Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,203 Although I didn’t appear, I was still the best in the whole process~

Although a little disappointed, this is not the first time that Teito Bank has seen Akai Shuichi, which has caused his mind to be shocked and unable to think calmly.

Although she was inevitably disappointed, Judy quickly calmed down and began to think about Akai Shuichi's purpose of arriving here.

"Shuichi also came to the department store. We are here to investigate his whereabouts. Why is he here..."

Judy rubbed her chin and pondered.

"Could it be that you met Mr. Akai during the bank robbery?" Kamel on the side heard Judy's words, and then thought of the other party's previous investigative actions and words, and then suddenly realized .

"That's right."

Judy nodded and said, "But unfortunately, after the hostages were rescued, he mingled with the crowd and left quickly. Even the police who appeased the hostages could not find any information about him."

"Why didn't you say anything about such an important thing then?" Kamel asked in confusion after hearing Judy's words.

"Feel sorry…"

Judy lowered her head in embarrassment, with an apologetic look on her face: "I was also dubious at the time.

But I remember that the pattern on the back of the hat he wore was an original and exclusive trademark of the sports counter of Mihua Department Store.

That's why I wanted to come here to search, hoping to find some clues. "

"So, do you have any information?" Kamel asked after hearing this: "Have you had close contact with him in the bank?"

"He... seems to have lost his memory." Judy said hesitantly: "I talked to him at the time, but he didn't make any sound at all.

To be honest, I can't confirm his identity yet. "

"That...I was thinking..."

Hearing Judy's words, Kamel looked at Judy hesitantly and said, "Could this be a trap set by the guys in the organization?"

Kamel's words made Judy startled, and although Kamel knew that what he said was cruel, looking at Judy who was looking at him blankly, he still bravely continued: "In the store where you buy wine, Zhu Didn’t you already die too, Mr. Akai?

Not only that, the fingerprints on the body have also been confirmed by the Neon Police.

How could he still be alive under such circumstances..."


Judy turned pale when she heard Kamel's cruel words. She opened her mouth to refute, but the fingerprint identification results that Takagi once told her flashed through her mind.

"If it was Shuichi, he would definitely be able to escape from that kind of predicament!"

As if to comfort herself, Judy refused to believe the facts in front of her and retorted hastily: "And you said it was a trap, then what kind of trap do you think this is?"


When Judy pressed him so aggressively, Kamel stuttered guiltily: "Perhaps the person who stopped us wanted to confuse our view, and then secretly planned something."

After Kamel finished speaking, Judy was about to sternly retort, but there was a sudden sound of heavy footsteps outside the coffee shop.

Judy and the two subconsciously looked outside the door and saw a team of heavily armed mobile teams holding explosion shields running over in a hurry.

"Mobile team?" Kamel looked at the team hurriedly running past the shopping mall corridor and asked in surprise.

"Why are you here?" Judy looked at the back of the mobile team with a look of surprise on her face.

"Speaking of which, it seems like something happened on the floor of the sports counter upstairs where we went before."

Kamel said in hindsight: "When I looked for the person suspected of Mr. Akai, I found that the elevator didn't stop at that floor at all.

This also caused a commotion among the guests around the elevator. "

Judy was startled when she heard this, and immediately took out the disposable coaster from her arms: "Sure enough, the man with the burn on the right side of his face is Shuichi!"

Judy excitedly showed the previous coaster to Kamel: "Look at this!

I just asked the store clerk, and it basically proved that this was the message sent to me by the man with the burn on the right side of his face! "


Kamal was shocked when he heard Judy's words and took the coaster. He checked the message carefully and said in surprise: "If that's the case, does Mr. Akai already know that dangerous things will happen in this department store?"

"Yes, I had some doubts before, but now that I see the mobile team, I am basically sure."

Judy looked solemn: "That person may be Xiuichi, and he may have recovered his memory!"

Even though she said that, looking at the mobile team's retreating figures, Judy still felt worried.

In her opinion, since Akai Shuichi has recovered his memory, why should he remind them in such a subtle way instead of meeting them directly?

She didn't know what else happened behind this, but this situation alone showed the seriousness of the matter.


At the same moment, Judy was upset.

Mouri Kogoro on the side looked at the red T-shirt spread out on the ground and was equally troubled.

At Conan's suggestion, they took out all the red T-shirts in their backpacks.

And the red T-shirts are arranged according to the time of the torn-off courier receipts on the packaging bags of those red T-shirts.

"Looking at the time, we can see that the T-shirts were delivered to two stores seven weeks ago, six weeks ago and five weeks ago."

Mouri Kogoro frowned and muttered: "But four weeks ago, for some reason only one was mailed.

After that, three weeks ago and two weeks ago, including the last week, we resumed sending two red T-shirts. "

"Detective Mori, is there any deep meaning in this..." The bald middle-aged man came up with a cold sweat on his head and asked Mori Kogoro expectantly.

"It's unclear at this point."

Mouri Kogoro shook his head and looked at the shirts and said: "The only thing we can know now is that the total number of shirts is the unlucky number 13..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mouri Kogoro discovered that it was actually a man with a bomb strapped to him.

Although he had learned from Conan that the bomb on the other party was fake, in order to confuse the prisoner, Mouri Kogoro still pretended to be shocked: "Why are you coming over again! Don't forget that you are still tied up There’s a bomb!”

The middle-aged man backed away majestically, while Conan stood beside him and looked at the other man's shoulder in surprise: "Ah, uncle, there seems to be a red mark on the shoulder of your coat."

"Hey, does this have anything to do with the current bomb case?" As soon as he heard that it was red, Mouri Kogoro immediately stood up and asked.


The middle-aged man pulled at his clothes and said uncertainly: "I feel like someone's lipstick is on it..."

When I took the tram to Mihua Department Store before, it was always crowded..."


Mouri Kogoro said dejectedly when he heard this: "Anyway, for the sake of everyone's safety, I'd better trouble you to stand far away alone."

"I understand..." Faced with Moori Kogoro's "driving", the middle-aged man stood up in panic.

"It's strange. There seems to be other things in the bag containing the T-shirts."

While Mouri Kogoro was driving away the middle-aged man, Xiaolan, who was helping her father lay out red T-shirts, looked at the paper bag in her hand and seemed to find something.

"This seems to be the receipt from when you bought a T-shirt, right?"

Pouring out a torn piece of paper from the paper bag, Xiaolan looked at the content on it and then looked at the T-shirt on the ground. After confirming it, she said: "It seems that the number of pieces is also consistent."

"You said there is still a receipt?" Mouri Kogoro on the side heard this and walked over with his hands in his pockets.

"I looked again and saw that the paper bag containing only a T-shirt also had a receipt inside." Xiaolan said.

"There seem to be receipts in other bags." Conan on the side opened other paper bags and found that there were also small receipts in them.

Seeing this, Mouri Kogoro asked the two of them to take out all the receipts in the paper bag and place them in a row on the ground for inspection.

"Indeed, the date on the receipt is consistent with the date on the express receipt on the paper bag."

Mouri Kogoro said solemnly: "In other words, after the mailer bought the red T-shirt, he sent the clothes."

"It's a pity that the T-shirt was half torn. I don't know where I bought it from." Xiaolan said regretfully.

"But look, last week's receipts were not torn very much. It seems like you can tell something."

Conan on the side pointed at the small ticket. The Maori father and his daughter looked at it and found that there was a "□" with a "+" symbol in the middle, and there was a slanted dot in each small square, which looked like Same as the leaves.

"This is..." Moori Kogoro said in surprise: "The trademark of Rice Krispies Department Store!?"

"Yes, and the purchase time is all 12:28." Conan looked at the receipt and said, "Isn't this a little strange?"

"That's it! That's why the bomber was so sure that the sender was on this floor."

After hearing Conan's reminder, Mouri Kogoro said excitedly: "Because people who mail clothes always come here to buy T-shirts at the fixed time of 12:28!"

Halfway through the words, Mouri Kogoro was stunned for a moment and then said: "Wait a minute...why did the sender want to buy this kind of clothes?"

"Could it be because this piece of clothing is actually a sports bra?"

Xiaolan, who is relatively sensitive to clothing categories, smiled and said: "It's the kind of fiber clothing that absorbs sweat very well and dries quickly when running or working out."

"That's it!" Mouri Kogoro heard this and quickly looked at the female clerk on the side and said: "Miss Tanaka, do you know where I can buy this kind of clothing?"

"That should be the sports counter." The female clerk thought for a while after hearing this.

"Then please take me there." Mouri Kogoro said solemnly.

"I understand, please come with me."

Under the leadership of the female clerk, Mouri Kogoro began to move towards the sports counter, trying to find the mailer who bought the T-shirt.

As for Conan, he stared at the small ticket with the logo of Rice Krispies Department Store in deep thought.

"Conan-kun, have you noticed anything suspicious again?" Looking at Conan's expression, Xiaolan, who knew him well, asked curiously.

"I was just thinking that if I wanted to hide where I bought the clothes, I could just tear off the upper left corner, but the other party also tore off the upper right corner," Conan explained.

"Could he be a very careless person?" Xiaolan guessed after hearing this: "Could the other party be a very careless person?

When I was putting the clothes away just now, I noticed that the folding methods on those clothes were very messy, not at all like the normal way of folding clothes. "

"Eh? Isn't that the normal way to fold clothes?" Conan said in surprise.

"Yeah, look."

Xiaolan nodded when she heard this, squatted down and picked up the separate red T-shirt and said: "Look at the strange creases on this separate piece of clothing.

If you fold the T-shirt according to this crease, it will look like this. "

As Xiaolan fiddled with it, the sleeves of the red T-shirt on the ground were raised diagonally, which was not like a normal stack at all.

"Is this...could it be said..."

Looking at the clothing patterns on the ground, Conan was stunned.

And just as he was deep in thought, the next moment Conan's cell phone rang again.

"Conan-kun, you have a short breath."

Xiaolan on the side reminded her after hearing the text message ringtone.

"Ah, let's see who it is..."

Conan was a little annoyed at being interrupted from his meditation, but he still looked calm on the surface.

But when he turned on his phone and saw the word "Tang Ze" written on the address of the letter, his expression suddenly changed.

Mainly because Xiaolan was around, he was worried that Tang Zefa had some sensitive conditions and it would be bad if Xiaolan saw him.

"Ah, it's Karasawa Criminal!"

But Conan was worried about what happened. Xiaolan on the side also saw the sender of Conan's text message.

"Let's take a look. Did Tang Ze Criminal find any clues to give us a hint?"

Xiaolan on the side didn't know what Conan was worried about. After seeing the text message from Tang Ze, she immediately urged Conan to click it.

‘You have killed me, but please don’t have sensitive information! ’

Conan was wailing crazily in his heart, but on the surface, he still had to keep looking forward to it like Xiaolan and said with a smile: "I'll take a look right now!"

The air seemed to be stagnant at this moment. When Conan opened the text message, he suddenly turned his phone sideways, so that Xiaolan, who was standing behind him, could not see the screen, and he checked the content first.

The content of the text message was very short, but after seeing its content, Conan couldn't help being stunned. All the previous fogs disappeared at this moment, and all the problems that troubled his brain disappeared.

But what followed was a feeling of unwillingness.

"Eh? Conan, I can't see you if you do it like this."

Xiaolan took Conan's hand from behind and raised her phone. After seeing the content of the text message clearly, she couldn't help but said in surprise: "Ah, this is the decryption of the red T-shirt!

Sure enough, it is indeed Tangze Criminal. Let's spell out the answer quickly. Dad will tell him the method after he finishes the investigation! "


Looking at Xiaolan who looked excited, Conan forced a smile and followed behind her, placing the red T-shirt according to the creases on the clothes.

Looking at the mystery gradually taking shape on the ground, Conan felt a group of grass-mud horses running wildly in his heart.

You didn't show up to participate in the case, why are you everywhere!

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