Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,355 Aftermath

"Tips on micro-expressions"

"For example, happiness has wrinkles on the face that look like eagle claws, and they pull the muscles of the eye sockets."

"Contempt is when the corners of the mouth are raised but only one side of the face is raised."

"And guilt"

On TV, Karasawa was talking eloquently, while Okino Yoko on the side praised him at the right time, and from time to time even naughtily invited the three hosts to serve as guinea pigs.

What followed was a simple experiment and repeated exclamations from the other party.

"Why are you still watching this show?" Tangze slumped on the sofa in the office and looked at Sihuayuan next to him and said helplessly: "This is the first time it has been replayed."

"Isn't it because everyone is interested in your class?"

Sihuayuan said with a smile: "Everyone is eager to learn, and the Japanese radio station cannot miss this good opportunity. We will simply postpone a few programs with poor ratings to seize the popularity during this period.

This is naturally a success for us, after all, this is publicity that exceeds expectations. "

At this time, three days have passed since the "The Most Wanted to Hear Class in the World" program was officially released, but "Karasawa's Special Class" was replayed again.

There is no way, mainly because he has rarely participated in visits and activities before, and has rarely appeared in newspapers, so the public is very curious about him.

This time he appeared on a program without saying anything, and directly turned into an exclusive interview, which was enough for people to be curious and watch.

Of course, if you are just curious, you will not replay it, mainly because the micro-expression content taught by Karasawa is so useful.

Although what he teaches in class are all basic and simple techniques, they are also practical information that he has summarized through continuous practice.

It will definitely not work against those prisoners with Oscar-winning acting skills, but it is still somewhat effective for ordinary people. After all, not everyone can be so mature and can hide the expressions on their faces well.

But he never expected that these useful information would become a magic weapon for those who catch cheaters and their naughty children.

With the help of Professor Karasawa's skills, many people have noticed that their significant other is cheating on them, and many others are lying.

Although these people were sad, they also expressed their gratitude to Tangze online.

Over time, "Karasawa's Living Room" became popular on the Internet, and many viewers who had not watched the show asked for reruns.

By the time of the second time, there were not many naughty children to be taught a lesson, but there were more men and women who were cuckolding online.

Then everyone began to thank Tang Ze for letting them discover that they had been cheated on as soon as possible, so this interview became a phenomenon-level program.

Karasawa is even called the strongest extramarital affair detective in history by netizens on the Internet.

You don't have to do anything yourself, just teach a few simple tricks, and you will be able to know whether your partner is cheating on you. This method is undoubtedly more trouble-free than asking a detective to follow up and investigate.

After learning the reason from Sihuayuan, Tang Ze was really dumbfounded.

He never thought that he would become famous in this way.

Sihuayuan has been extremely happy these days. After all, Tang Ze has become famous in this way, which makes her work easier.

She worked with the media to deliberately guide everyone to have a similar view, "With such a strong person as a criminal, the prisoner definitely doesn't need to worry." ….

This wave has greatly improved the credibility of the Metropolitan Police Department. Many people also said online that criminal justice can be done to such an extent, which is very reassuring.

Of course, there are also many people who say that Karasawa is an exception and the upper limit, but they feel relieved when he is around.

Of course, the show’s subsequent impact is not without its consequences.

He has been on TV a lot in the past two days, and he is easily recognized when walking. Many people from the Press Club came to Kesouyan to block him, but in the end they were persuaded to go back by Sihuayuan.

Talking about this, Karasawa felt a little sad. His popularity was always there as the show was replayed. Fortunately for people in the press club like the Metropolitan Police Department, those tabloid reporters were the ones who penetrated everything.

Even in front of his house, there are many people every day

Everyone was squatting, and even Ayako was the interview subject of the other party.

After all, as a big shot in the Tang Ling Group and Tang Ze's girlfriend, since he couldn't interview the real owner, there was something interesting about interviewing Ayako.

Ayako was forced to stay at the Suzuki family's mansion for the past two days, while Karasawa didn't go home until after dinner in the evening.

Although the long-term effects are due to his "detective constitution", Karasawa is not particularly worried. As long as the time span is long enough, everyone will gradually forget about the popularity, and no matter where he goes, he will look like a star and people will flock to him. .

However, the impact cannot be eliminated in the short term, and it still greatly affects daily life.

"You're so relieved, I'm almost in trouble."

But when he heard what Sihuayuan said, Tang Ze was very unhappy and said: "You are comfortable, but it is me who is being tormented by the reporters.

I have to do counter-reconnaissance to get rid of them while driving and walking. Recently, I have to kill time after dinner at night and wait for it to get late before going home, otherwise the group of reporters will definitely block the door. "

"Okay, okay, it just so happens that you have no one to take care of your food these days. As compensation for getting rid of those reporters today, how about I treat you to dinner?" Sihuayuan looked at Tang Ze's resentful expression and quickly said with a smile.

"Okay, I guess you still have some conscience."

Hearing Sihuayuan's words, Tang Ze nodded with satisfaction, and immediately looked at Sihuayuan and warned: "But don't fool me. If it doesn't taste good, you can find a way to go to work next time."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be satisfied." Sihuayuan said confidently, "That's my favorite store that I've collected for a long time. You will definitely be satisfied."

"Since you said that, I'm relieved." Tangze nodded and said, "Then let's wait here until dark, and wait until those reporters are impatient to wait and leave, then we can leave."

"Okay, no problem." Sihuayuan drank black tea with a relaxed expression, not at all anxious about killing time and waiting.

As for Tangze, he planned to digest the knowledge gained from the lottery some time ago.

Of course, rewards for the cases in the video studio were also distributed a few days ago, which were ordinary case settlements.

【Lost Pot】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 300 destiny points]

The simple reward replenished his wallet, bringing the destiny points in his hand to 1,300.

But it was pretty good. The effort this time was very small and no one died, but the reward was still the same as usual, and it wasn't even reduced to the minimum level.

If we encounter cases like this in the future, Tang Ze will welcome it very much. After all, it is not a reward for a murder case, and there is no psychological pressure. ….

However, there were very few cases of immortality in Ke Xue's cases, so Tang Ze could only think about it.

After eliminating distracting thoughts, Tang Ze began to concentrate on absorbing and digesting the knowledge gained from the lottery. Of course, on the surface, he was closing his eyes to rest.

While Sihuayuan was drinking tea and watching TV, the official equipment was properly used for private use. After all, the TV was originally specially prepared to inform the upper-level leaders of major events that happened in Tokyo anytime and anywhere.

Now Sihuayuan is obviously used for entertainment and leisure, but this can be regarded as the norm. After all, no matter how good the policy is when it is actually implemented, as long as it is mixed with "human nature", it will unconsciously deviate.

However, this kind of benefit has always been a tradition, and most people who are promoted to leaders will not just watch TV and fish for money during working hours, so it will not have much impact.

"what time is it?"

After Karasawa finished digesting the knowledge of Russian, he looked out the window and found that the night had ended, so he stood up and asked.

"It's almost half past six." Sihuayuan took out his cell phone and looked at it and said, "Are you leaving now?"

"Let's go, those people probably thought I had left long ago."

Tangze smiled and said, "I slipped out from under their noses in the past few days, and today they probably thought I had left.

Just in time to play a counter-routine with them, but just in case you go out and investigate first.

If those reporters ask you about my whereabouts, just say I left a long time ago and remember to act like one. "

"No problem." Sihuayuan made an "OK" gesture with his index finger and thumb, then tidied up his clothes that were wrinkled from sitting for a long time, took Karasawa's car keys, stood up and walked outside. .

As for Tangze, he continued to sit in his seat, waiting for the other party's phone call with peace of mind.

Almost five minutes later, Sihuayuan, who pretended to be off work, stepped off the elevator and was blocked by several reporters who were unwilling to leave empty-handed. Then, with a surprised look on their faces, they told them the fact that Tang Zexin had left long ago.

And because the facts of the previous few days were in front of them, these reporters left with curses and unwillingness.

Tangze, who received the text message, got off the elevator at this time, and then got into his car in a few steps.

"You choose the hotel, and you will be the driver." Tangze sat behind the passenger seat and fastened his seat belt, with no intention of changing positions.

"Okay, today I will drive the boss's luxury car." Sihuayuan smiled and said: "Don't think I don't know, you have modified it, it feels different in power."

"Then feel free to experience it." Tang Ze leaned on the recliner and said, "Pay attention to safety."

"Don't worry." Sihuayuan fastened his seat belt and started the car, then walked out of the garage and drove towards the road.

Although he said he was relieved, Sihuayuan unconsciously increased the speed of the car a lot to feel the power of Tang Ze's modified car.

Fortunately, it's not yet time for the workers to get off work, so it's okay to drive a little faster.

All the way to Aipido Shopping Street, Karasawa and the two parked their cars in the parking lot of the shopping street and followed each other.

"The shops around here look good." Tang Ze looked at the bright and beautiful shops around and said with a smile, "Have they all been renovated?"….

"Yeah, it used to be in tatters."

Sihuayuan smiled and said: "But later, in order to attract customers, the shopping street owners discussed renovating it.

It looks cleaner and tidier this way, and it’s also better at attracting customers.”

"That's true, but the price has also gone up, right?" Tangze said with a smile.

"Yes, although the things are still the same, prices have gone up as the environment has improved." Sihuayuan shrugged and said, "But this is normal, the environment is also part of the hotel price, and those good hotels have good decorations. .”

"You know it very well." Tang Ze smiled and said, "So where are we going to eat today?"

"We'll be there soon." After hearing this, Sihuayuan quickened his pace and trotted to a ramen shop: "Let's eat at this restaurant today~"

"Delicious to death ramen?"

Looking at the black and dirty yellow sign, Tang Ze's brows began to wrinkle: "Are you going to treat me to this?"

"I'm not Mr. Karasawa. I have so much money to eat luxurious food every day~"

Sihuayuan joked: "My wallet is not big enough, so I can only ask you to come and try common people's cuisine~"

"I don't mind what I eat, and ramen is no problem."

Tangze shook his head and said, "But are you sure this one is okay? This environment makes me a little worried about hygiene."

"This store has been open for a long time. Don't worry, the smell is absolutely fine and it's very clean."

Sihuayuan saw Tangze stop and patted his chest and assured: "This is the kind of famous store that is hidden in the city, don't worry!"

"Really?" Hearing what Sihuayuan said, Tang Ze walked towards the door doubtfully and said, "Okay, I'll believe you once."


An energetic female voice sounded, and the two people entered the house one after another. The next moment, Tang Ze stood there and saw the two people sitting on the round stools in the store who turned their heads when they heard the noise.

"Why are you here?"

Looking at the two people, one large and one small, in front of him, Tang Ze was a little surprised.

He really didn't expect that when he went out to eat ramen, he would actually encounter the "Death duo".

"Of course I came here to eat ramen." Mori Kogoro took it for granted.

Said: "But I didn't expect that I would meet you here."

"Karasawa Criminal and Sister Sihuayuan came to dinner so late. Is it because they work overtime?"

After seeing Tang Ze and the other two, Conan was more concerned about why the two of them came out to eat together now, and he quietly began to test them.

"It's not overtime."

And because the other party called Sihuayuan sister, Sihuayuan was easily elated, and without realizing it, he explained clearly the reason why they came here: "Have you seen what Tang Ze Criminal was on TV a few days ago? ?」

"I know, it's a micro-expression class, right?" Conan asked with a smile, "What happened to that class?"

"Because of that, reporters have been going crazy lately, trying to find criminal interviews with Karasawa."

Sihuayuan smiled and said, "So in order to avoid trouble, we waited until now to get off work today.

As for coming here, I want to thank Tang Ze Criminal for their strong support for my work and the invitation that apologizes for the inconvenience in his life. "

"Hmph, that class of yours ruined my extramarital affair investigation business."

Mouri Kogoro, who was on the side, felt unhappy when he heard this: "Now you have almost become a public enemy in the detective world. My loss is relatively small, but the orders of those big detective agencies have been reduced a lot."

"I am also a victim. This is all to cooperate with someone's work."

After hearing this, Tang Ze glanced at Sihuayuan and couldn't help but sneered: "It seems that someone really found a good job for me."

"Oh?" Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but look at Sihuayuan after hearing this.

Staring at the two people gnashing their teeth, Sihuayuan smiled guiltily, with cold sweat on his forehead.

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