Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,250 Xiaolan’s ultimate move

Tang Ze's words instantly made everyone understand the reason why he believed that the other party was a prisoner.

Not only was it the message left by the victim before he fell into coma, but it was also because the other party had obtained conclusive evidence, so he was confident that the other party was the culprit.

“In the bathroom we only found the murder weapon, mask and down jacket left by the prisoner.

In other words, even if the prisoner changed his clothes in the bathroom but did not change his pants, the evidence mentioned by Tangze Criminal is likely to still exist. "

After realizing that the other party was denying it, Officer Megure stared at Mizue Shinji solemnly and said, "Can you please take out your trouser pockets on both sides and show them to everyone?"

Although it was a request, Officer Megure's tone was undeniably tough.


Faced with Officer Megure's tough request, Mizue Shinji's face was extremely ugly, and his whole body seemed to be frozen. He did not make any movements at all, or in other words, he did not dare to make any movements.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Officer Mumu's face darkened when he saw this, he stepped closer to the opponent and said with strong pressure: "What's wrong, why don't you cooperate!? Or do you say you don't dare?"

"Ah, no..."

Mizue Shinji's face was pale, and he smiled reluctantly and said: "I'm going to turn my trouser pockets out now, isn't it to prove my innocence?

I haven’t done anything wrong, so there’s nothing I dare to do..."

Although the words he spoke were righteous, his eyes flickered so much that he did not dare to look at others, as if he was hiding something else.

Naturally, Tangze also noticed this. On the surface, he remained calm, but in fact, he gradually got closer to the other party.

If the other party dares to make any move, take it down as soon as possible.

Under the gaze of everyone, Mizue Shinji slowly put his hand into his trouser pocket, then suddenly took out a knife in the silent air, and rushed towards the direction where Xiaolan and Sonoko were standing.

It was obvious that the other party was planning to take hostages and then use them as threats to escape.

But when Karasawa saw that Shinji Mizue didn't reveal his feelings, and his expression showed no sign of repentance, he was naturally on guard against the other party jumping into a trap.

Seeing the opponent rushing towards Xiaolan and the two with a knife, Tangze rushed forward with a single step and kicked the dagger away from the opponent's hand. Then he used his feet to turn his waist and his body and whipped Shuijiang with his leg. Shinji's back.

Under this huge force, Mizue Shinji only felt that his body was filled with huge pain. He was unable to stagger and fell in the direction of Xiaolan and the two. It was obvious that he could no longer control his body.

But Sonoko seemed frightened by Shinji Mizue's attempt to rush over and kidnap the two of them. Even though Karasawa had subdued the prisoner in the flash of lightning, he still screamed subconsciously.

"Lan! Beat him up!"

Seeing Mizue Shinji fall in the direction of the two of them, Sonoko suddenly screamed and woke up Xiaolan who was in a daze looking at the "God of Love".

At this critical moment, Xiaolan, who was awakened by Sonoko and regained consciousness, looked at Mizue Shinji, who was falling and staggering towards him, and jumped up reflexively. Her hind legs twisted her waist and hips to exert force, and her whole body rotated on her heels in the air. He hit the opponent's head hard.

"Ah...Sorry, I just subconsciously..."

After Xiaolan finally came to her senses, Xiaolan subconsciously took half a step back, her face full of guilt: "Um...shouldn't I have intervened?"

Looking at Mizue Shinji who received an extremely exaggerated move, and then at Xiaolan who looked guilty, the corners of everyone's mouths twitched unconsciously.

The main reason is that the contrast between the two is too great, and the connection is seamless, and the impact is too great.

"It's okay, but why did you suddenly become stunned?" Tang Ze smiled and shook his head to indicate that the other party didn't need to worry, and then asked curiously: "Is it because of the "divine love sign" I saw?"

"Hehe, I was actually a little curious about what Xiaolan's magic sign said, so I asked her to take it out and take a look."

Yuanzi chuckled and scratched his head: "I didn't expect that prisoner to rush over suddenly. Although brother-in-law, you subdued him immediately, I was frightened and screamed reflexively.

As for Xiaolan, she was probably in a daze because of the content of the "Love Sign", so when she heard my shouting, her body reflexively acted first!

A few days ago I pretended to read out her signature, but actually it was my own, which I just told her.

Then someone became distracted in a daze, really curious about what was written on the divine sign. "

"Well... that's it..." Xiaolan felt a little embarrassed when she heard Yuanzi's words. She quickly looked at a few people and said with an apologetic expression: "Sorry, I accidentally caused you trouble."

"It's okay, that guy just got the weapon and was about to rush over and kidnap us. We were acting in self-defense!"

Yuanzi said, waving his fists and saying excitedly: "But Xiaolan, that move you just made was so cool, why haven't I seen you use it before?

He suddenly jumped up, then spun around in the air, and then kicked the guy on the head. It was so cool! "

However, Yuanzi is uneducated and can only describe Xiaolan's previous actions excitedly with simple to the extreme vocabulary.

But it could be seen that Yuanzi was really excited. It was obvious that the other party's cool and sassy move directly hit her heart, instantly turning her into a little fan girl.

"It's a roundhouse kick!" Xiaolan said with a smile: "This is a move specially given to me by Sister Shumei before!"

"Eh..." Conan, who was running over, had drooping fish eyes and a dull look on his face: "Is that so..."

In response, Tangze sighed, met the other party's dead eyes, and patted Conan on the shoulder sympathetically, saying nothing.

Obviously, with such a terrifyingly skilled girlfriend, he would even start the other's married life, let alone him as the client.

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, Tangze would have really wanted to ask Conan what he was thinking.

"Take people away."

Officer Megure looked at Mizue Shinji who was unconscious and lying on the ground. He snorted in displeasure at first, but after looking at the miserable appearance of the other party, he thought about it and said, "Well... go check him out first."

Although Mizue Shinji wanted to kidnap Xiaolan and the two, which made him very angry with this stubborn guy, he couldn't just ignore it.

After all, Mizue Shinji forcefully caught Xiaolan's kick with his head. Xiaolan's kick made him feel cold when he saw it. This person who experienced it firsthand probably suffered a concussion at the very least.

But it was all in vain. Who made you want to kidnap someone? Moreover, you can't just say that Tang Ze's attack must have contained the opponent. He defeated the enemy with one blow and did not add a second blow at all.

So Mizue Shinji really had a taste of seeking death this time.

"Huh? Are you all standing here?" At this moment, Mouri Kogoro suddenly squeezed out from the crowd of onlookers: "Officer Megure is here too? Is there any case that happened?"

"Yeah, but it's been solved." Officer Megure smiled and nodded.

"Really? It's a pity that my famous detective Mouri Kogoro has no chance to act." Mouri Kogoro straightened his tie and said.

"Dad, why are you here?"

Looking at her stinky father, Xiaolan quickly interrupted him and asked.

"I didn't expect you to come back, so I came out to pick you up." After explaining, Kogoro Mouri said dissatisfiedly: "You are confused by the case, so you should contact me."

"Sorry dad, I accidentally forgot." Xiaolan said with an apologetic smile.

"Hey, Xiaolan was so awesome just now!" When the excited Sonoko heard this, she immediately pulled Mouri Kogoro and recited the previous scene vividly.

Xiaolan, who was listening on the sidelines, was also a little confused when she thought about the love fortune sign that she had opened before, and it told her to remain innocent and make her own annotation.

'Perhaps this is why I acted reflexively when I heard Sonoko shouting...'

Xiaolan thought in her heart, and the haze that had surrounded her heart before disappeared.

On the other side, under Sonoko's vivid description, Mouri Kogoro also knew everything that happened tonight.

Originally, when he heard that the prisoner wanted to attack Xiaolan and the others, he was furious and prepared to settle the score with him.

But he looked at the prisoners being carried away on stretchers by several criminals, and then looked at his own little cotton-padded jacket that was intact and wandering around, even smiling a little bit, and then after listening to Yuanzi's words, he fell into deep thought.

He was wondering whether he should be nicer to his daughter in the future and restrain his daily style.

Otherwise, with his daughter's gradually increasing force level, he wouldn't be able to bear it if he was given a "turning kick" like this.

Glancing at Xiaolan who was dazed, Mouri Kogoro finally coughed lightly and woke Xiaolan up to say goodbye to everyone.

"Then sister and brother-in-law, I also went back with Xiaolan and the others." Yuanzi waved goodbye to the two of them and said, "No need to trouble you to send it away."

"Okay, remember to send me a text message when you get back." Although Mouri Kogoro was taking care of her and she knew there would be no danger on the way back, Ayako couldn't help but tell the doctor.

"I know, I know~" Yuanzi waved his hand again and left with Xiaolan and others.

Of course, compared to the excited Sonoko and happy Takagi and others, Conan followed Xiaolan with a dead look on his face.

This was not because Xiaolan showed off her special skills before and made him feel that his married life was in danger, but because he failed again.

Obviously, the other party was secretly reasoning with Tang Ze again, and then started emo again.

In fact, after listening to Tang Ze's reasoning, Conan found that he was just one step behind Tang Ze.

Although he was also aware of Mizue Shinji's problem, he did not decipher the two codes "monkey" and "nine" left by Masuko Shirou before he fell into coma.

He thought at that time that if he thought for a few more minutes, he might be able to make a breakthrough, but he did not expect that Tang Ze had completely cracked the code.

This made Conan extremely depressed. The answer was clearly on his lips, but he still lost.

Although it was just a step slower, for Conan, who was strict with himself, a defeat was a defeat, and there was nothing to quibble about.

But how did Conan know that Karasawa was actually lucky to win this time.

If he hadn't used "Ke Xue's Law" to determine in advance that the suspect was Mizue Shinji based on the intelligence of the three people and Sonoko's reaction, and then contacted the other party with the code, he would not have been able to decipher the code so well.

To put it figuratively, Karasawa quickly found all the components of the puzzle, while Conan was still looking for one part of the puzzle. The two decrypted at different speeds.

In fact, without the assistance of these "Ke Xue's Laws" and relying solely on reasoning, Tang Ze would probably have to wait a while longer to solve this mystery.

Conan didn't know this, so he felt that the gap between himself and Karasawa had widened again, so after waking up from the worries about married life, he fell into depression again.

Of course, Karasawa didn't know this. After bidding farewell to Officer Megure, he took Ayako home.

After all, the case was solved and the victim was only injured but not dead. It was already a good ending.

After returning home and decorating the "bear hands" he bought, Karasawa asked Ayako to wash up first.

It was already winter at the end of November, and the cold wind was howling at night, but the heating was on at home, so there was no hindrance to bathing or the like.

As for Karasawa, he took off his coat and put on his pajamas when he got home. While waiting, he sat on the sofa and opened the system panel to view the rewards for this case.

【The Hunting Order of Monkey and Bear Hand】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 400 destiny points]

A simple two-line settlement, and it's over.

There was nothing surprising about seeing Tang Ze. Originally, this case was not particularly difficult, and since there was no murder case that could give 400 fate points, it was already an unexpected surprise.

Karasawa probably had such a fate because he prevented Xiaolan from being in danger and arrested the prisoner before he tried to escape.

In the past, this kind of wounding case without a murder would probably have wasted 200 fate points.

Overall, Tangze was very satisfied. He solved a case during the festival and got 400 destiny points, which was already a good harvest.

In addition, this time, his small deposit has reached 1,500 destiny points, and with two more cases, he can basically win the lottery.

"I've washed it, go ahead."

When I was thinking about whether to make a deposit or draw a lottery, the bathroom door opened and Ayako's words were heard.

"I understand." After coming back to his senses, Tang Ze responded and got up and walked to the bathroom.

Because the home was warm, the two of them took baths frequently, so they didn't need to wash their backs or rub their backs. Tangze just took a bath to relieve his fatigue, and then quickly went to the bedroom.

Smelling the delicate fragrance of the beautiful woman next to him, which still had a hint of warmth, Tang Ze couldn't help but feel his heart flutter, and his cervical vertebrae gradually began to bend sideways.

Soon Nephrite fell into her arms, and the eyes of the beautiful beauty gradually became blurred.

The long breath stagnated, as if the second half of the breath was also blocked in the soft lips.

The next moment, Ayako's soft body softened slightly, and her heart seemed to be tingling like an electric current.

Taking the initiative to hug Tang Ze's neck, the two fell into an indescribable state of mind.

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