department store and explain to him the situation here.

In the current situation, we can only stop the elevator and escalator according to the prisoner's request, and at the same time prevent the elevator from approaching this floor. "

"Ah...I see..."

The long-haired girl nodded repeatedly when she heard Mouri Kogoro's words.

"Besides that, the stairs are also temporarily used."

Mouri Kogoro said solemnly: "Besides, we must remind the person in charge not to report to the police in any way!

After all, the bomber is probably on this floor now, monitoring our every move. "

Mouri Kogoro's words were extremely serious, but in fact he knew that the police had already gotten the news and were rushing here.

After all, Tang Ze Criminal is already here. Even if it is by chance, the other party will definitely ask for help if such a big thing happens.

Of course, because the other party asked Conan to send a message to him to delay time, he naturally had to focus on delaying time.

The best way is to do what the other party asks, so as to make the other party feel that everything is still under his control.

"I know!" The long-haired female clerk with a "Tanaka" nameplate on her clothes nodded and quickly ran away to make a call.

Watching the other party leave, Mouri Kogoro touched his chin and muttered: "Then, what should we do next..."

"Uncle, let's take a look first."

Conan saw Mouri Kogoro turn his head and said seriously: "Look at the red T-shirt in that uncle's backpack that the unknown person mails every week."

"Eh? Weird?"

The middle-aged man looked at Conan in shock and said, "Did I mention that red T-shirts will be mailed every week?"

"Because I also received a call from the guy who was suspected of being a bomber before and asked me to investigate the person who mails the red T-shirt every week.

And the other party made an appointment with me at the sports counter of Mihua Department Store after noon today to meet me, Kogoro Mori, to discuss this matter. "

"Mao, Mouri Kogoro..."

After hearing what Mouri Kogoro said, the middle-aged man came to him excitedly: "Is it that famous detective!?"

"Yeah, so don't worry."

Mouri Kogoro patted his chest and promised: "I will soon find the mailer of the "red T-shirt" and the identity of the bomber!"

These words were both comforting and warning. In short, Mouri Kogoro had become more vigilant towards the middle-aged man in front of him.

"Um... please stay away from me." Although Mouri Kogoro knew that it was a fake bomb, he still pretended to be scared and told the other person to stay away.

Of course, before that, Mouri Kogoro took the bag from the opponent's hand, and together with Conan, took out the red T-shirts in the bag one by one.

——T-shirts are on display——

Just as Mouri Kogoro and Conan were trying to figure out the "red T-shirt" puzzle.

On the other side, Judy also received a warning from the suspected Akai Shuichi.

She immediately contacted Kamel, explained the critical situation of leaving first, and asked him to quickly return to the coffee shop to meet her.

After making the call, he took advantage of his short spare time to ask the cashier at the door if he had ever seen a man with burn scars on his face.

Even after being warned of danger, Judy still raced against time to investigate the other party's traces.

What was originally just a hopeless inquiry, unexpectedly got an answer!

"You said that a man with burn scars on the right side of his face left this cafe not long ago!?"

Judy looked at the young clerk excitedly: "Is this true what you said! When did that happen!?"

"Yes, that's right..."

Frightened by Judy's excited expression, the clerk subconsciously took a step back and said, "Not long after you, the customer, just answered the phone and left the cafe, that gentleman came over."

"Then the gentleman you are talking about, does he wear such a hat on his head?"

Judy anxiously took out her hat and showed it to the clerk for inspection. The clerk looked at the hat in his hand and nodded: "Yes, I remember wearing a similar hat."

Just then the doorbell rang, and Kamel came over from outside: "Is the person you are talking about Mr. Akai?"

After receiving the call from Judy, Kamel hurried back to the coffee shop. When he entered the door, he heard the conversation between the two and immediately looked at Judy and said:

“Actually, when I was washing my hands at the vanity in the bathroom, I saw a figure that seemed to be Mr. Akai passing by the mirror.

There are scars on his face, and his profile looks very much like Mr. Akai. "

"Really!?" Judy was shocked when she heard Kamel's words, and immediately said in a surprised tone: "You said Shuichi is here!?"

"Yeah, but then I went to chase him, and he disappeared when he came out of the bathroom."

Kamel nodded when he heard this and said: "After I received your call, I rushed back immediately."

Upon hearing this, Judy's bright eyes dimmed again. It was obvious that Kamel had the same experience as him, she just saw his figure, but the other party had no intention of contacting them at all.

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