Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,207 Ordinary Citizen Bombers

Just like the naughty children in class, there was a lot of discussion during the lecture, but when the teacher was about to ask questions, the naughty children became more honest than the last.

Although this situation is not as relaxing as being in a classroom, all the guests did have the same reaction to Mouri Kogoro's question.

Just like those naughty children who are afraid of being slapped by the teacher, no one dares to answer.

"I guess it's not that I didn't expect it, but that I didn't discover it, right?"

Xiaolan on the side was used to this and had no scruples. She just guessed: "It was precisely because the bomber couldn't find the mailer by this method that he knocked out the uncle and tied a bomb to him. Force him to find the mailer?"

"But that's what's so weird about it."

As soon as Mouri Kogoro spoke, the guests started to commotion, but Conan said unaffected from behind: "If you want to tie a bomb to someone's body, generally speaking, you need to do it covertly.

Otherwise, if others find out, his deeds will be revealed in advance, which is definitely not what the bomber wants.

And if he wanted to operate covertly, he could no longer keep an eye on the sports counter where the mailer bought the red T-shirt, but would instead focus on tying the bomb.

But don't forget, his goal is to find the mailer, why would he give up important clues and instead hope to tie up a random guy and use a bomb to force him out.

A crazy criminal who was frantically looking for the mailer, even going so far as to use a bomb, would not have made such a careless mistake.

What if the other party has no empathy and just sits back and watches the bomb explode in order to protect himself and refuses to show up?

So the idea of ​​tying bombs to people is very strange. "

"That's what I said, but if the bomber has a helper, then he can act separately, right?" Xiaolan objected after hearing this.

"The bomber has absolutely no accomplices. Just look around you and you will understand."

Mouri Kogoro gestured: "In every corner of this floor, people are making calls constantly.

If the bomber had accomplices, he would never sit back and watch them contact the outside world. After all, the uncle also said before that the prisoner would not allow him to call the police.

But there are so many people now, and it is impossible for everyone to comply with the bomber's request. "

"Could it be that the bomb convict tied a bomb to the middle-aged uncle in advance and then monitored the counter?" Xiaolan asked again.

"No, don't forget to let him find the receipt at the Rice Krispies Shop. But the information was leaked last time due to the carelessness of the mailer."

Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro said: "Normally, I would choose to wait and see first, and choose a non-illegal method to find the mailer.

As for violations such as bombs, they are only implemented as a last resort.

For example, those bombs at the entrances and exits of escalators, stairs, and elevators only need to be recovered before they explode.

But the mailer may also suddenly go to the counter to buy T-shirts, so the risk of strapping a bomb to someone in advance is too great.

What if you find the person while waiting at the counter?

As long as the bombs in those corners are not discovered, it will be fine, but tying the bomb to a person is definitely a big deal.

Would you commit a crime directly for the sake of a trump card that you don’t know whether to use? "

"Well...but Dad, you also said that he is the only one responsible for the bombing, right?"

Xiaolan, who transformed into "Peng Ke", pondered for a moment and said in confusion: "If he only has himself, he can't monitor the entire sports counter, right?

Not to mention strapping a bomb to the uncle's body. "

"So, the bomb on the bald man in front of me was not tied here, but it was tied up when he first set out and then came to this mall!"

Mouri Kogoro's words shocked the guests present. When they looked at the middle-aged man with the bomb tied to his body, there was no fear or sympathy on his face.

While they backed away from the bald middle-aged man, they looked at each other with frightened eyes, as if they were looking at a terrifying monster.

Naturally, Xiaolan also heard the meaning of Mouri Kogoro's words, and looked at the middle-aged man standing next to him in disbelief: "Could it be that..."

"Am I right, Mr. Bomber, who claims to be an ordinary citizen?" Mouri Kogoro said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone. Although it was a question, his tone was as irrefutable as a statement.

"You...Detective Maori...stop joking..." Facing countless pairs of scrutinizing and frightened eyes, the middle-aged man's face became increasingly pale.

"I'm afraid you waited until 12:28 on the receipt, but then you didn't see anyone buying clothes. Suddenly something occurred to you and you decided that the mailer had deliberately lured you here to set a trap.

So you implemented the plan you prepared to defeat the enemy and let the damn mailman reveal his flaws. "

Mouri Kogoro still stated his reasoning, but with every word he said, the cold sweat on the middle-aged man's face became more and more flowing.

"Exposed his own flaw?" Xiaolan asked puzzledly: "What is he going to do?"

"Since the person who sent him the red T-shirt knows his home address, he should also know what the uncle looks like."

Mouri Kogoro explained: "I'm afraid he thought that by tying a bomb on his body and making the matter bigger, he detonated the bomb saying that he couldn't find the person who mailed the red T-shirt, so that he could force the mailer to come forward.

But in fact, there is no need to use such a stage method at all. I can still know who the person who mailed the red T-shirt is. "

"Eh!?" Xiaolan said in surprise: "Is this true? Dad!"

"Just look at the receipt carefully and you will know. Even if the buyer buys the T-shirt on time and on time, it is impossible for the person in charge of the cashier to print out the receipt on time at 12:28 every time, right?"

Mouri Kogoro said: "When it comes to issuing small receipts, it is normal to be delayed for a minute or two accidentally, unless you specifically ask the clerk to issue the receipt according to the time.

But if there is a customer with such strange requirements, the clerks at the sports counter will definitely have an impression of this person.

But when I asked before, I found nothing. I had no impression of this person at all.

In this case, the answer is naturally self-evident.

The only person who can type out the receipt on time and on time without being discovered is the person who typed out the receipt!

That is, the cashier at the counter who is responsible for handling the merchandise!

Ms. Seta, you must be the mailer!

The cashier of the sports counter is not outside, but in a small room inside the house. It will not be seen by outside customers or colleagues at all.

You can type out a receipt of 12:28 without anyone noticing.

In addition, it is very likely that the mailer and the recipient have known each other before, but even so, the ordinary citizen who received the bomb did not recognize you at all.

I'm afraid this is because you have been hiding in the small cashier room, right?

And this is also a key supporting evidence. "


While Ms. Seta was silent, the middle-aged man with a bomb strapped to the side was indeed surprised to see the short-haired cashier standing in the crowd and recognized him: "Are you Mai-chan? That Maruoka Sir’s daughter?”

"Yes, Mr. Fauci!"

Miss Seta looked at the man in front of her and glared angrily: "I am the daughter of Daisaku Maruoka who was killed by you in the snowy mountains thirteen years ago!

Don't call me by my name so affectionately, as if we are familiar! "

"This is a misunderstanding. Your father, Mr. Maruoka, died because of the avalanche that day..."

But Miss Seta interrupted him unceremoniously and said coldly: "Yes, the avalanche that happened unexpectedly in the snowy mountain that day just happened to help you.

It was precisely because of that accident that the police did not conduct any further investigation into the news!

In the end, it was just the accidental death of a natural disaster that sealed the death of my father!

However, on Sunday, December 28th, thirteen years ago, it was the day you and my father made an appointment to go hiking in the snow-capped mountains!

I saw this in my father’s diary what he recorded!

——As long as you climb to the top of the snow-capped mountains and see the vast and majestic scenery, you will surely be able to change your past! "

With strong hatred in Miss Seta's eyes, she stepped closer to the middle-aged man and said in a ferocious tone: "After my father passed away due to an accident in the snowy mountains, the company immediately exposed him as suspected of corruption!

But I already know from my father’s diary that the person who embezzled public funds is clearly you!

And I already know everything about the fact that you put the blame on my father after you killed him! "

"W-what are you talking about, Mai-chan."

The middle-aged man pretended to be innocent on the surface, but in his heart he was roaring ferociously: 'It's you, this damn woman! ! I'm going to make you pay the price! ! ’

"In short, no matter what you think of me, you should get what you want now that you have vented your anger."

The vicious man inside still looked weak and aggrieved on the outside, begging: "Please let my son go now, let him go."

"Eh?" Miss Seta originally looked at the middle-aged man angrily, but her expression froze when she heard the other man's words: "What are you talking about, son?"

The man took out a piece of paper from his arms, stretched it out to Miss Seta and said angrily: "Stop pretending! You are the woman who wrote me this letter and forced me to do such a thing!"

"What letter..." Miss Seta heard the man's words and stepped back subconsciously with a confused look on her face.

"Um, please show it to me." Xiaolan said after hearing what the other party said, and the middle-aged man handed the letter to her.

After Xiaolan saw the letter, she couldn't help but read out the content:

[Your son is now in my hands. If you want him to go back, tie the bomb I sent with you to your body and place the remaining bombs on the floor of the Mihua White Fox Company’s sporting goods counter.

If the sender cannot be found, I will detonate the bomb, and if it satisfies me, I will return your son to you. 】

That's all the content of the letter was, and there was a photo of the man's son posted underneath.

This young man had a dead-eye look, and looked at him with a disdainful and resentful expression.

When Xiaolan finished reading the contents of the letter, all the guests who heard the contents of the letter were in an uproar.

Obviously, the contents of the letter caused a great commotion. Everyone was still pitying Miss Seta, but now the eyes they looked at her had changed.

"This, this letter is not mine, I don't know about it!"

Seeing everyone's evasive looks, Miss Seta quickly explained.

"Stop looking at the joke!"

After hearing Miss Seta's words, the middle-aged man clenched his fists with tears in his eyes and looked at the other party excitedly: "Actually, my son disappeared last week!

Okay, now please give me my son back. "

The middle-aged man looked at Miss Seta with a pleading expression, looking pitiful and pitiful.

"So that's it, this is your real purpose."

Looking at this scene, Mouri Kogoro's direct voice attracted the attention of the guests present.


Hearing that there seemed to be something else in Mouri Kogoro's words, Xiaolan and the guests turned their heads in surprise, and heard their father say:

"Miss Seta is indeed the one who gives out red T-shirts every week. If a bomb incident occurs, she will naturally be in a disadvantageous situation.

As for you, it was because this letter occupied the moral high ground that you had to take such an extreme step when your son was kidnapped.

So after figuring out the pros and cons, you forged the threatening letter before starting your plan.

In this way, you can use this to aggravate the sender's crime and take the moral high ground to condemn him.

But one thing is beyond your expectation, that is, Miss Seta actually holds in her hands the fact that you killed her father, Daisaku Maruoka. This is the key piece of evidence that can definitely convict you! "

It has to be said that this bald man has a lot of eyes and he plays one ring after another.

After discovering that he was threatened, he directed and acted as the victim of a bomber.

After seeing the mailer, he blamed the other party for everything he had done before. He also prepared a letter about his missing son in advance, placing himself in a vulnerable group and treating himself as being threatened.

If the case is really ended in this way, then Ms. Seta really has no reason to explain, and the middle-aged man who is in a weak position may be able to get away with it after he framed his opponent.

But fate is not as good as fate. Miss Seta holds the key evidence, and the middle-aged man unfortunately meets Conan and is responsible for solving the case.

"Guan, key evidence..."

And when he heard Mouri Kogoro's words, although the man's face looked trembling and frightened, inside he was roaring madly with a lustful inner scorn.

‘Key evidence! Stop talking nonsense! There is absolutely no such thing! ’

‘What I do is absolutely perfect! There can be no flaws! ’

‘This is definitely a lie to me! ! ’

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