Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,206 Snow Mountain Accident

Outside the Rice Krispies Store.

Because the bombers occupied the floor, the entire mall was directly surrounded by the mobile team.

At this moment, the mobile team is evacuating the crowd and has dispatched bomb disposal experts from the bomb disposal team wearing heavy explosion-proof suits to prepare for the scene at any time.

In the black Porsche opposite the Mihua Mall, Gin and others watched the scene quietly, waiting for the development of the situation.

"The idiot who used the bomb took over the entire mall floor."

In the main driver's seat, after listening to the intelligence from Ireland, Vodka said: "But the guy suspected of being Akai seems to have never come out.

It looked like that guy was probably trapped on the floor where the bomb was.

But it's really nerve-wracking. Whether the bomb is detonated or the incident is resolved, riots are probably inevitable.

The exit will definitely be in chaos by then. Can we still kill that guy? "

"No, this is an excellent opportunity given by God."

Compared to Vodka's worries, Gin's attitude was completely opposite to Vodka's after hearing this information: "Although the crowd is complicated and chaotic, the murderous intent of the sniper will also be hidden in the crowd.

Shuichi Akai is a troublesome guy, and his vigilance is first-rate.

But now the enemy is overt and we are hiding, and our people are ambushing us at every exit.

In this situation, whether it is Chianti, who occupies a high position above, or Ireland, who is underground, that man is easy prey. "

"By the way, Gin, does that person know about this?"

Although Gin, who had amazing arm strength, was still pointing a gun at him, Kil remained calm and even asked Gin about something else.

"That person? Who are you talking about?" Gin glanced at Shui Wu Reina and said coldly.


Kil looked at Gin and said calmly: "I heard that he still took action to search for the Miyano sisters who betrayed the organization, right?"

"Who knows what that guy is doing."

Hearing Kil's words, Gin raised his head slightly and looked at the mall through the window, but couldn't help but snorted: "That guy is just like Belmod, he is also a secretist.

He will not reveal his whereabouts easily. No one knows where he is now. "

"Speaking of which, Bourbon also hates Shuichi Akai, right?" Vodka looked at Gin and said, "It seems that he hates Shuichi Akai more than you, my eldest brother."

"Because of this, even if I know where that Bourbon guy is, I don't plan to tell him what we did first." Gin said lightly.

"Why do you say that?" Kil asked in surprise.

"Because that guy Bourbon, from the very beginning, I didn't believe you killed that guy Akai."

When Gin heard Kil's question, he said calmly: "Because he has always claimed that only he can kill that guy Akai, so it's normal not to believe it.

If that man is really Shuichi Akai, he will definitely sneer as I expected.

I don't want to see that disgusting look on that Bourbon guy's face. "

"Maybe Bourbon is already in the mall."

Kil smiled and said: “But his actions are destined to be in vain, because Akai Shuichi is already dead.

Because he was shot through the head by my own hands, even if Bourbon doesn't believe it anymore, the result will not change in any way. "

"Ha... just wait and see what happens."

Gin looked at the shopping mall opposite, where mobile personnel were constantly pouring in: "The farce is about to end. As for the result, I want to see it with my own eyes."

There was an undercurrent surging outside the mall, but the apparent bomb crisis inside the mall suppressed everything.

No matter what kind of cruel secret war there will be next, at this moment, both the FBI and the members of the black organization are waiting for the end of the bomb case that disrupted their plans.

At the sporting goods counter, when Conan arrived, he did not rush to borrow a computer. Instead, he asked the fat middle-aged female clerk with "Zhongshan" on her chest a question about the cashier.

"So it's like this. After you take the goods from the customer, you have to take them to the cashier room to pay the bill~" Conan said with a cute look as he suddenly realized.

"Yes, I have to politely tell the guest to please wait a moment." Miss Nakayama said with a smile, and she seemed to like Conan very much.

"Thank you for telling me this." Conan thanked him and ran straight to the room next to the cashier, and opened the door where the short-haired female clerk was peeking in.

"Excuse me!~" With an innocent smile and a cute childish voice, Conan walked straight into the room and asked curiously: "So this is what the cashier's room looks like."


The short-haired female clerk looked at Conan in a panic and was at a loss, but Xiaolan soon followed and said with an apology: "Sorry, Conan is not usually like this..."

"Um..." The female clerk looked at Xiaolan and Conan who was pushing a chair in front of the computer at a loss and said hesitantly: "You two want to..."

"Ah, we'd like to borrow a computer."

Xiaolan looked at the bewildered female clerk and quickly explained: "That's it, my father Mouri Kogoro found some clues, but he couldn't get away at the moment, so he asked us to borrow a computer to investigate."

"So that's it." The female clerk with the word "Seda" on her chest breathed a sigh of relief, and then closed the door to the room.

"Well, that's it!"

Conan smiled cutely and said: "Uncle Maoli, he gave us the task of investigating the accident on the snow mountain on December 28."

"Yes, that's it..."

When Miss Seta heard what Conan said, she just replied like this. Looking at the other person's face without any expression of surprise, her innocent eyes were filled with a hint of meaning.

Xiaolan and Xiaolan didn't realize the depth of Conan's gaze. When they saw Conan open the web page, they walked over and stood behind him, looking at the computer as well.

After inputting keywords skillfully, Conan quickly searched and quickly found a website about snow mountain accidents from various news web pages about snow mountains.

"This should be it!"

Conan clicked on the webpage and browsed for a while, then said in surprise: "It turns out that the accident happened more than ten years ago."

"Let's take a look at the details of this news first, and then wait to find out if there are any other accidents that happened on the same day."

After Xiaolan said this, she carefully read the report on the website: "It said that he was an experienced mountaineer who unfortunately passed away due to an avalanche in the snowy mountains...

It's really pitiful...The girl posing with him in the photo must be his daughter, she's still so young..."

Xiaolan looked at the news in front of her with pity, but she didn't notice the cold white light flashing through Conan's glasses in front of her.

He looked at the little girl's face, and the cute and innocent face turned extremely serious in an instant.


His expression returned again, Conan jumped off the seat and planned to leave.

"Is this enough?" Miss Seta asked curiously.

"Well, all we have to do next is tell Uncle Maori."

Conan nodded cutely, with a childish look on his face: "In this way, Uncle Maori will definitely be able to solve the case. Let's go, Sister Xiaolan."

"Yes." Xiaolan bowed slightly towards Miss Seta: "Thank you."

"It's okay." Miss Seta shook her head.

"Goodbye, Miss Maruoka." Conan waved to the female clerk and said goodbye with a smile.

"Ah, um." Miss Seta was stunned, but nodded subconsciously.

After closing the door, Conan's expression became serious.

Now, the last piece of the case has become clear, although there is no way to know the motive of the bomber.

But what Conan can be sure of is that this bomber is a guy who is quite confident in himself.

He is certain that the cases he has committed will not be exposed by others.

"came back?"

When Mouri Kogoro saw the two people running back, he glanced at the middle-aged man, pretended to greet him, took two steps to distance himself, squatted down and whispered: "How is the investigation going?"

"It's rewarding."

Conan lowered his voice and began to talk to Mouri Kogoro about the accident found on the computer, while Xiaolan on the side added.

Looking at this scene, the little black man in the crowd showed a malicious smile.

At this moment, he felt satisfied.

He was certain that his criminal methods would never be revealed, and that there was no evidence preserved and no witnesses.

Thinking of the guy who threatened him, the little black man looked ferocious and planned to end this farce and make the guy pay the price!

Not to mention the inner pride of the little black man, Kogoro Maori couldn't help but frown after learning about the accident: "Now it seems that the mailer is a relative of the deceased.

The top priority now is to find the other party, so that the identity of the bomber can be easily solved. "

"Hey, how long do you plan to delay this?"

But before Mouri Kogoro could think about it, a stern-faced aunt suddenly came from the side and yelled at Moori Kogoro.

Obviously as time goes by, the patience of the crowd has gradually reached its limit.

"I said, you are the famous detective "Sleeping Kogoro", right!?"

Among the guests, an intolerable man pointed at Mouri Kogoro and shouted: "In that case, hurry up and find the guy the bomber is looking for!"

"Yes, yes! Find them quickly and let us out!"

"I don't want to die here!"

"Hey, are you a famous detective?"

When someone jumped out, everyone in the crowd began to blame Mouri Kogoro, obviously treating the other person as the target to release their restless emotions.

"Okay, okay, I understand!" Mouri Kogoro was embarrassed when he saw this scene and comforted the crowd: "I have made recent progress here..."

"We don't want progress, we just want results!"

"That's right, that's right!! Find the person quickly!!"

Looking at the emotional crowd, Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but sweat broke out on his forehead, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

Seeing this step, Tang Ze still had no intention of standing up. Conan knew that he had to take action.

After all, if he doesn't take action, I'm afraid the impostor Mouri Kogoro will be betrayed.

After all, it is his daily vest, and he is his father-in-law. Naturally, Conan cannot sit back and watch Mouri Kogoro fall into a crisis of ruin.

Thinking of this, Conan ran to the corner next to the elevator, and then, under the cover of the tall potted plant in the corner, he fired a needle directly at the back of Mouri Kogoro's neck, which was already riddled with holes.

The familiar feeling came again. Mouri Kogoro fell down dizzily and began to shake his body. This scene also silenced the irritable people around him.

Obviously pouring out emotions is pouring out emotions, but it is also human nature to be afraid of getting into trouble.

Especially the first time I saw Mouri Kogoro's "Sleeping Kogoro" appearance.

Seeing how Mouri Kogoro suddenly fell to the ground as if he was drunk, he even avoided him like a snake or a scorpion, fearing that the other party would suddenly become ill and end up in trouble.

Mouri Kogoro felt the familiar feeling, staggered and fell backwards, and finally leaned against the corner wall where Conan was hiding.

"Hey! There's a bomb next to you!"

Seeing Kogoro Mouri sitting spread out next to the elevator, a group of trouble-seeking guests looked at the pink bag in Kogoro Mouri's hand and screamed in panic.

"Don't worry, I will never let this bomb explode." Mouri Kogoro's voice was calm and confident: "Stop my reputation as a detective!"

Tangze in the crowd couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard this. It was clear that the bomb was definitely fake, but he still said it in a pretentious manner. I have to say that Conan really knows how to "pretend".

But for Conan to be so expressive, Karasawa is actually responsible for a lot of the blame.

Although he hides in the dark, his sense of involvement in this case is also very strong.

The reminder of breaking the situation at the critical moment gave Conan the illusion that he was just a tool and was being led by Tang Ze.

It is precisely because of this that Conan is eager to prove that his reasoning is not bad, and now he has solved the mystery.

Otherwise, he was afraid that Tang Ze would directly send him his reasoning process after a while, and he would really be unable to hold his head high in the future.

However, Conan's "pretend" to "talk harshly" is still very useful. As expected, seeing Mouri Kogoro dare to sit next to the bomb and reason, all the guests also became quiet.

When Xiaolan heard what Mouri Kogoro said, she was the first to react: "Dad, do you think you already know who the mailer of the red underwear T-shirt is?"

"That's right. Not only do I know the identity of the missing mailman, but I also know the identity of the bomber."

Mouri Kogoro said solemnly: "If you want to solve this mystery, the key lies here!"

"What on earth is that? Detective Mori, please stop being so secretive!"

The female guest standing nearby quickly urged.

"Don't worry, everyone."

Conan reassured and said, "First of all, please look at the receipts attached to those red underwear and T-shirts. These are the products in the sports counter on this floor.

The purchase time is fixed at 12:28. Generally speaking, if you want to know who the mailer is, you only need to secretly monitor it at that time.

But why didn't the bomber think of this? "

Faced with Mouri Kogoro's question, the commotion at the scene calmed down.

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