Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,251 The subsequent truth

Early the next morning, Tang Ze woke up from the gentle countryside.

Ayako on the side snorted unconsciously and stretched out her hand to push Tang Ze away.

Seeing that Ayako was still sleeping soundly, Karasawa didn't want to disturb her anymore, so he got up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face.

After tidying himself up, Tangze began to pack up the ingredients to prepare breakfast for his five internal organs temple.

Omelette, tuna sandwich and steak, paired with a glass of pure milk, complete an exquisite breakfast.

Turning on the TV, Tang Ze listened to the news on the TV while eating breakfast.

Yes, just listening. As we all know, eating and watching TV is not good for the stomach, so Tangze spends most of his time listening to the morning news.

Of course, there are times when I watch, but Tang Ze hopes that there will be no need to watch the news by himself in the morning.

Because that often means that a murder has already occurred.

It can be said that when Tangze needs to watch the morning news, most of them are murder cases that have already happened, and there is no room for maneuver. Naturally, he does not want to encounter the case on the morning news.

Of course, most of them have exceptions. For example, for relatively large cases, there will be some particularly big news in the early stage.

For example, in the case of Sindora, it was on the news first and then the case emerged.

But that kind of situation will be very rare. At least today, Tang Ze has not heard any news about the case.

Thinking about it, after all, the case only happened yesterday, so it was impossible for the case to happen so quickly.

After having breakfast listening to the news that was not nutritious, Ayako had just gotten up at this time.

After asking for his opinion, Karasawa replaced the fried steak with a vegetable salad.

Although I made another breakfast, it didn't take too long this time because all the ingredients had been prepared.

"Eat quickly after washing up, otherwise it will get cold later." Tang Ze shouted to the bathroom while changing clothes.

"I know, I'll go over there after washing my face. You can go first." Ayako replied in the bathroom: "By the way, I have a partner here who wants to entertain us at noon, so he won't be back for dinner. You can figure it out on your own. Let’s solve it~”

"I know." Tang Ze responded.

"After dinner, there will be nothing to do in the afternoon. I will come back early in the evening." Ayako added with a smile: "Leave dinner to me. I will cook whatever you want to eat."

"Just eat curry. If you have nothing to do in the evening, you can go watch a movie together." Tang Ze suggested after thinking about it.

After all, I went to the festival yesterday and had a great time, and the "Chief's Man" incident happened, so naturally it couldn't be a perfect ending. Today, I took advantage of the quiet period that the case had just ended to have a two-person date with Ayako. Pretty good too.

"Okay, is there any movie you want to watch?" Ayako walked out of the bathroom while wiping her face.

"Just choose what you want to see." Tang Ze smiled and said, "Okay, I'm going out first, you can eat quickly."

After ending their normal conversation with an ordinary couple and bidding farewell to Ayako with a smile, Karasawa drove off towards the Metropolitan Police Department.

He was not in a hurry to go to the Science Search and Research Institute. After all, there would be nothing wrong with him. Instead, he had something to inquire about at the Metropolitan Police Department.

Although yesterday's case has been concluded, Tangze still doesn't know the specific follow-up results, so he went to the Metropolitan Police Department first to inquire about the follow-up results of the "Chief's Man" case last night.

Although the case was over, he still remembered that the "Chief's Man" had not been caught yet.

Although Mizue Shinji was the prisoner who stabbed someone this time, Karasawa didn't forget that he was the victim of the "Chief's Man" in the first Emirate City and went on a business trip for the second time.

Although the case was settled, it meant that nothing was missing, but he was still a little uneasy without understanding the whole case. In this case, he simply asked, since he was the one who solved the case anyway, even if he asked about the follow-up results. Justified.

After arriving at the search class, Karasawa walked into the office and saw Chiba alone sitting at his desk eating breakfast with milk and bread in hand.

"Where are the others? Do you have a case?" Tang Ze looked at the empty office and asked in surprise.

"Ah, that's not the case. Yesterday, Takagi and the others asked me to go back first. They were responsible for recording the confession."

Hearing this, Qianye swallowed the bread in his mouth and explained: "So let them come to the meeting later today, and I will go back and forth to work early in the morning."

"Oh, that's it." It's not surprising that Tang Ze nodded when he heard this. Criminal justice is a busy job, and the timely management process such as clocking in and signing in is not suitable for them at all.

The superiors are also considerate of them, so when there is no work, even if they don't come, they usually turn a blind eye. Anyway, as long as they don't let go when there are cases.

"Tang Ze Criminal, you came here so early probably because of yesterday's case."

Seeing Tangze coming so early, Chiba guessed his purpose, put down the milk in his hand and went to Takagi's desk to get a file: "This is yesterday's transcript, take a look.

Both Mizue Shinji and the "chief's man" have been caught.

Well, if it hadn't been for the interrogation of Shinji Mizue, we wouldn't have known that there were so many hidden secrets in this case. "

"Thank you." Tang Ze raised his eyebrows after hearing Chiba's words. After thanking him, he took the file and read it carefully.

After reading the interrogation transcript of Mizue Shinji, Karasawa finally understood what Chiba said about "so many hidden secrets".

But overall, it didn't exceed his expectations.

First of all, the button belongs to the "Chief's Man", but it does not belong to Shinji Mizue. The two are not the same person. This also explains why Shinji Mizue looked at the button when he saw it. Nothing happened.

And the real "Chief's Man" is the button that fell from the body of the real "Chief's Man" whom he failed to kill last night!

That's right, the victim Masuko Shirou lying in the hospital is the real "Chief's Man", and Mizue Shinji is the knife-wielding murderer pretending to be the "Chief's Man".

The reason why Mizue Shinji wanted to kill Masuko Shirou was because the other party saw him snatching Mizue Shinji's bankbook and discovered his secret.

In his bankbook, the same amount was transferred from the short company account every month.

It was a short company account he made up in order to misappropriate company funds. It could not withstand investigation at all. As long as you see the payment in the passbook, it can be said to be clear at a glance.

So Masuko Shirou soon discovered the fact that Mizue Shinji had misappropriated the company's funds, and he had other thoughts.

This is normal. Masuko Shirou had originally disguised himself as a "chief's man" and robbed someone at the festival. He was already a villain. But now that one of the people being robbed was embezzling company funds, he naturally became greedy.

After all, robbery can't bring in money as quickly as blackmailing a guy who embezzles company money. Moreover, robbery also faces the risk of being caught. Blackmail can make money just lying down.

Because he robbed Shinji Mizue's bag, Masuko Shirou naturally found the identity information and contact information of Shinji Mizue in it.

After some blackmail calls, Mizue Shinji agreed to Masuko Shirou's request.

However, although he agreed to return the wallet, Masuko Shirou had already taken out all the things he had grabbed, so he did not know which bag belonged to Shinji Mizue.

So Mizue Shinji suggested that he take all the things he had grabbed so far.

And the stupid Masuko Shirou just agreed, but he didn't expect that Mizue Shinji did this not just to obey and agree to his blackmail, but so that he could pretend to be the "chief's man" when they met yesterday!

Masuko Shirou is a brainless and stupid thief, and he never expected that the Mizue Shinji he provoked would turn out to be a poisonous snake that could kill him!

He obeyed Shinji Mizue's request and took all the things he grabbed. Because he was not sure that those things belonged to Shinji Mizue, he stuffed everything into his bag casually.

This is also the reason why after Takagi and others called the victims, everyone said that their belongings were messed up.

However, Masuko Shirou did not expect that this was Shinji Mizue's vicious plan to kill people and silence them.

When he arrived at the agreed-upon meeting place with the stolen goods, he did not expect Mizue Shinji's money. Instead, he saw Mizue Shinji dressed as a "chief's man".

Then without warning, Shinji Mizue stabbed him in the stomach.

However, this was the first time for Shinji Mizue to kill someone. Even though he was extremely vicious, he was not skilled at killing people, so by luck, Masuko Shirou survived with only minor injuries.

However, Mizue Shinji was also convinced that the other party did not dare to tell the truth. His only concern was that the physical evidence of the button would always make him a suspect and continue to be investigated by the police.

Although he is not the "chief's man", if further investigation continues, there is no guarantee that he will not be found to be the real culprit.

He planned to destroy the button to completely clear himself of suspicion.

Of course, the transcript did not mention his subsequent intention to destroy the button. After all, he was not stupid. He could not continue to confess that he planned to attack Xiaolan and destroy the evidence, which would make himself guilty.

These thoughts and plans of the other party are all reasonable plots deduced by Tang Ze combined with the plot in his own mind.

That's right, Tang Ze remembered the plot of this case after the case was over.

It wasn't because of anything else, but Xiaolan's ultimate move was so impressive that it awakened memories that had long since sunk in his mind.

But it doesn't matter, even without the help of the plot, he still relies on "Ke Xue's Law" to prevent Xiaolan from falling into a dangerous situation.

Of course, in fact, according to the results, it was not bad. Mizue Shinji's unlucky situation was bound to suffer from that big trick sooner or later.

After reading Mizue Shinji's transcript, Karasawa finally understood why the rewards were settled last night.

Obviously, this arrest is also a catch one, get one free.

When Mizue Shinji was arrested, he had no intention of keeping the other party's secret, and directly told everything.

In any case, it is a good thing that the matter was resolved. The "Chief's Man" was quickly caught, and the big bosses who had previously promoted the security work of the Metropolitan Police Department finally saved some face.

Otherwise, you were advertising some time ago that the Metropolitan Police Department sent extra manpower to maintain good public order at large-scale events, and then a robber came out not long after. If he hadn't been caught, that wouldn't be a slap in the face.

Now that I can respond quickly, I can finally gain another wave of reputation.

Although Tangze didn't see it when he watched the news in the morning, there will surely be relevant reports by the noon news at the latest.

After all, it was already very late after the interrogation yesterday, and there was no time to report the information to the superiors. This morning was enough time to initially figure out the matter and release the news to finalize it.

"After reading it, I didn't expect to kill two birds with one stone."

Tangze put down the file in his hand and greeted Chiba: "I came here to inquire about this case. Since everything has been solved, I will go back first.

After I say hello to Officer Megure and the others, if you need help with any subsequent cases, feel free to let me know. "

"Don't worry, if any case happens, you will be missed."

Chiba couldn't help but smile when he heard Tangze's words of advice: "With you here, those difficult cases can be easily solved.

Even if you don't tell us, just to prevent us from losing too many brain cells, we will call you to help when we encounter troublesome cases. "

"It's too exaggerated. It's just that there is nothing practical that needs to be done in science research. I'm afraid my brain will get rusty over time."

Hearing what Chiba said, Karasawa knew that his subtle influence had played a role. Now when he encounters a difficult case, he will immediately think of himself to help, which is also a good thing for him.

Although it doesn't help much in preventing cases, it also allows him to not miss the rewards for those cases that occur.

Of course, on the surface, Tang Ze was still smiling and modest, with nothing unusual about him.

"What you said is a bit inciting hatred. Let's go quickly."

Because of their close relationship, Chiba didn't feel anything about Karasawa's "Versailles" behavior. Instead, she smiled and pretended to be impatient and drove Karasawa away.

Upon seeing this, Tangze didn't stay much and went directly back to Kesouyan and headed to the office.

"came back?"

As soon as he opened the door and entered the office, he saw Nanatsuki Koshizui sitting on his desk writing furiously, his eyes lit up, and he rushed to Tang Ze like a sharp arrow: "You still know how to come back!?"

"What's wrong? Why don't you help me take charge for a few days?"

Faced with Koshimi Nanatsuki's attack, Karasawa didn't panic but smiled and asked: "There are so many people trying to do this kind of job but they still can't do it. Instead, you blame me for coming."

"Hmph, the pie you drew is too big for me to eat." Koshizui Nanatsuki rolled his eyes and complained in displeasure.

"This is not about drawing a pie, but letting you learn how to make it first, and then slowly eat the pie."

Tang Ze heard the other party's dissatisfaction and smiled to resolve the other party's condemnation.

But he was not wrong in what he said. After all, he was trained as a successor, not just trying to make a big deal.

Those disgusting things who talk about working hard and then completely disappear as promised are the biggest losers.

What's even more disgusting is that some people only ask you to donate, but they don't care about your life or death at all.

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