Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,340 The man who slipped and fell to death?

Flower Bell Park.

This time it is the newly completed small park in Mihua Town.

Its feature is a huge flower clock composed of countless planted flowers, which looks very beautiful.

And Bumi will perform at the opening ceremony of the completion of the flower clock.

And when she went to train after school in the afternoons these days, she was targeted by unknown people.

After Haiyuan, who had a bad premonition, learned about this incident, he told Tangze about it, hoping that he would warn the man.

After dinner in the evening, Karasawa talked about this matter with Ayako, and they took a walk with Ayako while they were taking a walk in the evening.

"This is the lantern."

Although it affected her vision a little under the light, Ayako couldn't help but admired: "It's so beautiful."

"It is indeed a good design."

Looking at the huge flower disc, Tang Ze couldn't help but nodded: "I'm afraid it took a lot of effort, but it's a pity that it's seasonal."

"There's nothing we can do about it, they are flowers after all." Ayako rolled her eyes at Karasawa: "Everyone knows this, but when you say it, it's a bit confusing."


Tang Ze rubbed his nose in embarrassment, feeling that what he just said was indeed a bit straight.

"There seems to be no one, let's go back?"

This place has not been officially opened yet. Except for the street lights outside, the lights inside are not turned on. However, Ayako knew that Tang Ze came here for something, so she walked around with Tang Ze twice.

But there was no one there now. Ayako felt a little tired from her walk and wanted to go back.

"Well, let's go back." Tangze thought for a while after hearing this, and planned to come over early tomorrow to check on the situation, and there seemed to be patrols here at night, so it should be fine.

The two drove home and because it was still early, they watched TV for a while before falling asleep.

The next day, Tang Ze got up early because he was thinking about the case.

Bread and milk simply filled his stomach. After talking to Ayako who had just gotten up, Karasawa set off directly.

There was no way, knowing that a case was about to happen, how could Tang Ze not worry about it.

It was a pity that there was no one there when he went there last night, and it was impossible for him to suddenly stay in the garden all night as if he had gone crazy. After all, in the eyes of others, this matter was not that serious.

If he really did that, it would only make Ayako and Conan suspicious.

If his actions as if he were a prophet were suspected, he would be punished, which would be more than worth the loss.

So he could only come the next day.

But he deliberately took a detour here, but nothing happened at Hua Zhong.

Seeing this, Karasawa had no choice but to leave, planning to wait until Ayumi and the others came to rehearse after school in the afternoon, so they could act on their own terms again.

But after finally getting there in the afternoon, Tang Ze frowned even more when looking at the man lying on the ground in front of the flower clock.

He put on gloves and went forward to check. After confirming that the other party was dead, he immediately contacted the Metropolitan Police Department to ask them to dispatch the police as soon as possible.

After hanging up the phone, Tang Ze looked at the body lying on the ground and couldn't help but sigh.

I seem to have been really unlucky in the past half month. If I stayed here today, it might be possible to prevent the case from happening.

Of course, it's only possible, because it's possible that the criminal might change the location of the murder or delay the crime upon seeing someone there.

But no matter what, it is too troublesome to stop a case that I have no memory of, not to mention that I have been a bit unlucky these days.

After getting rid of all the messy thoughts in his mind, Tang Ze began to focus on the murder case in front of him.

That's right, even if Haiyuan had told the situation in advance, he didn't think that the other party died because of him.

After all, how many little ones are involved, do you still think it’s a murder case?


Sighing, Tang Ze put his phone away, put on his gloves again, and began to conduct a preliminary inspection of the body.

This man looks to be in his thirties or forties. He is very thin and has spots on his face.

A long, narrow wound.

Even without using his super-smell sense, he noticed that the minute hand of the clock was stained with blood. It looked like it had been scratched by the rotating minute hand after the body fell.

In addition, there was a bottle of whiskey with "HISKY" printed on the left hand side of the deceased.

But what caught his attention was the opponent's right hand.

It was stained with yellow, red, white, and blue colors.

A slight sniff with Karasawa's nose confirmed that it was paint and not paint.

But after Karasawa made a preliminary inspection of the situation, he did not wait for Officer Megure and others first, but instead waited for Ayumi and a few others.

"Karasawa Criminal!!"

After seeing him from a distance, the little ones were still very excited, but when they got closer and saw the man lying under the flower clock, their expressions immediately turned frightened.

"What is going on!?" Conan couldn't help but ask after seeing this.


Karasawa signaled them not to get close, while driving them away a little: "I received a call from Haibara last night and heard that someone was following Ayumi, so I came over this morning to see him.

It was fine at that time, but who would have known that I would come over this afternoon at the scheduled time, and I would see someone lying here. "

"That's the guy! He's the stalker!"

Hearing Tang Ze's words, the little ones were no longer afraid. They ignored Tang Ze's urging and rushed over to take a look, then immediately started yelling.

"He was the one who stared at Ayumi who was practicing her baton early in the morning." Genta said.

"He came here yesterday and even went up to the archway." Mitsuhiko agreed.

"I remember you said he was very drunk yesterday?" Tang Ze looked at Conan and asked.

"Well, the other person came over deliberately, and we all smelled it." Conan nodded: "But I'm not sure if it's him. The other person was wearing a hat and a high collar at the time, so I'm not sure it's the person from yesterday. .”

Regarding the deceased, Conan was still very strict. Because he did not confirm the other person's appearance, he did not directly determine that the dead person was the man they met yesterday without based on the other person's appearance.

"I see."

Tang Ze nodded when he heard this, looked at the little ones and said, "You guys, please wait here for a while.

I have already called the police, and they will be here shortly. You can cooperate and make a record when the time comes. "


The little ones answered honestly after hearing this, but they were not excited at all. After all, this was not the first time they had done this kind of thing, and they were all used to it.

Perhaps because it was still early and there were not many vehicles going to work on the road, Officer Megure soon arrived with Takagi.

After telling the two people about the situation, Takagi brought a guard over not long after.

"This is the security guard who patrolled the park yesterday." Takagi introduced the middle-aged man after leading him over.

"Thank you for your hard work. When did you start patrolling?" Officer Megure asked after hearing this.

"I started patrolling at about 3 o'clock in the morning." The guard thought for a moment and said, "When I reached the flower clock, it was probably around 3:50."

"Did you see any corpses at that time, or were there any signs of the flowers being disturbed?" Karasawa asked.

"No, after all, the ceremony will be held soon, so I specially looked at the flower clock." The guard replied truthfully.


After hearing this, Officer Megure dragged his chin and pondered for a moment, but before he could speak, the words of Kogoro Mouri suddenly came from the side.

"I'm afraid this is an accident!" Mouri Kogoro, who was standing in front of the flower clock and looking at it, attracted everyone's attention as soon as he spoke.

"Brother Maori, why are you here too!?" Officer Megure said in surprise after seeing the other party.

"Xiaolan said that Conan boy will come home later than usual today, so he asked me to take him home."

Mouri Kogoro explained, then turned around

He pointed his head at the flower clock: "I just looked at it. The stone at 6 o'clock on the digital dial is right under the arch above.

I'm afraid the deceased climbed up to the arch frame when he was drunk and lost his footing and fell down on the rocks and died. "

"I think so too." Officer Megure nodded in agreement upon hearing this.

"Also, his death time was between 3:50 and 4:30!"

Mouri Kogoro said seriously: "This man has a wound on his face that was scratched by a long needle. This means that after he fell, the long needle just turned to the 30-minute position."

"How many days did you guys come here?" Megumi looked at the little ones and asked.

"It should be around 5:20," Mitsuhiko thought for a moment.

"Then this man was probably scratched at 4:30." Mouri Kogoro thought for a moment.

"Although the current situation seems to be like this, it is a murder case after all, so it is best to investigate it clearly."

Tangze spoke at the right time: "We will also find out the identity of the deceased first, and then we will make calculations."

"Yes." Officer Megure nodded after hearing this, then looked at Mouri Kogoro and said, "Moori brother, please send the children back first."

"Eh? Shall I give it away?" Mouri Kogoro said in shock.

"Didn't you come here specifically to pick someone up?"

Officer Megure heard this and said angrily: "And we have initially thought it was an accident. Then we only need to confirm the identity of the deceased, and we can roughly confirm the identity of the deceased."

"Eh?" Mouri Kogoro was surprised when he heard this: "Can you confirm it already?"

"Probably a painter."

Karasawa said: "The hands of the deceased were stained with very colored paint, and there were many traces of old paint on the hands. It doesn't look like they were accidentally contaminated."

"Okay, that's it, I won't bother you "Sleeping Kogoro" this time. Memaku smiled and said, "The children are begging you."

"Okay." Although Mouri Kogoro was a little reluctant, he also knew that he was no longer needed in this situation, so he finally agreed.

"You all heard it, let's go and I'll take you home." Mouri Kogoro said to the little ones next to him.


Ayumi and Mitsuhiko responded immediately after hearing the words, and there was no sign of reluctance. On the contrary, Genta didn't say anything at all. His expression was really blank and distressed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


Suddenly Genta screamed, which frightened the people around him. Mouri Kogoro was even more frightened. Then he looked at Genta angrily and said, "What are you doing? Why are you shouting so loud all of a sudden!"

"I finally remembered!!"

Yuantai looked serious and said: "I just said that I seem to have seen this uncle somewhere!

I remember he seemed to have come to my house to buy wine before! "

"Really!?" Officer Megure's expression perked up after hearing this: "Then Genta, you go back with us, and we will go find your father to inquire."

"Okay!" Yuantai cheered happily when he heard that he could take the police car home, and then said goodbye to his friends.

Although Ayumi and Mitsuhiko were a little envious, they were sensible enough not to follow them and went home separately under the leadership of Mouri Kogoro.

Megure and others took Genta to his eel shop.

Since it wasn't dinner time yet, there were no guests at this meeting, so Tangze and others quickly asked about the deceased's condition based on the photos of the deceased at the scene of the crime.

Soon everyone came to an advertising sign factory called "Yoneda Signboard".

The deceased were workers here.

"That's right. He is Masasaku Tian, ​​a worker in the factory."

A worker in work clothes, also covered in paint, took the photo and sighed, "Did he fall to his death after getting drunk? It really seems like his style..."

"Are you saying that he is a guy who tends to go crazy easily after drinking?" I heard the other person say this.

, Officer Takagi couldn’t help but ask.

"Yes, he will lose his temper and cause trouble as soon as he touches alcohol." The young worker nodded.

"This painting is really good." Tangze said while looking at the billboard half-hidden by the curtain.

The billboard depicts a plane flying in the sky, which looks very realistic.

"Ah, that was the last painting Yoda painted before his death." The young worker explained after hearing Karasawa's admiration.

"But this corner seems to be broken?" Karasawa looked at the broken billboard below.

"It's not because he was drunk last month and insisted on installing it, and the entire billboard fell down."

The young worker crossed his arms and shook his head helplessly: "But from that time on, Yoda became afraid of heights and stopped coming to work. He drank all day long."

"Huh? Afraid of heights?" Karasawa raised his eyebrows upon hearing this: "But I heard from Haibara that the man climbed onto the park's signboard arch yesterday."

"Can you tell me more about the situation?" Takagi also realized something was wrong at this time, and asked again with a serious look on his face.

After leaving the factory, Takagi couldn't help but speak directly: "Megure Police Department, the situation has changed. I'm afraid this is a homicide case!"

"Well, something went wrong when I heard the deceased's colleague said that Masasaku Tian was afraid of heights." Memaku nodded.

"It seems that the man Conan and the others saw yesterday is the real murderer."

Karasawa said: "I'm afraid the other party saw Ayumi practicing the baton at the flower clock every day, so he wanted to take advantage of it.

The other party probably wanted to create the illusion that Yoda Changsaku went drunk and went crazy, climbed up the steel arch bridge, and finally lost his footing and fell to his death.

The reason why that scene was shown in front of several children was to confuse us with their testimony. "

But unfortunately, this plan had a fatal flaw due to Tian Changsaku's own fear of heights!

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