Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,204 Black’s Movements

The stairs of the shopping mall.

The mobile team that Judy and Kamel saw at this moment had arrived at the stairway door of the floor where Conan and others were located from the previous floor.

Looking at the guests surrounding the stairs, one of the mobile team members looked at the captain and said, "What should we do? Do we want to force a breakthrough?"

"The bomber once said that if he finds our police approaching, he will detonate the bomb without hesitation." The captain shook his head and said: "It's best not to act rashly."

"But according to Karasawa Criminal and that person's investigation notice, these bombs are all fake."

"Although the words of the two of them are indeed credible, we cannot just listen to others so easily."

The mobile captain on the side said solemnly: "We can't afford to gamble, and we can't make this decision for the people!

For the time being, let’s just wait and see what happens next, and wait and see what the bomber does next! "

Compared with the mobile team who endured heavy pressure but still waited quietly for the opportunity, the woman on the high floor of the Mihua Building looked at the gate of the Mihua Mall through the sniper scope, but she was waiting very impatiently.

"Hey! How long do we have to wait?"

Chianti yelled angrily at the earphones: "I have been kept waiting here for so long for an undead soul that I don't even know exists!

That guy is dead, it was Cohen and him who killed him in exchange for lives! ! "

Chianti was very dissatisfied with Gin's decision, but what made her even more unacceptable was the dire situation they now speculated.

In her opinion, Akai Shuichi had been killed by Geer because of his previous plan.

For this reason, they also fell into each other's trap, leading to Cohen's death.

But if he could kill Shuichi Akai, Cohen's death would be valuable, and she had always comforted herself in this way.

But now Gin actually suspects that Akai Shuichi is not dead at all. Doesn't this mean that they were completely played by their opponents that night, and Cohen's death was worthless.

Compared with Gin and others who cold-bloodedly believed that Cohen deserved his death, she was Cohen's partner after all, and there was a layer of comradeship in her.

Because of this, whenever he thought about Chianti, his anger surged and his temper became even more violent.

"Don't worry. My reliable source of information is that the man suspected of being Shuichi Akai is still in the Rice Krispies Department Store."

In the dark alley, facing the irritable Chianti, Gin still calmly comforted him: "What we have to do is to confirm whether that guy is an undead.

Now is not the time to get emotional. I must see this critical situation with my own eyes before making a decision. "

Without waiting for Chianti's attitude, Gin hung up the phone and stared at the woman in the car with murderous eyes: "If I find out that that guy is still alive and well, then I can only make you an undead. Keir!”

"How is it possible? That guy is already undead, how can he still be alive?"

Facing the gun in Gin's hand, there was no fear on Kiel's face. She looked at Gin and smiled calmly: "That guy, I personally shot him to death with a gun, and he was here."

Keir pointed to his head, not worried at all that his actions would cause Gin to retaliate: "Besides, Gin, weren't you also present at the time?"

"But not in front of my eyes, but through the monitor."

The Gin firearm came close to Kil's head again: "In that case, you have every chance to do something secretly."

"Treat me... Then tell me how to do it..."

After hearing Gin's words, Kil also sneered: "Don't forget, it was you who asked me to call Shuichi Akai to come to Hayama.

You put a gun to my head and asked me to contact the other party and call him out immediately.

You listened to all the conversations throughout the process, including when I shot the other person. You were the one who chose me to shoot through his head.

At that time, you also saw it from the camera I carried. The guy's head was bleeding out, and then the body fell into a pool of blood.

After you rescued me from being transferred by the FBI, my own actions were completely under the surveillance of the organization.

How do you think I can collude with him? Is this a little too difficult?

Why don't you come up with a hands-on way to tell me and satisfy my curiosity? "

Even though Gin was scolding him, Kil's words were still soft and sarcastic, and he was obviously very dissatisfied with Gin's threat at this moment.

And as if he felt that saying this was not satisfying enough, after saying the above words, Kil changed his tone and said: "Ah, by the way, I have thought of a good way.

Regardless of me or him, if we can predict the future and have a brain like a god, then maybe we can do what you said.

Well, when I think about it, it's like Sherlock Holmes. "

"Isn't that a completely fictional character?"

Gere's words even attracted the attention of the main driver Vodka: "How can someone like that fictional guy exist in reality."

"So." Kil shrugged and said, "I have no idea why Gin still doubts me."

"Well, don't be angry, Keir. In fact, everyone has more or less the same idea as brother."

Seeing that the atmosphere in the back row was getting colder and colder, and the two people were becoming more and more tit-for-tat, Vodka couldn't help but comfort Gere: "After all, we fell into the trap of those guys that time, and even Cohen died.

Looking back now, I always feel that something is wrong. Keir, please understand. "

"I'm also sorry for Cohen's sacrifice, but you don't think that if I proposed a deal with him to lure him to meet with me, I would only allow us to deploy our manpower, and the other party would not be on guard, right?"

Hearing Vodka's words that appeared to ease the atmosphere but actually pointed the finger at him, Kil leaned on his seat with his arms folded, completely ignoring the threat of the gun in Gin's hand.

She looked at Gin and sneered: "Don't forget, the FBI will not send anyone to follow Akai Shuichi because of his insistence.

But those unscrupulous guys would not obey the FBI's orders at all.

Maybe for them, the so-called FBI ace, the "silver bullet" that the BOSS believes can destroy the organization, is just a desertion to lure us.

Having dealt with them several times, you should know their behavior best, right?

That crazy style of being unscrupulous and never letting go of his prey, and doing things beyond the expectations of both the enemy and ourselves, is normal. "

"Those bastards who use beasts as their codenames..."

After hearing what Kiel said, his iceberg face, which had remained unchanged for thousands of years when confronting him, turned into a ferocious look: "I will make them pay!!"

"Well, those guys come and go without a trace. I don't know how to find them out, but at least I can feel happy that my former natural enemies are gone."

Seeing that Gin was instantly irritated by him, Keir said with a twitching corner of his mouth.

"Ha...I'm shaking with excitement right now!"

Gin Jiu Yinjiu's eyes were full of bloodthirsty murderous intent: "If that guy Akai is still alive, I can kill him again!

And if we kill him again, the FBI will definitely start taking action, whether it's looking for us or their former allies.

In this case, we may be able to find the whereabouts of those guys! "

"I hope so." Kil casually echoed Gin's words and chose to ignore the gun aimed at her. It seemed that it was not her who was being pointed at by the gun and facing death, but everyone else.

"Vodka, drive to the street across from the Popcorn Department Store."

Gin looked at Vodka and ordered: "Find a location where you can clearly see the exit of the mall. I want to confirm it with my own eyes!"

But Vodka didn't listen to him. Instead, he kept holding his cell phone and listening carefully to what the caller just said.

"What's going on? Hurry up and drive." Gin frowned as he watched Vodka's movements.

"Ah...that's what it's like, big brother."

Seeing that his elder brother was angry, Vodka turned to look at Gin and quickly explained: "Based on the intelligence coming back from Ireland who was on standby to monitor the exit below.

Something terrible seemed to have happened at the Mihua Department Store we were targeting. "

Speaking of this vodka, he quickly asked on the phone: "Hey, Ireland, go get some more detailed information!"

"At present, the police have completely sealed off the mall, and we don't know what happened inside."

Ireland carried a bag with a submachine gun on his back and looked at the mall entrance with his phone in hand: "But I saw before that a large number of people from the explosive ordnance disposal team and the mobile team entered the mall."

"You mean the explosive ordnance disposal team and the mobile team?" Vodka couldn't help but be shocked when he heard the news from Ireland.

'what happened? What happened inside the mall? ’

Hearing Vodka's exclamation, Gin's attention also shifted to this sudden accident.

Gin turned his head and looked out the window, the vulture's gaze seemed to be looking through the wall to see clearly what was inside.


"Can you please be more serious!"

On the shopping mall floor where the incident occurred, Kogoro Mouri was holding a receipt, looking at the teller in front of him with a serious look on his face and saying: "Among the customers on this floor, find the guy who keeps sending out red T-shirts every week.

This is the request of the bomber, I think you should know it very well! "

"Yes..." After hearing what Mouri Kogoro said, the fat middle-aged teller nodded repeatedly.

"What I have in my hand is the receipt that was included when I sent the red T-shirt."

Mouri Kogoro shook the receipt and continued to confirm: "Now I am convinced that those red T-shirts were purchased at this Rice Krispies Department Store.

In addition, you are the only sports counter in this mall, and the time the mailer buys clothes is also the same, 12:28.

And at this time last Sunday, you were the only one responsible for sales, right? "

"That's right..." The female clerk nodded weakly.

"Then why don't you remember that guest!"

Mouri Kogoro's expression collapsed after hearing the female clerk's words: "Generally speaking, there should be very few customers at noon, so you will have some impression of it, right?

And that customer comes at a fixed time every week to buy the same red T-shirt! "

"But even if you say that, I don't remember anything at all..." the female clerk said a little aggrievedly.

"How could this happen..." Mouri Kogoro looked frustrated.

"But that's the truth." The fat female clerk said: "It's like wearing a red sports T-shirt that I haven't even gone out for today."

"During this period of time, have you changed shifts with other salespeople?" Mouri Kogoro asked again.

"In the past six months, I haven't changed anything with anyone else once," the female clerk said truthfully.

"Then is it possible that this receipt of yours was something from many years ago?" Mouri Kogoro asked again after hearing this.

"No, because this style of receipt was only updated this year."

After taking a look at the receipt, the middle-aged female clerk shook her head, looked at Kogoro Mori and said seriously: "Anyway, after I collect the customer's money and receipt, I will give it to the cashier, Ms. Seta.

Then I put all the change, receipts, etc. into the bag, and then I hand it over to the customer. "

The middle-aged female clerk said and turned to look at the rest room. Mouri Kogoro followed the other person's line of sight and found a girl with short hair and freckles on her cheeks, who was looking at the two of them timidly. It was obviously what the other party said. Miss Seta.

But in this situation, it is normal for the other party to be too afraid to come out. Mouri Kogoro didn't pay too much attention to it. He looked at the female clerk again and said without giving up: "So you really have no impression?"

"Really! If there is such a strange customer, then I will definitely remember him, and there is absolutely no way I will forget him!" The female clerk explained seriously, hoping that Mouri Kogoro could trust her words.

"But..." Mouri Kogoro said, shaking the receipt in his hand: "It is true that someone bought a red T-shirt like this and then got the receipt..."

Mouri Kogoro was also very troubled by this situation. He finally found clues and asked based on the evidence, but found that the other party had no impression of the matter at all, which meant that the matter was completely deadlocked here.


Just when the incident was at a stalemate, suddenly a middle-aged man's weak cry came from behind Moori Kogoro.

"Wow! You bomb man, don't get close to me casually, stay away!"

After seeing the middle-aged man, Mouri Kogoro still pretended to be scared and resisted standing with him.

"Don't, don't call me that! Don't call me Bomb Man!"

The middle-aged man stopped him hurriedly and opened his clothes to reveal the bomb on his body: "I am just an innocent victim who was unlucky enough to be strapped with a bomb. I am not the bomber."

"Didn't I tell you that it's best to stay away from the crowd until the case is solved!" Mouri Kogoro waved his hand in expulsion.

"I know...but that boy with glasses is playing some pranks with his T-shirt..." the middle-aged man said, "I think I need to tell you..."

"A prank?" Mouri Kogoro was startled when he heard this, and ran towards the elevator angrily.

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