Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,208 The truth about the snow mountain

But no matter how much the middle-aged man roared, he couldn't resist the evidence before him.

Since Conan dares to use the "Maori Stand" to start the reasoning, it means that he is absolutely sure that he will be thrown into prison.

Under such circumstances, no matter how much the middle-aged man roars, it is nothing more than incompetent rage.

"The 13 red T-shirts Miss Seta sent you actually have a deep meaning."

The middle-aged man was startled by Mouri Kogoro's words. He subconsciously looked at the T-shirt placed on the ground: "What is this? What's the meaning of it!?"

"As you can see, this is the shape my daughter and Conan made based on the creases on their clothes. This is actually a semaphore gesture."

Only then did Xiaolan connect the cause and effect, and she suddenly realized: "It turns out that "I saw you buried it" means this!

So...the meaning of this sentence in the code is...did you see the scene where he buried the body? ! "


But unexpectedly, after hearing Xiaolan's words, the middle-aged man looked at Mouri Kogoro and couldn't help laughing: "You are really just bluffing!"

"Bluffing? Are you sure?" Conan asked after hearing this.

"You have already revealed that you are just pretending." The middle-aged man mocked: "You know, the snowstorm at that time was so strong that people could not open their eyes.

Even if there was anyone there besides myself..."

"There is no way to see you burying the body." Mouri Kogoro interrupted: "That's what you think, right?"

"'s not...this..." Hearing that Mouri Kogoro said what he wanted to say in advance, he became confused and panicked.

"After hearing what Ms. Seta said about Mr. Maruoka's diary, we can understand that it is impossible for a beginner mountaineer to brave a snowstorm and stay away from the resting cabin in the mountains to bury the body."

After Conan's words, the middle-aged man retreated subconsciously. It was obvious that these words completely hit on his behavior back then. He looked at Mouri Kogoro who was leaning against the wall in horror, trying to make him stop.

But Mouri Kogoro's voice still echoed in his ears like a curse:

"Then you only need to dig near the wooden house where you were hiding from the wind and snow during that mountain climb, and you will be able to find it.

The body of the mountaineer who was killed by you and buried in the snow-capped mountains thirteen years ago.

You thought you didn't see anything, so you jumped out so boldly and made sure there were no witnesses at the time.

But there are already witnesses. Isn't it you who is also the murderer?

From the moment you admit that you went up the mountain with Mr. Maruoka, everything you did will no longer be self-defeating! "

At this moment, it was obviously a hot early summer, but the middle-aged man felt a biting coldness all over his body, as if he had returned to the snow-capped mountains where the blizzard was roaring.

Thirteen years ago, on December 28, he wore a red coat and killed his boss in the snowstorm.

And because he didn't dare to stay away from the wooden house in the snowstorm for the first time when he went up the mountain, he buried it near the wooden house.

When he returned to God and realized that all his tricks had been resolved and everything was over, his whole body felt as if his spine had been ripped out and his whole body had lost all strength. He fell to his knees in pain.

Seeing the prisoner's classic confession gesture, Conan knew that the matter was all solved, but he still asked one more question: "Also, I want to ask you, is your son really missing?"

"Yeah, I originally thought it was just like before, just running away from home..."

The middle-aged man choked up and regretted: "I was so stupid. I misappropriated the company's public funds in order to allow my son to attend a famous elementary school.

In the end, I was discovered and even killed my boss who persuaded me, but my son still chose to leave home and take action..."

"The case has been solved here. Now call the criminal over here."

Seeing that the prisoner admitted his crime in front of so many people, Conan instructed someone to call the police: "Ms. Seta, you and he are going to the Metropolitan Police Department for interrogation. Please cooperate.

Don’t worry about the bombs, they are just smoking fake bombs.

After all, the lipstick on his shoulders is so obvious, it was obviously stained while squeezing on the subway. "

"Hi!" The long-haired clerk on the side nodded excitedly, took out his cell phone and quickly called the police to report the current situation.

"But I think the mobile team that received Mr. Seta should be waiting around, right?"

"Yes, it is."

Seta said embarrassedly: "I actually told them that the bomb must be fake, and they could just arrest the person and take him away immediately.

But unfortunately they don’t seem to believe me..."

‘People don’t listen to what I say. ’ Tang Ze, who was among the crowd, rolled his eyes helplessly when he heard this.

Otherwise this farce would have ended long ago.

But this is understandable. After all, the mobile team is responsible for the safety of people's lives, and it is impossible to just follow what others say.

Even if there are colleagues among them, their mobile team has its own process, and caution is the first element of their actions.

"But anyway, the case you entrusted this time can be considered closed. Miss Seta, are you satisfied with the ending?" Mouri Kogoro said.

"Sure already knew..."

Miss Seta nodded sheepishly upon hearing this: "The flag language was taught to me by my father during his lifetime.

This time I sent another commission to you, Mr. Mori, at the place where the receipt was exposed. I just wanted to guide the two of you here and see what the prisoner's expression would be after the mystery was solved.

I really didn't expect that you could actually find out the truth about that year and force him to admit the crimes he committed back then.

As expected, he was worthy of the famous detective "Sleeping Kogoro". With just this clue, he was able to detect the connection with the snow mountain accident on December 28 and asked the boy to investigate. "

"Ah, that's because semaphores are generally used on the sea or mountains where it is difficult to convey, and the message conveyed by the red T-shirt "I see you buried it" means that it is on the mountain, not the sea."

Conan had already walked out of the corridor at this moment. After hearing Seta's words, he smiled and said: "Besides, the right side of the receipt with no information was torn off uncoordinatedly, making the shape of the receipt look like a snow mountain.

The red T-shirt also hints at the murder, indicating that the killing on the snowy mountain is related to the accident.

Generally speaking, the time of the accident is not accurate to a few minutes, so the fixed 12:28 on the receipt will naturally remind people of December 28. "

Seeing Xiaolan and Miss Seta looking at him blankly, Conan quickly smiled cutely: "These are what Detective Mori said!"

"You are indeed a detective, but how did Mr. Mori know that my surname before marriage was not "Seta" but my maiden name of "Maruoka"?"

Seta on the side pointed at his name tag and asked curiously.

"Ah! That's because after I entered the small room where the radio was installed, I said that I was going to investigate the snow mountain accident on December 28th and wanted to borrow a computer from you. Sister, you weren't surprised at all, were you?"

Conan said with a smile: "So that attitude means that my sister knew about this matter in advance, she is the client who hopes to investigate the truth of this case, and she is also someone related to the snow mountain accident.

And I also saw that the photo of Mr. Maruoka in the news about the death was a photo with his daughter.

Although there were some changes, I still recognized you, sister, as the little girl in the photo. To confirm, I looked at your hand again and found that you were wearing a wedding ring.

Before leaving, I specifically called my sister your last name of "Maruoka", and you didn't refute me, you were just a little surprised.

I knew at that time that sister, you might have changed your last name after getting married. "

"Hey... Conan-kun, you are so awesome." Xiaolan said in surprise: "I didn't even notice it when I went with you."

"Hehe, after all, I am also a disciple of Tangze Criminal, so I still have this little reasoning."

Although I usually feel unhappy with this status, when used to prevaricate Xiaolan, this is the best reason.

Seeing Xiaolan who looked satisfied and even praised Xiaolan for his academic achievements, what could Conan do?

Of course, I recognized this identity with tears and said it was so sweet~

While talking, the Kung Fu Mobile Team also came here. Xiaolan and Miss Seta quickly greeted them and explained the situation here.

Beside the wall, Mouri Kogoro stood up with a yawn, and shook hands with the captain of the mobile team who thanked him with a confused look on his face.

Soon Conan's text message rang again. Conan took out his phone and looked at it, and found that it was from Tangze. He glanced at Xiaolan, who was conversing with the mobile team, and then clicked on the text message.

I saw the content of the text message saying that the fake Akai Shuichi had left, and Karasawa had followed him downstairs, and saw Judy and others below, seemingly looking for something.

The text message asked him to go over immediately and hold the other party back.

Conan's expression changed when he saw this, and he also understood Tang Ze's intention in sending this text message.

After all, they all know that Akai Shuichi with the burns on his face is fake. Now Judy and others may have been tested back and forth by the other party for a long time.

If you find the other party now, you may fall into a trap.

Therefore, Karasawa's text message asked him to hold Judy and others to prevent them from tracking the fake Akai Shuichi, and also gave him time to track the fake person of the organization to see if he could follow the clues to find the base of the black organization.

While Xiaolan and others were explaining the situation to the mobile team, Conan ran directly towards the escalator.

"Conan, where are you going!?" Xiaolan asked quickly when she saw Conan's running figure.

"Master, I have something to do with me!" Conan came up with an excuse. At the same time, he did not forget to keep Tang Ze's identity secret.

"Come back soon!" Knowing that it was Tang Ze who was looking for Conan, Xiaolan felt relieved and just warned her again.

"I know!" Conan ran towards the escalator with his short legs. He had just stepped off the first floor and was about to run down, when suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder.

This made Conan startled. After subconsciously turning around to look at the person who stopped him, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

It turned out that the person who stopped him was his target Judy.

"What's wrong with you? You lied like this."

Judy, who stopped Conan, looked at the other person's expression and subconsciously thought of the purpose of herself and others. She couldn't help but guess: "Aren't you... looking for the same person as I am now?"

"Ah... no..." Conan hesitated, not thinking of how to answer the other party's question.

But soon Kamel came over and said with a solemn expression: "It looks like what the previous person described in the message to you.

Now this shopping mall is indeed a very dangerous place and it is really not advisable to stay for a long time. "

"A message?" Conan had a bad premonition after hearing Kamel's words: "What message?"

"It's the message Xiuichi left for me."

Judy said solemnly: "He didn't die that time. It seems that he had some plan with the members of the mysterious organization called "Kizaru" and faked his death to escape."

"Have you met him? Met Mr. Akai?!"

Hearing Judy's words, Conan looked shocked. Unexpectedly, Judy was actually visited by the fake Shuichi Akai.

Thinking of their arrangement, Conan couldn't help but feel relieved. After all, the other party must have contacted Judy to test Judy's reaction.

If you see that he is alert or has any unnatural emotions, it proves that Akai may have faked his death, but if he has unprepared emotions such as surprise, it proves that Shuichi Akai may be really dead.

But Judy and others didn't know anything. Their reactions to the fake Shuichi Akai were all real emotions. Even Oscar couldn't have such superb acting skills.

Therefore, even if the other party tries, he can only test out the other party's true feelings and be deceived.

"I didn't see him, but when I left my seat to answer the phone in the underground cafe, he quietly left me a warning message on the back of the coaster."

Judy on the side did not think as much as Conan. After hearing Conan's question, she told Conan her previous experience as if she wanted to share this joy to deepen her belief in the reality.

"Speaking of which, Kamal, why do you say this place is dangerous?"

Before Conan could react, Judy looked at Kamel and asked, "It stands to reason that the bomb incident should have been solved."

"But I just saw it when I was checking the situation."

Kamel said in a solemn tone: "There is a sniper at the edge of the window of the hotel opposite the Rice Flower Department Store.

In addition, I also spotted a black Porsche 356A parked directly below. "


Conan and Judy's expressions froze at the same time when they heard Kamel's information.

But compared to Conan who knew the truth, Judy thought more.

At this moment, she suspected that Gin and others also knew that Akai Shuichi was not dead, so they came here specifically to ambush him.

For a moment, Judy was confused.

Conan realized that this might be a trap. Just as he was about to say something, he found that Judy had already ran out with an anxious look.

With no other choice, Conan and Kamel quickly followed.

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