Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1341 Death Message

After listening to Karasawa's words, Officer Megure's expression darkened again.

After all, the most feared thing when investigating a case is a premeditated crime.

Compared with the murderer who panics and leaves a lot of clues when committing a crime of passion, the murderer who commits a premeditated crime has carefully considered every aspect.

Because of this, there may be very few clues that can be discovered.

Because of this, the team has prepared for the possibility of difficult investigations.

But he is also an old criminal, and has experienced many strong winds and waves, so he immediately eliminates distracting thoughts and carries out the next instruction.

"Takagi, immediately investigate the murder case!"

Officer Megure looked solemn: "Investigate the relationship between the deceased and the suspicious persons who visited the flower clock today!"


After Takagi responded, he left immediately.

"Then I'll go to the crime scene and take a look."

Karasawa looked at Megure and said, "If you find anything, keep in touch at any time."

"Yes." Memu nodded after hearing this, and had no objection to Karasawa's actions.

After all, Tang Ze's investigation was originally independent of the search, and the other party's ability was indeed worthy of trust.

Many previous cases have also proven this.

And because of this, Mumu placed his hope on Tang Ze, hoping that the other party could find something and speed up the progress of solving the case.

Tangze also drove back to Huazhong Park, planning to see the crime scene again.

The body had been moved away, but the blood on the flower clock was still there. After exploring around, Tang Ze took a look at the entire park.

Although he and Ayako had gone shopping last night, nothing happened at that time, and there were no lights on in the park, so Karasawa didn't find much.

So just in case, Karasawa planned to walk around the park.

After all, if the murderer killed someone, it might not be Yoda Masaku who was killed in front of the flower clock.

And if Yoda Changsaku was killed elsewhere, there may be traces left during the transportation process.

If it can be discovered, there may be unexpected gains.

Karasawa thought for a while and walked around the park again.

Yesterday there was no light around him, and it felt like he couldn't see anything. Even though his night vision was basically fine, he still couldn't see far.

Today's vision during the day was much better than last night. Tangze turned on his super sense of smell and walked around while looking around, hoping to find something.

I have to say that opening up your sense of smell in an empty park is a rare and good experience. At least breathing fresh air is very comfortable.

But the experience was comfortable, but investigating the case was a bit awkward.

Because the air in the park is too circulated, the smell cannot be retained if there is no fixed source of smell.

However, Karasawa was not discouraged, and instead wandered around the garden while turning on his super sense of smell.

When he walked to the back of the park, his super sense of smell did not work, but he saw a very secret room in the distance.

The reason why it is hidden is that behind the garden is a wall covered with artificial green bushes, and there is a depression in the middle of the wall with a room built inside.

Upon seeing this, Tangze couldn't help but walked in. This was a place he hadn't seen yesterday due to vision problems.

But before Tang Zedu arrived, his nose twitched and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

Because he smelled paint!

This immediately caught Tangze's attention. After all, he had not forgotten that the deceased was also a painter.

Although this room looks like a utility room, and it's normal for it to smell like paint, now that we're here, there's no reason not to check it out.

Tang Ze went up to check and found that the door was closed. After thinking about it, he decided to open the door directly. It would be too troublesome to ask the person in charge to open the door.

He opened the door to confirm the situation. If it had nothing to do with the case, he would just treat it as

Nothing happened.

If something happens...

That would be even better. After all, it is the biggest murder case of all. No one will pay attention to the door problem at that time. Maybe the prisoner was careless and left the door open.

Thinking of this, Tangze took out the newly acquired lock-picking tool, selected the appropriate lock-picking tool and put it directly into the lock cylinder.

With just a slight movement, Tang Ze opened the door easily.

Putting away the tools, Tangze recalled that unlocking the door was obviously much easier than before.

Comparing it is like opening a lock with an original key and a faulty key.

Just two words stand out - silky.

But he also knew that it was not that his skills had improved, but that this tool was too powerful, and he even opened this not-so-difficult door without any skills.

After opening the door, the room was completely dark. Except for a few brooms and other cleaning tools, there was nothing else inside.

Karasawa turned on the searchlight on his watch and inspected the space inside in detail, but found no paint anywhere.

Seeing this, Tang Ze raised his eyebrows and felt that he was more likely to be able to get clues.

There were no obvious signs of paint in the room, but the smell of paint came from the room.

Without hesitation, Tang Ze stood directly on the spot and carefully used his super sense of smell to investigate.

And soon, Tangze's eyes were focused on the ground in front of him.

The source of the paint smell is on the ground beneath your feet.

After learning the news, Karasawa shined the beam of his flashlight on the ground, but there was no trace of paint on the ground.

Such a strange phenomenon made Tang Ze frown slightly. He squatted down to confirm that the smell was indeed emanating from the ground.

The floor smells like paint but you can’t see it?

Thinking of this, Tang Ze raised his eyebrows and reached out to close the door behind him.

Because this was a newly built storage room, the light bulbs above had not even been installed yet, so after the door was covered, except for the light source on Karasawa's watch, the entire room was plunged into darkness.

No, when the room fell into darkness, another light source gradually appeared.

Although it is not as bright as the flashlight in Karasawa's hand, it does emit a slight yellow fluorescence.

"It is indeed fluorescent paint. It seems that the deceased was imprisoned here before."

Looking at the fluorescent paint and the words on the ground that appeared due to the darkness, Tang Ze took out his mobile phone with a cold expression: "It's a pity that no matter how cunning you are, you probably didn't calculate this scene."

Using a camera to take pictures of the physical evidence on the ground, Tang Ze directly contacted Officer Megure by phone to explain the situation.

After learning about Tang Ze's discovery, the other party immediately said with excitement that he would bring people here.

Karasawa was not idle while waiting, and sent the photos he took to Megure and Takagi, who was investigating the relationship with Tian Masasaku, asking him to focus on the name left on the death message.

After Officer Megure arrived, Karasawa immediately evacuated.

If they can't catch the prisoner even with such a straightforward death message, then they can really resign en masse.

Because Tang Ze's discovery this time can be said to have thrown the answer directly in his face.

With such irrefutable evidence, the prisoner will never be able to escape!

After returning home, Karasawa heard the kitchen being busy. It was obvious that Ayako had not come back after get off work and did not call her to tell her that he would not come back for dinner, so he started cooking first.

"Are you delayed?"

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Ayako couldn't help but ask after coming out of the kitchen and seeing Karasawa.

"Well, it's settled." Tang Ze nodded and took off his coat: "I'll help you after I finish changing."

"No, it's almost done." Ayako smiled and said, "My calculations are quite accurate. You can eat just in time when you finish cleaning up."

"Then I'll be lazy." Karasawa smiled and walked to the bedroom to change clothes.

This can be regarded as a tacit understanding between the two of them.

Although the two of them had not contacted each other before and they came back a little late, as long as there was no call, it basically meant that something was delayed, but it would not delay them for too long.

In this case, the person at home usually delays cooking for half an hour.

And if something is delayed for more than an hour, we will call or send a text message directly to notify you.

After two people have been together for a long time, they will have a tacit understanding that can be achieved without words.

After Karasawa changed his clothes, Ayako on the other side also put the food on the table.

Tonight's dishes were curry and pan-fried steak, but the latter was obviously specially made for Karasawa, because there was only a small piece on Ayako's plate, and what was on his plate was obviously the "main body".

However, Karasawa was not surprised by this. Although the other party cooked meat every time he cooked recently, he rarely ate meat at night in order to stay in shape. Most of it ended up in his stomach.

"Did you encounter another case today?" Ayako asked while eating.

"Well, something happened, but the evidence has been found." Tang Ze smiled and said, "The case will probably be closed tomorrow."

"So fast?" Ayako was surprised when she heard this, and then smiled: "It seems that this case is really not a difficult case, otherwise you wouldn't have ended it so quickly."

"With luck, I found key evidence."

Tangze shook his head with a smile and changed the topic: "Let's not talk about it for now. Let's go out and watch a movie after dinner in the evening."

There is no point in taking a walk or staying home all day long after eating. "

"Okay." Ayako said happily after hearing this: "Just right, I also want to go to the supermarket to buy something."

"I'll buy some more snacks then."

Tangze said with a smile: "When I stay at home during the holidays, I always feel like I am missing something if I don't eat snacks."

"If you want to eat, I'll forget it." Ayako patted her belly and said, "I haven't been in control lately. I even gained weight the last time I weighed myself."

"Actually, there is no change in body shape." Tangze said with relief after hearing this: "There is no sign of gaining weight at all."

In fact, Karasawa was very sincere in what he said. After all, he knew that Ayako's weight gain was entirely due to the effect of the enhancer.

The effect of strengthening the body is subtle and all-round. Ayako's muscle density quietly increases and she naturally becomes heavier.

This actually means that the body has become healthier, but when it shows on the scale, it looks like Ayako has gained weight.

But in fact, as his pillow partner, Tang Ze hugged and measured him every day. He didn't know whether he was fat or not.

"It will be too late until you can see it with the naked eye."

But after hearing Karasawa's comfort, Ayako rolled her eyes ungratefully: "Anyway, I have to go on a diet to stay in shape during this period, so don't tempt me to eat delicious food."

"All right."

Karasawa shrugged: "But I think you gained weight because you got better by practicing yoga.

If you think about it, we ate and drank so much delicious food some time ago, and you have only gained a little weight now. This shows that our metabolism is quite fast.

Otherwise, even if he doesn't become a fat man, he should be visibly plump to the naked eye. "

"Really?" Ayako hesitated after hearing Karasawa's words, but her expression soon became firm: "You'd better stop tempting me. I'll go on a diet for a while."

"Okay, that's up to you." Tang Ze said helplessly, "You will know when the time comes that you will eat and drink normally. In fact, you won't gain weight at all."

Just kidding, after all, they have enhanced physical fitness and strong body metabolism. The calories they eat in three daily meals will not make them gain weight at all.

In fact, Ayako will know as long as she eats normally for a period of time. In addition to the previous weight gain, she has almost become the kind of enviable physique that she can't gain weight no matter how much she eats.

It's a pity that Ayako still thinks that he is a "stumbling block" on her road to losing weight, and does not believe the authenticity of his words at all.

Tangze didn't dwell too much on this. Anyway, practice will prove everything.

After eating, the two took a short rest and headed to the cinema. Because it was impromptu, the two chose the movie after arriving at the place.

This time, the two rarely chose an action movie, which is the classic Hollywood 007 series.

However, the two of them did not choose the one that was about to open in front of them, but chose the one half an hour later.

After all, they didn't forget to go to the supermarket to buy snacks. If they had waited until after watching the movie, the supermarket downstairs would have been closed long ago.

When choosing snacks, in addition to what he liked to eat, Karasawa also bought a bunch of Ayako's favorite foods, which made Ayako look at Karasawa with great resentment.

"Are you afraid that I won't gain weight by eating?"

Ayako looked at Karasawa angrily and said, "I picked so many things I like to eat."

"Hey, I like to eat these too. I can handle them all when the time comes."

Karasawa smiled and bought everything, saying that it was all for him to eat. Of course Ayako didn't believe this, but she couldn't stop Karasawa and could only give him two hygiene balls.

The two bought snacks and threw them into the trunk, then bought milk tea before going upstairs to the cinema.

Well, that's right, there are already milk tea sellers in this world at this time, and this is naturally Tang Ze's work. After all, this thing is also hugely profitable, and even many Yakuza in his world go to buy milk tea full-time.

Under such circumstances, how could Tang Ze let go of such a large piece of fat?

It's a pleasure to pair milk tea with a movie, and this series is still considered a classic even after many years, so Karasawa watched it with gusto.

The short nightlife officially came to an end when the two of them returned home.

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