Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,205 Conan: Why are you everywhere!

Looking at the red T-shirts of different shapes lined up on the ground, Conan was not at all happy about solving the mystery.

On the contrary, he now has doubts about life.

Didn't you agree that you would leave the decryption to yourself on the surface, and you would be responsible for keeping an eye on the fake Akai Shuichi, and recognize Okiya Aung as a common enemy at the critical moment?

If you don't complete your mission well, why are you trying to steal the limelight from me?

I almost figured it out!

Don't act like I'm a loser and need your reminder, okay?

Conan glanced around with a look of resentment, trying to find Tangze's figure, but couldn't find any clues at all.

But judging from the text messages received, the other party was definitely among this group of people.

But after searching around, Conan couldn't find anyone. In the end, he could only focus on the various red T-shirts on the ground.

According to the creases, he and Xiaolan arranged all the red T-shirts according to the creases, and then the sleeves of the clothes became various semaphores.

"Now that it's settled, Tang Ze Criminal will probably tell us what it means later." Xiao Lan looked at Conan in a low voice.

"Yeah." Conan nodded depressedly. In fact, he knew what was going on, but he couldn't tell it.

‘Forget it, just think of it as hiding your identity. ’

Not long after Conan comforted himself, the next moment the text message rang as promised.

"Come on, come on." Xiaolan suppressed her excitement and urged Conan: "It must have been Tang Ze Criminal who sent the answer after seeing the T-shirts we placed."

"Well, let me take a look." Conan looked at Xiaolan's excited expression and felt as if he had eaten a bug.

After all, he can obviously show off his reasoning, but he has to hold back and watch others "pretend". This is more uncomfortable for Conan than eating a bug.

But when Conan just took out his mobile phone, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the top of his head and his vision went dark.

"Bastard boy, what are you doing!"

Mouri Kogoro was still not satisfied after punching Conan. He grabbed Conan's ears and yelled unhappily: "If I don't pay attention, you will make trouble for me immediately!"

"Dad, let go!"

When Xiaolan saw this, she immediately pushed Mouri Kogoro away, hugged Conan and said angrily: "This is Karazawa Criminal, please let us do it!"

"Huh? Karasawa Criminal?" Mouri Kogoro was startled when he heard this: "You said this was done by Karasawa Criminal?"

Mouri Kogoro looked at Xiaolan who was standing aside and nodded, and couldn't help but stretch his neck and look at the ground: "Then what do these messy shapes mean?"

"It's a semaphore!"

Xiaolan explained: "Tangze Criminal found that the creases of these clothes looked like semaphores, so he asked us to arrange them."

Speaking of this, Xiaolan looked at her father with dissatisfaction and said angrily: "Dad, you really hit Conan indiscriminately. Apologize quickly!"

"I know..." Mouri Kogoro said with a stern expression, "It's my fault, I'm sorry, kid."

Mouri Kogoro is good at this. Although he often speaks harshly, if it is indeed his fault, he is still willing to admit it.

Well, especially in front of his own daughter, he is inherently weaker in terms of momentum.

Of course, it would be a different matter if Fei Miles turned on her tsundere mode.

"Hmph! Don't be so impulsive next time before you know the whole story."

Xiaolan said, rubbing Conan's head: "I'm sorry, Conan-kun."

"Okay, okay, I have already apologized to Conan, what is the content of the flag?" Photographed by Maori Kogoro. The head of Xiaolan's family (force) was shocked. He did not dare to talk back after being lectured by his daughter, so he had to Change the topic.

"This is it." Xiaolan took Conan's mobile phone and showed it to Mori Kogoro. The other party looked at it and found that there was a sentence written in the text message - [I saw that you buried it]


The next moment, the guilty look on Mouri Kogoro's face turned into a serious look, "This is..."

"I'm afraid it's a murder." Conan nodded and said solemnly: "Tangze Criminal also thought so in the text message."

"So, the bomber may have killed someone before, and then chose to kill people and bury their bodies to hide the evidence of his crime."

Mouri Kogoro touched his chin and pondered the whole story: "The mailer saw that scene, and then he kept mailing red T-shirts to the other party for some reason, indicating that he knew about it.

After this, the bomber was unwilling to endure the silent threat from the other party, and based on the information on the red T-shirt receipt, he determined that the mailer was here.

Afterwards, I was given a commission by Mouri Kogoro to deliberately lure me here, and then he designed a bomb to force me to find the person who mailed the red T-shirt.

It seems that the bomber has jumped over the wall in a hurry. "

"I'm afraid that's it."

Conan looked serious and said: "Uncle, the top priority is to find the mailer as soon as possible.

In this way, the bomber can be appeased, and the mailer should also know the identity of the bomber, which can help us find the bomber. "

"Nonsense, I know what you said, but the question is how to do it!"

Mouri Kogoro rolled his eyes angrily, but he also scratched his head sadly: "There are no clues for us to investigate now, so how should we investigate...

By the way, what did Tangze Criminal say?

I don't understand semaphores very well, and I have to delay time on the surface. I'm afraid I'll have to rely on him this time. "

Conan couldn't help but roll his eyes at these words, and secretly cursed in his heart: "It's obvious that Tang Ze discovered the clues in advance, and he couldn't keep it up, and he still insisted on explaining it forcefully."

Of course, he didn't dare to say this, otherwise Mouri Kogoro would definitely punch him again when he became angry, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

"Tang Ze Criminal actually has speculation about this."

Xiaolan on the side heard her father's words and said: "Tang Ze's criminal text message said that since the prisoner keeps mailing red T-shirts, it is a message in itself.

Combined with the fact that the mailer is hinting to the bomber about the crimes that the bomber has committed, maybe we can start from this aspect. "

"Start from this aspect?"

Mouri Kogoro looked down at the red T-shirts on the ground and said in astonishment: "But these clothes have already solved the mystery of the semaphore.

Even if we guess that the case that year may be related to red clothes, how should we start? "

"This red T-shirt seems to be a kind of underwear." Xiaolan heard this and thought: "Could it have something to do with these."

Having been reminded of the clues by Tang Ze to this extent, Conan could no longer hold himself any longer, and now he immediately threw out the clues that Tang Ze could not detect.

"I think it's a bit suspicious with 12:28."

Conan looked at the two people who turned to look at him and smiled cutely: "If you have to say something that is the most noteworthy, then of course it is this time, right?

After all, the mailer deliberately chooses 12:28 every time to buy clothes. Is there any profound meaning? "

"But with such an obvious clue, if Tangze Criminal didn't remind him, would it be useless?" Xiaolan hesitated after hearing Conan's words, surprised.

"Sister Xiaolan, you have forgotten that Tangze Criminal did not personally investigate the case, so naturally he does not know the information on the receipt. There is an information gap between us." Conan reminded.

"Ah, that's right! I subconsciously thought that Tang Zexin knew this information, but the sound of our conversation was not loud at the time. I'm afraid Tang Zexin didn't hear it."

Xiaolan suddenly understood and looked at Mouri Kogoro and urged: "Dad, it's not too late. Let's investigate 12:28 quickly. After all, this clue is the most suspicious!"

"Don't worry, let me think about it."

Mouri Kogoro put his left hand under his right hand and took advantage of his chin: "12:28... If this time is also a reminder, could it be the date of the murder that year?"

"It's very possible!"

Seeing that Mouri Kogoro was so right, Conan was not relieved, and immediately corrected him cutely: "But since the bomber was not caught back then, maybe it was treated as an accident, right?"

"Well, that makes sense. Then maybe it was an accident on December 28?"

Mouri Kogoro said with a headache: "But it would be difficult to find the accident that year with just a date..."

"December 28th is still winter!" Xiaolan said excitedly: "It should be a place related to these two and where accidents will happen!"

"In that case, the chances of the snow mountain are very high. After all, the flag says "I see you buried it."" Conan on the side heard Xiaolan's words and threw out his conjecture.

"Hmm... That makes sense!" Mouri Kogoro heard the two people's reasoning and said quickly: "Okay, I will immediately find a place to borrow a computer to check past accident news!"

"Uncle, just stay here and don't move around for now!"

Before Kogoro Mouri could go to the store clerk to inquire, Conan immediately grabbed him and whispered: "Don't forget, the uncle with the bomb still needs you to watch. I know where the computer is."

"Well...then you and Xiaolan go look for it together."

After hearing this, Mouri Kogoro glanced at the middle-aged bomb man who was trembling in the distance, nodded and said: "Go quickly, I will keep an eye on him and delay time."

"Yeah." Conan nodded and ran towards the sports counter next to Xiaolan.


"You said the bomber's request was to find a red T-shirt?"

At the safe passage, as the case progressed, the mobile team once again received information from someone inside.

The captain of the mobile team pondered for a moment and then said: "Leave that matter to Detective Maori. How have you determined the location and quantity of the bombs?"

"Judging from the impact transmitted by the surveillance video camera, there are two elevators and two stairs. In addition, there is also a bomb on each of the upper and lower elevators."

The team member next to him said in a serious tone: "Looking at it now, there are at least six bombs!"

"Six the ones on the hostages, that's seven..."

The captain of the mobile team frowned and said: "It's really troublesome...confirm the situation of Tang Ze Criminal and the two of them as soon as possible. If it is false, then there will be a lot of things left.

But don't be too careless, even if they are all fake, even if only one of them is really detonated, it would be our dereliction of duty! "


After the members of the mobile team responded in low voices, they patiently explored the bombs in those locations again.

At the bottom of the stairs, Judy and Kamel mingled with the crowd watching the excitement, paying attention to the situation upstairs.

"It's strange. The prisoners used bombs to block that floor, but the news leaked a little too fast." Judy looked at the mobile team above with a solemn expression.

"Indeed, this should not be the behavior pattern of bomb criminals." Kamel nodded and agreed: "The omission is too big."

"Not only that... the prisoner doesn't seem to have taken away the guests' mobile phones." Judy looked at the guests who were calling from behind and judged after hearing their conversation with their companions upstairs.

"It seems that this bomber is a rookie." Kamel heard this.

"Hey, idiot, stop joking!"

The people gathered here all had friends upstairs, and right next to the room where Judy and the two were talking, there was a man talking on the phone with his companion.

But not long after, the man's cell phone suddenly received a video call from his companion.

"Look, I didn't lie to you, the uncle with the bomb strapped to him."

Judy looked up after hearing the sound, and her expression changed drastically the next moment.

Because she saw on the screen of the mobile phone, apart from the middle-aged man with the bomb strapped to him, there was a familiar figure standing in the lower left corner of the mobile phone.

The man on the phone seemed to be aware of it and glanced back. Although only half of his face was in profile, Judy still recognized that it was the person she was longing for!

Shuichi Akai!

At this moment, Judy was completely convinced that the person who warned her of the danger here was Shuichi Akai!

Kamel on the side also noticed the person on the other side's screen, and was shocked but still excited.

But appearing side by side with Akai Shuichi on the right side of the phone screen, the ordinary-looking man who never looked back was ignored by both of them.

But little did they know, that was also the person they were longing for.

The one they thought was responsible for Akai Shuichi's death, an ally who betrayed their trust.

Yes, the plain-looking person at the moment was Tang Ze. After he gave Conan a hint, and after watching a few people talking, Conan and Xiaolan ran to the counter, he knew that the case was safe.

After no longer needing guidance, Karasawa put away his mobile phone, and then the crowd gradually moved to the side of the scarred Akai Shuichi.

Although he seemed to be paying close attention to Mouri Kogoro, in fact his attention was on the people around him.

Although Gin's suspicion was also involved this time, the person beside him was the one who contributed the most to the probing.

And not only that, the other party now really wants to find out Akai Shuichi.

However, this also gave Tang Ze a place to take advantage. At this moment, the enemy was in the dark and we were in the dark. It was really a good time to make a plan.

Since Gin and others want to test whether Akai Shuichi is really dead, Karasawa plans to put on a big show for them to make them believe it completely.

Compared with the calm undercurrent of the plot in his mind, Tang Ze prefers big scenes that make people think!

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